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* fix(Poco::Data): fixes and improvements #4198 * chore: remove inadvertently commited garbage file * fix(SQLite): SQLChannel tests #4198 * fix(Data::SessionPool): Improve Data::SessionPool thread safety #4206
673 lines
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// RecordSet.h
// Library: Data
// Package: DataCore
// Module: RecordSet
// Definition of the RecordSet class.
// Copyright (c) 2006, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
// and Contributors.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
#ifndef Data_RecordSet_INCLUDED
#define Data_RecordSet_INCLUDED
#include "Poco/Data/Data.h"
#include "Poco/Data/Session.h"
#include "Poco/Data/Extraction.h"
#include "Poco/Data/BulkExtraction.h"
#include "Poco/Data/Statement.h"
#include "Poco/Data/RowIterator.h"
#include "Poco/Data/RowFilter.h"
#include "Poco/Data/LOB.h"
#include "Poco/String.h"
#include "Poco/Dynamic/Var.h"
#include "Poco/Exception.h"
#include "Poco/AutoPtr.h"
#include <ostream>
#include <limits>
namespace Poco {
namespace Data {
class RowFilter;
class Data_API RecordSet: private Statement
/// RecordSet provides access to data returned from a query.
/// Data access indices (row and column) are 0-based, as usual in C++.
/// Recordset provides navigation methods to iterate through the
/// recordset, retrieval methods to extract data, and methods
/// to get metadata (type, etc.) about columns.
/// To work with a RecordSet, first create a Statement, execute it, and
/// create the RecordSet from the Statement, as follows:
/// Statement select(session);
/// select << "SELECT * FROM Person";
/// select.execute();
/// RecordSet rs(select);
/// The shorter way to do the above is following:
/// RecordSet rs(session, "SELECT * FROM Person"[, new SimpleRowFormatter]);
/// The third (optional) argument passed to the Recordset constructor is a RowFormatter
/// implementation. The formatter is used in conjunction with << operator for recordset
/// data formating.
/// The number of rows in the RecordSet can be limited by specifying
/// a limit for the Statement.
using RowMap = std::map<std::size_t, Row*>;
using ConstIterator = const RowIterator;
using Iterator = RowIterator;
using Statement::isNull;
using Statement::subTotalRowCount;
static const std::size_t UNKNOWN_TOTAL_ROW_COUNT;
explicit RecordSet(const Statement& rStatement,
RowFormatter::Ptr pRowFormatter = 0);
/// Creates the RecordSet.
RecordSet(Session& rSession,
const std::string& query,
RowFormatter::Ptr pRowFormatter = 0);
/// Creates the RecordSet.
RecordSet(Session& rSession,
const std::string& query,
const RowFormatter& rowFormatter);
/// Creates the RecordSet.
template <class RF>
RecordSet(Session& rSession, const std::string& query, const RF& rowFormatter):
Statement((rSession << query, Keywords::now)),
_pBegin(new RowIterator(this, 0 == rowsExtracted())),
_pEnd(new RowIterator(this, true)),
/// Creates the RecordSet.
RecordSet(const RecordSet& other);
/// Copy-creates the recordset.
RecordSet(RecordSet&& other) noexcept;
/// Move-creates the recordset.
/// Destroys the RecordSet.
void setRowFormatter(RowFormatter::Ptr pRowFormatter);
/// Assigns the row formatter to the statement and all recordset rows.
RecordSet& operator = (const Statement& stmt);
/// Assignment operator.
RecordSet& operator = (const RecordSet& other);
/// Assignment operator.
RecordSet& operator = (RecordSet&& other) noexcept;
/// Move assignment.
std::size_t rowCount() const;
/// Returns the number of rows in the RecordSet.
/// The number of rows reported is dependent on filtering.
/// Due to the need for filter conditions checking,
/// this function may suffer significant performance penalty
/// for large recordsets, so it should be used judiciously.
/// Use totalRowCount() to obtain the total number of rows.
std::size_t affectedRowCount() const;
/// Returns the number of rows affected by the statement execution.
std::size_t extractedRowCount() const;
/// Returns the number of rows extracted during the last statement
/// execution.
/// The number of rows reported is independent of filtering.
std::size_t totalRowCount() const;
//@ deprecated
/// Replaced with subTotalRowCount() and getTotalRowCount().
std::size_t getTotalRowCount() const;
/// Returns the total number of rows in the RecordSet.
/// The number of rows reported is independent of filtering.
/// If the total row count has not been set externally
/// (either explicitly or implicitly through SQL), the value
/// returned shall only be accurate if the statement limit
/// is less or equal to the total row count.
void setTotalRowCount(std::size_t totalRowCount);
/// Explicitly sets the total row count.
void setTotalRowCount(const std::string& sql);
/// Implicitly sets the total row count.
/// The supplied sql must return exactly one column
/// and one row. The returned value must be an unsigned
/// integer. The value is set as the total number of rows.
std::size_t columnCount() const;
/// Returns the number of columns in the recordset.
template <class C>
const Column<C>& column(const std::string& name) const
/// Returns the reference to the first Column with the specified name.
if (isBulkExtraction())
using E = InternalBulkExtraction<C>;
return columnImpl<C,E>(name);
using E = InternalExtraction<C>;
return columnImpl<C,E>(name);
template <class C>
const Column<C>& column(std::size_t pos) const
/// Returns the reference to column at specified position.
if (isBulkExtraction())
using E = InternalBulkExtraction<C>;
return columnImpl<C,E>(pos);
using E = InternalExtraction<C>;
return columnImpl<C,E>(pos);
Row& row(std::size_t pos);
/// Returns reference to row at position pos.
/// Rows are lazy-created and cached.
template <class T>
const T& value(std::size_t col, std::size_t row, bool useFilter = true) const
/// Returns the reference to data value at [col, row] location.
if (useFilter && isFiltered() && !isAllowed(row))
throw InvalidAccessException("Row not allowed");
switch (storage())
using C = typename std::vector<T>;
return column<C>(col).value(row);
using C = typename std::list<T>;
return column<C>(col).value(row);
using C = typename std::deque<T>;
return column<C>(col).value(row);
throw IllegalStateException("Invalid storage setting.");
template <class T>
const T& value(const std::string& name, std::size_t row, bool useFilter = true) const
/// Returns the reference to data value at named column, row location.
if (useFilter && isFiltered() && !isAllowed(row))
throw InvalidAccessException("Row not allowed");
switch (storage())
using C = typename std::vector<T>;
return column<C>(name).value(row);
using C = typename std::list<T>;
return column<C>(name).value(row);
using C = typename std::deque<T>;
return column<C>(name).value(row);
throw IllegalStateException("Invalid storage setting.");
Poco::Dynamic::Var value(std::size_t col, std::size_t row, bool checkFiltering = true) const;
/// Returns the data value at column, row location.
Poco::Dynamic::Var value(const std::string& name, std::size_t row, bool checkFiltering = true) const;
/// Returns the data value at named column, row location.
template <typename T>
Poco::Dynamic::Var nvl(const std::string& name, const T& deflt = T()) const
/// Returns the value in the named column of the current row
/// if the value is not NULL, or deflt otherwise.
if (isNull(name))
return Poco::Dynamic::Var(deflt);
return value(name, _currentRow);
template <typename T>
Poco::Dynamic::Var nvl(std::size_t index, const T& deflt = T()) const
/// Returns the value in the given column of the current row
/// if the value is not NULL, or deflt otherwise.
if (isNull(index, _currentRow))
return Poco::Dynamic::Var(deflt);
return value(index, _currentRow);
ConstIterator& begin() const;
/// Returns the const row iterator.
ConstIterator& end() const;
/// Returns the const row iterator.
Iterator begin();
/// Returns the row iterator.
Iterator end();
/// Returns the row iterator.
bool moveFirst();
/// Moves the row cursor to the first row.
/// Returns true if there is at least one row in the RecordSet,
/// false otherwise.
bool moveNext();
/// Moves the row cursor to the next row.
/// Returns true if the row is available, or false
/// if the end of the record set has been reached and
/// no more rows are available.
bool movePrevious();
/// Moves the row cursor to the previous row.
/// Returns true if the row is available, or false
/// if there are no more rows available.
bool moveLast();
/// Moves the row cursor to the last row.
/// Returns true if there is at least one row in the RecordSet,
/// false otherwise.
using Statement::reset;
/// Don't hide base class method.
void reset(const Statement& stmt);
/// Resets the RecordSet and assigns a new statement.
/// Should be called after the given statement has been reset,
/// assigned a new SQL statement, and executed.
/// Does not remove the associated RowFilter or RowFormatter.
Poco::Dynamic::Var value(const std::string& name);
/// Returns the value in the named column of the current row.
Poco::Dynamic::Var value(std::size_t index);
/// Returns the value in the given column of the current row.
Poco::Dynamic::Var operator [] (const std::string& name);
/// Returns the value in the named column of the current row.
Poco::Dynamic::Var operator [] (std::size_t index);
/// Returns the value in the named column of the current row.
MetaColumn::ColumnDataType columnType(std::size_t pos) const;
/// Returns the type for the column at specified position.
MetaColumn::ColumnDataType columnType(const std::string& name) const;
/// Returns the type for the column with specified name.
const std::string& columnName(std::size_t pos) const;
/// Returns column name for the column at specified position.
std::size_t columnLength(std::size_t pos) const;
/// Returns column maximum length for the column at specified position.
std::size_t columnLength(const std::string& name) const;
/// Returns column maximum length for the column with specified name.
std::size_t columnPrecision(std::size_t pos) const;
/// Returns column precision for the column at specified position.
/// Valid for floating point fields only (zero for other data types).
std::size_t columnPrecision(const std::string& name) const;
/// Returns column precision for the column with specified name.
/// Valid for floating point fields only (zero for other data types).
bool isNull(const std::string& name) const;
/// Returns true if column value of the current row is null.
std::ostream& copyNames(std::ostream& os) const;
/// Copies the column names to the target output stream.
/// Copied string is formatted by the current RowFormatter.
void formatNames() const;
/// Formats names using the current RowFormatter.
std::ostream& copyValues(std::ostream& os,
std::size_t offset = 0,
std::size_t length = RowIterator::POSITION_END) const;
/// Copies the data values to the supplied output stream.
/// The data set to be copied is starting at the specified offset
/// from the recordset beginning. The number of rows to be copied
/// is specified by length argument.
/// An invalid combination of offset/length arguments shall
/// cause RangeException to be thrown.
/// Copied string is formatted by the current RowFormatter.
void formatValues(std::size_t offset, std::size_t length) const;
/// Formats values using the current RowFormatter.
/// The data set to be formatted is starting at the specified offset
/// from the recordset beginning. The number of rows to be copied
/// is specified by length argument.
/// An invalid combination of offset/length arguments shall
/// cause RangeException to be thrown.
std::ostream& copy(std::ostream& os,
std::size_t offset = 0,
std::size_t length = RowIterator::POSITION_END) const;
/// Copies the column names and values to the target output stream.
/// Copied strings are formatted by the current RowFormatter.
bool isFiltered() const;
/// Returns true if recordset is filtered.
template<class C, class E>
std::size_t columnPosition(const std::string& name) const
/// Returns the position of the column with specified name.
using T = typename C::value_type;
using ExtractionVecPtr = const E*;
bool typeFound = false;
const AbstractExtractionVec& rExtractions = extractions();
AbstractExtractionVec::const_iterator it = rExtractions.begin();
AbstractExtractionVec::const_iterator end = rExtractions.end();
for (; it != end; ++it)
ExtractionVecPtr pExtraction = dynamic_cast<ExtractionVecPtr>(it->get());
if (pExtraction)
typeFound = true;
const Column<C>& col = pExtraction->column();
if (0 == Poco::icompare(name, col.name()))
return col.position();
if (typeFound)
throw NotFoundException(Poco::format("Column name: %s", name));
throw NotFoundException(Poco::format("Column type: %s, name: %s", std::string(typeid(T).name()), name));
template <class C, class E>
const Column<C>& columnImpl(const std::string& name) const
/// Returns the reference to the first Column with the specified name.
return columnImpl<C,E>(columnPosition<C,E>(name));
template <class C, class E>
const Column<C>& columnImpl(std::size_t pos) const
/// Returns the reference to column at specified position.
using T = typename C::value_type;
using ExtractionVecPtr = const E*;
const AbstractExtractionVec& rExtractions = extractions();
std::size_t s = rExtractions.size();
if (0 == s || pos >= s)
throw RangeException(Poco::format("Invalid column index: %z", pos));
ExtractionVecPtr pExtraction = dynamic_cast<ExtractionVecPtr>(rExtractions[pos].get());
if (pExtraction)
return pExtraction->column();
throw Poco::BadCastException(Poco::format("Type cast failed!\nColumn: %z\nTarget type:\t%s",
bool isAllowed(std::size_t row) const;
/// Returns true if the specified row is allowed by the
/// currently active filter.
void filter(const Poco::AutoPtr<RowFilter>& pFilter);
/// Sets the filter for the RecordSet.
const Poco::AutoPtr<RowFilter>& getFilter() const;
/// Returns the filter associated with the RecordSet.
std::size_t _currentRow;
RowIterator* _pBegin;
RowIterator* _pEnd;
RowMap _rowMap;
Poco::AutoPtr<RowFilter> _pFilter;
std::size_t _totalRowCount;
friend class RowIterator;
friend class RowFilter;
/// inlines
inline Data_API std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream &os, const RecordSet& rs)
return rs.copy(os);
inline std::size_t RecordSet::getTotalRowCount() const
if (UNKNOWN_TOTAL_ROW_COUNT == _totalRowCount)
return subTotalRowCount();
return _totalRowCount;
inline std::size_t RecordSet::totalRowCount() const
return getTotalRowCount();
inline void RecordSet::setTotalRowCount(std::size_t totalRowCount)
_totalRowCount = totalRowCount;
inline std::size_t RecordSet::extractedRowCount() const
return rowsExtracted();
inline std::size_t RecordSet::columnCount() const
return static_cast<std::size_t>(extractions().size());
inline RecordSet& RecordSet::operator = (const Statement& stmt)
return *this;
inline RecordSet& RecordSet::operator = (const RecordSet& other)
return *this;
inline Poco::Dynamic::Var RecordSet::value(const std::string& name)
return value(name, _currentRow);
inline Poco::Dynamic::Var RecordSet::value(std::size_t index)
return value(index, _currentRow);
inline Poco::Dynamic::Var RecordSet::operator [] (const std::string& name)
return value(name, _currentRow);
inline Poco::Dynamic::Var RecordSet::operator [] (std::size_t index)
return value(index, _currentRow);
inline MetaColumn::ColumnDataType RecordSet::columnType(std::size_t pos)const
return metaColumn(static_cast<UInt32>(pos)).type();
inline MetaColumn::ColumnDataType RecordSet::columnType(const std::string& name)const
return metaColumn(name).type();
inline const std::string& RecordSet::columnName(std::size_t pos) const
return metaColumn(static_cast<UInt32>(pos)).name();
inline std::size_t RecordSet::columnLength(std::size_t pos) const
return metaColumn(static_cast<UInt32>(pos)).length();
inline std::size_t RecordSet::columnLength(const std::string& name)const
return metaColumn(name).length();
inline std::size_t RecordSet::columnPrecision(std::size_t pos) const
return metaColumn(static_cast<UInt32>(pos)).precision();
inline std::size_t RecordSet::columnPrecision(const std::string& name)const
return metaColumn(name).precision();
inline bool RecordSet::isNull(const std::string& name) const
return isNull(metaColumn(name).position(), _currentRow);
inline RecordSet::ConstIterator& RecordSet::begin() const
return *_pBegin;
inline RecordSet::ConstIterator& RecordSet::end() const
return *_pEnd;
inline RecordSet::Iterator RecordSet::begin()
return *_pBegin;
inline RecordSet::Iterator RecordSet::end()
return *_pEnd;
inline const Poco::AutoPtr<RowFilter>& RecordSet::getFilter() const
return _pFilter;
inline void RecordSet::formatNames() const
} } // namespace Poco::Data
#endif // Data_RecordSet_INCLUDED