// // Cell.cpp // #include "Poco/PDF/Cell.h" namespace Poco { namespace PDF { Cell::Cell(const AttributedString& content, const std::string& name, FontMapPtr pFontMap): _content(content), _name(name) { setFonts(pFontMap); } Cell::Cell(const AttributedString& content, FontMapPtr pFontMap, const std::string& encoding, bool trueType): _content(content), _encoding(encoding), _trueType(trueType) { setFonts(pFontMap); } Cell::~Cell() { } void Cell::setFonts(FontMapPtr pFontMap) { _pFontMap = pFontMap; if (_pFontMap) poco_assert(_pFontMap->size() == 4); } void Cell::borderTopBottom(bool show) { borderTop(show); borderBottom(show); } void Cell::borderLeftRight(bool show) { borderLeft(show); borderRight(show); } void Cell::borderAll(bool show) { borderTop(show); borderBottom(show); borderLeft(show); borderRight(show); } void Cell::draw(Page& page, float x, float y, float width, float height) { // uncomment to force showing of the cell outline regardless of settings // _outline = 15; if (_outline != OUTLINE_NONE) { page.setLineWidth(_lineWidth); page.moveTo(x, y); if (_outline & OUTLINE_LEFT ) page.lineTo(x, y+height); if (_outline & OUTLINE_TOP ) page.lineTo(x+width, y+height); if (_outline & OUTLINE_RIGHT ) page.lineTo(x+width, y ); if (_outline & OUTLINE_BOTTOM) page.lineTo(x, y ); page.stroke(); } std::string text = _content; if (!text.empty()) { Font originalFont = page.getFont(); float originalSize = page.getFontSize(); try { // font names hard coded here, needs more work on the library level int fontStyle = _content.getAttribute(AttributedString::ATTR_STYLE); float fontSize = _content.getAttribute(AttributedString::ATTR_SIZE); if (fontStyle == AttributedString::STYLE_PLAIN) { if (!_pFontMap) page.setFont("Helvetica", fontSize); else if (_trueType) page.setTTFont((*_pFontMap)[AttributedString::STYLE_PLAIN], fontSize, _encoding); else page.setFont((*_pFontMap)[AttributedString::STYLE_PLAIN], fontSize, _encoding); } else if (fontStyle | AttributedString::STYLE_BOLD) { if (!_pFontMap) page.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", fontSize); else if (_trueType) page.setTTFont((*_pFontMap)[AttributedString::STYLE_BOLD], fontSize, _encoding); else page.setFont((*_pFontMap)[AttributedString::STYLE_BOLD], fontSize, _encoding); } else if (fontStyle | AttributedString::STYLE_ITALIC) { if (!_pFontMap) page.setFont("Helvetica-Oblique", fontSize); else if (_trueType) page.setTTFont((*_pFontMap)[AttributedString::STYLE_ITALIC], fontSize, _encoding); else page.setFont((*_pFontMap)[AttributedString::STYLE_ITALIC], fontSize, _encoding); } else if ((fontStyle & AttributedString::STYLE_BOLD) && (fontStyle & AttributedString::STYLE_ITALIC)) { if (!_pFontMap) page.setFont("Helvetica-BoldOblique", fontSize); else if (_trueType) page.setTTFont((*_pFontMap)[AttributedString::STYLE_BOLD | AttributedString::STYLE_ITALIC], fontSize, _encoding); else page.setFont((*_pFontMap)[AttributedString::STYLE_BOLD | AttributedString::STYLE_ITALIC], fontSize, _encoding); } else { throw NotFoundException(format("Unknown font style: %d", fontStyle)); } float tw = page.textWidth(text); // trim text that does not fit while (tw > width && text.size()) { text = text.substr(0, text.size() - 1); tw = page.textWidth(text); } float th = page.getFontSize(); float yPos = (height <= th) ? y : y + (height - th) / 2; int align = _content.getAttribute(AttributedString::ATTR_ALIGN); switch (align) { case AttributedString::ALIGN_LEFT: page.writeOnce(x + 5, yPos, text); break; case AttributedString::ALIGN_CENTER: page.writeOnce(x + (width - tw) / 2, yPos, text); break; break; case AttributedString::ALIGN_RIGHT: page.writeOnce(x + (width - tw), yPos, text); break; break; default: throw NotFoundException(format("Unknown alignment mode: %d", align)); } } catch (Poco::Exception&) { page.setFont(originalFont, originalSize); throw; } page.setFont(originalFont, originalSize); } } } } // namespace Poco::PDF