set(LIBNAME "PocoData") set(SRCS "") aux_source_directory(src SRCS) include_directories( SQLite/include ) if (NOT POCO_STATIC) add_definitions(-DData_EXPORTS -DTHREADSAFE -DODBC_EXPORTS -DMySQL_EXPORTS -DSQLite_EXPORTS) endif (NOT POCO_STATIC) if(MSVC AND NOT(MSVC_VERSION LESS 1400)) set_source_files_properties(src/StatementImpl.cpp PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "/bigobj") endif() add_library( ${LIBNAME} ${LIB_MODE} ${SRCS} ) set_target_properties( ${LIBNAME} PROPERTIES VERSION ${SHARED_LIBRARY_VERSION} SOVERSION ${SHARED_LIBRARY_VERSION} ) target_link_libraries( ${LIBNAME} PocoFoundation) install( DIRECTORY include/Poco DESTINATION include PATTERN ".svn" EXCLUDE ) install( TARGETS ${LIBNAME} LIBRARY DESTINATION lib${LIB_SUFFIX} ARCHIVE DESTINATION lib${LIB_SUFFIX} RUNTIME DESTINATION bin ) add_subdirectory( SQLite ) if(MYSQL_FOUND) add_subdirectory( MySQL ) endif(MYSQL_FOUND) include(FindODBC) if(CMAKE_SYSTEM MATCHES "Windows") message(STATUS "Windows native ODBC Support Enabled") add_subdirectory( ODBC ) else () if ( ${UNIX_ODBC_CONFIG} STREQUAL UNIX_ODBC_CONFIG-NOTFOUND AND ${IODBC_CONFIG} STREQUAL IODBC_CONFIG-NOTFOUND) message(STATUS "ODBC Support Disabled - no ODBC runtime") else () message(STATUS "ODBC Support Enabled") add_subdirectory( ODBC ) endif () endif() if (ENABLE_TESTS) add_subdirectory(samples) add_subdirectory(testsuite) endif ()