Release 1.2.4 (2006-10-02) ========================== This release contains bugfixes and minor enchancements. See the CHANGELOG for details. Release 1.2.0 (2006-08-29) ========================== This release contains major improvements and new features. Summary of changes (please see CHANGELOG for details): - namespaces and header locations have changed - improvements to command line options handling - improvements to HTTP server and client classes - support for raw sockets and ICMP - improvements to DateTime, bugfixes in Timezone - improvements to Logging (including a new LogStream class) - HashTable classes in Foundation - ThreadPool now supports thread priorities - ActiveMethod now supports start policies; improved exception support - typesafe sprintf-like formatting - Process::launch() now supports I/O redirection to pipes - improvements to the build system (configure; make; make install is now supported) - various other bugfixes and enchancements Release 1.1.2 (2006-07-07) ========================== The POCO sources are now under the Boost license. Release 1.1.0 (2006-03-23) ========================== The official 1.1 release. Release 1.1b1 (2006-03-03) ========================== This release introduces the DBLite library, as well as SSL/TLS support for the Net library (NetSSL). Also included are lots of improvements to the existing libraries. Release 1.0.0 (2006-01-19) ========================== This is the official 1.0 release. Release 1.0b2 (2006-01-16) ========================== Minor improvements, mostly to documentation. Release 1.0b1 (2006-01-09) ========================== Feature complete. Added support for SMTP and POP3 (SMTPClientSession, POP3ClientSession) and many bug fixes. Release 1.0a1 (2006-01-03) ========================== First alpha release of 1.0. Added support for FTP (FTPClientSession, FTPStreamOpener), new stream classes (LineEndingConverter, TeeStream), upgraded to expat 2.0. Also added support for the Reactor/Acceptor/Connector patterns in Net. Various bugfixes and minor improvements. Release 0.96 (2005-12-28) ========================= This last release before the 1.0 release adds support for Visual Studio 2005. Also included are performance improvements and bugfixes. Release 0.95 (2005-10-15) ========================= This release introduces the Net library. Release 0.94 (2005-09-30) ========================= This release brings major improvements to the logging classes. The FileChannel class now supports compression of archived log files, as well as automtic purging of archived log files. See the CHANGELOG file for the complete list of changes. Release 0.93 (2005-08-01) ========================= This release brings major enchancements to all libraries. Highlights are the LocalDateTime class, the ServerApplication class with support for Windows services and Unix daemons, improvements to the FileChannel class, bugfixes and numerous other enchancements. Please see the CHANGELOG for details. Release 0.92 (2005-05-09) ========================= The first major update to the C++ Portable Components since their public release introduces the Util library, as well as various enchancements and bugfixes to the Foundation and XML libraries. Please see the CHANGELOG for details. Release 0.91 (2005-02-21) ========================= This is the first public release of the C++ Portable Components. The release does not contain all features planned for the later 1.0 release (the NET library is missing, for example), but is already quite usable. Please refer to the README file for more information and instructions for building the libraries. -- $Id: //poco/1.2/dist/NEWS#5 $