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POCO (Portable Components) C++ Libraries are:

- A collection of C++ class libraries, conceptually similar to the Java Class Library, the .NET Framework or Apple’s Cocoa.
- Focused on solutions to frequently-encountered practical problems.
- Focused on ‘internet-age’ network-centric applications.
- Written in efficient, modern, 100% ANSI/ISO Standard C++.
- Based on and complementing the C++ Standard Library/STL.
- Highly portable and available on many different platforms, from embedded to server.
- Open Source, licensed under the [Boost Software License](https://spdx.org/licenses/BSL-1.0).

![alt text][overview]

To start using POCO, see the [Guided Tour](https://pocoproject.org/docs/00100-GuidedTour.html)
and [Getting Started](https://pocoproject.org/docs/00200-GettingStarted.html) documents.

POCO has an active user and contributing community, please visit our [web site](https://pocoproject.org) and [blog](https://pocoproject.org/blog).
Answers to POCO-related questions can also be found on [Stack Overflow](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/poco-libraries).

Please see [CONTRIBUTING](CONTRIBUTING.md) for submitting contributions, bugs reports, feature requests or security issues.

In regards to Boost, in spite of some functional overlapping,
POCO is best thought of as a Boost complement (rather than replacement).
Side-by-side use of Boost and POCO is a very common occurrence.

[overview]: doc/images/overview.png "Poco Overview"
[logo]: doc/images/logo.png "Poco Logo"