mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 07:27:23 +01:00

buildwin.ps1 failed to build x64 #3740 If build x64 the scripts looks for the _x64.vcproj Files which no longer exists. By removing this the Build is possible. If only the Build Tools for Visual Studio are available the script does not run because those are not recognized by the Select-VSSetupInstance Script. Adding the parameter `-product *` also recognizes the Build Tools. * Removed unused Parameter `platformName` * Added New CI targets for building poco with the buildwin.ps1 script Co-authored-by: Jan Kevin Dick <Jan.Dick@de.bosch.com> Co-authored-by: Aleksandar Fabijanic <aleks-f@users.noreply.github.com>
515 lines
14 KiB
515 lines
14 KiB
# POCO build script
# Usage:
# ------
# buildwin.ps1 [-poco_base dir]
# [-vs 140 | 150 | 160| 170]
# [-action build | rebuild | clean]
# [-linkmode shared | static_mt | static_md | all]
# [-config release | debug | both]
# [-platform Win32 | x64 | WinCE | WEC2013]
# [-samples]
# [-tests]
# [-omit "Lib1X,LibY,LibZ,..."]
# [-tool msbuild | devenv]
# [-useenv env | noenv]
# [-verbosity m[inimal] | q[uiet] | n[ormal] | d[etailed] | diag[nostic]]
# [-openssl_base dir]
# [-mysql_base dir]
[string] $poco_base,
[ValidateSet(140, 150, 160, 170)]
[int] $vs = 140,
[ValidateSet('build', 'rebuild', 'clean')]
[string] $action = 'build',
[ValidateSet('shared', 'static_mt', 'static_md', 'all')]
[string] $linkmode = 'shared',
[ValidateSet('release', 'debug', 'both')]
[string] $config = 'release',
[ValidateSet('Win32', 'x64', 'WinCE', 'WEC2013')]
[string] $platform = 'x64',
[switch] $tests = $false,
[switch] $samples = $false,
[string] $omit,
[ValidateSet('msbuild', 'devenv')]
[string] $tool = 'msbuild',
[ValidateSet('env', 'noenv')]
[string] $useenv = 'env',
[ValidateSet('quiet', 'm[inimal]', 'n[ormal]', 'd[etailed]', 'diag[nostic]')]
[string] $verbosity = 'minimal',
[string] $openssl_base,
[string] $mysql_base,
[switch] $help
function Add-VSCOMNTOOLS([int] $vsver)
if ($vsver -ge 150)
$vssetup= $([Environment]::GetFolderPath("MyDocuments"))
$vssetup= Join-Path $vssetup "WindowsPowerShell"
$vssetup= Join-Path $vssetup "Modules"
$vssetup= Join-Path $vssetup "VSSetup"
if (-not (Test-Path $vssetup))
Install-Module VSSetup -Scope CurrentUser -Force
if ($vsver -eq 150)
if ($vsver -eq 160)
if ($vsver -eq 170)
$installationPath = Get-VSSetupInstance | Select-VSSetupInstance -Version $range -product * -Latest -Require Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.VC.Tools.x86.x64 | select InstallationPath
$vscomntools = $installationPath.psobject.properties.Value;
if ($vsver -eq 150)
set-item -force -path "ENV:VS150COMNTOOLS" -value "$vscomntools\Common7\Tools\"
Write-Host "`nVS150COMNTOOLS=$env:VS150COMNTOOLS" -ForegroundColor Yellow
if ($vsver -eq 160)
set-item -force -path "ENV:VS160COMNTOOLS" -value "$vscomntools\Common7\Tools\"
Write-Host "`nVS160COMNTOOLS=$env:VS160COMNTOOLS" -ForegroundColor Yellow
if ($vsver -eq 170)
set-item -force -path "ENV:VS170COMNTOOLS" -value "$vscomntools\Common7\Tools\"
Write-Host "`nVS170COMNTOOLS=$env:VS170COMNTOOLS" -ForegroundColor Yellow
function Add-Env-Var([string] $lib, [string] $var)
if ((${Env:$var} -eq $null) -or (-not ${Env:$var}.Contains(${Env:$lib_$var"})))
$libvar = "$lib" + "_" + "$var"
$envvar = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable($var, "Process")
$envvar = $envvar + ';' + [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable($libvar, "Process")
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable($var, $envvar, "Process")
function Set-Environment
if ($poco_base -eq '') { $script:poco_base = Get-Location }
switch ( $vs )
140 { }
default { Add-VSCOMNTOOLS $vs }
if (-Not $Env:PATH.Contains("$Env:POCO_BASE\bin64;$Env:POCO_BASE\bin;"))
{ $Env:PATH = "$Env:POCO_BASE\bin64;$Env:POCO_BASE\bin;$Env:PATH" }
if ($openssl_base -eq '')
$script:openssl_base = '$poco_base\openssl'
$Env:OPENSSL_DIR = "$openssl_base"
Add-Env-Var "OPENSSL" "LIB"
if ($mysql_base -ne '')
$Env:MYSQL_DIR = "$mysql_base"
$Env:MYSQL_INCLUDE = "$Env:MYSQL_DIR\include"
$Env:MYSQL_LIB = "$Env:MYSQL_DIR\lib"
Add-Env-Var "MYSQL" "LIB"
$vsct = "VS$($vs)COMNTOOLS"
$vsdir = ''
$vsdir = (Get-Item Env:$vsct).Value
$Command = ''
$CommandArg = ''
if ($platform -eq 'x64') { $CommandArg = "amd64" }
else { $CommandArg = "x86" }
if ($vs -eq 150)
$Command = Resolve-Path "$($vsdir)\..\..\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat"
$script:msbuild_exe = Resolve-Path "$($vsdir)\..\..\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe"
} else {
if ($vs -eq 160)
$Command = Resolve-Path "$($vsdir)\..\..\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat"
$script:msbuild_exe = Resolve-Path "$($vsdir)\..\..\MSBuild\Current\Bin\MSBuild.exe"
if ($vs -eq 170)
$Command = Resolve-Path "$($vsdir)\..\..\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat"
$script:msbuild_exe = Resolve-Path "$($vsdir)\..\..\MSBuild\Current\Bin\MSBuild.exe"
$Command = Resolve-Path "$($vsdir)\..\..\VC\vcvarsall.bat"
$script:msbuild_exe = "MSBuild.exe"
$tempFile = [IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
cmd /c " `"$Command`" $CommandArg && set > `"$tempFile`" "
Get-Content $tempFile | Foreach-Object {
if($_ -match "^(.*?)=(.*)$")
Set-Content "Env:$($matches[1])" $matches[2]
Remove-Item $tempFile
function Process-Input
if ($help -eq $true)
Write-Host 'Usage:'
Write-Host '------'
Write-Host 'buildwin.ps1 [-poco_base <dir>]'
Write-Host ' [-vs 140 | 150 | 160 | 170]'
Write-Host ' [-action build | rebuild | clean]'
Write-Host ' [-linkmode shared | static_mt | static_md | all]'
Write-Host ' [-config release | debug | both]'
Write-Host ' [-platform Win32 | x64 | WinCE | WEC2013]'
Write-Host ' [-samples]'
Write-Host ' [-tests]'
Write-Host ' [-omit "Lib1X,LibY,LibZ,..."]'
Write-Host ' [-tool msbuild | devenv]'
Write-Host ' [-useenv env | noenv]'
Write-Host ' [-verbosity minimal | quiet | normal | detailed | diagnostic'
Write-Host ' [-openssl_base <dir>]'
Write-Host ' [-mysql_base <dir>]'
Write-Host "Build configuration:"
Write-Host "--------------------"
Write-Host "Poco Base: $poco_base"
Write-Host "Version: $vs"
Write-Host "Action: $action"
Write-Host "Link Mode: $linkmode"
Write-Host "Configuration: $config"
Write-Host "Platform: $platform"
Write-Host "Tests: $tests"
Write-Host "Samples: $samples"
Write-Host "Build Tool: $tool"
if ($omit -ne '')
Write-Host "Omit: $omit"
if ($openssl_base -ne '')
Write-Host "OpenSSL: $openssl_base"
if ($mysql_base -ne '')
Write-Host "MySQL: $mysql_base"
# NB: this won't work in PowerShell ISE
#Write-Host "Press Ctrl-C to exit or any other key to continue ..."
#$x = $host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyUp")
function Exec-MSBuild([string] $vsProject, [string] $projectConfig)
if (!(Test-Path -Path $vsProject -PathType leaf)) {
Write-Host "Project $vsProject not found, skipping."
$cmd = "&`"$script:msbuild_exe`" $vsProject /nologo /m /t:$action /p:Configuration=$projectConfig /p:BuildProjectReferences=false /p:Platform=$platform /p:useenv=$useenv /v:$verbosity"
Write-Host $cmd
Invoke-Expression $cmd
if ($LastExitCode -ne 0) { Exit $LastExitCode }
function Build-MSBuild([string] $vsProject, [switch] $skipStatic)
if ($linkmode -contains "static" -and $skipStatic) { Return }
if ($linkmode -eq 'all')
$linkModeArr = @('shared')
if (-not $skipStatic)
$linkModeArr += 'static_mt', 'static_md'
foreach ($mode in $linkModeArr)
if ($config -eq 'both')
$configArr = 'release', 'debug'
foreach ($cfg in $configArr)
Exec-MSBuild $vsProject "$($cfg)_$($mode)"
else #config
Exec-MSBuild $vsProject "$($config)_$($mode)"
else #linkmode
if ($config -eq 'both')
$configArr = 'release', 'debug'
foreach ($cfg in $configArr)
Exec-MSBuild $vsProject "$($cfg)_$($linkmode)"
else #config
Exec-MSBuild $vsProject "$($config)_$($linkmode)"
function Exec-Devenv([string] $projectConfig, [string] $vsProject)
$cmd = "devenv /useenv /$action $projectConfig $vsProject"
Write-Host $cmd
Invoke-Expression $cmd
function Build-Devenv([string] $vsProject, [switch] $skipStatic)
if ($linkmode -contains "static" -and $skipStatic) { Return }
if ($linkmode -eq 'all')
$linkModeArr = @('shared')
if (-not $skipStatic)
$linkModeArr += 'static_mt', 'static_md'
foreach ($mode in $linkModeArr)
if ($config -eq 'both')
$configArr = 'release', 'debug'
foreach ($cfg in $configArr)
Exec-Devenv "$($cfg)_$($mode)" $vsProject
else #config
Exec-Devenv "$($config)_$($mode)" $vsProject
else #linkmode
if ($config -eq 'both')
$configArr = 'release', 'debug'
foreach ($cfg in $configArr)
Exec-Devenv "$($cfg)_$($linkmode)" $vsProject
else #config
Exec-Devenv "$($config)_$($linkmode)" $vsProject
function Build-samples
process {
$sampleName = $_.BaseName.split("_")[0]
$sampleProjName = "$($poco_base)\$($componentDir)\samples\$($sampleName)\$($_)"
if ($tool -eq 'devenv') { Build-Devenv $sampleProjName }
elseif ($tool -eq 'msbuild') { Build-MSBuild $sampleProjName }
else{ Write-Host "Tool not supported: $tool" }
function Build-Exec([string] $tool, [string] $vsProject, [switch] $skipStatic)
if (!(Test-Path -Path $vsProject)) # not found
Write-Host "+------------------------------------------------------------------"
Write-Host "| VS project $vsProject not found, skipping."
Write-Host "+------------------------------------------------------------------"
if ($tool -eq 'devenv') { Build-Devenv $vsProject -skipStatic:$skipStatic }
elseif ($tool -eq 'msbuild') { Build-MSBuild $vsProject -skipStatic:$skipStatic }
Write-Host "Build tool $tool not supported. Exiting."
Exit -1
function Build-Components([string] $extension, [string] $type)
Get-Content "$poco_base\components" | Foreach-Object {
$component = $_
$componentDir = $_.Replace("/", "\")
$componentArr = $_.split('/')
$componentName = $componentArr[$componentArr.Length - 1]
$suffix = "_vs$vs"
$omitArray = @()
$omit.Split(',') | ForEach {
$omitArray += $_.Trim()
if ($omitArray -NotContains $component)
$vsProject = "$poco_base\$componentDir\$componentName$($suffix).$($extension)"
if (!(Test-Path -Path $vsProject)) # when VS project name is not same as directory name
$vsProject = "$poco_base\$componentDir$($suffix).$($extension)"
if (!(Test-Path -Path $vsProject)) # not found
Write-Host "+------------------------------------------------------------------"
Write-Host "| VS project $vsProject not found, skipping."
Write-Host "+------------------------------------------------------------------"
Return # since Foreach-Object is a function, this is actually loop "continue"
Write-Host "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
Write-Host "| Building $vsProject"
Write-Host "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
if ($type -eq "lib")
Build-Exec $tool $vsProject
ElseIf ($tests -and ($type -eq "test"))
$vsTestProject = "$poco_base\$componentDir\testsuite\TestSuite$($suffix).$($extension)"
Write-Host "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
Write-Host "| Building $vsTestProject"
Write-Host "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
Build-Exec $tool $vsTestProject
if ($component -eq "Foundation") # special case for Foundation, which needs test app and dll
$vsTestProject = "$poco_base\$componentDir\testsuite\TestApp$($suffix).$($extension)"
Write-Host "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
Write-Host "| Building $vsTestProject"
Write-Host "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
Build-Exec $tool $vsTestProject
$vsTestProject = "$poco_base\$componentDir\testsuite\TestLibrary$($suffix).$($extension)"
Write-Host "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
Write-Host "| Building $vsTestProject"
Write-Host "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
Build-Exec $tool $vsTestProject -skipStatic
ElseIf ($samples -and ($type -eq "sample"))
if ($platform -eq 'x64')
Get-Childitem "$poco_base\$($componentDir)" -Recurse |`
Where {$_.Extension -Match $extension -And $_.DirectoryName -Like "*samples*" -And $_.BaseName -Like "*$($suffix)" } `
| Build-samples "$_"
Get-Childitem "$poco_base\$($componentDir)" -Recurse |`
Where {$_.Extension -Match $extension -And $_.DirectoryName -Like "*samples*" -And $_.BaseName -Like "*$($suffix)" -And $_.BaseName -NotLike "*_x64_*" } `
| Build-samples "$_"
Write-Host "-------------------------------"
Write-Host "# Skipping $componentDir"
Write-Host "-------------------------------"
function Build
if ($vs -lt 100) { $extension = 'vcproj' }
else { $extension = 'vcxproj' }
Build-Components $extension "lib"
Build-Components $extension "test"
Build-Components $extension "sample"