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// Transaction.h
// $Id: //poco/Main/Data/include/Poco/Data/Transaction.h#2 $
// Library: Data
// Package: DataCore
// Module: Transaction
// Definition of the Transaction class.
// Copyright (c) 2006, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
// and Contributors.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
#ifndef Data_Transaction_INCLUDED
#define Data_Transaction_INCLUDED
#include "Poco/Data/Data.h"
#include "Poco/Data/Session.h"
#include "Poco/Logger.h"
namespace Poco {
namespace Data {
class Data_API Transaction
/// Transaction helps with transactions in domain logic.
/// When an Transaction object is created, it first checks whether a
/// transaction is in progress. If not, a new transaction is created.
/// When the Transaction is destroyed, and commit() has been called,
/// nothing is done. Otherwise, the current transaction is rolled back.
/// See Transaction for more details and purpose of this template.
Transaction(Poco::Data::Session& session, Poco::Logger* pLogger = 0);
/// Creates the Transaction and starts it, using the given database session and logger.
Transaction(Poco::Data::Session& session, bool start);
/// Creates the Transaction, using the given database session.
/// If start is true, transaction is started, otherwise begin() must be called
/// to start the transaction.
template <typename T>
Transaction(Poco::Data::Session& rSession, T& t, Poco::Logger* pLogger = 0):
/// Creates the Transaction, using the given database session, transactor and logger.
/// The transactor type must provide operator () overload taking non-const Session
/// reference as an argument.
/// When transaction is created using this constructor, it is executed and
/// committed automatically. If no error occurs, rollback is disabled and does
/// not occur at destruction time. If an error occurs resulting in exception being
/// thrown, the transaction is rolled back and exception propagated to calling code.
/// Example usage:
/// struct Transactor
/// {
/// void operator () (Session& session) const
/// {
/// // do something ...
/// }
/// };
/// Transactor tr;
/// Transaction tn(session, tr);
try { transact(t); }
catch (...)
if (_pLogger) _pLogger->error("Error executing transaction.");
/// Destroys the Transaction.
/// Rolls back the current database transaction if it has not been committed
/// (by calling commit()), or rolled back (by calling rollback()).
/// If an exception is thrown during rollback, the exception is logged
/// and no further action is taken.
void setIsolation(Poco::UInt32 ti);
/// Sets the transaction isolation level.
Poco::UInt32 getIsolation();
/// Returns the transaction isolation level.
bool hasIsolation(Poco::UInt32 ti);
/// Returns true iff the transaction isolation level corresponding
/// to the supplied bitmask is supported.
bool isIsolation(Poco::UInt32 ti);
/// Returns true iff the transaction isolation level corresponds
/// to the supplied bitmask.
void execute(const std::string& sql, bool doCommit = true);
/// Executes and, if doCommit is true, commits the transaction.
/// Passing true value for commit disables rollback during destruction
/// of this Transaction object.
void execute(const std::vector<std::string>& sql);
/// Executes all the SQL statements supplied in the vector and, after the last
/// one is successfully executed, commits the transaction.
/// If an error occurs during execution, transaction is rolled back.
/// Passing true value for commit disables rollback during destruction
/// of this Transaction object.
template <typename T>
void transact(const T& t)
/// Executes the transactor and, unless transactor throws an exception,
/// commits the transaction.
if (!isActive()) begin();
void commit();
/// Commits the current transaction.
void rollback();
/// Rolls back the current transaction.
bool isActive();
/// Returns false after the transaction has been committed or rolled back,
/// true if the transaction is ongoing.
void setLogger(Poco::Logger* pLogger);
/// Sets the logger for this transaction.
/// Transaction does not take the ownership of the pointer.
Transaction(const Transaction&);
Transaction& operator = (const Transaction&);
void begin();
/// Begins the transaction if the session is already not in transaction.
/// Otherwise does nothing.
Session _rSession;
Logger* _pLogger;
inline bool Transaction::isActive()
return _rSession.isTransaction();
inline void Transaction::setIsolation(Poco::UInt32 ti)
inline Poco::UInt32 Transaction::getIsolation()
return _rSession.getTransactionIsolation();
inline bool Transaction::hasIsolation(Poco::UInt32 ti)
return _rSession.isTransactionIsolation(ti);
inline bool Transaction::isIsolation(Poco::UInt32 ti)
return _rSession.isTransactionIsolation(ti);
inline void Transaction::setLogger(Poco::Logger* pLogger)
_pLogger = pLogger;
} } // namespace Poco::Data
#endif // Data_Transaction_INCLUDED