// // DynamicAny.h // // $Id: //poco/svn/Foundation/include/Poco/DynamicAny.h#2 $ // // Library: Foundation // Package: Core // Module: DynamicAny // // Definition of the DynamicAny class. // // Copyright (c) 2007, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH. // and Contributors. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person or organization // obtaining a copy of the software and accompanying documentation covered by // this license (the "Software") to use, reproduce, display, distribute, // execute, and transmit the Software, and to prepare derivative works of the // Software, and to permit third-parties to whom the Software is furnished to // do so, all subject to the following: // // The copyright notices in the Software and this entire statement, including // the above license grant, this restriction and the following disclaimer, // must be included in all copies of the Software, in whole or in part, and // all derivative works of the Software, unless such copies or derivative // works are solely in the form of machine-executable object code generated by // a source language processor. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT // SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR ANYONE DISTRIBUTING THE SOFTWARE BE LIABLE // FOR ANY DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, // ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER // DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // #ifndef Foundation_DynamicAny_INCLUDED #define Foundation_DynamicAny_INCLUDED #include "Poco/Foundation.h" #include "Poco/DynamicAnyHolder.h" #include namespace Poco { class Foundation_API DynamicAny /// DynamicAny allows to store data of different types and to convert between these types transparently. /// DynamicAny puts forth the best effort to provide intuitive and reasonable conversion semantics and prevent /// unexpected data loss, particularly when performing narrowing or signedness conversions of numeric data types. /// /// An attempt to convert or extract from a non-initialized (“empty”) DynamicAny variable shall result /// in an exception being thrown. /// /// Loss of signedness is not allowed for numeric values. This means that if an attempt is made to convert /// the internal value which is a negative signed integer to an unsigned integer type storage, a RangeException is thrown. /// Overflow is not allowed, so if the internal value is a larger number than the target numeric type size can accomodate, /// a RangeException is thrown. /// /// Precision loss, such as in conversion from floating-point types to integers or from double to float on platforms /// where they differ in size (provided internal actual value fits in float min/max range), is allowed. /// /// String truncation is allowed -- it is possible to convert between string and character when string length is /// greater than 1. An empty string gets converted to the char '\0', a non-empty string is truncated to the first character. /// /// Boolean conversion is performed as follows: /// /// A string value "false" (not case sensitive), "0" or "" (empty string) can be converted to a boolean value false, /// any other string not being false by the above criteria evaluates to true (e.g: "hi" -> true). /// Integer 0 values are false, everything else is true. /// Floating point values equal to the minimal FP representation on a given platform are false, everything else is true. /// /// Arithmetic operations with POD types as well as between DynamicAny's are supported, subject to following /// limitations: /// /// - for std::string and const char* values, only '+' and '+=' operations are supported /// /// - for integral and floating point numeric values, following operations are supported: /// '+', '+=', '-', '-=', '*', '*=' , '/' and '/=' /// /// - for integral values, following operations are supported: /// prefix and postfix increment (++) and decement (--) /// /// - for all other types, InvalidArgumentException is thrown upon attempt of an arithmetic operation /// /// A DynamicAny can be created from and converted to a value of any type for which a specialization of /// DynamicAnyHolderImpl is available. For supported types, see DynamicAnyHolder documentation. { public: DynamicAny(); /// Creates an empty DynamicAny. template DynamicAny(const T &val): _pHolder(new DynamicAnyHolderImpl(val)) /// Creates the DynamicAny from the given value. { } DynamicAny(const char* pVal); // Convenience constructor for const char* which gets mapped to a std::string internally, i.e. pVal is deep-copied. DynamicAny(const DynamicAny& other); /// Copy constructor. ~DynamicAny(); /// Destroys the DynamicAny. void swap(DynamicAny& other); /// Swaps the content of the this DynamicAny with the other DynamicAny. template void convert(T& val) const /// Invoke this method to perform a safe conversion. /// /// Example usage: /// DynamicAny any("42"); /// int i; /// any.convert(i); /// /// Throws a RangeException if the value does not fit /// into the result variable. /// Throws a NotImplementedException if conversion is /// not available for the given type. /// Throws InvalidAccessException if DynamicAny is empty. { if (!_pHolder) throw InvalidAccessException("Can not convert empty value."); _pHolder->convert(val); } template T convert() const /// Invoke this method to perform a safe conversion. /// /// Example usage: /// DynamicAny any("42"); /// int i = any.convert(); /// /// Throws a RangeException if the value does not fit /// into the result variable. /// Throws a NotImplementedException if conversion is /// not available for the given type. /// Throws InvalidAccessException if DynamicAny is empty. { if (!_pHolder) throw InvalidAccessException("Can not convert empty value."); T result; _pHolder->convert(result); return result; } template operator T () const /// Safe conversion operator for implicit type /// conversions. /// /// Throws a RangeException if the value does not fit /// into the result variable. /// Throws a NotImplementedException if conversion is /// not available for the given type. /// Throws InvalidAccessException if DynamicAny is empty. { if (!_pHolder) throw InvalidAccessException("Can not convert empty value."); T result; _pHolder->convert(result); return result; } template const T& extract() const /// Returns a const reference to the actual value. /// /// Must be instantiated with the exact type of /// the stored value, otherwise a BadCastException /// is thrown. /// Throws InvalidAccessException if DynamicAny is empty. { if (_pHolder && _pHolder->type() == typeid(T)) { DynamicAnyHolderImpl* pHolderImpl = static_cast*>(_pHolder); return pHolderImpl->value(); } else if (!_pHolder) throw InvalidAccessException("Can not extract empty value."); else throw BadCastException(); } template DynamicAny& operator = (const T& other) /// Assignment operator for assigning POD to DynamicAny { DynamicAny tmp(other); swap(tmp); return *this; } bool operator ! () { return !convert(); } DynamicAny& operator = (const DynamicAny& other); /// Assignment operator specialization for DynamicAny template const DynamicAny operator + (const T& other) const /// Addition operator for adding POD to DynamicAny { return convert() + other; } const DynamicAny operator + (const DynamicAny& other) const; /// Addition operator specialization for DynamicAny const DynamicAny operator + (const char* other) const; /// Addition operator specialization for adding const char* to DynamicAny DynamicAny& operator ++ (); /// Pre-increment operator DynamicAny operator ++ (int); /// Post-increment operator DynamicAny& operator -- (); /// Pre-decrement operator DynamicAny operator -- (int); /// Post-decrement operator template DynamicAny& operator += (const T& other) /// Addition asignment operator for addition/assignment of POD to DynamicAny. { return *this = convert() + other; } DynamicAny& operator += (const DynamicAny& other); /// Addition asignment operator specialization for DynamicAny DynamicAny& operator += (const char* other); /// Addition asignment operator specialization for const char* template const DynamicAny operator - (const T& other) const /// Subtraction operator for subtracting POD from DynamicAny { return convert() - other; } const DynamicAny operator - (const DynamicAny& other) const; /// Subtraction operator specialization for DynamicAny template DynamicAny& operator -= (const T& other) /// Subtraction asignment operator { return *this = convert() - other; } DynamicAny& operator -= (const DynamicAny& other); /// Subtraction asignment operator specialization for DynamicAny template const DynamicAny operator * (const T& other) const /// Multiplication operator for multiplying DynamicAny with POD { return convert() * other; } const DynamicAny operator * (const DynamicAny& other) const; /// Multiplication operator specialization for DynamicAny template DynamicAny& operator *= (const T& other) /// Multiplication asignment operator { return *this = convert() * other; } DynamicAny& operator *= (const DynamicAny& other); /// Multiplication asignment operator specialization for DynamicAny template const DynamicAny operator / (const T& other) const /// Division operator for dividing DynamicAny with POD { return convert() / other; } const DynamicAny operator / (const DynamicAny& other) const; /// Division operator specialization for DynamicAny template DynamicAny& operator /= (const T& other) /// Division asignment operator { return *this = convert() / other; } DynamicAny& operator /= (const DynamicAny& other); /// Division asignment operator specialization for DynamicAny template bool operator == (const T& other) const /// Equality operator { return convert() == other; } bool operator == (const char* other) const; /// Equality operator specialization for const char* bool operator == (const DynamicAny& other) const; /// Equality operator specialization for DynamicAny template bool operator != (const T& other) const /// Inequality operator { return convert() != other; } bool operator != (const DynamicAny& other) const; /// Inequality operator specialization for DynamicAny bool operator != (const char* other) const; /// Inequality operator specialization for const char* template bool operator < (const T& other) const /// Less than operator { return convert() < other; } template bool operator <= (const T& other) const /// Less than or equal operator { return convert() <= other; } template bool operator > (const T& other) const /// Greater than operator { return convert() > other; } template bool operator >= (const T& other) const /// Greater than or equal operator { return convert() >= other; } bool isArray() const; /// Returns true if DynamicAny represents a vector bool isStruct() const; /// Returns true if DynamicAny represents a struct template DynamicAny& operator [] (T n) /// Index operator, only use on DynamicAnys where isArray /// returns true! In all other cases a BadCastException is thrown! { DynamicAnyHolderImpl >* pHolder = dynamic_cast > *>(_pHolder); if (pHolder) return pHolder->operator[](n); else throw BadCastException(); } template const DynamicAny& operator [] (T n) const /// const Index operator, only use on DynamicAnys where isArray /// returns true! In all other cases a BadCastException is thrown! { const DynamicAnyHolderImpl >* pHolder = dynamic_cast > *>(_pHolder); if (pHolder) return pHolder->operator[](n); else throw BadCastException(); } DynamicAny& operator [] (const std::string& name); /// Index operator by name, only use on DynamicAnys where isStruct /// returns true! In all other cases a BadCastException is thrown! const DynamicAny& operator [] (const std::string& name) const; /// Index operator by name, only use on DynamicAnys where isStruct /// returns true! In all other cases a BadCastException is thrown! DynamicAny& operator [] (const char* name); /// Index operator by name, only use on DynamicAnys where isStruct /// returns true! In all other cases a BadCastException is thrown! const DynamicAny& operator [] (const char* name) const; /// Index operator by name, only use on DynamicAnys where isStruct /// returns true! In all other cases a BadCastException is thrown! const std::type_info& type() const; /// Returns the type information of the stored content. void empty(); /// Empties DynamicAny. bool isEmpty() const; /// Returns true if empty. bool isInteger() const; /// Returns true if stored value is integer. bool isSigned() const; /// Returns true if stored value is signed. bool isNumeric() const; /// Returns true if stored value is numeric. /// Returns false for numeric strings (e.g. "123" is string, not number) bool isString() const; /// Returns true if stored value is std::string. static DynamicAny parse(const std::string& val); /// Parses the string which must be in JSON format static std::string toString(const DynamicAny& any); /// Converts the DynamicAny to a string in JSON format. Note that toString will return /// a different result than any.convert()! private: static DynamicAny parse(const std::string& val, std::string::size_type& offset); /// Parses the string which must be in JSON format static DynamicAny parseObject(const std::string& val, std::string::size_type& pos); static DynamicAny parseArray(const std::string& val, std::string::size_type& pos); static std::string parseString(const std::string& val, std::string::size_type& pos); static void skipWhiteSpace(const std::string& val, std::string::size_type& pos); template T add(const DynamicAny& other) const { return convert() + other.convert(); } template T subtract(const DynamicAny& other) const { return convert() - other.convert(); } template T multiply(const DynamicAny& other) const { return convert() * other.convert(); } template T divide(const DynamicAny& other) const { return convert() / other.convert(); } DynamicAnyHolder* _pHolder; }; /// /// inlines /// /// /// DynamicAny members /// inline void DynamicAny::swap(DynamicAny& ptr) { std::swap(_pHolder, ptr._pHolder); } inline const std::type_info& DynamicAny::type() const { return _pHolder->type(); } inline DynamicAny& DynamicAny::operator [] (const char* name) { return operator [] (std::string(name)); } inline const DynamicAny& DynamicAny::operator [] (const char* name) const { return operator [] (std::string(name)); } inline const DynamicAny DynamicAny::operator + (const char* other) const { return convert() + other; } inline DynamicAny& DynamicAny::operator += (const char*other) { return *this = convert() + other; } inline bool DynamicAny::operator == (const DynamicAny& other) const { return convert() == other.convert(); } inline bool DynamicAny::operator == (const char* other) const { return convert() == other; } inline bool DynamicAny::operator != (const DynamicAny& other) const { return convert() != other.convert(); } inline bool DynamicAny::operator != (const char* other) const { return convert() != other; } inline void DynamicAny::empty() { delete _pHolder; _pHolder = 0; } inline bool DynamicAny::isEmpty() const { return 0 == _pHolder; } inline bool DynamicAny::isArray() const { return _pHolder->isArray(); } inline bool DynamicAny::isStruct() const { return _pHolder->isStruct(); } inline bool DynamicAny::isInteger() const { return _pHolder->isInteger(); } inline bool DynamicAny::isSigned() const { return _pHolder->isSigned(); } inline bool DynamicAny::isNumeric() const { return _pHolder->isNumeric(); } inline bool DynamicAny::isString() const { return _pHolder->isString(); } /// /// DynamicAny non-member functions /// inline const DynamicAny operator + (const char* other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Addition operator for adding DynamicAny to const char* { std::string tmp = other; return tmp + da.convert(); } inline const char operator + (const char& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Addition operator for adding DynamicAny to char { return other + da.convert(); } inline const char operator - (const char& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Subtraction operator for subtracting DynamicAny from char { return other - da.convert(); } inline const char operator * (const char& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Multiplication operator for multiplying DynamicAny with char { return other * da.convert(); } inline const char operator / (const char& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Division operator for dividing DynamicAny with char { return other / da.convert(); } inline char operator += (char& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Addition asignment operator for adding DynamicAny to char { return other += da.convert(); } inline char operator -= (char& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Subtraction asignment operator for subtracting DynamicAny from char { return other -= da.convert(); } inline char operator *= (char& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Multiplication asignment operator for multiplying DynamicAny with char { return other *= da.convert(); } inline char operator /= (char& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Division asignment operator for dividing DynamicAny with char { return other /= da.convert(); } inline const bool operator == (const char& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Equality operator for comparing DynamicAny with char { return other == da.convert(); } inline const bool operator != (const char& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Inequality operator for comparing DynamicAny with char { return other != da.convert(); } inline const bool operator < (const char& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Less than operator for comparing DynamicAny with char { return other < da.convert(); } inline const bool operator <= (const char& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Less than or equal operator for comparing DynamicAny with char { return other <= da.convert(); } inline const bool operator > (const char& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Greater than operator for comparing DynamicAny with char { return other > da.convert(); } inline const bool operator >= (const char& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Greater than or equal operator for comparing DynamicAny with char { return other >= da.convert(); } inline const Poco::Int8 operator + (const Poco::Int8& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Addition operator for adding DynamicAny to Poco::Int8 { return other + da.convert(); } inline const Poco::Int8 operator - (const Poco::Int8& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Subtraction operator for subtracting DynamicAny from Poco::Int8 { return other - da.convert(); } inline const Poco::Int8 operator * (const Poco::Int8& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Multiplication operator for multiplying DynamicAny with Poco::Int8 { return other * da.convert(); } inline const Poco::Int8 operator / (const Poco::Int8& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Division operator for dividing DynamicAny with Poco::Int8 { return other / da.convert(); } inline Poco::Int8 operator += (Poco::Int8& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Addition asignment operator for adding DynamicAny to Poco::Int8 { return other += da.convert(); } inline Poco::Int8 operator -= (Poco::Int8& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Subtraction asignment operator for subtracting DynamicAny from Poco::Int8 { return other -= da.convert(); } inline Poco::Int8 operator *= (Poco::Int8& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Multiplication asignment operator for multiplying DynamicAny with Poco::Int8 { return other *= da.convert(); } inline Poco::Int8 operator /= (Poco::Int8& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Division asignment operator for dividing DynamicAny with Poco::Int8 { return other /= da.convert(); } inline const bool operator == (const Poco::Int8& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Equality operator for comparing DynamicAny with Poco::Int8 { return other == da.convert(); } inline const bool operator != (const Poco::Int8& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Inequality operator for comparing DynamicAny with Poco::Int8 { return other != da.convert(); } inline const bool operator < (const Poco::Int8& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Less than operator for comparing DynamicAny with Poco::Int8 { return other < da.convert(); } inline const bool operator <= (const Poco::Int8& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Less than or equal operator for comparing DynamicAny with Poco::Int8 { return other <= da.convert(); } inline const bool operator > (const Poco::Int8& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Greater than operator for comparing DynamicAny with Poco::Int8 { return other > da.convert(); } inline const bool operator >= (const Poco::Int8& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Greater than or equal operator for comparing DynamicAny with Poco::Int8 { return other >= da.convert(); } inline const Poco::UInt8 operator + (const Poco::UInt8& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Addition operator for adding DynamicAny to Poco::UInt8 { return other + da.convert(); } inline const Poco::UInt8 operator - (const Poco::UInt8& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Subtraction operator for subtracting DynamicAny from Poco::UInt8 { return other - da.convert(); } inline const Poco::UInt8 operator * (const Poco::UInt8& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Multiplication operator for multiplying DynamicAny with Poco::UInt8 { return other * da.convert(); } inline const Poco::UInt8 operator / (const Poco::UInt8& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Division operator for dividing DynamicAny with Poco::UInt8 { return other / da.convert(); } inline Poco::UInt8 operator += (Poco::UInt8& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Addition asignment operator for adding DynamicAny to Poco::UInt8 { return other += da.convert(); } inline Poco::UInt8 operator -= (Poco::UInt8& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Subtraction asignment operator for subtracting DynamicAny from Poco::UInt8 { return other -= da.convert(); } inline Poco::UInt8 operator *= (Poco::UInt8& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Multiplication asignment operator for multiplying DynamicAny with Poco::UInt8 { return other *= da.convert(); } inline Poco::UInt8 operator /= (Poco::UInt8& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Division asignment operator for dividing DynamicAny with Poco::UInt8 { return other /= da.convert(); } inline const bool operator == (const Poco::UInt8& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Equality operator for comparing DynamicAny with Poco::UInt8 { return other == da.convert(); } inline const bool operator != (const Poco::UInt8& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Inequality operator for comparing DynamicAny with Poco::UInt8 { return other != da.convert(); } inline const bool operator < (const Poco::UInt8& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Less than operator for comparing DynamicAny with Poco::UInt8 { return other < da.convert(); } inline const bool operator <= (const Poco::UInt8& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Less than or equal operator for comparing DynamicAny with Poco::UInt8 { return other <= da.convert(); } inline const bool operator > (const Poco::UInt8& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Greater than operator for comparing DynamicAny with Poco::UInt8 { return other > da.convert(); } inline const bool operator >= (const Poco::UInt8& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Greater than or equal operator for comparing DynamicAny with Poco::UInt8 { return other >= da.convert(); } inline const Poco::Int16 operator + (const Poco::Int16& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Addition operator for adding DynamicAny to Poco::Int16 { return other + da.convert(); } inline const Poco::Int16 operator - (const Poco::Int16& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Subtraction operator for subtracting DynamicAny from Poco::Int16 { return other - da.convert(); } inline const Poco::Int16 operator * (const Poco::Int16& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Multiplication operator for multiplying DynamicAny with Poco::Int16 { return other * da.convert(); } inline const Poco::Int16 operator / (const Poco::Int16& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Division operator for dividing DynamicAny with Poco::Int16 { return other / da.convert(); } inline Poco::Int16 operator += (Poco::Int16& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Addition asignment operator for adding DynamicAny to Poco::Int16 { return other += da.convert(); } inline Poco::Int16 operator -= (Poco::Int16& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Subtraction asignment operator for subtracting DynamicAny from Poco::Int16 { return other -= da.convert(); } inline Poco::Int16 operator *= (Poco::Int16& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Multiplication asignment operator for multiplying DynamicAny with Poco::Int16 { return other *= da.convert(); } inline Poco::Int16 operator /= (Poco::Int16& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Division asignment operator for dividing DynamicAny with Poco::Int16 { return other /= da.convert(); } inline const bool operator == (const Poco::Int16& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Equality operator for comparing DynamicAny with Poco::Int16 { return other == da.convert(); } inline const bool operator != (const Poco::Int16& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Inequality operator for comparing DynamicAny with Poco::Int16 { return other != da.convert(); } inline const bool operator < (const Poco::Int16& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Less than operator for comparing DynamicAny with Poco::Int16 { return other < da.convert(); } inline const bool operator <= (const Poco::Int16& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Less than or equal operator for comparing DynamicAny with Poco::Int16 { return other <= da.convert(); } inline const bool operator > (const Poco::Int16& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Greater than operator for comparing DynamicAny with Poco::Int16 { return other > da.convert(); } inline const bool operator >= (const Poco::Int16& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Greater than or equal operator for comparing DynamicAny with Poco::Int16 { return other >= da.convert(); } inline const Poco::UInt16 operator + (const Poco::UInt16& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Addition operator for adding DynamicAny to Poco::UInt16 { return other + da.convert(); } inline const Poco::UInt16 operator - (const Poco::UInt16& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Subtraction operator for subtracting DynamicAny from Poco::UInt16 { return other - da.convert(); } inline const Poco::UInt16 operator * (const Poco::UInt16& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Multiplication operator for multiplying DynamicAny with Poco::UInt16 { return other * da.convert(); } inline const Poco::UInt16 operator / (const Poco::UInt16& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Division operator for dividing DynamicAny with Poco::UInt16 { return other / da.convert(); } inline Poco::UInt16 operator += (Poco::UInt16& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Addition asignment operator for adding DynamicAny to Poco::UInt16 { return other += da.convert(); } inline Poco::UInt16 operator -= (Poco::UInt16& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Subtraction asignment operator for subtracting DynamicAny from Poco::UInt16 { return other -= da.convert(); } inline Poco::UInt16 operator *= (Poco::UInt16& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Multiplication asignment operator for multiplying DynamicAny with Poco::UInt16 { return other *= da.convert(); } inline Poco::UInt16 operator /= (Poco::UInt16& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Division asignment operator for dividing DynamicAny with Poco::UInt16 { return other /= da.convert(); } inline const bool operator == (const Poco::UInt16& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Equality operator for comparing DynamicAny with Poco::UInt16 { return other == da.convert(); } inline const bool operator != (const Poco::UInt16& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Inequality operator for comparing DynamicAny with Poco::UInt16 { return other != da.convert(); } inline const bool operator < (const Poco::UInt16& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Less than operator for comparing DynamicAny with Poco::UInt16 { return other < da.convert(); } inline const bool operator <= (const Poco::UInt16& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Less than or equal operator for comparing DynamicAny with Poco::UInt16 { return other <= da.convert(); } inline const bool operator > (const Poco::UInt16& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Greater than operator for comparing DynamicAny with Poco::UInt16 { return other > da.convert(); } inline const bool operator >= (const Poco::UInt16& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Greater than or equal operator for comparing DynamicAny with Poco::UInt16 { return other >= da.convert(); } inline const Poco::Int32 operator + (const Poco::Int32& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Addition operator for adding DynamicAny to Poco::Int32 { return other + da.convert(); } inline const Poco::Int32 operator - (const Poco::Int32& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Subtraction operator for subtracting DynamicAny from Poco::Int32 { return other - da.convert(); } inline const Poco::Int32 operator * (const Poco::Int32& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Multiplication operator for multiplying DynamicAny with Poco::Int32 { return other * da.convert(); } inline const Poco::Int32 operator / (const Poco::Int32& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Division operator for dividing DynamicAny with Poco::Int32 { return other / da.convert(); } inline Poco::Int32 operator += (Poco::Int32& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Addition asignment operator for adding DynamicAny to Poco::Int32 { return other += da.convert(); } inline Poco::Int32 operator -= (Poco::Int32& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Subtraction asignment operator for subtracting DynamicAny from Poco::Int32 { return other -= da.convert(); } inline Poco::Int32 operator *= (Poco::Int32& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Multiplication asignment operator for multiplying DynamicAny with Poco::Int32 { return other *= da.convert(); } inline Poco::Int32 operator /= (Poco::Int32& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Division asignment operator for dividing DynamicAny with Poco::Int32 { return other /= da.convert(); } inline const bool operator == (const Poco::Int32& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Equality operator for comparing DynamicAny with Poco::Int32 { return other == da.convert(); } inline const bool operator != (const Poco::Int32& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Inequality operator for comparing DynamicAny with Poco::Int32 { return other != da.convert(); } inline const bool operator < (const Poco::Int32& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Less than operator for comparing DynamicAny with Poco::Int32 { return other < da.convert(); } inline const bool operator <= (const Poco::Int32& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Less than or equal operator for comparing DynamicAny with Poco::Int32 { return other <= da.convert(); } inline const bool operator > (const Poco::Int32& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Greater than operator for comparing DynamicAny with Poco::Int32 { return other > da.convert(); } inline const bool operator >= (const Poco::Int32& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Greater than or equal operator for comparing DynamicAny with Poco::Int32 { return other >= da.convert(); } inline const Poco::UInt32 operator + (const Poco::UInt32& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Addition operator for adding DynamicAny to Poco::UInt32 { return other + da.convert(); } inline const Poco::UInt32 operator - (const Poco::UInt32& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Subtraction operator for subtracting DynamicAny from Poco::UInt32 { return other - da.convert(); } inline const Poco::UInt32 operator * (const Poco::UInt32& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Multiplication operator for multiplying DynamicAny with Poco::UInt32 { return other * da.convert(); } inline const Poco::UInt32 operator / (const Poco::UInt32& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Division operator for dividing DynamicAny with Poco::UInt32 { return other / da.convert(); } inline Poco::UInt32 operator += (Poco::UInt32& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Addition asignment operator for adding DynamicAny to Poco::UInt32 { return other += da.convert(); } inline Poco::UInt32 operator -= (Poco::UInt32& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Subtraction asignment operator for subtracting DynamicAny from Poco::UInt32 { return other -= da.convert(); } inline Poco::UInt32 operator *= (Poco::UInt32& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Multiplication asignment operator for multiplying DynamicAny with Poco::UInt32 { return other *= da.convert(); } inline Poco::UInt32 operator /= (Poco::UInt32& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Division asignment operator for dividing DynamicAny with Poco::UInt32 { return other /= da.convert(); } inline const bool operator == (const Poco::UInt32& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Equality operator for comparing DynamicAny with Poco::UInt32 { return other == da.convert(); } inline const bool operator != (const Poco::UInt32& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Inequality operator for comparing DynamicAny with Poco::UInt32 { return other != da.convert(); } inline const bool operator < (const Poco::UInt32& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Less than operator for comparing DynamicAny with Poco::UInt32 { return other < da.convert(); } inline const bool operator <= (const Poco::UInt32& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Less than or equal operator for comparing DynamicAny with Poco::UInt32 { return other <= da.convert(); } inline const bool operator > (const Poco::UInt32& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Greater than operator for comparing DynamicAny with Poco::UInt32 { return other > da.convert(); } inline const bool operator >= (const Poco::UInt32& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Greater than or equal operator for comparing DynamicAny with Poco::UInt32 { return other >= da.convert(); } inline const Poco::Int64 operator + (const Poco::Int64& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Addition operator for adding DynamicAny to Poco::Int64 { return other + da.convert(); } inline const Poco::Int64 operator - (const Poco::Int64& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Subtraction operator for subtracting DynamicAny from Poco::Int64 { return other - da.convert(); } inline const Poco::Int64 operator * (const Poco::Int64& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Multiplication operator for multiplying DynamicAny with Poco::Int64 { return other * da.convert(); } inline const Poco::Int64 operator / (const Poco::Int64& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Division operator for dividing DynamicAny with Poco::Int64 { return other / da.convert(); } inline Poco::Int64 operator += (Poco::Int64& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Addition asignment operator for adding DynamicAny to Poco::Int64 { return other += da.convert(); } inline Poco::Int64 operator -= (Poco::Int64& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Subtraction asignment operator for subtracting DynamicAny from Poco::Int64 { return other -= da.convert(); } inline Poco::Int64 operator *= (Poco::Int64& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Multiplication asignment operator for multiplying DynamicAny with Poco::Int64 { return other *= da.convert(); } inline Poco::Int64 operator /= (Poco::Int64& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Division asignment operator for dividing DynamicAny with Poco::Int64 { return other /= da.convert(); } inline const bool operator == (const Poco::Int64& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Equality operator for comparing DynamicAny with Poco::Int64 { return other == da.convert(); } inline const bool operator != (const Poco::Int64& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Inequality operator for comparing DynamicAny with Poco::Int64 { return other != da.convert(); } inline const bool operator < (const Poco::Int64& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Less than operator for comparing DynamicAny with Poco::Int64 { return other < da.convert(); } inline const bool operator <= (const Poco::Int64& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Less than or equal operator for comparing DynamicAny with Poco::Int64 { return other <= da.convert(); } inline const bool operator > (const Poco::Int64& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Greater than operator for comparing DynamicAny with Poco::Int64 { return other > da.convert(); } inline const bool operator >= (const Poco::Int64& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Greater than or equal operator for comparing DynamicAny with Poco::Int64 { return other >= da.convert(); } inline const Poco::UInt64 operator + (const Poco::UInt64& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Addition operator for adding DynamicAny to Poco::UInt64 { return other + da.convert(); } inline const Poco::UInt64 operator - (const Poco::UInt64& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Subtraction operator for subtracting DynamicAny from Poco::UInt64 { return other - da.convert(); } inline const Poco::UInt64 operator * (const Poco::UInt64& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Multiplication operator for multiplying DynamicAny with Poco::UInt64 { return other * da.convert(); } inline const Poco::UInt64 operator / (const Poco::UInt64& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Division operator for dividing DynamicAny with Poco::UInt64 { return other / da.convert(); } inline Poco::UInt64 operator += (Poco::UInt64& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Addition asignment operator for adding DynamicAny to Poco::UInt64 { return other += da.convert(); } inline Poco::UInt64 operator -= (Poco::UInt64& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Subtraction asignment operator for subtracting DynamicAny from Poco::UInt64 { return other -= da.convert(); } inline Poco::UInt64 operator *= (Poco::UInt64& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Multiplication asignment operator for multiplying DynamicAny with Poco::UInt64 { return other *= da.convert(); } inline Poco::UInt64 operator /= (Poco::UInt64& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Division asignment operator for dividing DynamicAny with Poco::UInt64 { return other /= da.convert(); } inline const bool operator == (const Poco::UInt64& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Equality operator for comparing DynamicAny with Poco::UInt64 { return other == da.convert(); } inline const bool operator != (const Poco::UInt64& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Inequality operator for comparing DynamicAny with Poco::UInt64 { return other != da.convert(); } inline const bool operator < (const Poco::UInt64& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Less than operator for comparing DynamicAny with Poco::UInt64 { return other < da.convert(); } inline const bool operator <= (const Poco::UInt64& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Less than or equal operator for comparing DynamicAny with Poco::UInt64 { return other <= da.convert(); } inline const bool operator > (const Poco::UInt64& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Greater than operator for comparing DynamicAny with Poco::UInt64 { return other > da.convert(); } inline const bool operator >= (const Poco::UInt64& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Greater than or equal operator for comparing DynamicAny with Poco::UInt64 { return other >= da.convert(); } inline const float operator + (const float& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Addition operator for adding DynamicAny to float { return other + da.convert(); } inline const float operator - (const float& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Subtraction operator for subtracting DynamicAny from float { return other - da.convert(); } inline const float operator * (const float& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Multiplication operator for multiplying DynamicAny with float { return other * da.convert(); } inline const float operator / (const float& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Division operator for dividing DynamicAny with float { return other / da.convert(); } inline float operator += (float& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Addition asignment operator for adding DynamicAny to float { return other += da.convert(); } inline float operator -= (float& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Subtraction asignment operator for subtracting DynamicAny from float { return other -= da.convert(); } inline float operator *= (float& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Multiplication asignment operator for multiplying DynamicAny with float { return other *= da.convert(); } inline float operator /= (float& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Division asignment operator for dividing DynamicAny with float { return other /= da.convert(); } inline const bool operator == (const float& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Equality operator for comparing DynamicAny with float { return other == da.convert(); } inline const bool operator != (const float& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Inequality operator for comparing DynamicAny with float { return other != da.convert(); } inline const bool operator < (const float& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Less than operator for comparing DynamicAny with float { return other < da.convert(); } inline const bool operator <= (const float& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Less than or equal operator for comparing DynamicAny with float { return other <= da.convert(); } inline const bool operator > (const float& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Greater than operator for comparing DynamicAny with float { return other > da.convert(); } inline const bool operator >= (const float& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Greater than or equal operator for comparing DynamicAny with float { return other >= da.convert(); } inline const double operator + (const double& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Addition operator for adding DynamicAny to double { return other + da.convert(); } inline const double operator - (const double& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Subtraction operator for subtracting DynamicAny from double { return other - da.convert(); } inline const double operator * (const double& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Multiplication operator for multiplying DynamicAny with double { return other * da.convert(); } inline const double operator / (const double& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Division operator for dividing DynamicAny with double { return other / da.convert(); } inline double operator += (double& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Addition asignment operator for adding DynamicAny to double { return other += da.convert(); } inline double operator -= (double& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Subtraction asignment operator for subtracting DynamicAny from double { return other -= da.convert(); } inline double operator *= (double& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Multiplication asignment operator for multiplying DynamicAny with double { return other *= da.convert(); } inline double operator /= (double& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Division asignment operator for dividing DynamicAny with double { return other /= da.convert(); } inline const bool operator == (const double& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Equality operator for comparing DynamicAny with double { return other == da.convert(); } inline const bool operator != (const double& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Inequality operator for comparing DynamicAny with double { return other != da.convert(); } inline const bool operator < (const double& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Less than operator for comparing DynamicAny with double { return other < da.convert(); } inline const bool operator <= (const double& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Less than or equal operator for comparing DynamicAny with double { return other <= da.convert(); } inline const bool operator > (const double& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Greater than operator for comparing DynamicAny with double { return other > da.convert(); } inline const bool operator >= (const double& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Greater than or equal operator for comparing DynamicAny with double { return other >= da.convert(); } inline const bool operator == (const bool& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Equality operator for comparing DynamicAny with bool { return other == da.convert(); } inline const bool operator != (const bool& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Inequality operator for comparing DynamicAny with bool { return other != da.convert(); } inline const bool operator == (const std::string& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Equality operator for comparing DynamicAny with std::string { return other == da.convert(); } inline const bool operator != (const std::string& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Inequality operator for comparing DynamicAny with std::string { return other != da.convert(); } inline const bool operator == (const char* other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Equality operator for comparing DynamicAny with const char* { return da.convert() == other; } inline const bool operator != (const char* other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Inequality operator for comparing DynamicAny with const char* { return da.convert() != other; } #ifndef POCO_LONG_IS_64_BIT inline const long operator + (const long& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Addition operator for adding DynamicAny to long { return other + da.convert(); } inline const long operator - (const long& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Subtraction operator for subtracting DynamicAny from long { return other - da.convert(); } inline const long operator * (const long& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Multiplication operator for multiplying DynamicAny with long { return other * da.convert(); } inline const long operator / (const long& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Division operator for dividing DynamicAny with long { return other / da.convert(); } inline long operator += (long& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Addition asignment operator for adding DynamicAny to long { return other += da.convert(); } inline long operator -= (long& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Subtraction asignment operator for subtracting DynamicAny from long { return other -= da.convert(); } inline long operator *= (long& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Multiplication asignment operator for multiplying DynamicAny with long { return other *= da.convert(); } inline long operator /= (long& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Division asignment operator for dividing DynamicAny with long { return other /= da.convert(); } inline const bool operator == (const long& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Equality operator for comparing DynamicAny with long { return other == da.convert(); } inline const bool operator != (const long& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Inequality operator for comparing DynamicAny with long { return other != da.convert(); } inline const bool operator < (const long& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Less than operator for comparing DynamicAny with long { return other < da.convert(); } inline const bool operator <= (const long& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Less than or equal operator for comparing DynamicAny with long { return other <= da.convert(); } inline const bool operator > (const long& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Greater than operator for comparing DynamicAny with long { return other > da.convert(); } inline const bool operator >= (const long& other, const DynamicAny& da) /// Greater than or equal operator for comparing DynamicAny with long { return other >= da.convert(); } #endif // POCO_LONG_IS_64_BIT } // namespace Poco #endif // Foundation_DynamicAny_INCLUDED