// // XMLWriter.cpp // // $Id: //poco/1.4/XML/src/XMLWriter.cpp#5 $ // // Library: XML // Package: XML // Module: XMLWriter // // Copyright (c) 2004-2006, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH. // and Contributors. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person or organization // obtaining a copy of the software and accompanying documentation covered by // this license (the "Software") to use, reproduce, display, distribute, // execute, and transmit the Software, and to prepare derivative works of the // Software, and to permit third-parties to whom the Software is furnished to // do so, all subject to the following: // // The copyright notices in the Software and this entire statement, including // the above license grant, this restriction and the following disclaimer, // must be included in all copies of the Software, in whole or in part, and // all derivative works of the Software, unless such copies or derivative // works are solely in the form of machine-executable object code generated by // a source language processor. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT // SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR ANYONE DISTRIBUTING THE SOFTWARE BE LIABLE // FOR ANY DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, // ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER // DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // #include "Poco/XML/XMLWriter.h" #include "Poco/XML/XMLString.h" #include "Poco/XML/XMLException.h" #include "Poco/SAX/AttributesImpl.h" #include "Poco/UTF8Encoding.h" #include "Poco/UTF16Encoding.h" #include namespace Poco { namespace XML { const std::string XMLWriter::NEWLINE_DEFAULT; const std::string XMLWriter::NEWLINE_CR = "\r"; const std::string XMLWriter::NEWLINE_CRLF = "\r\n"; const std::string XMLWriter::NEWLINE_LF = "\n"; const std::string XMLWriter::MARKUP_QUOTENC = """; const std::string XMLWriter::MARKUP_APOSENC = "'"; const std::string XMLWriter::MARKUP_AMPENC = "&"; const std::string XMLWriter::MARKUP_LTENC = "<"; const std::string XMLWriter::MARKUP_GTENC = ">"; const std::string XMLWriter::MARKUP_TABENC = " "; const std::string XMLWriter::MARKUP_CRENC = " "; const std::string XMLWriter::MARKUP_LFENC = " "; const std::string XMLWriter::MARKUP_LT = "<"; const std::string XMLWriter::MARKUP_GT = ">"; const std::string XMLWriter::MARKUP_SLASHGT = "/>"; const std::string XMLWriter::MARKUP_LTSLASH = ""; #if defined(XML_UNICODE_WCHAR_T) #define NATIVE_ENCODING Poco::UTF16Encoding #else #define NATIVE_ENCODING Poco::UTF8Encoding #endif XMLWriter::XMLWriter(XMLByteOutputStream& str, int options): _pTextConverter(0), _pInEncoding(new NATIVE_ENCODING), _pOutEncoding(new Poco::UTF8Encoding), _options(options), _encoding("UTF-8"), _depth(-1), _elementCount(0), _inFragment(false), _inCDATA(false), _inDTD(false), _inInternalDTD(false), _contentWritten(false), _unclosedStartTag(false), _prefix(0), _nsContextPushed(false), _indent(MARKUP_TAB) { _pTextConverter = new Poco::OutputStreamConverter(str, *_pInEncoding, *_pOutEncoding); setNewLine((_options & CANONICAL_XML) ? NEWLINE_LF : NEWLINE_DEFAULT); } XMLWriter::XMLWriter(XMLByteOutputStream& str, int options, const std::string& encodingName, Poco::TextEncoding& textEncoding): _pTextConverter(0), _pInEncoding(new NATIVE_ENCODING), _pOutEncoding(0), _options(options), _encoding(encodingName), _depth(-1), _elementCount(0), _inFragment(false), _inCDATA(false), _inDTD(false), _inInternalDTD(false), _contentWritten(false), _unclosedStartTag(false), _prefix(0), _nsContextPushed(false), _indent(MARKUP_TAB) { _pTextConverter = new Poco::OutputStreamConverter(str, *_pInEncoding, textEncoding); setNewLine((_options & CANONICAL_XML) ? NEWLINE_LF : NEWLINE_DEFAULT); } XMLWriter::XMLWriter(XMLByteOutputStream& str, int options, const std::string& encodingName, Poco::TextEncoding* pTextEncoding): _pTextConverter(0), _pInEncoding(new NATIVE_ENCODING), _pOutEncoding(0), _options(options), _encoding(encodingName), _depth(-1), _elementCount(0), _inFragment(false), _inCDATA(false), _inDTD(false), _inInternalDTD(false), _contentWritten(false), _unclosedStartTag(false), _prefix(0), _nsContextPushed(false), _indent(MARKUP_TAB) { if (pTextEncoding) { _pTextConverter = new Poco::OutputStreamConverter(str, *_pInEncoding, *pTextEncoding); } else { _encoding = "UTF-8"; _pOutEncoding = new Poco::UTF8Encoding; _pTextConverter = new Poco::OutputStreamConverter(str, *_pInEncoding, *_pOutEncoding); } setNewLine((_options & CANONICAL_XML) ? NEWLINE_LF : NEWLINE_DEFAULT); } XMLWriter::~XMLWriter() { delete _pTextConverter; delete _pInEncoding; delete _pOutEncoding; } void XMLWriter::setDocumentLocator(const Locator* loc) { } void XMLWriter::setNewLine(const std::string& newLineCharacters) { if (newLineCharacters.empty()) { #if defined(_WIN32) _newLine = NEWLINE_CRLF; #else _newLine = NEWLINE_LF; #endif } else _newLine = newLineCharacters; } const std::string& XMLWriter::getNewLine() const { return _newLine; } void XMLWriter::setIndent(const std::string& indent) { _indent = indent; } const std::string& XMLWriter::getIndent() const { return _indent; } void XMLWriter::startDocument() { if (_depth != -1) throw XMLException("Cannot start a document in another document"); _inFragment = false; _depth = 0; _elementCount = 0; _inDTD = false; _inInternalDTD = false; _prefix = 0; if (_options & WRITE_XML_DECLARATION) writeXMLDeclaration(); _contentWritten = true; _namespaces.reset(); _namespaces.pushContext(); } void XMLWriter::endDocument() { if (_depth > 0) throw XMLException("Not well-formed (at least one tag has no matching end tag)"); if (_elementCount == 0) throw XMLException("No document element"); poco_assert_dbg (!_unclosedStartTag); _elementCount = 0; _depth = -1; } void XMLWriter::startFragment() { if (_depth != -1) throw XMLException("Cannot start a fragment in another fragment or document"); _inFragment = true; _depth = 0; _elementCount = 0; _prefix = 0; _contentWritten = true; _namespaces.reset(); _namespaces.pushContext(); } void XMLWriter::endFragment() { if (_depth > 1) throw XMLException("Not well-formed (at least one tag has no matching end tag)"); _inFragment = false; _elementCount = 0; _depth = -1; } void XMLWriter::startElement(const XMLString& namespaceURI, const XMLString& localName, const XMLString& qname) { const AttributesImpl attributes; startElement(namespaceURI, localName, qname, attributes); } void XMLWriter::startElement(const XMLString& namespaceURI, const XMLString& localName, const XMLString& qname, const Attributes& attributes) { if (_depth == 0 && !_inFragment && _elementCount > 1) throw XMLException("Not well-formed. Second root element found", nameToString(localName, qname)); if (_unclosedStartTag) closeStartTag(); prettyPrint(); writeStartElement(namespaceURI, localName, qname, attributes); _elementStack.push_back(Name(qname, namespaceURI, localName)); _contentWritten = false; ++_depth; } void XMLWriter::endElement(const XMLString& namespaceURI, const XMLString& localName, const XMLString& qname) { if (_depth < 1) throw XMLException("No unclosed tag"); if (!_elementStack.back().equalsWeakly(qname, namespaceURI, localName)) throw XMLException("End tag does not match start tag", nameToString(localName, qname)); _elementStack.pop_back(); --_depth; if (!_unclosedStartTag) prettyPrint(); writeEndElement(namespaceURI, localName, qname); _contentWritten = false; if (_depth == 0) writeNewLine(); } void XMLWriter::emptyElement(const XMLString& namespaceURI, const XMLString& localName, const XMLString& qname) { const AttributesImpl attributes; emptyElement(namespaceURI, localName, qname, attributes); } void XMLWriter::emptyElement(const XMLString& namespaceURI, const XMLString& localName, const XMLString& qname, const Attributes& attributes) { if (_depth == 0 && _elementCount > 1) throw XMLException("Not well-formed. Second root element found."); if (_unclosedStartTag) closeStartTag(); prettyPrint(); writeStartElement(namespaceURI, localName, qname, attributes); _contentWritten = false; writeMarkup("/"); closeStartTag(); _namespaces.popContext(); } void XMLWriter::characters(const XMLChar ch[], int start, int length) { if (length == 0) return; if (_unclosedStartTag) closeStartTag(); _contentWritten = _contentWritten || length > 0; if (_inCDATA) { while (length-- > 0) writeXML(ch[start++]); } else { while (length-- > 0) { XMLChar c = ch[start++]; switch (c) { case '"': writeMarkup(MARKUP_QUOTENC); break; case '\'': writeMarkup(MARKUP_APOSENC); break; case '&': writeMarkup(MARKUP_AMPENC); break; case '<': writeMarkup(MARKUP_LTENC); break; case '>': writeMarkup(MARKUP_GTENC); break; default: if (c >= 0 && c < 32) { if (c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == '\n') writeXML(c); else throw XMLException("Invalid character token."); } else writeXML(c); } } } } void XMLWriter::characters(const XMLString& str) { characters(str.data(), 0, (int) str.length()); } void XMLWriter::rawCharacters(const XMLString& str) { if (_unclosedStartTag) closeStartTag(); _contentWritten = _contentWritten || !str.empty(); writeXML(str); } void XMLWriter::ignorableWhitespace(const XMLChar ch[], int start, int length) { characters(ch, start, length); } void XMLWriter::processingInstruction(const XMLString& target, const XMLString& data) { if (_unclosedStartTag) closeStartTag(); prettyPrint(); writeMarkup(""); if (_depth == 0) writeNewLine(); } namespace { static const XMLString CDATA = toXMLString("CDATA"); } void XMLWriter::dataElement(const XMLString& namespaceURI, const XMLString& localName, const XMLString& qname, const XMLString& data, const XMLString& attr1, const XMLString& value1, const XMLString& attr2, const XMLString& value2, const XMLString& attr3, const XMLString& value3) { AttributesImpl attributes; if (!attr1.empty()) attributes.addAttribute(XMLString(), XMLString(), attr1, CDATA, value1); if (!attr2.empty()) attributes.addAttribute(XMLString(), XMLString(), attr2, CDATA, value2); if (!attr3.empty()) attributes.addAttribute(XMLString(), XMLString(), attr3, CDATA, value3); if (data.empty()) { emptyElement(namespaceURI, localName, qname, attributes); } else { startElement(namespaceURI, localName, qname, attributes); characters(data); endElement(namespaceURI, localName, qname); } } void XMLWriter::startPrefixMapping(const XMLString& prefix, const XMLString& namespaceURI) { if (prefix != NamespaceSupport::XML_NAMESPACE_PREFIX) { if (!_nsContextPushed) { _namespaces.pushContext(); _nsContextPushed = true; } _namespaces.declarePrefix(prefix, namespaceURI); } } void XMLWriter::endPrefixMapping(const XMLString& prefix) { // Note: prefix removed by popContext() at element closing tag } void XMLWriter::skippedEntity(const XMLString& name) { } void XMLWriter::startCDATA() { if (_inCDATA) throw XMLException("Cannot nest CDATA sections"); if (_unclosedStartTag) closeStartTag(); _inCDATA = true; writeMarkup(MARKUP_BEGIN_CDATA); } void XMLWriter::endCDATA() { poco_assert (_inCDATA); _inCDATA = false; writeMarkup(MARKUP_END_CDATA); } void XMLWriter::comment(const XMLChar ch[], int start, int length) { if (_unclosedStartTag) closeStartTag(); prettyPrint(); writeMarkup(""); _contentWritten = false; } void XMLWriter::startDTD(const XMLString& name, const XMLString& publicId, const XMLString& systemId) { writeMarkup(""); writeNewLine(); _inDTD = false; } void XMLWriter::startEntity(const XMLString& name) { } void XMLWriter::endEntity(const XMLString& name) { } void XMLWriter::notationDecl(const XMLString& name, const XMLString* publicId, const XMLString* systemId) { if (!_inDTD) throw XMLException("Notation declaration not within DTD"); if (!_inInternalDTD) { writeMarkup(" ["); _inInternalDTD = true; } if (_options & PRETTY_PRINT) { writeNewLine(); writeMarkup(_indent); } writeMarkup("empty()) { writeMarkup(" SYSTEM \""); writeXML(*systemId); writeMarkup("\""); } if (publicId && !publicId->empty()) { writeMarkup(" PUBLIC \""); writeXML(*publicId); writeMarkup("\""); } writeMarkup(">"); } void XMLWriter::unparsedEntityDecl(const XMLString& name, const XMLString* publicId, const XMLString& systemId, const XMLString& notationName) { if (!_inDTD) throw XMLException("Entity declaration not within DTD"); if (!_inInternalDTD) { writeMarkup(" ["); _inInternalDTD = true; } if (_options & PRETTY_PRINT) { writeNewLine(); writeMarkup(_indent); } writeMarkup("empty()) { writeMarkup(" PUBLIC \""); writeXML(*publicId); writeMarkup("\""); } if (!notationName.empty()) { writeMarkup(" NDATA "); writeXML(notationName); } writeMarkup(">"); } void XMLWriter::prettyPrint() const { if ((_options & PRETTY_PRINT) && !_contentWritten) { writeNewLine(); writeIndent(); } } void XMLWriter::writeStartElement(const XMLString& namespaceURI, const XMLString& localName, const XMLString& qname, const Attributes& attributes) { if (!_nsContextPushed) _namespaces.pushContext(); _nsContextPushed = false; ++_elementCount; declareAttributeNamespaces(attributes); writeMarkup(MARKUP_LT); if (!localName.empty() && (qname.empty() || localName == qname)) { XMLString prefix; if (!namespaceURI.empty() && !_namespaces.isMapped(namespaceURI)) { prefix = uniquePrefix(); _namespaces.declarePrefix(prefix, namespaceURI); } else prefix = _namespaces.getPrefix(namespaceURI); writeName(prefix, localName); } else if (namespaceURI.empty() && localName.empty() && !qname.empty()) { writeXML(qname); } else if (!localName.empty() && !qname.empty()) { XMLString local; XMLString prefix; Name::split(qname, prefix, local); if (prefix.empty()) prefix = _namespaces.getPrefix(namespaceURI); const XMLString& uri = _namespaces.getURI(prefix); if ((uri.empty() || uri != namespaceURI) && !namespaceURI.empty()) { _namespaces.declarePrefix(prefix, namespaceURI); } writeName(prefix, localName); } else throw XMLException("Tag mismatch", nameToString(localName, qname)); AttributeMap attributeMap; addNamespaceAttributes(attributeMap); addAttributes(attributeMap, attributes, namespaceURI); writeAttributes(attributeMap); _unclosedStartTag = true; } void XMLWriter::writeEndElement(const XMLString& namespaceURI, const XMLString& localName, const XMLString& qname) { if (_unclosedStartTag && !(_options & CANONICAL_XML)) { writeMarkup(MARKUP_SLASHGT); _unclosedStartTag = false; } else { if (_unclosedStartTag) { writeMarkup(MARKUP_GT); _unclosedStartTag = false; } writeMarkup(MARKUP_LTSLASH); if (!localName.empty()) { XMLString prefix = _namespaces.getPrefix(namespaceURI); writeName(prefix, localName); } else { writeXML(qname); } writeMarkup(MARKUP_GT); } _namespaces.popContext(); } void XMLWriter::closeStartTag() { _unclosedStartTag = false; writeMarkup(MARKUP_GT); } void XMLWriter::declareAttributeNamespaces(const Attributes& attributes) { for (int i = 0; i < attributes.getLength(); i++) { XMLString namespaceURI = attributes.getURI(i); XMLString localName = attributes.getLocalName(i); XMLString qname = attributes.getQName(i); if (!localName.empty()) { XMLString prefix; XMLString splitLocalName; Name::split(qname, prefix, splitLocalName); if (prefix.empty()) prefix = _namespaces.getPrefix(namespaceURI); if (prefix.empty() && !namespaceURI.empty() && !_namespaces.isMapped(namespaceURI)) { prefix = uniquePrefix(); _namespaces.declarePrefix(prefix, namespaceURI); } const XMLString& uri = _namespaces.getURI(prefix); if ((uri.empty() || uri != namespaceURI) && !namespaceURI.empty()) { _namespaces.declarePrefix(prefix, namespaceURI); } } } } void XMLWriter::addNamespaceAttributes(AttributeMap& attributeMap) { NamespaceSupport::PrefixSet prefixes; _namespaces.getDeclaredPrefixes(prefixes); for (NamespaceSupport::PrefixSet::const_iterator it = prefixes.begin(); it != prefixes.end(); ++it) { XMLString prefix = *it; XMLString uri = _namespaces.getURI(prefix); XMLString qname = NamespaceSupport::XMLNS_NAMESPACE_PREFIX; if (!prefix.empty()) { qname.append(toXMLString(MARKUP_COLON)); qname.append(prefix); } attributeMap[qname] = uri; } } void XMLWriter::addAttributes(AttributeMap& attributeMap, const Attributes& attributes, const XMLString& elementNamespaceURI) { for (int i = 0; i < attributes.getLength(); i++) { XMLString namespaceURI = attributes.getURI(i); XMLString localName = attributes.getLocalName(i); XMLString qname = attributes.getQName(i); if (!localName.empty()) { XMLString prefix; if (!namespaceURI.empty()) prefix = _namespaces.getPrefix(namespaceURI); if (!prefix.empty()) { qname = prefix; qname.append(toXMLString(MARKUP_COLON)); } else qname.clear(); qname.append(localName); } attributeMap[qname] = attributes.getValue(i); } } void XMLWriter::writeAttributes(const AttributeMap& attributeMap) { for (AttributeMap::const_iterator it = attributeMap.begin(); it != attributeMap.end(); ++it) { if ((_options & PRETTY_PRINT) && (_options & PRETTY_PRINT_ATTRIBUTES)) { writeNewLine(); writeIndent(_depth + 1); } else { writeMarkup(MARKUP_SPACE); } writeXML(it->first); writeMarkup(MARKUP_EQQUOT); for (XMLString::const_iterator itc = it->second.begin(); itc != it->second.end(); ++itc) { XMLChar c = *itc; switch (c) { case '"': writeMarkup(MARKUP_QUOTENC); break; case '\'': writeMarkup(MARKUP_APOSENC); break; case '&': writeMarkup(MARKUP_AMPENC); break; case '<': writeMarkup(MARKUP_LTENC); break; case '>': writeMarkup(MARKUP_GTENC); break; case '\t': writeMarkup(MARKUP_TABENC); break; case '\r': writeMarkup(MARKUP_CRENC); break; case '\n': writeMarkup(MARKUP_LFENC); break; default: if (c >= 0 && c < 32) throw XMLException("Invalid character token."); else writeXML(c); } } writeMarkup(MARKUP_QUOT); } } void XMLWriter::writeMarkup(const std::string& str) const { #if defined(XML_UNICODE_WCHAR_T) const XMLString xmlString = toXMLString(str); writeXML(xmlString); #else _pTextConverter->write(str.data(), (int) str.size()); #endif } void XMLWriter::writeXML(const XMLString& str) const { _pTextConverter->write((const char*) str.data(), (int) str.size()*sizeof(XMLChar)); } void XMLWriter::writeXML(XMLChar ch) const { _pTextConverter->write((const char*) &ch, sizeof(ch)); } void XMLWriter::writeName(const XMLString& prefix, const XMLString& localName) { if (prefix.empty()) { writeXML(localName); } else { writeXML(prefix); writeMarkup(MARKUP_COLON); writeXML(localName); } } void XMLWriter::writeNewLine() const { if (_options & PRETTY_PRINT) writeMarkup(_newLine); } void XMLWriter::writeIndent() const { writeIndent(_depth); } void XMLWriter::writeIndent(int depth) const { for (int i = 0; i < depth; ++i) writeMarkup(_indent); } void XMLWriter::writeXMLDeclaration() { writeMarkup(""); writeNewLine(); } std::string XMLWriter::nameToString(const XMLString& localName, const XMLString& qname) { if (qname.empty()) return fromXMLString(localName); else return fromXMLString(qname); } XMLString XMLWriter::uniquePrefix() { std::ostringstream str; str << "ns" << ++_prefix; return toXMLString(str.str()); } bool XMLWriter::isNamespaceMapped(const std::string& namespc) const { return _namespaces.isMapped(namespc); } } } // namespace Poco::XML