Matej Kenda 971a7cc670
Mongodb op msg database commands fix (#4004)
* * Fix: MongoDB::OpMsgCursor did not handle zero batch size properly: cursor requests failed.
* Improvement: Add emptyFirstBatch to indicate that the size of the first batch shall be zero for performance to get potential error ASAP from the server.

* Poco::MongoDB: Some database commands do not need collection as an argument. An integer "1" is passed instead.
2023-05-05 09:27:42 -05:00

94 lines
2.1 KiB

// OpMsgCursor.h
// Library: MongoDB
// Package: MongoDB
// Module: OpMsgCursor
// Definition of the OpMsgCursor class.
// Copyright (c) 2012, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
// and Contributors.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
#ifndef MongoDB_OpMsgCursor_INCLUDED
#define MongoDB_OpMsgCursor_INCLUDED
#include "Poco/MongoDB/MongoDB.h"
#include "Poco/MongoDB/Connection.h"
#include "Poco/MongoDB/OpMsgMessage.h"
namespace Poco {
namespace MongoDB {
class MongoDB_API OpMsgCursor: public Document
/// OpMsgCursor is an helper class for querying multiple documents using OpMsgMessage.
OpMsgCursor(const std::string& dbname, const std::string& collectionName);
/// Creates a OpMsgCursor for the given database and collection.
virtual ~OpMsgCursor();
/// Destroys the OpMsgCursor.
void setEmptyFirstBatch(bool empty);
/// Empty first batch is used to get error response faster with little server processing
bool emptyFirstBatch() const;
void setBatchSize(Int32 batchSize);
/// Set non-default batch size
Int32 batchSize() const;
/// Current batch size (zero or negative number indicates default batch size)
Int64 cursorID() const;
OpMsgMessage& next(Connection& connection);
/// Tries to get the next documents. As long as response message has a
/// cursor ID next can be called to retrieve the next bunch of documents.
/// The cursor must be killed (see kill()) when not all documents are needed.
OpMsgMessage& query();
/// Returns the associated query.
void kill(Connection& connection);
/// Kills the cursor and reset it so that it can be reused.
OpMsgMessage _query;
OpMsgMessage _response;
bool _emptyFirstBatch { false };
Int32 _batchSize { -1 };
/// Batch size used in the cursor. Zero or negative value means that default shall be used.
Int64 _cursorID { 0 };
// inlines
inline OpMsgMessage& OpMsgCursor::query()
return _query;
inline Int64 OpMsgCursor::cursorID() const
return _cursorID;
} } // namespace Poco::MongoDB
#endif // MongoDB_OpMsgCursor_INCLUDED