mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 19:13:30 +01:00

* fix(Thread_POSIX): sleep() poor performance #3703 * chore(vscode): add file associations * fix(TaskManager): waits for all threads in the ThreadPool #3704 * fix(Thread): call std::this_thread::sleep_for() to sleep #3703 * fix(PollSet): wakeup fd is never read #3708 * feat(Thread): Add Thread::set/getAffinity() #3709 * doc(Thread): Thread::trySleep() assertion #3710 * fix(PollSet): wakeup fd is never read (windows portion and some other optimizations) #3708 * feat(SocketReactor): improvements #3713 * chore(ThreadTest): add missing include * fix(PollSet): wakeup fd is never read #3708 * fix(Any): #3682 #3683 #3692 #3712 * fix(mingw): lowercase winsock2 and iphlpapi to allow cross compile #3711 * feat(Thread): Add Thread::set/getAffinity() #3709 * chore(SocketReactor): one-liners inlined, removed redundant try/catch in dospatch, remove unused onBusy() * feat(SocketReactor): add socket to ErrorNotification * fix(SocketReactor): pollTimeout assignment and ConnectorTest leak
107 lines
2.1 KiB
107 lines
2.1 KiB
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