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// AbstractExtraction.h
// Library: Data
// Package: DataCore
// Module: AbstractExtraction
// Definition of the AbstractExtraction class.
// Copyright (c) 2006, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
// and Contributors.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
#ifndef Data_AbstractExtraction_INCLUDED
#define Data_AbstractExtraction_INCLUDED
#include "Poco/Data/Data.h"
#include "Poco/Data/AbstractExtractor.h"
#include "Poco/Data/AbstractPreparation.h"
#include "Poco/Data/Limit.h"
#include "Poco/RefCountedObject.h"
#include "Poco/UTFString.h"
#include "Poco/AutoPtr.h"
#include <vector>
#include <deque>
#include <list>
#include <cstddef>
namespace Poco {
namespace Data {
class AbstractPreparator;
class Data_API AbstractExtraction
/// AbstractExtraction is the interface class that connects output positions to concrete values
/// retrieved via an AbstractExtractor.
using Ptr = SharedPtr<AbstractExtraction>;
using ExtractorPtr = SharedPtr<AbstractExtractor>;
using PreparatorPtr = SharedPtr<AbstractPreparator>;
AbstractExtraction(Poco::UInt32 limit = Limit::LIMIT_UNLIMITED,
Poco::UInt32 position = 0, bool bulk = false);
/// Creates the AbstractExtraction. A limit value equal to EXTRACT_UNLIMITED (0xffffffffu)
/// means that we extract as much data as possible during one execute.
/// Otherwise the limit value is used to partition data extracting to a limited amount of rows.
virtual ~AbstractExtraction();
/// Destroys the AbstractExtraction.
void setExtractor(ExtractorPtr pExtractor);
/// Sets the class used for extracting the data. Does not take ownership of the pointer.
ExtractorPtr getExtractor() const;
/// Retrieves the extractor object
Poco::UInt32 position() const;
/// Returns the extraction position.
virtual std::size_t numOfColumnsHandled() const = 0;
/// Returns the number of columns that the extraction handles.
/// The trivial case will be one single column but when
/// complex types are used this value can be larger than one.
virtual std::size_t numOfRowsHandled() const = 0;
/// Returns the number of rows that the extraction handles.
/// The trivial case will be one single row but
/// for collection data types (ie vector) it can be larger.
virtual std::size_t numOfRowsAllowed() const = 0;
/// Returns the upper limit on number of rows that the extraction will handle.
virtual std::size_t extract(std::size_t pos) = 0;
/// Extracts a value from the param, starting at the given column position.
/// Returns the number of rows extracted.
virtual void reset();
/// Resets the extractor so that it can be re-used.
/// Does nothing in this implementation.
/// Implementations should override it for different behavior.
virtual bool canExtract() const;
/// Returns true. Implementations should override it for different behavior.
virtual AbstractPreparation::Ptr createPreparation(PreparatorPtr& pPrep, std::size_t pos) = 0;
/// Creates and returns shared pointer to Preparation object for the extracting object.
void setLimit(Poco::UInt32 limit);
/// Sets the limit.
Poco::UInt32 getLimit() const;
/// Gets the limit.
virtual bool isNull(std::size_t row) const;
/// In implementations, this function returns true if value at row is null,
/// false otherwise.
/// Normal behavior is to replace nulls with default values.
/// However, extraction implementations may remember the underlying database
/// null values and be able to later provide information about them.
/// Here, this function throws NotImplementedException.
bool isBulk() const;
/// Returns true if this is bulk extraction.
void setEmptyStringIsNull(bool emptyStringIsNull);
/// Sets the empty string handling flag.
bool getEmptyStringIsNull() const;
/// Returns the empty string handling flag.
void setForceEmptyString(bool forceEmptyString);
/// Sets the force empty string flag.
bool getForceEmptyString() const;
/// Returns the force empty string flag.
template <typename T>
bool isValueNull(const T& /*str*/, bool deflt)
/// Utility function to determine the nullness of the value.
/// This generic version always returns default value
/// (i.e. does nothing). The std::string overload does
/// the actual work.
return deflt;
bool isValueNull(const std::string& str, bool deflt);
/// Overload for const reference to std::string.
/// Returns true when folowing conditions are met:
/// - string is empty
/// - getEmptyStringIsNull() returns true
bool isValueNull(const Poco::UTF16String& str, bool deflt);
/// Overload for const reference to UTF16String.
/// Returns true when folowing conditions are met:
/// - string is empty
/// - getEmptyStringIsNull() returns true
template <typename S>
bool isStringNull(const S& str, bool deflt)
if (getForceEmptyString()) return false;
if (getEmptyStringIsNull() && str.empty())
return true;
return deflt;
ExtractorPtr _pExtractor;
Poco::UInt32 _limit;
Poco::UInt32 _position;
bool _bulk;
bool _emptyStringIsNull;
bool _forceEmptyString;
using AbstractExtractionVec = std::vector<AbstractExtraction::Ptr>;
using AbstractExtractionVecVec = std::vector<AbstractExtractionVec>;
using AbstractExtractionDeq = std::deque<AbstractExtraction::Ptr>;
using AbstractExtractionDeqVec = std::vector<AbstractExtractionDeq>;
using AbstractExtractionLst = std::list<AbstractExtraction::Ptr>;
using AbstractExtractionLstVec = std::vector<AbstractExtractionLst>;
// inlines
inline void AbstractExtraction::setExtractor(ExtractorPtr pExtractor)
_pExtractor = pExtractor;
inline AbstractExtraction::ExtractorPtr AbstractExtraction::getExtractor() const
return _pExtractor;
inline void AbstractExtraction::setLimit(Poco::UInt32 limit)
_limit = limit;
inline Poco::UInt32 AbstractExtraction::getLimit() const
return _limit;
inline bool AbstractExtraction::isNull(std::size_t /*row*/) const
throw NotImplementedException("Check for null values not implemented.");
inline Poco::UInt32 AbstractExtraction::position() const
return _position;
inline bool AbstractExtraction::isBulk() const
return _bulk;
inline void AbstractExtraction::reset()
inline bool AbstractExtraction::canExtract() const
return true;
inline void AbstractExtraction::setEmptyStringIsNull(bool emptyStringIsNull)
_emptyStringIsNull = emptyStringIsNull;
inline bool AbstractExtraction::getEmptyStringIsNull() const
return _emptyStringIsNull;
inline void AbstractExtraction::setForceEmptyString(bool forceEmptyString)
_forceEmptyString = forceEmptyString;
inline bool AbstractExtraction::getForceEmptyString() const
return _forceEmptyString;
inline bool AbstractExtraction::isValueNull(const std::string& str, bool deflt)
return isStringNull(str, deflt);
inline bool AbstractExtraction::isValueNull(const Poco::UTF16String& str, bool deflt)
return isStringNull(str, deflt);
} } // namespace Poco::Data
#endif // Data_AbstractExtraction_INCLUDED