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// XMLStreamParser.h
// Library: XML
// Package: XML
// Module: XMLStreamParser
// Definition of the XMLStreamParser class.
// Copyright (c) 2015, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
// and Contributors.
// Based on libstudxml (http://www.codesynthesis.com/projects/libstudxml/).
// Copyright (c) 2009-2013 Code Synthesis Tools CC.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
#ifndef XML_XMLStreamParser_INCLUDED
#define XML_XMLStreamParser_INCLUDED
// We only support UTF-8 expat.
#error UTF-16 expat (XML_UNICODE defined) is not supported
#include "Poco/XML/QName.h"
#include "Poco/XML/ValueTraits.h"
#include "Poco/XML/Content.h"
#if defined(POCO_UNBUNDLED)
#include <expat.h>
#include "Poco/XML/expat.h"
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <cstddef>
namespace Poco {
namespace XML {
class XML_API XMLStreamParser
/// The streaming XML pull parser and streaming XML serializer. The parser
/// is a conforming, non-validating XML 1.0 implementation (see Implementation Notes
/// for details). The application character encoding (that is, the encoding used
/// in the application's memory) for both parser and serializer is UTF-8.
/// The output encoding of the serializer is UTF-8 as well. The parser supports
/// UTF-8, UTF-16, ISO-8859-1, and US-ASCII input encodings.
/// Attribute map:
/// Attribute map lookup. If attribute is not found, then the version
/// without the default value throws an appropriate parsing exception
/// while the version with the default value returns that value.
/// Note also that there is no attribute(ns, name) version since it
/// would conflict with attribute(name, dv) (qualified attributes
/// are not very common).
/// Attribute map is valid throughout at the "element level" until
/// end_element and not just during EV_START_ELEMENT. As a special case,
/// the map is still valid after peek() that returned end_element until
/// this end_element event is retrieved with next().
/// Using parser:
/// XMLStreamParser p(ifs, argv[1]);
/// for (XMLStreamParser::EventType e: p)
/// {
/// switch (e)
/// {
/// case XMLStreamParser::EV_START_ELEMENT:
/// cerr << p.line () << ':' << p.column () << ": start " << p.name () << endl;
/// break;
/// case XMLStreamParser::EV_END_ELEMENT:
/// cerr << p.line () << ':' << p.column () << ": end " << p.name () << endl;
/// break;
/// case XMLStreamParser::EV_START_ATTRIBUTE:
/// ...
/// case XMLStreamParser::EV_END_ATTRIBUTE:
/// ...
/// case XMLStreamParser::EV_CHARACTERS:
/// ...
/// }
/// }
enum EventType
/// Parsing events.
using FeatureType = unsigned short;
/// If both receive_attributes_event and RECEIVE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP are
/// specified, then RECEIVE_ATTRIBUTES_EVENT is assumed.
static const FeatureType RECEIVE_ELEMENTS = 0x0001;
static const FeatureType RECEIVE_CHARACTERS = 0x0002;
static const FeatureType RECEIVE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP = 0x0004;
static const FeatureType RECEIVE_ATTRIBUTES_EVENT = 0x0008;
static const FeatureType RECEIVE_NAMESPACE_DECLS = 0x0010;
struct AttributeValueType
std::string value;
mutable bool handled;
using AttributeMapType = std::map<QName, AttributeValueType>;
struct XML_API Iterator
// C++11 range-based for support. Generally, the iterator interface
// doesn't make much sense for the XMLStreamParser so for now we have an
// implementation that is just enough to the range-based for.
using value_type = EventType;
Iterator(XMLStreamParser* p = 0, EventType e = EV_EOF):
value_type operator * () const
return _e;
Iterator& operator ++ ()
_e = _parser->next();
return *this;
bool operator == (Iterator y) const
/// Comparison only makes sense when comparing to end (eof).
return _e == EV_EOF && y._e == EV_EOF;
bool operator != (Iterator y) const
/// Comparison only makes sense when comparing to end (eof).
return !(*this == y);
XMLStreamParser* _parser;
EventType _e;
Iterator begin()
return Iterator(this, next());
Iterator end()
return Iterator(this, EV_EOF);
XMLStreamParser(std::istream&, const std::string& inputName, FeatureType = RECEIVE_DEFAULT);
/// The parser constructor takes three arguments: the stream to parse,
/// input name that is used in diagnostics to identify the document being
/// parsed, and the list of events we want the parser to report.
/// Parse std::istream. Input name is used in diagnostics to identify
/// the document being parsed.
/// If stream exceptions are enabled then std::ios_base::failure
/// exception is used to report io errors (badbit and failbit).
/// Otherwise, those are reported as the parsing exception.
XMLStreamParser(const void* data, std::size_t size, const std::string& inputName, FeatureType = RECEIVE_DEFAULT);
/// Parse memory buffer that contains the whole document. Input name
/// is used in diagnostics to identify the document being parsed.
/// Destroys the XMLStreamParser.
EventType next();
/// Call the next() function when we are ready to handle the next piece of XML.
void nextExpect(EventType);
/// Get the next event and make sure that it's what's expected. If it
/// is not, then throw an appropriate parsing exception.
void nextExpect(EventType, const std::string& name);
void nextExpect(EventType, const QName& qname);
void nextExpect(EventType, const std::string& ns, const std::string& name);
EventType peek();
EventType event();
/// Return the event that was last returned by the call to next() or peek().
const std::string& inputName() const;
const QName& getQName() const;
const std::string& namespaceURI() const;
const std::string& localName() const;
const std::string& prefix() const;
std::string& value();
const std::string& value() const;
template <typename T> T value() const;
Poco::UInt64 line() const;
Poco::UInt64 column() const;
const std::string& attribute(const std::string& name) const;
template <typename T>
T attribute(const std::string& name) const;
std::string attribute(const std::string& name, const std::string& deflt) const;
template <typename T>
T attribute(const std::string& name, const T& deflt) const;
const std::string& attribute(const QName& qname) const;
template <typename T>
T attribute(const QName& qname) const;
std::string attribute(const QName& qname, const std::string& deflt) const;
template <typename T>
T attribute(const QName& qname, const T& deflt) const;
bool attributePresent(const std::string& name) const;
bool attributePresent(const QName& qname) const;
const AttributeMapType& attributeMap() const;
void content(Content);
Content content() const;
void nextExpect(EventType, const std::string& name, Content);
void nextExpect(EventType, const QName& qname, Content);
void nextExpect(EventType, const std::string& ns, const std::string& name, Content);
// Helpers for parsing elements with simple content. The first two
// functions assume that EV_START_ELEMENT has already been parsed. The
// rest parse the complete element, from start to end.
// Note also that as with attribute(), there is no (namespace,name)
// overload since it would conflicts with (namespace,deflt).
std::string element();
template <typename T>
T element();
std::string element(const std::string& name);
std::string element(const QName& qname);
template <typename T>
T element(const std::string& name);
template <typename T>
T element(const QName& qname);
std::string element(const std::string& name, const std::string& deflt);
std::string element(const QName& qname, const std::string& deflt);
template <typename T>
T element(const std::string& name, const T& deflt);
template <typename T>
T element(const QName& qname, const T& deflt);
XMLStreamParser(const XMLStreamParser&);
XMLStreamParser& operator = (const XMLStreamParser&);
static void XMLCALL handleStartElement(void*, const XML_Char*, const XML_Char**);
static void XMLCALL handleEndElement(void*, const XML_Char*);
static void XMLCALL handleCharacters(void*, const XML_Char*, int);
static void XMLCALL handleStartNamespaceDecl(void*, const XML_Char*, const XML_Char*);
static void XMLCALL handleEndNamespaceDecl(void*, const XML_Char*);
void init();
EventType nextImpl(bool peek);
EventType nextBody();
void handleError();
// If _size is 0, then data is std::istream. Otherwise, it is a buffer.
std::istream* is;
const void* buf;
std::size_t _size;
const std::string _inputName;
FeatureType _feature;
XML_Parser _parser;
std::size_t _depth;
bool _accumulateContent; // Whether we are accumulating character content.
enum { state_next, state_peek } _parserState;
EventType _currentEvent;
EventType _queue;
QName _qname;
std::string _value;
const QName* _qualifiedName;
std::string* _pvalue;
Poco::UInt64 _line;
Poco::UInt64 _column;
struct AttributeType
QName qname;
std::string value;
typedef std::vector<AttributeType> attributes;
attributes _attributes;
attributes::size_type _currentAttributeIndex; // Index of the current attribute.
typedef std::vector<QName> NamespaceDecls;
NamespaceDecls _startNamespace;
NamespaceDecls::size_type _startNamespaceIndex;// Index of the current decl.
NamespaceDecls _endNamespace;
NamespaceDecls::size_type _endNamespaceIndex;// Index of the current decl.
struct ElementEntry
ElementEntry(std::size_t d, Content c = Content::Mixed):
std::size_t depth;
Content content;
AttributeMapType attributeMap;
mutable AttributeMapType::size_type attributesUnhandled;
typedef std::vector<ElementEntry> ElementState;
std::vector<ElementEntry> _elementState;
const AttributeMapType _emptyAttrMap;
const ElementEntry* getElement() const;
const ElementEntry* getElementImpl() const;
void popElement();
XML_API std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream&, XMLStreamParser::EventType);
// inlines
inline XMLStreamParser::EventType XMLStreamParser::event()
// Return the even that was last returned by the call to next() or peek().
return _currentEvent;
inline const std::string& XMLStreamParser::inputName() const
return _inputName;
inline const QName& XMLStreamParser::getQName() const
return *_qualifiedName;
inline const std::string& XMLStreamParser::namespaceURI() const
return _qualifiedName->namespaceURI();
inline const std::string& XMLStreamParser::localName() const
return _qualifiedName->localName();
inline const std::string& XMLStreamParser::prefix() const
return _qualifiedName->prefix();
inline std::string& XMLStreamParser::value()
return *_pvalue;
inline const std::string& XMLStreamParser::value() const
return *_pvalue;
inline Poco::UInt64 XMLStreamParser::line() const
return _line;
inline Poco::UInt64 XMLStreamParser::column() const
return _column;
inline XMLStreamParser::EventType XMLStreamParser::peek()
if (_parserState == state_peek)
return _currentEvent;
EventType e(nextImpl(true));
_parserState = state_peek; // Set it after the call to nextImpl().
return e;
template <typename T>
inline T XMLStreamParser::value() const
return ValueTraits < T > ::parse(value(), *this);
inline const std::string& XMLStreamParser::attribute(const std::string& n) const
return attribute(QName(n));
template <typename T>
inline T XMLStreamParser::attribute(const std::string& n) const
return attribute < T > (QName(n));
inline std::string XMLStreamParser::attribute(const std::string& n, const std::string& dv) const
return attribute(QName(n), dv);
template <typename T>
inline T XMLStreamParser::attribute(const std::string& n, const T& dv) const
return attribute < T > (QName(n), dv);
template <typename T>
inline T XMLStreamParser::attribute(const QName& qn) const
return ValueTraits < T > ::parse(attribute(qn), *this);
inline bool XMLStreamParser::attributePresent(const std::string& n) const
return attributePresent(QName(n));
inline const XMLStreamParser::AttributeMapType& XMLStreamParser::attributeMap() const
if (const ElementEntry* e = getElement())
e->attributesUnhandled = 0; // Assume all handled.
return e->attributeMap;
return _emptyAttrMap;
inline void XMLStreamParser::nextExpect(EventType e, const QName& qn)
nextExpect(e, qn.namespaceURI(), qn.localName());
inline void XMLStreamParser::nextExpect(EventType e, const std::string& n)
nextExpect(e, std::string(), n);
inline void XMLStreamParser::nextExpect(EventType e, const QName& qn, Content c)
nextExpect(e, qn);
poco_assert(e == EV_START_ELEMENT);
inline void XMLStreamParser::nextExpect(EventType e, const std::string& n, Content c)
nextExpect(e, std::string(), n);
poco_assert(e == EV_START_ELEMENT);
inline void XMLStreamParser::nextExpect(EventType e, const std::string& ns, const std::string& n, Content c)
nextExpect(e, ns, n);
poco_assert(e == EV_START_ELEMENT);
template <typename T>
inline T XMLStreamParser::element()
return ValueTraits < T > ::parse(element(), *this);
inline std::string XMLStreamParser::element(const std::string& n)
nextExpect(EV_START_ELEMENT, n);
return element();
inline std::string XMLStreamParser::element(const QName& qn)
nextExpect(EV_START_ELEMENT, qn);
return element();
template <typename T>
inline T XMLStreamParser::element(const std::string& n)
return ValueTraits < T > ::parse(element(n), *this);
template <typename T>
inline T XMLStreamParser::element(const QName& qn)
return ValueTraits < T > ::parse(element(qn), *this);
inline std::string XMLStreamParser::element(const std::string& n, const std::string& dv)
return element(QName(n), dv);
template <typename T>
inline T XMLStreamParser::element(const std::string& n, const T& dv)
return element < T > (QName(n), dv);
inline void XMLStreamParser::content(Content c)
poco_assert(_parserState == state_next);
if (!_elementState.empty() && _elementState.back().depth == _depth)
_elementState.back().content = c;
_elementState.emplace_back(_depth, c);
inline Content XMLStreamParser::content() const
poco_assert(_parserState == state_next);
return !_elementState.empty() && _elementState.back().depth == _depth ? _elementState.back().content : Content(Content::Mixed);
inline const XMLStreamParser::ElementEntry* XMLStreamParser::getElement() const
return _elementState.empty() ? 0 : getElementImpl();
template <typename T>
T XMLStreamParser::attribute(const QName& qn, const T& dv) const
if (const ElementEntry* e = getElement())
AttributeMapType::const_iterator i(e->attributeMap.find(qn));
if (i != e->attributeMap.end())
if (!i->second.handled)
i->second.handled = true;
return ValueTraits < T > ::parse(i->second.value, *this);
return dv;
template <typename T>
T XMLStreamParser::element(const QName& qn, const T& dv)
if (peek() == EV_START_ELEMENT && getQName() == qn)
return element<T>();
return dv;
} } // namespace Poco::XML
#endif // XML_XMLStreamParser_INCLUDED