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synced 2024-12-12 18:20:26 +01:00
Activity _running flag is now set to false when the activity finishes or throws, previously it was only set if wait had been called. Added test for this scenario
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// Activity.h
// Library: Foundation
// Package: Threading
// Module: ActiveObjects
// Definition of the Activity template class.
// Copyright (c) 2004-2006, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
// and Contributors.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
#ifndef Foundation_Activity_INCLUDED
#define Foundation_Activity_INCLUDED
#include "Poco/Foundation.h"
#include "Poco/RunnableAdapter.h"
#include "Poco/ThreadPool.h"
#include "Poco/Event.h"
#include "Poco/Mutex.h"
namespace Poco {
template <class C>
class Activity: public Runnable
/// This template class helps to implement active objects.
/// An active object uses threads to decouple method
/// execution from method invocation, or to perform tasks
/// autonomously, without intervention of a caller.
/// An activity is a (typically longer running) method
/// that executes within its own task. Activities can
/// be started automatically (upon object construction)
/// or manually at a later time. Activities can also
/// be stopped at any time. However, to make stopping
/// an activity work, the method implementing the
/// activity has to check periodically whether it
/// has been requested to stop, and if so, return.
/// Activities are stopped before the object they belong to is
/// destroyed. Methods implementing activities cannot have arguments
/// or return values.
/// Activity objects are used as follows:
/// class ActiveObject
/// {
/// public:
/// ActiveObject():
/// _activity(this, &ActiveObject::runActivity)
/// {
/// ...
/// }
/// ...
/// protected:
/// void runActivity()
/// {
/// while (!_activity.isStopped())
/// {
/// ...
/// }
/// }
/// private:
/// Activity<ActiveObject> _activity;
/// };
typedef RunnableAdapter<C> RunnableAdapterType;
typedef typename RunnableAdapterType::Callback Callback;
Activity(C* pOwner, Callback method):
_runnable(*pOwner, method),
/// Creates the activity. Call start() to
/// start it.
poco_check_ptr (pOwner);
/// Stops and destroys the activity.
catch (...)
void start()
/// Starts the activity by acquiring a
/// thread for it from the default thread pool.
void start(ThreadPool& pool)
FastMutex::ScopedLock lock(_mutex);
if (!_running)
_stopped = false;
_running = true;
catch (...)
_running = false;
void stop()
/// Requests to stop the activity.
_stopped = true;
void wait()
/// Waits for the activity to complete.
if (_running)
_running = false;
void wait(long milliseconds)
/// Waits the given interval for the activity to complete.
/// An TimeoutException is thrown if the activity does not
/// complete within the given interval.
if (_running)
_running = false;
bool isStopped() const
/// Returns true if the activity has been requested to stop.
return _stopped;
bool isRunning() const
/// Returns true if the activity is running.
return _running;
void run()
catch (...)
_running = false;
_running = false;
Activity(const Activity&);
Activity& operator = (const Activity&);
C* _pOwner;
RunnableAdapterType _runnable;
std::atomic<bool> _stopped;
std::atomic<bool> _running;
Event _done;
FastMutex _mutex;
} // namespace Poco
#endif // Foundation_Activity_INCLUDED