@echo off rem rem $Id$ rem rem A script for running the POCO testsuites. rem rem usage: runtests2 [64] [-d ] [component [test]] rem rem component : the component under test rem test : the test as part of the component rem If the environment variable EXCLUDE_TESTS is set, containing rem a space-separated list of project names (as found in the rem components file), these tests will be skipped. rem setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion set TESTRUNNERARGS=-all set TESTCOMPONENTS='C:\Windows\System32\findstr.exe /R "." components' set BINDIR=bin if "%1"=="64" ( set BINDIR=bin64 shift ) if "%1" =="-d" ( set DEBUG=d shift ) set PATH=%CD%\%BINDIR%;%PATH if not "%1" == "" ( set TESTCOMPONENTS="%1" if not "%2" == "" ( set TESTRUNNERARGS=%2 ) ) set TESTRUNNER=TestSuite%DEBUG%.exe set runs=0 set failures=0 set failedTests= set status=0 for /f %%C in ( %TESTCOMPONENTS% ) do ( set excluded=0 for %%X in (%EXCLUDE_TESTS%) do ( if "%%X"=="%%C" ( set excluded=1 ) ) if !excluded!==0 ( if exist %%C ( if exist %%C\testsuite ( if exist %%C\testsuite\%BINDIR%\%TESTRUNNER% ( echo. echo. echo **************************************** echo *** %%C echo **************************************** echo. set /a runs=!runs! + 1 set dir=%CD% cd %%C\testsuite %BINDIR%\%TESTRUNNER% %TESTRUNNERARGS% if !ERRORLEVEL! neq 0 ( set /a failures=!failures! + 1 set failedTests=!failedTests! %%C set status=1 ) cd !dir! ) ) ) ) ) echo. echo. echo !runs! runs, !failures! failed. echo. for %%F in (!failedTests!) do ( echo Failed: %%F ) echo. exit /b !status!