#! /bin/sh # # configure # # $Id: //poco/1.4/dist/configure#2 $ # # Configuration script for POCO. # # Invoke configure --help for help. # showhelp() { cat << ENDHELP usage: configure {options} Configure the POCO C++ Libraries. Options: --help Display this help screen. --config= Use the given build configuration. Available configurations are: `ls -C $base/build/config/` --prefix= Use the given install directory for make install. Default is /usr/local. --stdcxx-base= If (and only if) the $base/build/config selected with --config uses the Apache stdcxx library, then apache_stdcxx_install_prefix specifies the base directory where stdcxx is installed. --no-tests Do not build testsuites. --no-samples Do not build samples. --no-wstring Compile with -DPOCO_NO_WSTRING. Useful if your C++ compiler does not support std::wstring (such as uClibc-based systems). --no-fpenvironment Compile with -DPOCO_NO_FPENVIRONMENT. Useful if your C++ compiler has incomplete floating-point support (such as uClibc-based systems). --no-sharedmemory Compile with -DPOCO_NO_SHAREDMEMORY. For systems that don't support shared memory API's, like uClibc-based Linux systems. --no-sharedlibs Compile with -DPOCO_NO_SHAREDLIBS. For systems that don't support shared library loading. --omit={,} Do not build the specified component(s). Example: --omit=Data/MySQL,Data/ODBC,Zip --include-path= Add search path for header files. --library-path= Add search path for library files. --cflags= Pass additional flags to compiler. Example: --cflags=-wall --poquito Omit a few features for smaller codesize when linking statically for embedded targets. --unbundled Use system-provided zlib, pcre, expat and sqlite instead of bundled ones. --static Build static libraries. Overrides default mode, which depends upon target. Can be specified together with --shared to build both. --shared Build shared libraries. Overrides default mode, which depends upon target. Can be specified together with --static to build both. ENDHELP } # save cwd build=`pwd` # get directory where we are located cd `dirname $0` base=`pwd` cd $build tests="tests" samples="samples" flags="" omit="" includepath="" librarypath="" unbundled="" static="" shared="" # parse arguments while [ $# -ge 1 ]; do case "$1" in --config=*) config="${1:9}" ;; --prefix=*) prefix="${1:9}" ;; --stdcxx-base=*) stdcxx_base="${1:14}" ;; --omit=*) omit="`echo ${1:7} | tr ',;' ' '`" ;; --include-path=*) includepath="`echo ${1:15} | tr ',;' ' '`" ;; --library-path=*) librarypath="`echo ${1:15} | tr ',;' ' '`" ;; --cflags=*) cflags="${1:9}" ;; --no-samples) samples="" ;; --no-tests) tests="" ;; --no-wstring) flags="$flags -DPOCO_NO_WSTRING" ;; --no-fpevnironment) flags="$flags -DPOCO_NO_PFENVIRONMENT" ;; --no-sharedmemory) flags="$flags -DPOCO_NO_SHAREDMEMORY" ;; --no-sharedlibs) flags="$flags -DPOCO_NO_SHAREDLIBS" ;; --poquito) flags="$flags -DPOCO_NO_FILECHANNEL -DPOCO_NO_SPLITTERCHANNEL -DPOCO_NO_SYSLOGCHANNEL -DPOCO_UTIL_NO_INIFILECONFIGURATION -DPOCO_UTIL_NO_XMLCONFIGURATION" ;; --unbundled) flags="$flags -DPOCO_UNBUNDLED" unbundled=1 ;; --static) static=1 ;; --shared) shared=1 ;; --help) showhelp exit 0 ;; *) showhelp exit 1 ;; esac shift done # autodetect build environment # ...special cases for CYGWIN or MinGW if [ "$config" = "" ] ; then config=`uname` case "$config" in CYGWIN*) config=CYGWIN ;; MINGW*) config=MinGW ;; esac fi if [ ! -f "$base/build/config/$config" ] ; then echo "Unknown configuration: $config" echo "Please use the --config option to specify another build configuration" echo "The following configurations are available:" ls $base/build/config exit 1 fi if [ -z "$prefix" ] ; then prefix=/usr/local fi # check for patches if [ -d $base/patches/$config ] ; then echo "NOTE: There are patches for your configuration available. Please apply them before compiling." fi # copy Makefile to build dir if [ "$base" != "$build" ] ; then cp $base/Makefile $build fi if [ -n "$static" -a -n "$shared" ] ; then linkmode=BOTH elif [ -n "$static" ] ; then linkmode=STATIC elif [ -n "$shared" ] ; then linkmode=SHARED else linkmode="" fi # create config.make echo '# config.make generated by configure script' >$build/config.make echo "POCO_CONFIG = $config" >>$build/config.make echo "POCO_BASE = $base" >>$build/config.make echo "POCO_BUILD = $build" >>$build/config.make echo "POCO_PREFIX = $prefix" >>$build/config.make echo "POCO_FLAGS = $flags" >>$build/config.make echo "OMIT = $omit" >>$build/config.make if [ -n "$stdcxx_base" ] ; then echo "STDCXX_BASE = $stdcxx_base" >>$build/config.make fi if [ -n "$includepath" ] ; then echo "POCO_ADD_INCLUDE = $includepath" >>$build/config.make fi if [ -n "$librarypath" ] ; then echo "POCO_ADD_LIBRARY = $librarypath" >>$build/config.make fi if [ -n "$unbundled" ] ; then echo "POCO_UNBUNDLED = 1" >>$build/config.make fi if [ -n "$linkmode" ] ; then echo "LINKMODE = $linkmode" >>$build/config.make fi cat <<__EOF__ >>$build/config.make export POCO_CONFIG export POCO_BASE export POCO_BUILD export POCO_PREFIX export POCO_FLAGS __EOF__ if [ -n "$stdcxx_base" ] ; then echo "export STDCXX_BASE" >>$build/config.make fi if [ -n "$includepath" ] ; then echo "export POCO_ADD_INCLUDE" >>$build/config.make fi if [ -n "$librarypath" ] ; then echo "export POCO_ADD_LIBRARY" >>$build/config.make fi if [ -n "$unbundled" ] ; then echo "export POCO_UNBUNDLED" >>$build/config.make fi if [ -n "$linkmode" ] ; then echo "export LINKMODE" >>$build/config.make fi cat <<__EOF__ >>$build/config.make .PHONY: poco poco: libexecs $tests $samples __EOF__ echo "Configured for $config"