// // JSONRowFormatter.cpp // // $Id: //poco/Main/Data/src/JSONRowFormatter.cpp#1 $ // // Library: Data // Package: DataCore // Module: JSONRowFormatter // // Copyright (c) 2006, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH. // and Contributors. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0 // #include "Poco/Data/JSONRowFormatter.h" #include "Poco/String.h" #include "Poco/JSONString.h" #include "Poco/Format.h" using Poco::trimInPlace; using Poco::format; using Poco::toJSON; namespace Poco { namespace Data { const int JSONRowFormatter::JSON_FMT_MODE_SMALL; const int JSONRowFormatter::JSON_FMT_MODE_ROW_COUNT; const int JSONRowFormatter::JSON_FMT_MODE_COLUMN_NAMES; const int JSONRowFormatter::JSON_FMT_MODE_FULL; JSONRowFormatter::JSONRowFormatter(int mode) : RowFormatter("{", "]}"), _firstTime(true) { if (mode == JSON_FMT_MODE_FULL) { mode |= JSON_FMT_MODE_ROW_COUNT; mode |= JSON_FMT_MODE_COLUMN_NAMES; //setPostfix("]}"); } setJSONMode(mode); } JSONRowFormatter::~JSONRowFormatter() { } void JSONRowFormatter::adjustPrefix() { if (printRowCount()) { std::ostringstream ostr; ostr << "{\"count\":" << getTotalRowCount() << ","; if (_mode & JSON_FMT_MODE_FULL) ostr << '['; setPrefix(ostr.str()); } } void JSONRowFormatter::setJSONMode(int mode) { if (mode < JSON_FMT_MODE_SMALL || mode > (JSON_FMT_MODE_SMALL | JSON_FMT_MODE_ROW_COUNT | JSON_FMT_MODE_COLUMN_NAMES | JSON_FMT_MODE_FULL)) { throw Poco::InvalidArgumentException( Poco::format("JSONRowFormatter mode must be between " "%d (JSON_FMT_MODE_SMALL) and %d (JSON_FMT_MODE_FULL)", JSON_FMT_MODE_SMALL, JSON_FMT_MODE_FULL)); } _mode = mode; if (!(_mode & JSON_FMT_MODE_SMALL) && !(_mode & JSON_FMT_MODE_FULL)) _mode |= JSON_FMT_MODE_SMALL; else if (_mode & JSON_FMT_MODE_FULL) { _mode |= JSON_FMT_MODE_ROW_COUNT; } adjustPrefix(); } std::string& JSONRowFormatter::formatValues(const ValueVec& vals, std::string& formattedValues) { std::ostringstream str; if (!_firstTime) str << ','; if (isSmall()) { if (_firstTime) { if (printColumnNames()) str << ",\"values\":"; str << '['; } str << '['; ValueVec::const_iterator it = vals.begin(); ValueVec::const_iterator end = vals.end(); for (; it != end;) { if (!it->isEmpty()) { if (it->isString() || it->isDate() || it->isTime()) { std::string val = it->convert(); trimInPlace(val); str << toJSON(val); } else str << it->convert(); } else str << "null"; if (++it == end) break; str << ','; } str << ']'; } else if (isFull()) { str << '{'; ValueVec::const_iterator it = vals.begin(); ValueVec::const_iterator end = vals.end(); NameVec::iterator nIt = _pNames->begin(); NameVec::iterator nEnd = _pNames->end(); for (; it != end && nIt != nEnd; ++nIt) { if (!it->isEmpty()) { if (it->isString() || it->isDate() || it->isTime()) { std::string val = it->convert(); trimInPlace(val); str << '"' << *nIt << "\":" << toJSON(val); } else str << '"' << *nIt << "\":" << it->convert(); } else str << '"' << *nIt << "\":null"; if (++it != end) str << ','; } str << '}'; } _firstTime = false; return formattedValues = str.str(); } std::string& JSONRowFormatter::formatNames(const NameVecPtr pNames, std::string& formattedNames) { if (isFull()) { // names are used in formatValues if (pNames && !_pNames) _pNames = pNames; return formattedNames = ""; } else if (printColumnNames()) { std::ostringstream ostr; ostr << "\"names\":["; for (NameVec::const_iterator it = pNames->begin(), end = pNames->end();;) { ostr << '"' << *it << '"'; if (++it == end) break; ostr << ','; } ostr << "]"; return formattedNames = ostr.str(); } return formattedNames = ""; } } }// namespace Poco::Data