// // ZipManipulator.cpp // // $Id: //poco/1.4/Zip/src/ZipManipulator.cpp#1 $ // // Library: Zip // Package: Manipulation // Module: ZipManipulator // // Copyright (c) 2007, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH. // and Contributors. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0 // #include "Poco/Zip/ZipManipulator.h" #include "Poco/Zip/ZipException.h" #include "Poco/Zip/ZipUtil.h" #include "Poco/Zip/Add.h" #include "Poco/Zip/Delete.h" #include "Poco/Zip/Keep.h" #include "Poco/Zip/Rename.h" #include "Poco/Zip/Replace.h" #include "Poco/Zip/Compress.h" #include "Poco/Delegate.h" #include "Poco/File.h" #include "Poco/FileStream.h" namespace Poco { namespace Zip { ZipManipulator::ZipManipulator(const std::string& zipFile, bool backupOriginalFile): _zipFile(zipFile), _backupOriginalFile(backupOriginalFile), _changes(), _in(0) { Poco::FileInputStream in(zipFile); _in = new ZipArchive(in); } ZipManipulator::~ZipManipulator() { } void ZipManipulator::deleteFile(const std::string& zipPath) { const ZipLocalFileHeader& entry = getForChange(zipPath); addOperation(zipPath, new Delete(entry)); } void ZipManipulator::replaceFile(const std::string& zipPath, const std::string& localPath) { const ZipLocalFileHeader& entry = getForChange(zipPath); addOperation(zipPath, new Replace(entry, localPath)); } void ZipManipulator::renameFile(const std::string& zipPath, const std::string& newZipPath) { const ZipLocalFileHeader& entry = getForChange(zipPath); // checked later in Compress too but the earlier one gets the error the better std::string fn = ZipUtil::validZipEntryFileName(newZipPath); addOperation(zipPath, new Rename(entry, fn)); } void ZipManipulator::addFile(const std::string& zipPath, const std::string& localPath, ZipCommon::CompressionMethod cm, ZipCommon::CompressionLevel cl) { addOperation(zipPath, new Add(zipPath, localPath, cm, cl)); } ZipArchive ZipManipulator::commit() { // write to a tmp file std::string outFile(_zipFile + ".tmp"); ZipArchive retVal(compress(outFile)); //renaming { Poco::File aFile(_zipFile); if (_backupOriginalFile) { Poco::File tmp(_zipFile+".bak"); if (tmp.exists()) tmp.remove(); aFile.renameTo(_zipFile+".bak"); } else aFile.remove(); } { Poco::File resFile(outFile); Poco::File zipFile(_zipFile); if (zipFile.exists()) zipFile.remove(); resFile.renameTo(_zipFile); } return retVal; } const ZipLocalFileHeader& ZipManipulator::getForChange(const std::string& zipPath) const { ZipArchive::FileHeaders::const_iterator it = _in->findHeader(zipPath); if (it == _in->headerEnd()) throw ZipManipulationException("entry not found: " + zipPath); if (_changes.find(zipPath) != _changes.end()) throw ZipManipulationException("A change request exists already for entry " + zipPath); return it->second; } void ZipManipulator::addOperation(const std::string& zipPath, ZipOperation::Ptr ptrOp) { std::pair result = _changes.insert(std::make_pair(zipPath, ptrOp)); if (!result.second) throw ZipManipulationException("A change request exists already for entry " + zipPath); } void ZipManipulator::onEDone(const void*, const ZipLocalFileHeader& hdr) { EDone(this, hdr); } ZipArchive ZipManipulator::compress(const std::string& outFile) { // write to a tmp file Poco::FileInputStream in(_zipFile); Poco::FileOutputStream out(outFile); Compress c(out, true); c.EDone += Poco::Delegate(this, &ZipManipulator::onEDone); ZipArchive::FileHeaders::const_iterator it = _in->headerBegin(); for (; it != _in->headerEnd(); ++it) { Changes::iterator itC = _changes.find(it->first); if (itC != _changes.end()) { itC->second->execute(c, in); _changes.erase(itC); } else { Keep k(it->second); k.execute(c, in); } } //Remaining files are add operations! Changes::iterator itC = _changes.begin(); for (; itC != _changes.end(); ++itC) { itC->second->execute(c, in); } _changes.clear(); c.EDone -= Poco::Delegate(this, &ZipManipulator::onEDone); in.close(); return c.close(); } } } // namespace Poco::Zip