# This script will download and build OpenSSL in debug, release # or both configurations for Win32 or x64. # # Requires PowerShell version 3.0 or newer # # Usage: # ------ # build.ps1 [-vs_version 120 | 110 | 100 | 90] # [-config release | debug | both] # [-platform Win32 | x64] # [-library shared | static] # # Modified and adapted for POCO from https://github.com/hadouken/openssl # (see https://github.com/hadouken/openssl/blob/master/LICENSE for license) # [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter()] [ValidateSet(90, 100, 110, 120)] [int] $vs_version = 110, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('release', 'debug', 'both')] [string] $config = 'release', [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Win32', 'x64')] [string] $platform = 'x64', [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('shared', 'static', 'both')] [string] $library = 'shared' ) $PACKAGES_DIRECTORY = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "packages" $OUTPUT_BIN_DIRECTORY = $PSScriptRoot $OUTPUT_INC_DIRECTORY = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "..\Crypto\include" -resolve $VERSION = "0.0.0" if (Test-Path Env:\APPVEYOR_BUILD_VERSION) { $VERSION = $env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_VERSION } # 7zip configuration section $7ZIP_VERSION = "9.20" $7ZIP_DIRECTORY = Join-Path $PACKAGES_DIRECTORY "7zip-$7ZIP_VERSION" $7ZIP_TOOL = Join-Path $7ZIP_DIRECTORY "7za.exe" $7ZIP_PACKAGE_FILE = "7za$($7ZIP_VERSION.replace('.', '')).zip" $7ZIP_DOWNLOAD_URL = "http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/sevenzip/7-Zip/$7ZIP_VERSION/$7ZIP_PACKAGE_FILE" # NASM configuration section $NASM_VERSION = "2.11.06" $NASM_DIRECTORY = Join-Path $PACKAGES_DIRECTORY "nasm-$NASM_VERSION" $NASM_PACKAGE_FILE = "nasm-$NASM_VERSION-win32.zip" $NASM_DOWNLOAD_URL = "http://www.nasm.us/pub/nasm/releasebuilds/$NASM_VERSION/win32/$NASM_PACKAGE_FILE" # Strawberry Perl configuration section $PERL_VERSION = "" $PERL_DIRECTORY = Join-Path $PACKAGES_DIRECTORY "strawberry-perl-$PERL_VERSION" $PERL_PACKAGE_FILE = "strawberry-perl-$PERL_VERSION-32bit-portable.zip" $PERL_DOWNLOAD_URL = "http://strawberryperl.com/download/$PERL_PACKAGE_FILE" # OpenSSL configuration section $OPENSSL_VERSION = "1.0.2a" $OPENSSL_DIRECTORY = Join-Path $PACKAGES_DIRECTORY "openssl-$OPENSSL_VERSION" $OPENSSL_CLEAN_DIRECTORY = Join-Path $PACKAGES_DIRECTORY "openssl-$OPENSSL_VERSION.clean" $OPENSSL_PACKAGE_FILE = "openssl-$OPENSSL_VERSION.tar.gz" $OPENSSL_DOWNLOAD_URL = "https://www.openssl.org/source/$OPENSSL_PACKAGE_FILE" function Download-File { param ( [string]$url, [string]$target ) $webClient = new-object System.Net.WebClient $webClient.DownloadFile($url, $target) } function Extract-File { param ( [string]$file, [string]$target ) [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('System.IO.Compression.FileSystem') | Out-Null [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory($file, $target) } function Load-DevelopmentTools { # Set environment variables for Visual Studio Command Prompt if ($vs_version -eq 0) { if ($Env:VS120COMNTOOLS -ne '') { $script:vs_version = 120 } elseif ($Env:VS110COMNTOOLS -ne '') { $script:vs_version = 110 } elseif ($Env:VS100COMNTOOLS -ne '') { $script:vs_version = 100 } elseif ($Env:VS90COMNTOOLS -ne '') { $script:vs_version = 90 } else { Write-Host 'Visual Studio not found, exiting.' Exit } } $vsct = "VS$($vs_version)COMNTOOLS" $vsdir = (Get-Item Env:$vsct).Value $Command = '' if ($platform -eq 'x64') { $Command = "$($vsdir)..\..\VC\bin\x86_amd64\vcvarsx86_amd64.bat" } else { $Command = "$($vsdir)vsvars32.bat" } $tempFile = [IO.Path]::GetTempFileName() cmd /c " `"$Command`" && set > `"$tempFile`" " Get-Content $tempFile | Foreach-Object { if($_ -match "^(.*?)=(.*)$") { Set-Content "Env:$($matches[1])" $matches[2] } } Remove-Item $tempFile } # Get our dev tools Load-DevelopmentTools # Create packages directory if it does not exist if (!(Test-Path $PACKAGES_DIRECTORY)) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $PACKAGES_DIRECTORY | Out-Null } # Download 7zip if (!(Test-Path (Join-Path $PACKAGES_DIRECTORY $7ZIP_PACKAGE_FILE))) { Write-Host "Downloading $7ZIP_PACKAGE_FILE" Download-File $7ZIP_DOWNLOAD_URL (Join-Path $PACKAGES_DIRECTORY $7ZIP_PACKAGE_FILE) } # Download NASM if (!(Test-Path (Join-Path $PACKAGES_DIRECTORY $NASM_PACKAGE_FILE))) { Write-Host "Downloading $NASM_PACKAGE_FILE" Download-File $NASM_DOWNLOAD_URL (Join-Path $PACKAGES_DIRECTORY $NASM_PACKAGE_FILE) } # Download Strawberry-Perl if (!(Test-Path (Join-Path $PACKAGES_DIRECTORY $PERL_PACKAGE_FILE))) { Write-Host "Downloading $PERL_PACKAGE_FILE" Download-File $PERL_DOWNLOAD_URL (Join-Path $PACKAGES_DIRECTORY $PERL_PACKAGE_FILE) } # Download OpenSSL if (!(Test-Path (Join-Path $PACKAGES_DIRECTORY $OPENSSL_PACKAGE_FILE))) { Write-Host "Downloading $OPENSSL_PACKAGE_FILE" Download-File $OPENSSL_DOWNLOAD_URL (Join-Path $PACKAGES_DIRECTORY $OPENSSL_PACKAGE_FILE) } # Unpack 7zip if (!(Test-Path $7ZIP_DIRECTORY)) { Write-Host "Unpacking $7ZIP_PACKAGE_FILE" Extract-File (Join-Path $PACKAGES_DIRECTORY $7ZIP_PACKAGE_FILE) $7ZIP_DIRECTORY } # Unpack NASM if (!(Test-Path $NASM_DIRECTORY)) { Write-Host "Unpacking $NASM_PACKAGE_FILE" Extract-File (Join-Path $PACKAGES_DIRECTORY $NASM_PACKAGE_FILE) $PACKAGES_DIRECTORY } # Unpack Strawberry-Perl if (!(Test-Path $PERL_DIRECTORY)) { Write-Host "Unpacking $PERL_PACKAGE_FILE" Extract-File (Join-Path $PACKAGES_DIRECTORY $PERL_PACKAGE_FILE) $PERL_DIRECTORY } function Unpack-OpenSSL { if (!(Test-Path -Path $OPENSSL_CLEAN_DIRECTORY -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { # Unpack OpenSSL Write-Host "Unpacking $OPENSSL_PACKAGE_FILE" $tmp = Join-Path $PACKAGES_DIRECTORY $OPENSSL_PACKAGE_FILE & "$7ZIP_TOOL" x $tmp -o"$PACKAGES_DIRECTORY" -y if ($LastExitCode -ne 0) { Write-Host "Error extracting files" Exit } $tmp = $tmp.replace('.gz', '') & "$7ZIP_TOOL" x $tmp -o"$PACKAGES_DIRECTORY" -y if ($LastExitCode -ne 0) { Write-Host "Error extracting files" Exit } Rename-Item -path $OPENSSL_DIRECTORY -newname "$OPENSSL_CLEAN_DIRECTORY" -force if ($? -eq $false) { Write-Host "Error renaming OpenSSL directory [$OPENSSL_DIRECTORY] to [$OPENSSL_CLEAN_DIRECTORY]" Exit } } # Clean up stale files from the previous build and copy clean directory tree for this build # Note: # For no apparent reason, sometimes Test-Path throws # UnauthorizedAccessException. Since we must own this directory, # the exception is ignored on Test-Path and the Remove-Item may work # as expected. If the exception is for real, Remove-Item will fail # anyway, so this is a safe thing to do. if (Test-Path -Path $OPENSSL_DIRECTORY -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { Remove-Item $OPENSSL_DIRECTORY -Recurse -Force if ($? -eq $false) { Write-Host "Error removing old OpenSSL directory: $OPENSSL_DIRECTORY" Exit } } Copy-Item -Path "$OPENSSL_CLEAN_DIRECTORY" -Destination "$OPENSSL_DIRECTORY" -Recurse -Force if ($? -eq $false) { Write-Host "Error copying clean OpenSSL directory [$OPENSSL_CLEAN_DIRECTORY] to [$OPENSSL_DIRECTORY]" Exit } } function Replace-String { param ( [string]$file, [string]$original, [string]$replacement ) (gc $file).replace($original, $replacement) | sc $file } function Compile-OpenSSL { param ( [string]$winplatform, [string]$configuration, [string]$target, [string]$library ) # start every build with clean directory Unpack-OpenSSL pushd $OPENSSL_DIRECTORY # Set up portable Strawberry Perl $env:Path = "$(Join-Path $PERL_DIRECTORY perl\site\bin);" + $env:Path $env:Path = "$(Join-Path $PERL_DIRECTORY perl\bin);" + $env:Path $env:Path = "$(Join-Path $PERL_DIRECTORY c\bin);" + $env:Path $d = "" if ($configuration -eq "debug") { $d = "d" } $l = "" if ($library -eq "shared") { $l = "MD" } else { $l = "MT" } $b = "32" if ($winplatform -eq "win64") { $b = "64" } # Set up nasm $env:Path = "$NASM_DIRECTORY;" + $env:Path perl Configure $target --prefix="bin/$winplatform/$configuration" # Run nasm cmd /c ms\do_nasm.bat if ($winplatform -eq "win64") { Replace-String "util\pl\VC-32.pl" "`$ssl= `"ssleay32`"" ` "`$ssl= `"ssleay$b$l$d`"" Replace-String "util\pl\VC-32.pl" "`$crypto=`"libeay32`"" ` "`$crypto=`"libeay$b$l$d`"" Replace-String "util\pl\VC-32.pl" "`$crypto=`"libeayfips32`"" ` "`$crypto=`"libeayfips$b$l$d`"" Replace-String "ms\do_win64a.bat" "perl util\mkdef.pl 32 libeay > ms\libeay32.def" ` "perl util\mkdef.pl $b libeay > ms\libeay$b$l$d.def" Replace-String "ms\do_win64a.bat" "perl util\mkdef.pl 32 ssleay > ms\ssleay32.def" ` "perl util\mkdef.pl $b ssleay > ms\ssleay$b$l$d.def" cmd /c ms\do_win64a Replace-String "ms\libeay$b$l$d.def" "LIBEAY32" "LIBEAY$b$l$d" Replace-String "ms\ssleay$b$l$d.def" "SSLEAY32" "SSLEAY$b$l$d" } else { Replace-String "ms\libeay32.def" "LIBEAY32" "LIBEAY$b$l$d" Replace-String "ms\ssleay32.def" "SSLEAY32" "SSLEAY$b$l$d" } $lib = "" if ($library -eq "shared") { $lib = "dll" } if ($configuration -eq "debug") { Replace-String "ms\nt$lib.mak" "`$(TMP_D)/lib" "`$(TMP_D)/openssl$b$l$d" } # Run nmake nmake -f ms\nt$lib.mak # Run nmake install nmake -f ms\nt$lib.mak install popd } function Output-OpenSSL { param ( [string]$winplatform, [string]$configuration, [string]$library ) pushd $OPENSSL_DIRECTORY $t = Join-Path $OUTPUT_BIN_DIRECTORY "$winplatform" $lib = "lib" $d = "" if ($configuration -eq "debug") { $d = "d" } $l = "" if ($library -eq "shared") { $l = "MD" } else { $l = "MT" } $b = "32" if ($winplatform -eq "win64") { $b = "64" } # Copy output files if ($library -eq "shared") { xcopy /y bin\$winplatform\$configuration\bin\*.dll "$t\bin\$configuration\*" if ($winplatform -eq "win32") { if (Test-Path "$t\bin\$configuration\libeay$b$l$d.dll") { Remove-Item "$t\bin\$configuration\libeay$b$l$d.dll" -force } Rename-Item -path "$t\bin\$configuration\libeay32.dll" -newname "libeay$b$l$d.dll" -force if (Test-Path "$t\bin\$configuration\ssleay$b$l$d.dll") { Remove-Item "$t\bin\$configuration\ssleay$b$l$d.dll" -force } Rename-Item -path "$t\bin\$configuration\ssleay32.dll" -newname "ssleay$b$l$d.dll" -force } $lib = "bin" } xcopy /y bin\$winplatform\$configuration\lib\*.lib "$t\$lib\$configuration\*" if (($configuration -eq "debug") -and ($library -eq "static")) { $tmp = Join-Path $OPENSSL_DIRECTORY "tmp32.dbg" xcopy /y $tmp\openssl*.pdb "$t\$lib\$configuration\*" /E } if ($winplatform -eq "win32") { if (Test-Path "$t\$lib\$configuration\libeay$b$l$d.lib") { Remove-Item "$t\$lib\$configuration\libeay$b$l$d.lib" -force } Rename-Item -path "$t\$lib\$configuration\libeay32.lib" -newname "libeay$b$l$d.lib" -force if (Test-Path "$t\$lib\$configuration\ssleay$b$l$d.lib") { Remove-Item "$t\$lib\$configuration\ssleay$b$l$d.lib" -force } Rename-Item -path "$t\$lib\$configuration\ssleay32.lib" -newname "ssleay$b$l$d.lib" -force } xcopy /y bin\$winplatform\$configuration\include\* "$OUTPUT_INC_DIRECTORY\*" /E popd } if ($platform -eq "Win32") { if (($config -eq "debug") -or ($config -eq "both")) { if (($library -eq "shared") -or ($library -eq "both")) { Compile-OpenSSL "win32" "debug" "debug-VC-WIN32" "shared" Output-OpenSSL "win32" "debug" "shared" } if (($library -eq "static") -or ($library -eq "both")) { Compile-OpenSSL "win32" "debug" "debug-VC-WIN32" "static" Output-OpenSSL "win32" "debug" "static" } } if (($config -eq "release") -or ($config -eq "both")) { if (($library -eq "shared") -or ($library -eq "both")) { Compile-OpenSSL "win32" "release" "VC-WIN32" "shared" Output-OpenSSL "win32" "release" "shared" } if (($library -eq "static") -or ($library -eq "both")) { Compile-OpenSSL "win32" "release" "VC-WIN32" "static" Output-OpenSSL "win32" "release" "static" } } } elseif ($platform -eq "x64") { if (($config -eq "debug") -or ($config -eq "both")) { if (($library -eq "shared") -or ($library -eq "both")) { Compile-OpenSSL "win64" "debug" "debug-VC-WIN64A" "shared" Output-OpenSSL "win64" "debug" "shared" } if (($library -eq "static") -or ($library -eq "both")) { Compile-OpenSSL "win64" "debug" "debug-VC-WIN64A" "static" Output-OpenSSL "win64" "debug" "static" } } if (($config -eq "release") -or ($config -eq "both")) { if (($library -eq "shared") -or ($library -eq "both")) { Compile-OpenSSL "win64" "release" "VC-WIN64A" "shared" Output-OpenSSL "win64" "release" "shared" } if (($library -eq "static") -or ($library -eq "both")) { Compile-OpenSSL "win64" "release" "VC-WIN64A" "static" Output-OpenSSL "win64" "release" "static" } } } else { Write-Error "Unknown platform: $platform" Exit }