// // Unicode.h // // $Id: //poco/1.3/Foundation/include/Poco/Unicode.h#2 $ // // Library: Foundation // Package: Text // Module: Unicode // // Definition of the Unicode class. // // Copyright (c) 2007, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH. // and Contributors. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person or organization // obtaining a copy of the software and accompanying documentation covered by // this license (the "Software") to use, reproduce, display, distribute, // execute, and transmit the Software, and to prepare derivative works of the // Software, and to permit third-parties to whom the Software is furnished to // do so, all subject to the following: // // The copyright notices in the Software and this entire statement, including // the above license grant, this restriction and the following disclaimer, // must be included in all copies of the Software, in whole or in part, and // all derivative works of the Software, unless such copies or derivative // works are solely in the form of machine-executable object code generated by // a source language processor. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT // SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR ANYONE DISTRIBUTING THE SOFTWARE BE LIABLE // FOR ANY DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, // ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER // DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // #ifndef Foundation_Unicode_INCLUDED #define Foundation_Unicode_INCLUDED #include "Poco/Foundation.h" namespace Poco { class Foundation_API Unicode /// This class contains enumerations and static /// utility functions for dealing with Unicode characters /// and their properties. /// /// For more information on Unicode, see <http://www.unicode.org>. /// /// The implementation is based on the Unicode support /// functions in PCRE. { public: // Implementation note: the following definitions must be kept // in sync with those from ucp.h (PCRE). enum CharacterCategory /// Unicode 5.0 character categories. { UCP_OTHER, UCP_LETTER, UCP_MARK, UCP_NUMBER, UCP_PUNCTUATION, UCP_SYMBOL, UCP_SEPARATOR }; enum CharacterType /// Unicode 5.0 character types. { UCP_CONTROL, UCP_FORMAT, UCP_UNASSIGNED, UCP_PRIVATE_USE, UCP_SURROGATE, UCP_LOWER_CASE_LETTER, UCP_MODIFIER_LETTER, UCP_OTHER_LETTER, UCP_TITLE_CASE_LETTER, UCP_UPPER_CASE_LETTER, UCP_SPACING_MARK, UCP_ENCLOSING_MARK, UCP_NON_SPACING_MARK, UCP_DECIMAL_NUMBER, UCP_LETTER_NUMBER, UCP_OTHER_NUMBER, UCP_CONNECTOR_PUNCTUATION, UCP_DASH_PUNCTUATION, UCP_CLOSE_PUNCTUATION, UCP_FINAL_PUNCTUATION, UCP_INITIAL_PUNCTUATION, UCP_OTHER_PUNCTUATION, UCP_OPEN_PUNCTUATION, UCP_CURRENCY_SYMBOL, UCP_MODIFIER_SYMBOL, UCP_MATHEMATICAL_SYMBOL, UCP_OTHER_SYMBOL, UCP_LINE_SEPARATOR, UCP_PARAGRAPH_SEPARATOR, UCP_SPACE_SEPARATOR }; enum Script /// Unicode 5.0 scripts. { UCP_ARABIC, UCP_ARMENIAN, UCP_BENGALI, UCP_BOPOMOFO, UCP_BRAILLE, UCP_BUGINESE, UCP_BUHID, UCP_CANADIAN_ABORIGINAL, UCP_CHEROKEE, UCP_COMMON, UCP_COPTIC, UCP_CYPRIOT, UCP_CYRILLIC, UCP_DESERET, UCP_DEVANAGARI, UCP_ETHIOPIC, UCP_GEORGIAN, UCP_GLAGOLITIC, UCP_GOTHIC, UCP_GREEK, UCP_GUJARATI, UCP_GURMUKHI, UCP_HAN, UCP_HANGUL, UCP_HANUNOO, UCP_HEBREW, UCP_HIRAGANA, UCP_INHERITED, UCP_KANNADA, UCP_KATAKANA, UCP_KHAROSHTHI, UCP_KHMER, UCP_LAO, UCP_LATIN, UCP_LIMBU, UCP_LINEAR_B, UCP_MALAYALAM, UCP_MONGOLIAN, UCP_MYANMAR, UCP_NEW_TAI_LUE, UCP_OGHAM, UCP_OLD_ITALIC, UCP_OLD_PERSIAN, UCP_ORIYA, UCP_OSMANYA, UCP_RUNIC, UCP_SHAVIAN, UCP_SINHALA, UCP_SYLOTI_NAGRI, UCP_SYRIAC, UCP_TAGALOG, UCP_TAGBANWA, UCP_TAI_LE, UCP_TAMIL, UCP_TELUGU, UCP_THAANA, UCP_THAI, UCP_TIBETAN, UCP_TIFINAGH, UCP_UGARITIC, UCP_YI, UCP_BALINESE, UCP_CUNEIFORM, UCP_NKO, UCP_PHAGS_PA, UCP_PHOENICIAN, UCP_CARIAN, UCP_CHAM, UCP_KAYAH_LI, UCP_LEPCHA, UCP_LYCIAN, UCP_LYDIAN, UCP_OL_CHIKI, UCP_REJANG, UCP_SAURASHTRA, UCP_SUNDANESE, UCP_VAI }; struct CharacterProperties /// This structure holds the character properties /// of an Unicode character. { CharacterCategory category; CharacterType type; Script script; }; static void properties(int ch, CharacterProperties& props); /// Return the Unicode character properties for the /// character with the given Unicode value. static bool isLower(int ch); /// Returns true iff the given character is a lowercase /// character. static bool isUpper(int ch); /// Returns true iff the given character is an uppercase /// character. static int toLower(int ch); /// If the given character is an uppercase character, /// return its lowercase counterpart, otherwise return /// the character. static int toUpper(int ch); /// If the given character is a lowercase character, /// return its uppercase counterpart, otherwise return /// the character. }; } // namespace Poco #endif // Foundation_Unicode_INCLUDED