// // Timespan.h // // Library: Foundation // Package: DateTime // Module: Timespan // // Definition of the Timespan class. // // Copyright (c) 2004-2006, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH. // and Contributors. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0 // #ifndef Foundation_Timespan_INCLUDED #define Foundation_Timespan_INCLUDED #include "Poco/Foundation.h" #include "Poco/Timestamp.h" #include <chrono> namespace Poco { class Foundation_API Timespan /// A class that represents time spans up to microsecond resolution. { public: using TimeDiff = Timestamp::TimeDiff; Timespan(); /// Creates a zero Timespan. Timespan(TimeDiff microseconds); /// Creates a Timespan. Timespan(long seconds, long microseconds); /// Creates a Timespan. Useful for creating /// a Timespan from a struct timeval. Timespan(int days, int hours, int minutes, int seconds, int microSeconds); /// Creates a Timespan. Timespan(const Timespan& timespan); /// Creates a Timespan from another one. template <class T, class Period> Timespan(const std::chrono::duration<T, Period>& dtime) : _span(std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(dtime).count()) {} /// Creates a Timespan from std::chrono::duration ~Timespan(); /// Destroys the Timespan. Timespan& operator = (const Timespan& timespan); /// Assignment operator. Timespan& operator = (TimeDiff microseconds); /// Assignment operator. Timespan& assign(int days, int hours, int minutes, int seconds, int microSeconds); /// Assigns a new span. Timespan& assign(long seconds, long microseconds); /// Assigns a new span. Useful for assigning /// from a struct timeval. template <class T, class Period> Timespan& assign(const std::chrono::duration<T, Period>& dtime) /// Assigns a new span from std::chrono::duration. { _span = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(dtime).count(); return *this; } void swap(Timespan& timespan) noexcept; /// Swaps the Timespan with another one. bool operator == (const Timespan& ts) const; bool operator != (const Timespan& ts) const; bool operator > (const Timespan& ts) const; bool operator >= (const Timespan& ts) const; bool operator < (const Timespan& ts) const; bool operator <= (const Timespan& ts) const; bool operator == (TimeDiff microSeconds) const; bool operator != (TimeDiff microSeconds) const; bool operator > (TimeDiff microSeconds) const; bool operator >= (TimeDiff microSeconds) const; bool operator < (TimeDiff microSeconds) const; bool operator <= (TimeDiff microSeconds) const; Timespan operator + (const Timespan& d) const; Timespan operator - (const Timespan& d) const; Timespan& operator += (const Timespan& d); Timespan& operator -= (const Timespan& d); Timespan operator + (TimeDiff microSeconds) const; Timespan operator - (TimeDiff microSeconds) const; Timespan& operator += (TimeDiff microSeconds); Timespan& operator -= (TimeDiff microSeconds); int days() const; /// Returns the number of days. int hours() const; /// Returns the number of hours (0 to 23). int totalHours() const; /// Returns the total number of hours. int minutes() const; /// Returns the number of minutes (0 to 59). int totalMinutes() const; /// Returns the total number of minutes. int seconds() const; /// Returns the number of seconds (0 to 59). int totalSeconds() const; /// Returns the total number of seconds. int milliseconds() const; /// Returns the number of milliseconds (0 to 999). TimeDiff totalMilliseconds() const; /// Returns the total number of milliseconds. int microseconds() const; /// Returns the fractions of a millisecond /// in microseconds (0 to 999). int useconds() const; /// Returns the fractions of a second /// in microseconds (0 to 999999). TimeDiff totalMicroseconds() const; /// Returns the total number of microseconds. static const TimeDiff MILLISECONDS; /// The number of microseconds in a millisecond. static const TimeDiff SECONDS; /// The number of microseconds in a second. static const TimeDiff MINUTES; /// The number of microseconds in a minute. static const TimeDiff HOURS; /// The number of microseconds in a hour. static const TimeDiff DAYS; /// The number of microseconds in a day. private: TimeDiff _span; }; // // inlines // inline int Timespan::days() const { return int(_span/DAYS); } inline int Timespan::hours() const { return int((_span/HOURS) % 24); } inline int Timespan::totalHours() const { return int(_span/HOURS); } inline int Timespan::minutes() const { return int((_span/MINUTES) % 60); } inline int Timespan::totalMinutes() const { return int(_span/MINUTES); } inline int Timespan::seconds() const { return int((_span/SECONDS) % 60); } inline int Timespan::totalSeconds() const { return int(_span/SECONDS); } inline int Timespan::milliseconds() const { return int((_span/MILLISECONDS) % 1000); } inline Timespan::TimeDiff Timespan::totalMilliseconds() const { return _span/MILLISECONDS; } inline int Timespan::microseconds() const { return int(_span % 1000); } inline int Timespan::useconds() const { return int(_span % 1000000); } inline Timespan::TimeDiff Timespan::totalMicroseconds() const { return _span; } inline bool Timespan::operator == (const Timespan& ts) const { return _span == ts._span; } inline bool Timespan::operator != (const Timespan& ts) const { return _span != ts._span; } inline bool Timespan::operator > (const Timespan& ts) const { return _span > ts._span; } inline bool Timespan::operator >= (const Timespan& ts) const { return _span >= ts._span; } inline bool Timespan::operator < (const Timespan& ts) const { return _span < ts._span; } inline bool Timespan::operator <= (const Timespan& ts) const { return _span <= ts._span; } inline bool Timespan::operator == (TimeDiff microSeconds) const { return _span == microSeconds; } inline bool Timespan::operator != (TimeDiff microSeconds) const { return _span != microSeconds; } inline bool Timespan::operator > (TimeDiff microSeconds) const { return _span > microSeconds; } inline bool Timespan::operator >= (TimeDiff microSeconds) const { return _span >= microSeconds; } inline bool Timespan::operator < (TimeDiff microSeconds) const { return _span < microSeconds; } inline bool Timespan::operator <= (TimeDiff microSeconds) const { return _span <= microSeconds; } inline void swap(Timespan& s1, Timespan& s2) noexcept { s1.swap(s2); } inline Timespan::~Timespan() { } } // namespace Poco #endif // Foundation_Timespan_INCLUDED