// // SSLManager.h // // $Id: //poco/1.4/NetSSL_OpenSSL/include/Poco/Net/SSLManager.h#4 $ // // Library: NetSSL_OpenSSL // Package: SSLCore // Module: SSLManager // // Definition of the SSLManager class. // // Copyright (c) 2006-2010, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH. // and Contributors. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0 // #ifndef NetSSL_SSLManager_INCLUDED #define NetSSL_SSLManager_INCLUDED #include "Poco/Net/NetSSL.h" #include "Poco/Net/VerificationErrorArgs.h" #include "Poco/Net/Context.h" #include "Poco/Net/PrivateKeyFactoryMgr.h" #include "Poco/Net/CertificateHandlerFactoryMgr.h" #include "Poco/Net/InvalidCertificateHandler.h" #include "Poco/Util/AbstractConfiguration.h" #include "Poco/BasicEvent.h" #include "Poco/SharedPtr.h" #include "Poco/Mutex.h" #include #ifdef OPENSSL_FIPS #include #endif namespace Poco { namespace Net { class Context; class NetSSL_API SSLManager /// SSLManager is a singleton for holding the default server/client /// Context and handling callbacks for certificate verification errors /// and private key passphrases. /// /// Proper initialization of SSLManager is critical. /// /// SSLManager can be initialized manually, by calling initializeServer() /// and/or initializeClient(), or intialization can be automatic. In the latter /// case, a Poco::Util::Application instance must be available and the required /// configuration properties must be set (see below). /// /// Note that manual intialization must happen very early in the application, /// before defaultClientContext() or defaultServerContext() are called. /// /// If defaultClientContext() and defaultServerContext() are never called /// in an application, initialization of SSLManager can be omitted. /// However, in this case, delegates for the ServerVerificationError, /// ClientVerificationError and PrivateKeyPassphraseRequired events /// must be registered. /// /// An exemplary documentation which sets either the server or client default context and creates /// a PrivateKeyPassphraseHandler that reads the password from the XML file looks like this: /// /// /// /// /// mycert.key /// mycert.crt /// rootcert.pem /// none|relaxed|strict|once /// 1..9 /// true|false /// ALL:!ADH:!LOW:!EXP:!MD5:@STRENGTH /// /// KeyFileHandler /// /// test /// /// /// /// ConsoleCertificateHandler /// /// true|false /// someString /// 0..n /// 0..n /// true|false /// true|false /// /// false /// /// /// /// Following is a list of supported configuration properties. Property names must always /// be prefixed with openSSL.server or openSSL.client. Some properties are only supported /// for servers. /// /// - privateKeyFile (string): The path to the file containing the private key for the certificate /// in PEM format (or containing both the private key and the certificate). /// - certificateFile (string): The Path to the file containing the server's or client's certificate /// in PEM format. Can be omitted if the the file given in privateKeyFile contains the certificate as well. /// - caConfig (string): The path to the file or directory containing the trusted root certificates. /// - verificationMode (string): Specifies whether and how peer certificates are validated (see /// the Context class for details). Valid values are none, relaxed, strict, once. /// - verificationDepth (integer, 1-9): Sets the upper limit for verification chain sizes. Verification /// will fail if a certificate chain larger than this is encountered. /// - loadDefaultCAFile (boolean): Specifies wheter the builtin CA certificates from OpenSSL are used. /// - cipherList (string): Specifies the supported ciphers in OpenSSL notation /// (e.g. "ALL:!ADH:!LOW:!EXP:!MD5:@STRENGTH"). /// - privateKeyPassphraseHandler.name (string): The name of the class (subclass of PrivateKeyPassphraseHandler) /// used for obtaining the passphrase for accessing the private key. /// - privateKeyPassphraseHandler.options.password (string): The password to be used by KeyFileHandler. /// - invalidCertificateHandler.name: The name of the class (subclass of CertificateHandler) /// used for confirming invalid certificates. /// - cacheSessions (boolean): Enables or disables session caching. /// - sessionIdContext (string): contains the application's unique session ID context, which becomes /// part of each session identifier generated by the server. Can be an arbitrary sequence /// of bytes with a maximum length of SSL_MAX_SSL_SESSION_ID_LENGTH. Should be specified /// for a server to enable session caching. Should be specified even if session caching /// is disabled to avoid problems with clients that request session caching (e.g. Firefox 3.6). /// If not specified, defaults to ${application.name}. /// - sessionCacheSize (integer): Sets the maximum size of the server session cache, in number of /// sessions. The default size (according to OpenSSL documentation) is 1024*20, which may be too /// large for many applications, especially on embedded platforms with limited memory. /// Specifying a size of 0 will set an unlimited cache size. /// - sessionTimeout (integer): Sets the timeout (in seconds) of cached sessions on the server. /// - extendedVerification (boolean): Enable or disable the automatic post-connection /// extended certificate verification. /// - requireTLSv1 (boolean): Require a TLSv1 connection. /// - fips: Enable or disable OpenSSL FIPS mode. Only supported if the OpenSSL version /// that this library is built against supports FIPS mode. { public: typedef Poco::SharedPtr PrivateKeyPassphraseHandlerPtr; typedef Poco::SharedPtr InvalidCertificateHandlerPtr; Poco::BasicEvent ServerVerificationError; /// Fired whenever a certificate verification error is detected by the server during a handshake. Poco::BasicEvent ClientVerificationError; /// Fired whenever a certificate verification error is detected by the client during a handshake. Poco::BasicEvent PrivateKeyPassphraseRequired; /// Fired when a encrypted certificate is loaded. Not setting the password /// in the event parameter will result in a failure to load the certificate. static SSLManager& instance(); /// Returns the instance of the SSLManager singleton. void initializeServer(PrivateKeyPassphraseHandlerPtr ptrPassphraseHandler, InvalidCertificateHandlerPtr ptrCertificateHandler, Context::Ptr ptrContext); /// Initializes the server side of the SSLManager with a default passphrase handler, a default invalid certificate handler and a default context. If this method /// is never called the SSLmanager will try to initialize its members from an application configuration. /// /// PtrPassphraseHandler and ptrCertificateHandler can be 0. However, in this case, event delegates /// must be registered with the ServerVerificationError and PrivateKeyPassphraseRequired events. /// /// Note: Always create the handlers (or register the corresponding event delegates) before creating /// the Context, as during creation of the Context the passphrase for the private key might be needed. /// /// Valid initialization code would be: /// SharedPtr pConsoleHandler = new KeyConsoleHandler; /// SharedPtr pInvalidCertHandler = new ConsoleCertificateHandler; /// Context::Ptr pContext = new Context(Context::SERVER_USE, "any.pem", "any.pem", "rootcert.pem", Context::VERIFY_RELAXED, 9, false, "ALL:!ADH:!LOW:!EXP:!MD5:@STRENGTH"); /// SSLManager::instance().initializeServer(pConsoleHandler, pInvalidCertHandler, pContext); void initializeClient(PrivateKeyPassphraseHandlerPtr ptrPassphraseHandler, InvalidCertificateHandlerPtr ptrHandler, Context::Ptr ptrContext); /// Initializes the client side of the SSLManager with a default passphrase handler, a default invalid certificate handler and a default context. If this method /// is never called the SSLmanager will try to initialize its members from an application configuration. /// /// PtrPassphraseHandler and ptrCertificateHandler can be 0. However, in this case, event delegates /// must be registered with the ClientVerificationError and PrivateKeyPassphraseRequired events. /// /// Note: Always create the handlers (or register the corresponding event delegates) before creating /// the Context, as during creation of the Context the passphrase for the private key might be needed. /// /// Valid initialization code would be: /// SharedPtr pConsoleHandler = new KeyConsoleHandler; /// SharedPtr pInvalidCertHandler = new ConsoleCertificateHandler; /// Context::Ptr pContext = new Context(Context::CLIENT_USE, "", "", "rootcert.pem", Context::VERIFY_RELAXED, 9, false, "ALL:!ADH:!LOW:!EXP:!MD5:@STRENGTH"); /// SSLManager::instance().initializeClient(pConsoleHandler, pInvalidCertHandler, pContext); Context::Ptr defaultServerContext(); /// Returns the default Context used by the server. /// /// Unless initializeServer() has been called, the first call to this method initializes the default Context /// from the application configuration. Context::Ptr defaultClientContext(); /// Returns the default Context used by the client. /// /// Unless initializeClient() has been called, the first call to this method initializes the default Context /// from the application configuration. PrivateKeyPassphraseHandlerPtr serverPassphraseHandler(); /// Returns the configured passphrase handler of the server. If none is set, the method will create a default one /// from an application configuration. InvalidCertificateHandlerPtr serverCertificateHandler(); /// Returns an initialized certificate handler (used by the server to verify client cert) which determines how invalid certificates are treated. /// If none is set, it will try to auto-initialize one from an application configuration. PrivateKeyPassphraseHandlerPtr clientPassphraseHandler(); /// Returns the configured passphrase handler of the client. If none is set, the method will create a default one /// from an application configuration. InvalidCertificateHandlerPtr clientCertificateHandler(); /// Returns an initialized certificate handler (used by the client to verify server cert) which determines how invalid certificates are treated. /// If none is set, it will try to auto-initialize one from an application configuration. PrivateKeyFactoryMgr& privateKeyFactoryMgr(); /// Returns the private key factory manager which stores the /// factories for the different registered passphrase handlers for private keys. CertificateHandlerFactoryMgr& certificateHandlerFactoryMgr(); /// Returns the CertificateHandlerFactoryMgr which stores the /// factories for the different registered certificate handlers. static bool isFIPSEnabled(); // Returns true if FIPS mode is enabled, false otherwise. void shutdown(); /// Shuts down the SSLManager and releases the default Context /// objects. After a call to shutdown(), the SSLManager can no /// longer be used. /// /// Normally, it's not necessary to call this method directly, as this /// will be called either by uninitializeSSL(), or when /// the SSLManager instance is destroyed. static const std::string CFG_SERVER_PREFIX; static const std::string CFG_CLIENT_PREFIX; protected: static int verifyClientCallback(int ok, X509_STORE_CTX* pStore); /// The return value of this method defines how errors in /// verification are handled. Return 0 to terminate the handshake, /// or 1 to continue despite the error. static int verifyServerCallback(int ok, X509_STORE_CTX* pStore); /// The return value of this method defines how errors in /// verification are handled. Return 0 to terminate the handshake, /// or 1 to continue despite the error. static int privateKeyPassphraseCallback(char* pBuf, int size, int flag, void* userData); /// Method is invoked by OpenSSL to retrieve a passwd for an encrypted certificate. /// The request is delegated to the PrivatekeyPassword event. This method returns the /// length of the password. static Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration& appConfig(); /// Returns the application configuration. /// /// Throws a private: SSLManager(); /// Creates the SSLManager. ~SSLManager(); /// Destroys the SSLManager. void initDefaultContext(bool server); /// Inits the default context, the first time it is accessed. void initEvents(bool server); /// Registers delegates at the events according to the configuration. void initPassphraseHandler(bool server); /// Inits the passphrase handler. void initCertificateHandler(bool server); /// Inits the certificate handler. static int verifyCallback(bool server, int ok, X509_STORE_CTX* pStore); /// The return value of this method defines how errors in /// verification are handled. Return 0 to terminate the handshake, /// or 1 to continue despite the error. PrivateKeyFactoryMgr _factoryMgr; CertificateHandlerFactoryMgr _certHandlerFactoryMgr; Context::Ptr _ptrDefaultServerContext; PrivateKeyPassphraseHandlerPtr _ptrServerPassphraseHandler; InvalidCertificateHandlerPtr _ptrServerCertificateHandler; Context::Ptr _ptrDefaultClientContext; PrivateKeyPassphraseHandlerPtr _ptrClientPassphraseHandler; InvalidCertificateHandlerPtr _ptrClientCertificateHandler; Poco::FastMutex _mutex; static const std::string CFG_PRIV_KEY_FILE; static const std::string CFG_CERTIFICATE_FILE; static const std::string CFG_CA_LOCATION; static const std::string CFG_VER_MODE; static const Context::VerificationMode VAL_VER_MODE; static const std::string CFG_VER_DEPTH; static const int VAL_VER_DEPTH; static const std::string CFG_ENABLE_DEFAULT_CA; static const bool VAL_ENABLE_DEFAULT_CA; static const std::string CFG_CIPHER_LIST; static const std::string CFG_CYPHER_LIST; // for backwards compatibility static const std::string VAL_CIPHER_LIST; static const std::string CFG_DELEGATE_HANDLER; static const std::string VAL_DELEGATE_HANDLER; static const std::string CFG_CERTIFICATE_HANDLER; static const std::string VAL_CERTIFICATE_HANDLER; static const std::string CFG_CACHE_SESSIONS; static const std::string CFG_SESSION_ID_CONTEXT; static const std::string CFG_SESSION_CACHE_SIZE; static const std::string CFG_SESSION_TIMEOUT; static const std::string CFG_EXTENDED_VERIFICATION; static const std::string CFG_REQUIRE_TLSV1; #ifdef OPENSSL_FIPS static const std::string CFG_FIPS_MODE; static const bool VAL_FIPS_MODE; #endif friend class Poco::SingletonHolder; friend class Context; }; // // inlines // inline PrivateKeyFactoryMgr& SSLManager::privateKeyFactoryMgr() { return _factoryMgr; } inline CertificateHandlerFactoryMgr& SSLManager::certificateHandlerFactoryMgr() { return _certHandlerFactoryMgr; } inline bool SSLManager::isFIPSEnabled() { #ifdef OPENSSL_FIPS return FIPS_mode() ? true : false; #else return false; #endif } inline int SSLManager::verifyServerCallback(int ok, X509_STORE_CTX* pStore) { return SSLManager::verifyCallback(true, ok, pStore); } inline int SSLManager::verifyClientCallback(int ok, X509_STORE_CTX* pStore) { return SSLManager::verifyCallback(false, ok, pStore); } } } // namespace Poco::Net #endif // NetSSL_SSLManager_INCLUDED