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// IPAddress.cpp
// $Id: //poco/1.4/Net/src/IPAddress.cpp#5 $
// Library: Net
// Package: NetCore
// Module: IPAddress
// Copyright (c) 2005-2011, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
// and Contributors.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
#include "Poco/Net/IPAddress.h"
#include "Poco/Net/NetException.h"
#include "Poco/RefCountedObject.h"
#include "Poco/NumberFormatter.h"
#include "Poco/BinaryReader.h"
#include "Poco/BinaryWriter.h"
#include "Poco/String.h"
#include "Poco/Types.h"
using Poco::RefCountedObject;
using Poco::NumberFormatter;
using Poco::BinaryReader;
using Poco::BinaryWriter;
using Poco::toLower;
using Poco::trim;
using Poco::UInt8;
using Poco::UInt16;
using Poco::UInt32;
using Poco::Net::Impl::IPAddressImpl;
using Poco::Net::Impl::IPv4AddressImpl;
#if defined(POCO_HAVE_IPv6)
using Poco::Net::Impl::IPv6AddressImpl;
namespace Poco {
namespace Net {
#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__STDC__)
// Go home MSVC, you're drunk...
// See http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5899857/multiple-definition-error-for-static-const-class-members
const IPAddress::Family IPAddress::IPv4;
#if defined(POCO_HAVE_IPv6)
const IPAddress::Family IPAddress::IPv6;
IPAddress::IPAddress(const IPAddress& rAddr)
if (rAddr.family() == IPv4)
#if defined(POCO_HAVE_IPv6)
newIPv6(rAddr.addr(), rAddr.scope());
IPAddress::IPAddress(Family addressFamily)
if (addressFamily == IPv4)
#if defined(POCO_HAVE_IPv6)
else if (addressFamily == IPv6)
else throw Poco::InvalidArgumentException("Invalid or unsupported address family passed to IPAddress()");
IPAddress::IPAddress(const std::string& rAddr)
IPv4AddressImpl empty4 = IPv4AddressImpl();
if (rAddr.empty() || trim(rAddr) == "")
IPv4AddressImpl addr4(IPv4AddressImpl::parse(rAddr));
if (addr4 != empty4)
#if defined(POCO_HAVE_IPv6)
IPv6AddressImpl empty6 = IPv6AddressImpl();
if (rAddr.empty() || trim(rAddr) == "::")
IPv6AddressImpl addr6(IPv6AddressImpl::parse(rAddr));
if (addr6 != IPv6AddressImpl())
newIPv6(addr6.addr(), addr6.scope());
throw InvalidAddressException(rAddr);
IPAddress::IPAddress(const std::string& rAddr, Family addressFamily)
if (addressFamily == IPv4)
IPv4AddressImpl addr4(IPv4AddressImpl::parse(rAddr));
#if defined(POCO_HAVE_IPv6)
else if (addressFamily == IPv6)
IPv6AddressImpl addr6(IPv6AddressImpl::parse(rAddr));
newIPv6(addr6.addr(), addr6.scope());
else throw Poco::InvalidArgumentException("Invalid or unsupported address family passed to IPAddress()");
IPAddress::IPAddress(const void* pAddr, poco_socklen_t addressLength)
: _pImpl(0)
if (addressLength == sizeof(struct in_addr))
#if defined(POCO_HAVE_IPv6)
else if (addressLength == sizeof(struct in6_addr))
else throw Poco::InvalidArgumentException("Invalid address length passed to IPAddress()");
IPAddress::IPAddress(const void* pAddr, poco_socklen_t addressLength, Poco::UInt32 scopeIdentifier)
if (addressLength == sizeof(struct in_addr))
#if defined(POCO_HAVE_IPv6)
else if (addressLength == sizeof(struct in6_addr))
newIPv6(pAddr, scopeIdentifier);
else throw Poco::InvalidArgumentException("Invalid address length passed to IPAddress()");
IPAddress::IPAddress(unsigned prefix, Family addressFamily)
if (addressFamily == IPv4)
if (prefix <= 32)
throw Poco::InvalidArgumentException("Invalid prefix length passed to IPAddress()");
#if defined(POCO_HAVE_IPv6)
else if (addressFamily == IPv6)
if (prefix <= 128)
throw Poco::InvalidArgumentException("Invalid prefix length passed to IPAddress()");
else throw Poco::InvalidArgumentException("Invalid or unsupported address family passed to IPAddress()");
#if defined(_WIN32)
IPAddress::IPAddress(const SOCKET_ADDRESS& socket_address)
: _pImpl(0)
ADDRESS_FAMILY family = socket_address.lpSockaddr->sa_family;
if (family == AF_INET)
newIPv4(&reinterpret_cast<const struct sockaddr_in*>(socket_address.lpSockaddr)->sin_addr);
#if defined(POCO_HAVE_IPv6)
else if (family == AF_INET6)
newIPv6(&reinterpret_cast<const struct sockaddr_in6*>(socket_address.lpSockaddr)->sin6_addr,
reinterpret_cast<const struct sockaddr_in6*>(socket_address.lpSockaddr)->sin6_scope_id);
else throw Poco::InvalidArgumentException("Invalid or unsupported address family passed to IPAddress()");
IPAddress::IPAddress(const struct sockaddr& sockaddr)
unsigned short addressFamily = sockaddr.sa_family;
if (addressFamily == AF_INET)
newIPv4(&reinterpret_cast<const struct sockaddr_in*>(&sockaddr)->sin_addr);
#if defined(POCO_HAVE_IPv6)
else if (addressFamily == AF_INET6)
newIPv6(&reinterpret_cast<const struct sockaddr_in6*>(&sockaddr)->sin6_addr,
reinterpret_cast<const struct sockaddr_in6*>(&sockaddr)->sin6_scope_id);
else throw Poco::InvalidArgumentException("Invalid or unsupported address family passed to IPAddress()");
IPAddress& IPAddress::operator = (const IPAddress& rAddr)
if (&rAddr != this)
if (rAddr.family() == IPAddress::IPv4)
#if defined(POCO_HAVE_IPv6)
else if (rAddr.family() == IPAddress::IPv6)
newIPv6(rAddr.addr(), rAddr.scope());
throw Poco::InvalidArgumentException("Invalid or unsupported address family");
return *this;
IPAddress::Family IPAddress::family() const
return pImpl()->family();
Poco::UInt32 IPAddress::scope() const
return pImpl()->scope();
std::string IPAddress::toString() const
return pImpl()->toString();
bool IPAddress::isWildcard() const
return pImpl()->isWildcard();
bool IPAddress::isBroadcast() const
return pImpl()->isBroadcast();
bool IPAddress::isLoopback() const
return pImpl()->isLoopback();
bool IPAddress::isMulticast() const
return pImpl()->isMulticast();
bool IPAddress::isUnicast() const
return !isWildcard() && !isBroadcast() && !isMulticast();
bool IPAddress::isLinkLocal() const
return pImpl()->isLinkLocal();
bool IPAddress::isSiteLocal() const
return pImpl()->isSiteLocal();
bool IPAddress::isIPv4Compatible() const
return pImpl()->isIPv4Compatible();
bool IPAddress::isIPv4Mapped() const
return pImpl()->isIPv4Mapped();
bool IPAddress::isWellKnownMC() const
return pImpl()->isWellKnownMC();
bool IPAddress::isNodeLocalMC() const
return pImpl()->isNodeLocalMC();
bool IPAddress::isLinkLocalMC() const
return pImpl()->isLinkLocalMC();
bool IPAddress::isSiteLocalMC() const
return pImpl()->isSiteLocalMC();
bool IPAddress::isOrgLocalMC() const
return pImpl()->isOrgLocalMC();
bool IPAddress::isGlobalMC() const
return pImpl()->isGlobalMC();
bool IPAddress::operator == (const IPAddress& a) const
poco_socklen_t l1 = length();
poco_socklen_t l2 = a.length();
if (l1 == l2)
#if defined(POCO_HAVE_IPv6)
if ( scope() != a.scope() )
return false;
return std::memcmp(addr(), a.addr(), l1) == 0;
else return false;
bool IPAddress::operator != (const IPAddress& a) const
return !(*this == a);
bool IPAddress::operator < (const IPAddress& a) const
poco_socklen_t l1 = length();
poco_socklen_t l2 = a.length();
if (l1 == l2)
#if defined(POCO_HAVE_IPv6)
if ( scope() != a.scope() )
return scope() < a.scope();
return std::memcmp(addr(), a.addr(), l1) < 0;
else return l1 < l2;
bool IPAddress::operator <= (const IPAddress& a) const
return !(a < *this);
bool IPAddress::operator > (const IPAddress& a) const
return a < *this;
bool IPAddress::operator >= (const IPAddress& a) const
return !(*this < a);
IPAddress IPAddress::operator & (const IPAddress& other) const
if (family() == other.family())
if (family() == IPv4)
IPv4AddressImpl t(pImpl()->addr());
IPv4AddressImpl o(other.pImpl()->addr());
return IPAddress((t & o).addr(), sizeof(struct in_addr));
#if defined(POCO_HAVE_IPv6)
else if (family() == IPv6)
const IPv6AddressImpl t(pImpl()->addr(), pImpl()->scope());
const IPv6AddressImpl o(other.pImpl()->addr(), other.pImpl()->scope());
const IPv6AddressImpl r = t & o;
return IPAddress(r.addr(), r.scope(), sizeof(struct in6_addr));
else throw Poco::InvalidArgumentException("Invalid or unsupported address family passed to IPAddress()");
else throw Poco::InvalidArgumentException("Invalid or unsupported address family passed to IPAddress()");
IPAddress IPAddress::operator | (const IPAddress& other) const
if (family() == other.family())
if (family() == IPv4)
IPv4AddressImpl t(pImpl()->addr());
IPv4AddressImpl o(other.pImpl()->addr());
return IPAddress((t | o).addr(), sizeof(struct in_addr));
#if defined(POCO_HAVE_IPv6)
else if (family() == IPv6)
const IPv6AddressImpl t(pImpl()->addr(), pImpl()->scope());
const IPv6AddressImpl o(other.pImpl()->addr(), other.pImpl()->scope());
const IPv6AddressImpl r = t | o;
return IPAddress(r.addr(), r.scope(), sizeof(struct in6_addr));
else throw Poco::InvalidArgumentException("Invalid or unsupported address family passed to IPAddress()");
else throw Poco::InvalidArgumentException("Invalid or unsupported address family passed to IPAddress()");
IPAddress IPAddress::operator ^ (const IPAddress& other) const
if (family() == other.family())
if (family() == IPv4)
IPv4AddressImpl t(pImpl()->addr());
IPv4AddressImpl o(other.pImpl()->addr());
return IPAddress((t ^ o).addr(), sizeof(struct in_addr));
#if defined(POCO_HAVE_IPv6)
else if (family() == IPv6)
const IPv6AddressImpl t(pImpl()->addr(), pImpl()->scope());
const IPv6AddressImpl o(other.pImpl()->addr(), other.pImpl()->scope());
const IPv6AddressImpl r = t ^ o;
return IPAddress(r.addr(), r.scope(), sizeof(struct in6_addr));
else throw Poco::InvalidArgumentException("Invalid or unsupported address family passed to IPAddress()");
else throw Poco::InvalidArgumentException("Invalid or unsupported address family passed to IPAddress()");
IPAddress IPAddress::operator ~ () const
if (family() == IPv4)
IPv4AddressImpl self(this->pImpl()->addr());
return IPAddress((~self).addr(), sizeof(struct in_addr));
#if defined(POCO_HAVE_IPv6)
else if (family() == IPv6)
const IPv6AddressImpl self(pImpl()->addr(), pImpl()->scope());
const IPv6AddressImpl r = ~self;
return IPAddress(r.addr(), sizeof(struct in6_addr), r.scope());
else throw Poco::InvalidArgumentException("Invalid or unsupported address family passed to IPAddress()");
poco_socklen_t IPAddress::length() const
return pImpl()->length();
const void* IPAddress::addr() const
return pImpl()->addr();
int IPAddress::af() const
return pImpl()->af();
unsigned IPAddress::prefixLength() const
return pImpl()->prefixLength();
IPAddress IPAddress::parse(const std::string& addr)
return IPAddress(addr);
bool IPAddress::tryParse(const std::string& addr, IPAddress& result)
IPv4AddressImpl impl4(IPv4AddressImpl::parse(addr));
if (impl4 != IPv4AddressImpl() || trim(addr) == "")
return true;
#if defined(POCO_HAVE_IPv6)
IPv6AddressImpl impl6(IPv6AddressImpl::parse(addr));
if (impl6 != IPv6AddressImpl())
result.newIPv6(impl6.addr(), impl6.scope());
return true;
return false;
void IPAddress::mask(const IPAddress& rMask)
IPAddress null;
pImpl()->mask(rMask.pImpl(), null.pImpl());
void IPAddress::mask(const IPAddress& rMask, const IPAddress& set)
pImpl()->mask(rMask.pImpl(), set.pImpl());
IPAddress IPAddress::wildcard(Family family)
return IPAddress(family);
IPAddress IPAddress::broadcast()
struct in_addr ia;
ia.s_addr = INADDR_NONE;
return IPAddress(&ia, sizeof(ia));
} } // namespace Poco::Net
Poco::BinaryWriter& operator << (Poco::BinaryWriter& writer, const Poco::Net::IPAddress& value)
writer << static_cast<Poco::UInt8>(value.length());
writer.writeRaw(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(value.addr()), value.length());
return writer;
Poco::BinaryReader& operator >> (Poco::BinaryReader& reader, Poco::Net::IPAddress& value)
char buf[sizeof(struct in6_addr)];
Poco::UInt8 length;
reader >> length;
reader.readRaw(buf, length);
value = Poco::Net::IPAddress(buf, length);
return reader;
std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& ostr, const Poco::Net::IPAddress& addr)
ostr << addr.toString();
return ostr;