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// X509Certificate.h
// $Id: //poco/1.4/Crypto/include/Poco/Crypto/X509Certificate.h#2 $
// Library: Crypto
// Package: Certificate
// Module: X509Certificate
// Definition of the X509Certificate class.
// Copyright (c) 2006-2014, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
// and Contributors.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
#ifndef NetSSL_X509Certificate_INCLUDED
#define NetSSL_X509Certificate_INCLUDED
#include "Poco/Net/NetSSL.h"
#include "Poco/DateTime.h"
#include "Poco/SharedPtr.h"
#include <set>
#include <wincrypt.h>
namespace Poco {
namespace Net {
class NetSSL_Win_API X509Certificate
/// This class represents a X509 Certificate.
enum NID
/// Name identifier for extracting information from
/// a certificate subject's or issuer's distinguished name.
explicit X509Certificate(std::istream& istr);
/// Creates the X509Certificate object by reading
/// a certificate in PEM format from a stream.
explicit X509Certificate(const std::string& path);
/// Creates the X509Certificate object by reading
/// a certificate in PEM format from a file.
explicit X509Certificate(PCCERT_CONTEXT pCert);
/// Creates the X509Certificate from an existing
/// WinCrypt certificate. Ownership is taken of
/// the certificate.
X509Certificate(PCCERT_CONTEXT pCert, bool shared);
/// Creates the X509Certificate from an existing
/// WinCrypt certificate. Ownership is taken of
/// the certificate. If shared is true, the
/// certificate's reference count is incremented.
X509Certificate(const X509Certificate& cert);
/// Creates the certificate by copying another one.
X509Certificate& operator = (const X509Certificate& cert);
/// Assigns a certificate.
void swap(X509Certificate& cert);
/// Exchanges the certificate with another one.
/// Destroys the X509Certificate.
const std::string& issuerName() const;
/// Returns the certificate issuer's distinguished name.
std::string issuerName(NID nid) const;
/// Extracts the information specified by the given
/// NID (name identifier) from the certificate issuer's
/// distinguished name.
const std::string& subjectName() const;
/// Returns the certificate subject's distinguished name.
std::string subjectName(NID nid) const;
/// Extracts the information specified by the given
/// NID (name identifier) from the certificate subject's
/// distinguished name.
std::string commonName() const;
/// Returns the common name stored in the certificate
/// subject's distinguished name.
void extractNames(std::string& commonName, std::set<std::string>& domainNames) const;
/// Extracts the common name and the alias domain names from the
/// certificate.
Poco::DateTime validFrom() const;
/// Returns the date and time the certificate is valid from.
Poco::DateTime expiresOn() const;
/// Returns the date and time the certificate expires.
void save(std::ostream& stream) const;
/// Writes the certificate to the given stream.
/// The certificate is written in PEM format.
void save(const std::string& path) const;
/// Writes the certificate to the file given by path.
/// The certificate is written in PEM format.
bool issuedBy(const X509Certificate& issuerCertificate) const;
/// Checks whether the certificate has been issued by
/// the issuer given by issuerCertificate. This can be
/// used to validate a certificate chain.
/// Verifies if the certificate has been signed with the
/// issuer's private key, using the public key from the issuer
/// certificate.
/// Returns true if verification against the issuer certificate
/// was successful, false otherwise.
const PCCERT_CONTEXT system() const;
/// Returns the underlying WinCrypt certificate.
void load(std::istream& stream);
/// Loads the certificate from the given stream. The
/// certificate must be in PEM format.
void load(const std::string& path);
/// Loads the certificate from the given file. The
/// certificate must be in PEM format.
void init();
/// Extracts issuer and subject name from the certificate.
static void* nid2oid(NID nid);
/// Returns the OID for the given NID.
std::string _issuerName;
std::string _subjectName;
// inlines
inline const std::string& X509Certificate::issuerName() const
return _issuerName;
inline const std::string& X509Certificate::subjectName() const
return _subjectName;
inline const PCCERT_CONTEXT X509Certificate::system() const
return _pCert;
} } // namespace Poco::Net
#endif // NetSSL_X509Certificate_INCLUDED