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// Array.h
// Library: JSON
// Package: JSON
// Module: Array
// Definition of the Array class.
// Copyright (c) 2012, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
// and Contributors.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
#ifndef JSON_Array_INCLUDED
#define JSON_Array_INCLUDED
#include "Poco/JSON/JSON.h"
#include "Poco/SharedPtr.h"
#include "Poco/Dynamic/Var.h"
#include <vector>
#include <sstream>
namespace Poco {
namespace JSON {
class JSON_API Array;
// Explicitly instantiated shared pointer in JSON library
extern template class Poco::SharedPtr<Poco::JSON::Array>;
// Explicitly instantiated shared pointer in JSON library
extern template class JSON_API Poco::SharedPtr<Poco::JSON::Array>;
namespace JSON {
class Object;
class JSON_API Array
/// Represents a JSON array. Array provides a representation
/// based on shared pointers and optimized for performance. It is possible to
/// convert Array to Poco::Dynamic::Array. Conversion requires copying and therefore
/// has performance penalty; the benefit is in improved syntax, eg:
/// // use pointers to avoid copying
/// using namespace Poco::JSON;
/// std::string json = "[ {\"test\" : 0}, { \"test1\" : [1, 2, 3], \"test2\" : 4 } ]";
/// Parser parser;
/// Var result = parser.parse(json);
/// Array::Ptr arr = result.extract<Array::Ptr>();
/// Object::Ptr object = arr->getObject(0); // object == {\"test\" : 0}
/// int i = object->getElement<int>("test"); // i == 0;
/// Object::Ptr subObject = arr->getObject(1); // subObject == {\"test\" : 0}
/// Array subArr::Ptr = subObject->getArray("test1"); // subArr == [1, 2, 3]
/// i = result = subArr->get(0); // i == 1;
/// // copy/convert to Poco::Dynamic::Array
/// Poco::Dynamic::Array da = *arr;
/// i = da[0]["test"]; // i == 0
/// i = da[1]["test1"][1]; // i == 2
/// i = da[1]["test2"]; // i == 4
/// ----
using ValueVec = std::vector<Dynamic::Var>;
using Iterator = std::vector<Dynamic::Var>::iterator;
using ConstIterator = std::vector<Dynamic::Var>::const_iterator;
using Ptr = SharedPtr<Array>;
Array(int options = 0);
/// Creates an empty Array.
/// If JSON_ESCAPE_UNICODE is specified, when the object is
/// stringified, all unicode characters will be escaped in the
/// resulting string.
Array(const Array& copy);
/// Creates an Array by copying another one.
Array(Array&& other) noexcept;
/// Move constructor
Array& operator = (const Array& other);
/// Assignment operator.
Array& operator = (Array&& other) noexcept;
/// Move assignment operator.
/// Destroys the Array.
void setEscapeUnicode(bool escape = true);
/// Sets the flag for escaping unicode.
bool getEscapeUnicode() const;
/// Returns the flag for escaping unicode.
void setLowercaseHex(bool lowercaseHex);
/// Sets the flag for using lowercase hex numbers
bool getLowercaseHex() const;
/// Returns the flag for using lowercase hex numbers
ValueVec::const_iterator begin() const;
/// Returns the begin iterator for values.
ValueVec::const_iterator end() const;
/// Returns the end iterator for values.
Dynamic::Var get(unsigned int index) const;
/// Retrieves the element at the given index.
/// Will return an empty value when the element doesn't exist.
Array::Ptr getArray(unsigned int index) const;
/// Retrieves an array. When the element is not
/// an Array or doesn't exist, an empty SharedPtr is returned.
template<typename T>
T getElement(unsigned int index) const
/// Retrieves an element and tries to convert it to the
/// template type. The convert<T> method of
/// Dynamic is called which can also throw
/// exceptions for invalid values.
/// Note: This will not work for an array or an object.
Dynamic::Var value = get(index);
return value.convert<T>();
SharedPtr<Object> getObject(unsigned int index) const;
/// Retrieves an object. When the element is not
/// an object or doesn't exist, an empty SharedPtr is returned.
std::size_t size() const;
/// Returns the size of the array.
bool empty() const;
/// Returns true if the array is empty, false otherwise.
bool isArray(unsigned int index) const;
/// Returns true when the element is an array.
bool isArray(const Dynamic::Var& value) const;
/// Returns true when the element is an array.
bool isArray(ConstIterator& value) const;
/// Returns true when the element is an array.
bool isNull(unsigned int index) const;
/// Returns true when the element is null or
/// when the element doesn't exist.
bool isObject(unsigned int index) const;
/// Returns true when the element is an object.
bool isObject(const Dynamic::Var& value) const;
/// Returns true when the element is an object.
bool isObject(ConstIterator& value) const;
/// Returns true when the element is an object.
template<typename T>
T optElement(unsigned int index, const T& def) const
/// Returns the element at the given index. When
/// the element is null, doesn't exist or can't
/// be converted to the given type, the default
/// value will be returned
T value = def;
if (index < _values.size())
value = _values[index].convert<T>();
catch (...)
// Default value is returned.
return value;
Array& add(const Dynamic::Var& value);
/// Add the given value to the array
Array& set(unsigned int index, const Dynamic::Var& value);
/// Update the element on the given index to specified value
void stringify(std::ostream& out, unsigned int indent = 0, int step = -1) const;
/// Prints the array to out. When indent has zero value,
/// the array will be printed without newline breaks and spaces between elements.
void remove(unsigned int index);
/// Removes the element on the given index.
operator const Poco::Dynamic::Array& () const;
/// Conversion operator to Dynamic::Array.
static Poco::Dynamic::Array makeArray(const JSON::Array::Ptr& arr);
/// Utility function for creation of array.
void clear();
/// Clears the contents of the array.
void resetDynArray() const;
using ArrayPtr = SharedPtr<Poco::Dynamic::Array>;
ValueVec _values;
mutable ArrayPtr _pArray;
mutable bool _modified;
// Note:
// The reason we have this flag here (rather than as argument to stringify())
// is because Array can be returned stringified from a Dynamic::Var:toString(),
// so it must know whether to escape unicode or not.
bool _escapeUnicode;
bool _lowercaseHex;
// inlines
inline void Array::setEscapeUnicode(bool escape)
_escapeUnicode = escape;
inline bool Array::getEscapeUnicode() const
return _escapeUnicode;
inline void Array::setLowercaseHex(bool lowercaseHex)
_lowercaseHex = lowercaseHex;
inline bool Array::getLowercaseHex() const
return _lowercaseHex;
inline Array::ValueVec::const_iterator Array::begin() const
return _values.begin();
inline Array::ValueVec::const_iterator Array::end() const
return _values.end();
inline std::size_t Array::size() const
return static_cast<std::size_t>(_values.size());
inline bool Array::empty() const
return _values.empty();
inline bool Array::isArray(unsigned int index) const
Dynamic::Var value = get(index);
return isArray(value);
inline bool Array::isArray(const Dynamic::Var& value) const
return value.type() == typeid(Array::Ptr);
inline bool Array::isArray(ConstIterator& it) const
return it!= end() && isArray(*it);
inline Array& Array::add(const Dynamic::Var& value)
_modified = true;
return *this;
inline Array& Array::set(unsigned int index, const Dynamic::Var& value)
if (index >= _values.size()) _values.resize(index + 1);
_values[index] = value;
_modified = true;
return *this;
inline void Array::remove(unsigned int index)
_values.erase(_values.begin() + index);
} } // namespace Poco::JSON
namespace Poco {
namespace Dynamic {
template <>
class VarHolderImpl<JSON::Array::Ptr>: public VarHolder
VarHolderImpl(const JSON::Array::Ptr& val): _val(val)
~VarHolderImpl() override = default;
const std::type_info& type() const override
return typeid(JSON::Array::Ptr);
void convert(Int8&) const override
throw BadCastException();
void convert(Int16&) const override
throw BadCastException();
void convert(Int32&) const override
throw BadCastException();
void convert(Int64&) const override
throw BadCastException();
void convert(UInt8&) const override
throw BadCastException();
void convert(UInt16&) const override
throw BadCastException();
void convert(UInt32&) const override
throw BadCastException();
void convert(UInt64&) const override
throw BadCastException();
void convert(bool& value) const override
value = !_val.isNull() && _val->size() > 0;
void convert(float&) const override
throw BadCastException();
void convert(double&) const override
throw BadCastException();
void convert(char&) const override
throw BadCastException();
void convert(std::string& s) const override
std::ostringstream oss;
s = oss.str();
void convert(DateTime& /*val*/) const override
throw BadCastException("Cannot convert Array to DateTime");
void convert(LocalDateTime& /*ldt*/) const override
throw BadCastException("Cannot convert Array to LocalDateTime");
void convert(Timestamp& /*ts*/) const override
throw BadCastException("Cannot convert Array to Timestamp");
VarHolder* clone(Placeholder<VarHolder>* pVarHolder = nullptr) const override
return cloneHolder(pVarHolder, _val);
const JSON::Array::Ptr& value() const
return _val;
bool isInteger() const override
return false;
bool isSigned() const override
return false;
bool isNumeric() const override
return false;
bool isString() const override
return false;
JSON::Array::Ptr _val;
template <>
class VarHolderImpl<JSON::Array>: public VarHolder
VarHolderImpl(const JSON::Array& val): _val(val)
~VarHolderImpl() override = default;
const std::type_info& type() const override
return typeid(JSON::Array);
void convert(Int8&) const override
throw BadCastException();
void convert(Int16&) const override
throw BadCastException();
void convert(Int32&) const override
throw BadCastException();
void convert(Int64&) const override
throw BadCastException();
void convert(UInt8&) const override
throw BadCastException();
void convert(UInt16&) const override
throw BadCastException();
void convert(UInt32&) const override
throw BadCastException();
void convert(UInt64&) const override
throw BadCastException();
void convert(bool& value) const override
value = _val.size() > 0;
void convert(float&) const override
throw BadCastException();
void convert(double&) const override
throw BadCastException();
void convert(char&) const override
throw BadCastException();
void convert(std::string& s) const override
std::ostringstream oss;
s = oss.str();
void convert(DateTime& /*val*/) const override
throw BadCastException("Cannot convert Array to DateTime");
void convert(LocalDateTime& /*ldt*/) const override
throw BadCastException("Cannot convert Array to LocalDateTime");
void convert(Timestamp& /*ts*/) const override
throw BadCastException("Cannot convert Array to Timestamp");
VarHolder* clone(Placeholder<VarHolder>* pVarHolder = nullptr) const override
return cloneHolder(pVarHolder, _val);
const JSON::Array& value() const
return _val;
bool isInteger() const override
return false;
bool isSigned() const override
return false;
bool isNumeric() const override
return false;
bool isString() const override
return false;
JSON::Array _val;
} } // namespace Poco::Dynamic
#endif // JSON_Array_INCLUDED