zosrothko 7bf53d4f3f c++11 support: update the develop branch (#1819)
* Use appveyor.yaml from c++11 branch so that CI run ok.

* Use .travis.yml from the c++ branch so that Travis CI jobs run ok.

* Add c++11 scripts and Linux config so that Travis CI jobs are ok.

* Use mkdocumentation & mkrelease from c++11 branch.

* Use PocoDoc config files from c++11 branch.

* define POCO_ENABLE_C11 as the default

* CMake: ignore Crypto for now. To be fixed since it fails.

* Backport c++11 changes from the c++11 branch

* Add Cygwin config with c++11 setup.

* Update appveyor.yml from c++11 branch.
2017-07-23 21:09:22 +02:00

607 lines
22 KiB

version: build {branch}-{build}
- C:\mysql-5.7.18-win32
- C:\ProgramData\chocolatey
- C:\OpenSSL-Win32
- C:\OpenSSL-Win64
- C:\Program Files (x86)\PostgreSQL\9.4
- /.*ravis.*/
message: /Merge pull request.*/
# mysql : server: localhost, port: 3306
# mysql : user : root, password: Password12!
- mysql
# mongodb config : C:\mongodb\mongod.cfg
# mongodb database: C:\mongodb\data\db
- mongodb
# Server name: localhost
# Server port: 5432
# postgres account password: Password12!
- postgresql94
- Visual Studio 2017
- Win32
- x64
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# building debug configuration doubles the round time and isn't so useful.
# tests are run only in release & shared.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- release
# - debug
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bundling: bundled
MYSQL32URL: http://cdn.mysql.com//Downloads/MySQL-5.7/mysql-5.7.18-win32.zip
MYSQL32ZIP: mysql-5.7.18-win32.zip
MYSQL32: C:\mysql-5.7.18-win32
MYSQL64: C:\Program Files\MySql\MySQL Server 5.7
POSTGRES32: C:\Program Files (x86)\PostgreSQL\9.4
POSTGRES64: C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.4
OPENSSLURL: https://slproweb.com/download
OPENSSL32EXE: Win32OpenSSL-1_1_0f.exe
OPENSSL64EXE: Win64OpenSSL-1_1_0f.exe
OPENSSL32: C:\OpenSSL-Win32
OPENSSL64: C:\OpenSSL-Win64
- builder: msbuild
vsver: 140
linkmode: shared
# - builder: msbuild
# vsver: 140
# linkmode: static_md
# - builder: msbuild
# vsver: 140
# linkmode: static_mt
- builder: msbuild
vsver: 150
linkmode: shared
# - builder: msbuild
# vsver: 150
# linkmode: static_md
# - builder: msbuild
# vsver: 150
# linkmode: static_mt
# - builder: cmake
# vsver: 120
- builder: cmake
vsver: 140
- builder: cygwin
fast_finish: true
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# VS2017 setup. VS2017 does not provide VS150COMNTOOLS.
# See https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/vcblog/2017/03/06/finding-the-visual-c-compiler-tools-in-visual-studio-2017/
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ps: |
Install-Module VSSetup -Scope CurrentUser -Force
$installationPath = Get-VSSetupInstance | Select-VSSetupInstance -Latest -Require Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.VC.Tools.x86.x64 | select InstallationPath
$vs150comntools = $installationPath.psobject.properties.Value;
set-item -force -path "ENV:VS150COMNTOOLS" -value "$vs150comntools\Common7\Tools\"
Write-Host "`nVS150COMNTOOLS=$env:VS150COMNTOOLS" -ForegroundColor Yellow
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if "%builder%"=="cygwin" (
if "%platform%"=="Win32" (
C:\cygwin\setup-x86.exe -qnNdO -R C:/cygwin -s http://cygwin.mirror.constant.com -l C:/cygwin/var/cache/setup -P libpq-devel -P libpcre-devel -P openssl-devel -P libiodbc-devel -P libiodbc2 -P odbc-mysql -P odbc-pgsql -P odbc-sqlite3 -P libmysqlclient-devel -P libsqlite3-devel -P libcrypt-devel))
- if "%builder%"=="cygwin" (
if "%platform%"=="x64" (
C:\cygwin64\setup-x86_64.exe -qnNdO -R C:/cygwin64 -s http://cygwin.mirror.constant.com -l C:/cygwin64/var/cache/setup -P libpq-devel -P libpcre-devel -P openssl-devel -P libiodbc-devel -P libiodbc2 -P odbc-mysql -P odbc-pgsql -P odbc-sqlite3 -P libmysqlclient-devel -P libsqlite3-devel -P libcrypt-devel))
- set POCO_BASE=%CD%
- set PATH=C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\bin;%PATH%
- ps: |
if ($env:builder -eq "cygwin")
if ($env:platform -eq "Win32")
$env:PATH = "C:\cygwin\bin;" + $env:PATH
if ($env:platform -eq "x64")
$env:PATH = "c:\cygwin64\bin;" + $env:PATH
- uname -a
- cat /proc/cpuinfo
- cat /proc/meminfo
- ps: |
if ($env:builder -eq "cmake")
if (Test-Path "$env:ChocolateyInstall\bin\jom.exe") {
echo "using jom from cache"
} else {
choco install jom
# if (Test-Path "$env:ChocolateyInstall\bin\cmake.exe") {
# echo "using cmake from cache"
# } else {
# choco install cmake
# }
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# chocolatey brokes jom, here's workaround
# see https://github.com/jcfr/qt-easy-build/commit/6366f4275562bdaf4f686838600f46894579c41e)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ps: |
if ($env:builder -eq "cmake")
$env:PATH = $env:ChocolateyInstall + "\bin;" + $env:PATH
$env:PATH = $env:ChocolateyInstall + "\lib\jom\content;" + $env:PATH
$env:PATH = "C:\Program Files (x86)\cmake\bin;" + $env:PATH
$env:PATH = "C:\Program Files (x86)\ctest\bin;" + $env:PATH
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# OpenSSL-Win32 & OpenSSL-Win64
# Download & use OpenSSL from Shining Light Productions for CMake
# until CMake use implicitly the embedded openssl from the Poco repo. See issue #1093
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ps: |
if ($env:builder -eq "cmake")
if ($env:platform -eq "Win32")
$openssl = $env:OPENSSL32
$opensslexe = $env:OPENSSL32EXE
if ($env:platform -eq "x64")
$openssl = $env:OPENSSL64
$opensslexe = $env:OPENSSL64EXE
$opensslurl = $env:OPENSSLURL + "/" + $opensslexe
if (Test-Path $openssl) {
Write-Host "using $openssl from cache" -ForegroundColor Yellow
} else {
Write-Host "downloading $openssl" -ForegroundColor Cyan
Start-FileDownload $opensslurl
Write-Host "installing $openssl" -ForegroundColor Green
Start-Process $opensslexe -Args "/silent /verysilent /sp- /suppressmsgboxes" -Wait
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# MySQL 32 bit is not available by default on AppVeyor
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ps: |
if ($env:platform -eq "Win32")
if (Test-Path $env:MYSQL32) {
Write-Host "using $env:MYSQL32 from cache" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "downloading $env:MYSQL32" -ForegroundColor Cyan
Invoke-WebRequest $env:MYSQL32URL -OutFile $env:MYSQL32ZIP
Write-Host "installing $env:MYSQL32" -ForegroundColor Green
7z x -y $env:MYSQL32ZIP -oc:\
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# PostgreSQL 32 bit is not available by default on AppVeyor
# http://www.enterprisedb.com/products-services-training/pgdownload#windows
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ps: |
if ($env:platform -eq "Win32")
if (Test-Path $env:POSTGRES32) {
Write-Host "using $env:POSTGRES32 from cache" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "Installing $env:POSTGRES32 ..." -ForegroundColor Cyan
Write-Host "Downloading..."
$exePath = "$($env:USERPROFILE)\postgresql-9.4.5-1-windows.exe"
(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('http://get.enterprisedb.com/postgresql/postgresql-9.4.5-1-windows.exe', $exePath)
Write-Host "Installing..."
cmd /c start /wait $exePath --mode unattended --superpassword Password12!
del $exePath
Write-Host "Setting up services..."
Stop-Service postgresql-9.4
Set-Service -Name postgresql-9.4 -StartupType Manual
Write-Host "$env:POSTGRES32 installed" -ForegroundColor Green
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- set
- ps: |
if ($env:builder -eq "cmake")
if ($env:vsver -eq "110")
$vspath= convert-path $env:VS110COMNTOOLS\..\..\VC\bin; $yyyy='2010'
if($env:platform -eq 'Win32') { $vctool='';}
if($env:platform -eq 'x64') { $vctool='x86_amd64';$vspath+='\'+$vctool }
if ($env:vsver -eq "120")
$vspath= convert-path $env:VS120COMNTOOLS\..\..\VC\bin;$yyyy='2013'
if($env:platform -eq 'Win32') { $vctool='';}
if($env:platform -eq 'x64') { $vctool='x86_amd64';$vspath+='\'+$vctool }
if ($env:vsver -eq "140")
$vspath= convert-path $env:VS140COMNTOOLS\..\..\VC\bin; $yyyy='2015'
if($env:platform -eq 'Win32') { $vctool='';}
if($env:platform -eq 'x64') { $vctool='x86_amd64';$vspath+='\'+$vctool }
if ($env:vsver -eq "150")
$vspath= convert-path $env:VS150COMNTOOLS\..\..\VC\bin; $yyyy='2017'
if($env:platform -eq 'Win32') { $vctool='';}
if($env:platform -eq 'x64') { $vctool='x86_amd64';$vspath+='\'+$vctool }
pushd $vspath;
$tool= if($vctool -eq '') {'32'} else {$vctool}
cmd /c "vcvars$tool.bat&set" |
foreach {
if ($_ -match "=") {
$v = $_.split("="); set-item -force -path "ENV:\$($v[0])" -value "$($v[1])"
write-host "`nVisual Studio $yyyy CLI variables set." -ForegroundColor Yellow
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# & C:\cygwin\bin\ls -lR $env:MYSQL32
# & C:\cygwin\bin\ls -lR $env:MYSQL64
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ps: |
if ($env:platform -eq "Win32")
$env:INCLUDE = $env:MYSQL32 + "\include;" + $env:INCLUDE
$env:LIB = $env:MYSQL32 + "\lib;" + $env:LIB
$env:PATH = $env:MYSQL32 + "\bin;" + $env:PATH
if (Test-Path ($env:MYSQL32 + "\lib\libmysql.dll")) {
$from = $env:MYSQL32 + "\lib\libmysql.dll";
$to = $env:MYSQL32 + "\bin\libmysql.dll"
copy $from $to
if ($env:platform -eq "x64")
$env:INCLUDE = $env:MYSQL64 + "\include;" + $env:INCLUDE
$env:LIB = $env:MYSQL64 + "\lib;" + $env:LIB
$env:PATH = $env:MYSQL64 + "\bin;" + $env:PATH
if (Test-Path ($env:MYSQL64 + "\lib\libmysql.dll")) {
$from = $env:MYSQL64 + "\lib\libmysql.dll";
$to = $env:MYSQL64 + "\bin\libmysql.dll"
copy $from $to
$cmd = 'mysql -e "create database pocotestdb;" --user=root';
iex "& $cmd"
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# PostgreSQL
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ps: |
if ($env:platform -eq "Win32")
$env:INCLUDE = $env:POSTGRES32 + "\include;" + $env:INCLUDE
$env:LIB = $env:POSTGRES32 + "\lib;" + $env:LIB
$env:PATH = $env:POSTGRES32 + "\bin;" + $env:PATH
if ($env:platform -eq "x64")
$env:INCLUDE = $env:POSTGRES64 + "\include;" + $env:INCLUDE
$env:LIB = $env:POSTGRES64 + "\lib;" + $env:LIB
$env:PATH = $env:POSTGRES64 + "\bin;" + $env:PATH
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ps: |
$arg1="$env:POCO_BASE -type f -name '*.cpp' -exec grep -n -H ";
$arg2=" {} ;"
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow $word;
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow $line;
Start-Process -nnw -Wait -FilePath $find -Args "$arg1 $word $arg2" -RSO cout -RSE cerr;
gc cout; gc cerr;
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow $line;
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow $word;
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow $line;
Start-Process -nnw -Wait -FilePath $find -Args "$arg1 $word $arg2" -RSO cout -RSE cerr;
gc cout; gc cerr;
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow $line;
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow $word;
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow $line;
Start-Process -nnw -Wait -FilePath $find -Args "$arg1 $word $arg2" -RSO cout -RSE cerr;
gc cout; gc cerr;
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow $line;
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# When building with cmake, it remains one exception reported below
# Once this problem be fixed, a fix from Microsoft about mc.exe outputing informative
# message on stderr: https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/Feedback/Details/2161572
# the try/catch around the cmake builder can be removed
# [ 1%] Generating pocomsg.h
# cmake : MC: Compiling C:/projects/poco/Foundation/src/pocomsg.mc
# At line:16 char:3
# + cmake --build . --config $env:configuration
# + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (MC: Compiling C.../src/pocomsg.mc:String) [], RemoteException
# + FullyQualifiedErrorId : NativeCommandError
# Command executed with exception: MC: Compiling C:/projects/poco/Foundation/src/pocomsg.mc
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Don't build Cygwin64 with std=c++14 until this issue be fixed https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=77441
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ps: |
if ($env:builder -eq "cygwin")
$cmd='bash.exe configure --everything';iex "& $cmd"
if ($LastExitCode -ne 0) {
throw "$cmd failed with exit code $LastExitCode."
$cmd='make.exe -s';iex "& $cmd"
if ($LastExitCode -ne 0) {
throw "$cmd failed with exit code $LastExitCode."
if ($env:builder -eq "msbuild")
$process = Start-Process -PassThru -nnw -Wait -FilePath "$env:poco_base\buildwin.cmd" -RSO cout -RSE cerr `
-EA Stop -Args "$env:vsver build $env:linkmode $env:configuration $env:platform samples tests msbuild env $verbosity $logger";
gc cout; gc cerr;
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow '>>> current directory is ' $(get-location).Path;
if ($env:builder -eq "cmake")
mkdir cmake-build | out-null;pushd cmake-build;
if ($env:platform -eq "Win32")
$openssl = $env:OPENSSL32
if ($env:platform -eq "x64")
$openssl = $env:OPENSSL64
$defs =' -G"NMake Makefiles"';
$defs+=" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=$env:configuration";
$defs+=" -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=$openssl";
$defs+=" -DENABLE_TESTS=ON";
$defs+=" ..";
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow cmake $defs
$process = Start-Process -PassThru -nnw -Wait -FilePath "cmake" -RSO cout -RSE cerr -Args $defs;
gc cout; gc cerr;
try {
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Continue';
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow cmake `-`-build .
cmake `-`-build .
} catch {
Write-Warning "Oops: $_"
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow '>>> current directory is ' $(get-location).Path;
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop';
- ps: |
$CPPUNIT_IGNORE+='class CppUnit::TestCaller<class NTPClientTest>.testTimeSync';
$CPPUNIT_IGNORE+=', class CppUnit::TestCaller<class RawSocketTest>.testEchoIPv4';
$CPPUNIT_IGNORE+=', class CppUnit::TestCaller<class RawSocketTest>.testSendToReceiveFromIPv4';
$CPPUNIT_IGNORE+=', class CppUnit::TestCaller<class ICMPClientTest>.testPing';
$CPPUNIT_IGNORE+=', class CppUnit::TestCaller<class HTTPSClientSessionTest>.testProxy';
$CPPUNIT_IGNORE+=', class CppUnit::TestCaller<class HTTPSStreamFactoryTest>.testProxy';
$CPPUNIT_IGNORE+=', class CppUnit::TestCaller<class TCPServerTest>.testReuseSocket';
set-item -force -path "ENV:CPPUNIT_IGNORE" -value $CPPUNIT_IGNORE
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow 'CPPUNIT_IGNORE'
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow $line;
foreach($t in $CPPUNIT_IGNORE.split(",")) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow $t.trim() }
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow $line;
- ps: |
if ($env:configuration -eq "release")
if ($env:builder -eq "cygwin")
if ($env:platform -eq "Win32")
$cmd = 'C:\cygwin\usr\sbin\cygserver.exe "&"';iex "& $cmd"
if ($env:platform -eq "x64")
$cmd = 'C:\cygwin64\usr\sbin\cygserver.exe "&"';iex "& $cmd"
$cmd = 'bash.exe -c "appveyor/Cygwin/runtests.sh"';iex "& $cmd";
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow $cmd ': LastExitCode=' $lastExitCode;
if ($env:builder -eq "msbuild" -and $env:linkmode -eq "shared")
$suffix = '';
if ($env:platform -eq "Win32")
$env:PATH = "$env:POCO_BASE\bin;" + $env:PATH;$suffix = '';
$excluded = @('Data', 'Data/ODBC', 'Redis', 'PDF')
if ($env:platform -eq "x64")
$env:PATH = "$env:POCO_BASE\bin64;" + $env:PATH;$suffix = 64;
$excluded = @('Data', 'Data/ODBC', 'Redis', 'PDF')
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow '>>> current directory is ' $(get-location).Path;
$components = gc $env:poco_base\components;
Write-Host components;
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow $line;
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow $line;
Write-Host excluded;
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow $line;
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow $line;
foreach ($component in $components) {
if ($excluded -notcontains $component) {
$path = "$env:poco_base\" + $component + "\testsuite\bin$suffix\TestSuite.exe";
if (Test-Path -Path $path) {
$runs += 1;
Add-AppveyorTest -Framework 'CppUnit' -Name $component -Outcome 'Running'
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow $line;
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow '|' $env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_VERSION $env:vs$vsver $env:Platform $env:Configuration $env:linkmode '|' $tab $tab $component;
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow $line;
$started = Get-Date
$process = Start-Process -PassThru -nnw -Wait -FilePath "$path" -Args "-all" -RSO cout -RSE cerr;
$ended = Get-Date
$millisec = ($ended - $started).totalmilliseconds
gc cout; gc cerr;
if ($process.ExitCode -gt 0) {
$fails += 1;$failedTests += $component + ', ';
Add-AppveyorTest -Framework 'CppUnit' -Name $component -Outcome 'Failed' -Duration $millisec
} else {
Add-AppveyorTest -Framework 'CppUnit' -Name $component -Outcome 'Passed' -Duration $millisec
} else {
Add-AppveyorTest -Framework 'CppUnit' -Name $component -Outcome 'NotFound'
} else {
Add-AppveyorTest -Framework 'CppUnit' -Name $component -Outcome 'Skipped'
if ($env:builder -eq "cmake")
pushd cmake-build;
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow $line;
ctest -N
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow $line;
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow 'ctest -VV -E Data*'
ctest -VV -E Data* -E Crypto*
Write-Host $runs' runs, ' $fails' fails'
if ($fails -gt 0)
Write-Host 'Failed: ' $failedTests
} else
- echo success
- echo failure
- echo finish
- provider: Email
on_build_success: false
on_build_failure: false
on_build_status_changed: false
- provider: Slack
incoming_webhook: https://hooks.slack.com/services/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
secure: Xsss/K3VV9wZI9Ffwvafa67kyohNA437xJ3WA9fVI4w=
channel: appveyor
on_build_success: false
on_build_failure: true
on_build_status_changed: true