DNS-SD Tuturial And User Guide DNS-SD !!!Introduction The POCO DNS-SD POCO library provides an easy-to-use and unified programming interface for integrating Zeroconf features (service discovery and host name resolution) into a C++ application. The Applied Informatics DNS-SD library does not implement its own mDNS and DNS-SD protocol stacks, but rather uses an existing Zeroconf implementation for that purpose. Apple's Bonjour and Avahi can be used as backend for the DNS-SD library. A great advantage of the library is that it provides a unified programming interface. For the programmer, it's completely transparent whether Avahi or Bonjour is used as backend. !!!Programming Basics The DNS-SD library provides an asynchronous programming interface. This means that the application starts a browse or resolve operation by calling a member function of the Poco::DNSSD::DNSSDBrowser class, and this function returns immediately. The actual browse or resolve operation (which involves sending queries over the network and receiving responses from other hosts) is carried out in a separate thread, and as soon as results become available, these are reported to the application via events. !!Event Handlers The event handlers registered by the application should complete their work and return as quick as possible, otherwise they may interfere with DNS-SD processing. Event handlers should never wait for other events to happen. Specifically, they must never wait for an other DNSSDBrowser event to happen, as this will result in a deadlock. !!Service Types Service types (or registration types) are the most important concept when handling with DNS Service Discovery. A service type consists of a short name (maximum of 15 characters) specifying the protocol implemented by the service (prepended by an underscore), followed by a dot, followed by a name identifying the primary transport protocol, which is either "_tcp" or "_udp". Service types should be registered at <[dns-sd.org]>. A list of currently registered service types, as well as information on how to register a new service type can be found at the [[http://www.dns-sd.org/ServiceTypes.html DNS-SD website]]. Examples for service types are "_daap._tcp" (Digital Audio Access Protocol, the protocol used by iTunes music sharing), "_http._tcp" (web server) or "_printer._tcp" for a printing service. Service names are not case sensitive. !!!Programming Tasks In the following sections, the basic programming Tasks that need to be performed when working with the DNS-SD library are described. !!Initializing the DNS-SD Library The DNS-SD core library only defines the classes that are part of the programming interfaces, it does not provide an actual implementation of these interfaces. So, in addition to the DNS-SD core library, a backend library must be linked with the application as well. Depending on which backend library is used, either Apple's Bonjour or Avahi will be used. Before the DNS-SD library can be used it must be initialized. This is done by calling the Poco::DNSSD::initializeDNSSD() function. This function is actually defined implemented in a backend library, so the backend libraries's header file must be included. It is good practice to control which backend header is being included via the preprocessor. For a cross-platform application, one would use Avahi on Linux platforms and Bonjour on Mac OS X and Windows platforms. Typically, the <[#include]> statements for the DNS-SD library would be as follows: #include "Poco/DNSSD/DNSSDResponder.h" #include "Poco/DNSSD/DNSSDBrowser.h" #if POCO_OS == POCO_OS_LINUX && !defined(POCO_DNSSD_USE_BONJOUR) #include "Poco/DNSSD/Avahi/Avahi.h" #else #include "Poco/DNSSD/Bonjour/Bonjour.h" #endif ---- These statements will include the header files for the Poco::DNSSD::DNSSDResponder and Poco::DNSSD::DNSSDBrowser classes, as well as the core header file for a backend. Note that an application that only registers a service, but does not browse for services, does not need to include the <*Poco/DNSSD/DNSSDBrowser.h*> header file. The Poco::DNSSD::initializeDNSSD() function must be called before an instance of the Poco::DNSSD::DNSSDResponder class is created. If the application uses the Poco::Util::Application class (or its server counterpart), this can happen in the constructor of the application subclass. It is also good practice to uninitialize the DNS-SD library when the application exits by calling Poco::DNSSD::uninitializeDNSSD(), which can be done in the application class destructor. After initializing the DNS-SD library, the application should create an instance of the Poco::DNSSD::DNSSDResponder class. This class provides the main entry point into the DNS-SD library. Although it is possible to create more than one instance of the Poco::DNSSD::DNSSDResponder class, application programmers should refrain from doing so. The Poco::DNSSD::DNSSDResponder object should be kept alive during the entire lifetime of the application, or at least as long as DNS-SD services are required. After the responder object has been created, its <[start()]> method must be called. This will start a thread that handles all DNS-SD related network activity for the application. Similarly, when the application terminates, or when DNS-SD services are no longer required, the <[stop()]> method should be called to orderly shut-down the background thread. !!Registering A Service Registering a service, and thus making it discoverable to other DNS-SD capable applications, is a two step process. First, an instance of Poco::DNSSD::Service must be created and properly initialized. At least the following information must be specified: - the service type (e.g., "_http._tcp"), and - the port number of the service. Other information can be specified, but defaults will be used if not. This includes: - The service name, which defaults to the local hosts's machine name. - The network interface (by its interface index), on which the service shall be announced. The default is to announce the service on all interfaces (interface index is zero). - The domain, on which the service will be announced. - The domain name of the host providing the service. - Service properties, which will be announced in the TXT record of the service. The service properties (basically, a list of key-value pairs) can be used to provide additional information necessary for invoking the service. These will be announced along with the basic service information (host name, port number, etc.). The content of the service properties is specific to the application or network protocol the application uses. When specifying service properties, a few restrictions must be considered: - The total length of a key-value pair must not exceed 254 bytes. - The total length of all key-value pairs, including two additional bytes for each pair, must not exceed 65535 bytes. - The length of the key should not exceed nine bytes. - Values can contain text strings or arbitrary binary values, and can also be empty. The following code shows how to register and publish a HTTP server (running on port 8080) on a Zeroconf network: Poco::DNSSD::DNSSDResponder dnssdResponder; dnssdResponder.start(); Poco::DNSSD::Service service("_http._tcp", 8080); Poco::DNSSD::ServiceHandle serviceHandle = dnssdResponder.registerService(service); ---- Another example, the following code shows how to register and publish a network postscript-capable printer on a Zeroconf network. Poco::DNSSD::DNSSDResponder dnssdResponder; dnssdResponder.start(); Poco::DNSSD::Service::Properties props; props.add("txtvers", "1"); props.add("pdl", "application/postscript"); props.add("qtotal", "1"); props.add("rp", "ThePrinter"); props.add("ty", "A Postscript Printer"); Poco::DNSSD::Service service(0, "The Printer", "", "_printer._tcp", "", "", 515, props); Poco::DNSSD::ServiceHandle serviceHandle = dnssdResponder.registerService(service); ---- !Unregistering A Service The <[registerService()]> method returns a Poco::DNSSD::ServiceHandle object. This object is used to unregister the service when it's no longer available, by passing it as argument to the <[unregisterService()]> method. dnssdResponder.unregisterService(serviceHandle); ---- !Handling Registration Errors The above code examples don't do a very good job of error handling. Registration on the network may fail for various reasons. The Poco::DNSSD::DNSSDResponder class provides two events that can be used to check the status of a service registration. If the registration was successful, the <[serviceRegistered]> event will be fired. If registration failed, the <[serviceRegistrationFailed]> event will be fired. Please see the class documentation for a description of the available event arguments. Usually, there's not much an application can do when service registration fails. This is especially true for embedded devices, which often don't even have a way to communicate this error to the user. However, an application should at least log a registration error in a log file, to help with error diagnostics. Handling the <[serviceRegistered]> event is only necessary if the application needs to know the actual service name used to announce the service. In case of a name conflict (duplicate service names on the network), the name specified when registering the service may have been changed by the Bonjour or Avahi backend. The following example shows an event handler (delegate) function for handling registration errors. void onError(const void* sender, const Poco::DNSSD::DNSSDResponder::ErrorEventArgs& args) { std::cerr << "Service registration failed: " << args.error.message() << " (" << args.error.code() << ")" << std::endl; } ---- To register this function as delegate for the <[serviceRegistrationFailed]> event: dnssdResponder.serviceRegistrationFailed += Poco::delegate(onError); ---- !!Browsing For Services To discover available services of a specific type on the network, a browse operation for a specific service type must be initiated. For this purpose, the Poco::DNSSD::DNSSDBrowser class is used. An instance of this class can be obtained from the Poco::DNSSD::DNSSDResponder object, by calling the <[browswer()]> method. After a browse operation for a service type has been started, services becoming available or unavailable will be reported via events. A service that has been discovered will be reported via the <[serviceFound]> event. If a service is no longer available, it will be reported via the <[serviceRemoved]> event. The name, type and domain of the discovered service can be obtained from the Poco::DNSSD::Service object passed as event argument. The following sample shows how to write a delegate function for the <[serviceFound]> event. void onServiceFound(const void* sender, const Poco::DNSSD::DNSSDBrowser::ServiceEventArgs& args) { std::cout << "Service Found: \n" << " Name: " << args.service.name() << "\n" << " Domain: " << args.service.domain() << "\n" << " Type: " << args.service.type() << "\n" << " Interface: " << args.service.networkInterface() << "\n" << std::endl; } ---- The next sample shows how to start a browse operation: Poco::DNSSD::DNSSDResponder dnssdResponder; dnssdResponder.start(); dnssdResponder.browser().serviceFound += Poco::delegate(onServiceFound); Poco::DNSSD::BrowseHandle bh = dnssdResponder.browser().browse("_printer._tcp", ""); ---- Poco::DNSSD::DNSSDBrowser::browse() returns a Poco::DNSSD::BrowseHandle object, which can later be used to cancel a browse operation, by passing it to the <[cancel()]> method, as shown in the following example: dnssdResponder.browser().cancel(bh); ---- After a service has been discovered, the next step is resolving the service, to obtain its host name, port number and properties, so that the service can be invoked. !!Resolving A Service Like browsing for services, resolving a service is an asynchronous operation. A resolve operation is started with a call to <[resolve()]>, passing the Poco::DNSSD::Service object obtained from the <[serviceFound]> event as argument. Once the service has been resolved, the result is reported via the <[serviceResolved]> event. The resolve operation can be started directly from the <[serviceFound]> event handler, as shown in the following sample: void onServiceFound(const void* sender, const Poco::DNSSD::DNSSDBrowser::ServiceEventArgs& args) { std::cout << "Service Found: \n" << " Name: " << args.service.name() << "\n" << " Domain: " << args.service.domain() << "\n" << " Type: " << args.service.type() << "\n" << " Interface: " << args.service.networkInterface() << "\n" << std::endl; reinterpret_cast(const_cast(sender))->resolve(args.service); } ---- After a successful resolve, the service host name, port number and properties are available through the Poco::DNSSD::Service object passed to the event handler, as shown in the sample below: void onServiceResolved(const void* sender, const Poco::DNSSD::DNSSDBrowser::ServiceEventArgs& args) { std::cout << "Service Resolved: \n" << " Name: " << args.service.name() << "\n" << " Full Name: " << args.service.fullName() << "\n" << " Domain: " << args.service.domain() << "\n" << " Type: " << args.service.type() << "\n" << " Interface: " << args.service.networkInterface() << "\n" << " Host: " << args.service.host() << "\n" << " Port: " << args.service.port() << "\n" << " Properties: \n"; for (Poco::DNSSD::Service::Properties::ConstIterator it = args.service.properties().begin(); it != args.service.properties().end(); ++it) { std::cout << " " << it->first << ": " << it->second << "\n"; } std::cout << std::endl; } ---- Of course, the event delegate for the <[serviceResolved]> event must be registered: dnssdResponder.browser().serviceResolved += Poco::delegate(onServiceResolved); ---- !!Resolving A Service's Host Name The last step necessary before invoking a service is to resolve the service's host name into an IP address. On systems where mDNS is integrated into the DNS resolver (e.g., Mac OS X, Windows with Bonjour or most Linux distributions with Avahi), this can simply be done by creating a Poco::Net::SocketAddress instance from the service's host name and port number. However if the systems's DNS resolver cannot handle Multicast DNS queries, the host name must be resolved through the Poco::DNSSD::DNSSDBrowser::resolveHost() method. Like resolving a service, resolving a host name is an asynchronous operation, and the result will be reported via an event -- the <[hostResolved]> event. The following sample shows how to implement the delegate function for the <[hostResolved]> event: void onHostResolved(const void* sender, const Poco::DNSSD::DNSSDBrowser::ResolveHostEventArgs& args) { std::cout << "Host Resolved: \n" << " Host: " << args.host << "\n" << " Interface: " << args.networkInterface << "\n" << " Address: " << args.address.toString() << "\n" << " TTL: " << args.ttl << "\n" << std::endl; } ---- Like with resolving a service, it is possible to initiate resolving a host name directly from within the event delegate for the <[serviceResolved]> event. !!!Advanced Programming Tasks !!Enumerating Domains Available domains for browsing and registration can be enumerated by calling the Poco::DNSSD::DNSSDBrowser::enumerateBrowseDomains() and Poco::DNSSD::DNSSDBrowser::enumerateRegistrationDomains() methods. As usual, results are reported via events. !!Registering And Browsing For Records Additional DNS records for a specific service can be published on a Zeroconf network by invoking the Poco::DNSSD::DNSSDResponder::addRecord() method. It is also possible to alter a published record, or remove it. Records can be queried by invoking Poco::DNSSD::DNSSDBrowser::queryRecord(). Results are reported via events. !!Enumerating Available Service Types It is possible to enumerate all available services types on a domain by browsing for the special service type "_services._dns-sd._udp". Results will be reported via the <[serviceDiscovered]> event. The service type (without the primary transport protocol part, as in "_http") can be obtained from the service name stored in the Poco::DNSSD::Service object passed as event argument. The primary transport protocol and the domain can be obtained from the service type.