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// Command.cpp
// $Id$
// Library: Redis
// Package: Redis
// Module: Command
// Implementation of the Command class.
// Copyright (c) 2012, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
// and Contributors.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
#include "Poco/Redis/Command.h"
#include "Poco/NumberFormatter.h"
namespace Poco {
namespace Redis {
Command::Command(const std::string& command) : Array()
Command::Command(const Command& copy) : Array(copy)
Command Command::append(const std::string& key, const std::string& value)
Command cmd("APPEND");
cmd << key << value;
return cmd;
Command Command::blpop(const StringVec& lists, Int64 timeout)
Command cmd("BLPOP");
cmd << lists << NumberFormatter::format(timeout);
return cmd;
Command Command::brpop(const StringVec& lists, Int64 timeout)
Command cmd("BRPOP");
cmd << lists << NumberFormatter::format(timeout);
return cmd;
Command Command::brpoplpush(const std::string& sourceList, const std::string& destinationList, Int64 timeout)
Command cmd("BRPOPLPUSH");
cmd << sourceList << destinationList << NumberFormatter::format(timeout);
return cmd;
Command Command::decr(const std::string& key, Int64 by)
Command cmd(by == 0 ? "DECR" : "DECRBY");
cmd << key;
if ( by > 0 ) cmd << NumberFormatter::format(by);
return cmd;
Command Command::del(const std::string& key)
Command cmd("DEL");
cmd << key;
return cmd;
Command Command::del(const StringVec& keys)
Command cmd("DEL");
cmd << keys;
return cmd;
Command Command::get(const std::string& key)
Command cmd("GET");
cmd << key;
return cmd;
Command Command::hdel(const std::string& hash, const std::string& field)
Command cmd("HDEL");
cmd << hash << field;
return cmd;
Command Command::hdel(const std::string& hash, const StringVec& fields)
Command cmd("HDEL");
cmd << hash << fields;
return cmd;
Command Command::hexists(const std::string& hash, const std::string& field)
Command cmd("HEXISTS");
cmd << hash << field;
return cmd;
Command Command::hget(const std::string& hash, const std::string& field)
Command cmd("HGET");
cmd << hash << field;
return cmd;
Command Command::hgetall(const std::string& hash)
Command cmd("HGETALL");
cmd << hash;
return cmd;
Command Command::hincrby(const std::string& hash, const std::string& field, Int64 by)
Command cmd("HINCRBY");
cmd << hash << field << NumberFormatter::format(by);
return cmd;
Command Command::hkeys(const std::string& hash)
Command cmd("HKEYS");
cmd << hash;
return cmd;
Command Command::hlen(const std::string& hash)
Command cmd("HLEN");
cmd << hash;
return cmd;
Command Command::hmget(const std::string& hash, const StringVec& fields)
Command cmd("HMGET");
cmd << hash << fields;
return cmd;
Command Command::hmset(const std::string& hash, std::map<std::string, std::string>& fields)
Command cmd("HMSET");
cmd << hash;
for(std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator it = fields.begin(); it != fields.end(); ++it)
cmd << it->first << it->second;
return cmd;
Command Command::hset(const std::string& hash, const std::string& field, const std::string& value, bool create)
Command cmd(create ? "HSET" : "HSETNX");
cmd << hash << field << value;
return cmd;
Command Command::hset(const std::string& hash, const std::string& field, Int64 value, bool create)
return hset(hash, field, NumberFormatter::format(value), create);
Command Command::hstrlen(const std::string& hash, const std::string& field)
Command cmd("HSTRLEN");
cmd << hash << field;
return cmd;
Command Command::hvals(const std::string& hash)
Command cmd("HVALS");
cmd << hash;
return cmd;
Command Command::incr(const std::string& key, Int64 by)
Command cmd(by == 0 ? "INCR" : "INCRBY");
cmd << key;
if ( by > 0 ) cmd << NumberFormatter::format(by);
return cmd;
Command Command::lindex(const std::string& list, Int64 index)
Command cmd("LINDEX");
cmd << list << NumberFormatter::format(index);
return cmd;
Command Command::linsert(const std::string& list, bool before, const std::string& reference, const std::string& value)
Command cmd("LINSERT");
cmd << list << (before ? "BEFORE" : "AFTER") << reference << value;
return cmd;
Command Command::llen(const std::string& list)
Command cmd("LLEN");
cmd << list;
return cmd;
Command Command::lpop(const std::string& list)
Command cmd("LPOP");
cmd << list;
return cmd;
Command Command::lpush(const std::string& list, const std::string& value, bool create)
Command cmd(create ? "LPUSH" : "LPUSHX");
cmd << list << value;
return cmd;
Command Command::lpush(const std::string& list, const StringVec& values, bool create)
Command cmd(create ? "LPUSH" : "LPUSHX");
cmd << list << values;
return cmd;
Command Command::lrange(const std::string& list, Int64 start, Int64 stop)
Command cmd("LRANGE");
cmd << list << NumberFormatter::format(start) << NumberFormatter::format(stop);
return cmd;
Command Command::lrem(const std::string& list, Int64 count, const std::string& value)
Command cmd("LREM");
cmd << list << NumberFormatter::format(count) << value;
return cmd;
Command Command::lset(const std::string& list, Int64 index, const std::string& value)
Command cmd("LSET");
cmd << list << NumberFormatter::format(index) << value;
return cmd;
Command Command::ltrim(const std::string& list, Int64 start, Int64 stop)
Command cmd("LTRIM");
cmd << list << NumberFormatter::format(start) << NumberFormatter::format(stop);
return cmd;
Command Command::mget(const StringVec& keys)
Command cmd("MGET");
cmd << keys;
return cmd;
Command Command::mset(const std::map<std::string, std::string>& keyvalues, bool create)
Command cmd(create ? "MSET" : "MSETNX");
for(std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator it = keyvalues.begin(); it != keyvalues.end(); ++it)
cmd << it->first << it->second;
return cmd;
Command Command::sadd(const std::string& set, const std::string& value)
Command cmd("SADD");
cmd << set << value;
return cmd;
Command Command::sadd(const std::string& set, const StringVec& values)
Command cmd("SADD");
cmd << set << values;
return cmd;
Command Command::scard(const std::string& set)
Command cmd("SCARD");
cmd << set;
return cmd;
Command Command::sdiff(const std::string& set1, const std::string& set2)
Command cmd("SDIFF");
cmd << set1 << set2;
return cmd;
Command Command::sdiff(const std::string& set, const StringVec& sets)
Command cmd("SDIFF");
cmd << set << sets;
return cmd;
Command Command::sdiffstore(const std::string& set, const std::string& set1, const std::string& set2)
Command cmd("SDIFFSTORE");
cmd << set << set1 << set2;
return cmd;
Command Command::sdiffstore(const std::string& set, const StringVec& sets)
Command cmd("SDIFFSTORE");
cmd << set << sets;
return cmd;
Command Command::set(const std::string& key, const std::string& value, bool overwrite, const Poco::Timespan& expireTime, bool create)
Command cmd("SET");
cmd << key << value;
if (! overwrite) cmd << "NX";
if (! create) cmd << "XX";
if (expireTime.totalMicroseconds() > 0) cmd << "PX" << expireTime.totalMilliseconds();
return cmd;
Command Command::set(const std::string& key, Int64 value, bool overwrite, const Poco::Timespan& expireTime, bool create)
return set(key, NumberFormatter::format(value), overwrite, expireTime, create);
Command Command::sinter(const std::string& set1, const std::string& set2)
Command cmd("SINTER");
cmd << set1 << set2;
return cmd;
Command Command::sinter(const std::string& set, const StringVec& sets)
Command cmd("SINTER");
cmd << set << sets;
return cmd;
Command Command::sinterstore(const std::string& set, const std::string& set1, const std::string& set2)
Command cmd("SINTERSTORE");
cmd << set << set1 << set2;
return cmd;
Command Command::sinterstore(const std::string& set, const StringVec& sets)
Command cmd("SINTERSTORE");
cmd << set << sets;
return cmd;
Command Command::sismember(const std::string& set, const std::string& member)
Command cmd("SISMEMBER");
cmd << set << member;
return cmd;
Command Command::smembers(const std::string& set)
Command cmd("SMEMBERS");
cmd << set;
return cmd;
Command Command::smove(const std::string& source, const std::string& destination, const std::string& member)
Command cmd("SMOVE");
cmd << source << destination << member;
return cmd;
Command Command::spop(const std::string& set, Int64 count)
Command cmd("SPOP");
cmd << set;
if( count != 0 ) cmd << NumberFormatter::format(count);
return cmd;
Command Command::srandmember(const std::string& set, Int64 count)
Command cmd("SRANDMEMBER");
cmd << set;
if( count != 0 ) cmd << NumberFormatter::format(count);
return cmd;
Command Command::srem(const std::string& set1, const std::string& member)
Command cmd("SREM");
cmd << set1 << member;
return cmd;
Command Command::srem(const std::string& set, const StringVec& members)
Command cmd("SREM");
cmd << set << members;
return cmd;
Command Command::sunion(const std::string& set1, const std::string& set2)
Command cmd("SUNION");
cmd << set1 << set2;
return cmd;
Command Command::sunion(const std::string& set, const StringVec& sets)
Command cmd("SUNION");
cmd << set << sets;
return cmd;
Command Command::sunionstore(const std::string& set, const std::string& set1, const std::string& set2)
Command cmd("SUNIONSTORE");
cmd << set << set1 << set2;
return cmd;
Command Command::sunionstore(const std::string& set, const StringVec& sets)
Command cmd("SUNIONSTORE");
cmd << set << sets;
return cmd;
Command Command::rename(const std::string& key, const std::string& newName, bool overwrite)
Command cmd(overwrite ? "RENAME" : "RENAMENX");
cmd << key << newName;
return cmd;
Command Command::rpop(const std::string& list)
Command cmd("RPOP");
cmd << list;
return cmd;
Command Command::rpoplpush(const std::string& sourceList, const std::string& destinationList)
Command cmd("RPOPLPUSH");
cmd << sourceList << destinationList;
return cmd;
Command Command::rpush(const std::string& list, const std::string& value, bool create)
Command cmd(create ? "RPUSH" : "RPUSHX");
cmd << list << value;
return cmd;
Command Command::rpush(const std::string& list, const StringVec& values, bool create)
Command cmd(create ? "RPUSH" : "RPUSHX");
cmd << list << values;
return cmd;
}} // Poco::Redis