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// CertificateHandlerFactory.h
// Library: NetSSL_Win
// Package: SSLCore
// Module: CertificateHandlerFactory
// Definition of the CertificateHandlerFactory class.
// Copyright (c) 2006-2014, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
// and Contributors.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
#ifndef NetSSL_CertificateHandlerFactory_INCLUDED
#define NetSSL_CertificateHandlerFactory_INCLUDED
#include "Poco/Net/NetSSL.h"
namespace Poco {
namespace Net {
class InvalidCertificateHandler;
class NetSSL_Win_API CertificateHandlerFactory
/// A CertificateHandlerFactory is responsible for creating InvalidCertificateHandlers.
/// You don't need to access this class directly. Use the macro
/// POCO_REGISTER_CHFACTORY(namespace, InvalidCertificateHandlerName)
/// instead (see the documentation of InvalidCertificateHandler for an example).
/// Creates the CertificateHandlerFactory.
virtual ~CertificateHandlerFactory();
/// Destroys the CertificateHandlerFactory.
virtual InvalidCertificateHandler* create(bool server) const = 0;
/// Creates a new InvalidCertificateHandler. Set server to true if the certificate handler is used on the server side.
class NetSSL_Win_API CertificateHandlerFactoryRegistrar
/// Registrar class which automatically registers CertificateHandlerFactory at the CertificateHandlerFactoryMgr.
/// You don't need to access this class directly. Use the macro
/// POCO_REGISTER_CHFACTORY(namespace, InvalidCertificateHandlerName)
/// instead (see the documentation of InvalidCertificateHandler for an example).
CertificateHandlerFactoryRegistrar(const std::string& name, CertificateHandlerFactory* pFactory);
/// Registers the CertificateHandlerFactory with the given name at the factory manager.
virtual ~CertificateHandlerFactoryRegistrar();
/// Destroys the CertificateHandlerFactoryRegistrar.
template <typename T>
class CertificateHandlerFactoryImpl: public Poco::Net::CertificateHandlerFactory
InvalidCertificateHandler* create(bool server) const
return new T(server);
} } // namespace Poco::Net
// DEPRECATED: register the factory directly at the FactoryMgr:
// Poco::Net::SSLManager::instance().certificateHandlerFactoryMgr().setFactory(name, new Poco::Net::CertificateHandlerFactoryImpl<MyConsoleHandler>());
static Poco::Net::CertificateHandlerFactoryRegistrar aRegistrar(std::string(#PKCLS), new Poco::Net::CertificateHandlerFactoryImpl<PKCLS>());
#endif // NetSSL_CertificateHandlerFactory_INCLUDED