# usage: # . env.bash # or # source env.bash self="${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" if [ "$self" == "$0" ] ; then echo "This file must be sourced from bash, not run." echo "Usage: . $0" exit 1 fi if [ -d "$self" ] ; then basedir="$(cd "$self" || exit; pwd -P)" else basedir="$(cd "$(dirname "$self")" || exit; pwd -P)" fi OSNAME="${OSNAME:=$(uname -s)}" export OSNAME OSARCH="${OSARCH:=$(uname -m)}" export OSARCH POCO_BASE="$basedir" export POCO_BASE POCO_LIB_PATH=$POCO_BASE/lib/$OSNAME/$OSARCH:$POCO_BASE/lib/$OSNAME/$OSARCH/lib POCO_BIN_PATH=$POCO_BASE/Foundation/testsuite/bin/$OSNAME/$OSARCH POCO_PATHS=$POCO_BASE:$POCO_LIB_PATH:$POCO_BIN_PATH if [[ "$PATH" != *"$POCO_PATHS"* ]]; then PATH=$POCO_PATHS:$PATH export PATH fi explibpath= expbinpath= exppocopath= function setPath { # adds POCO_PATHS to system PATH only if they are not there already IFS=':' read -ra PATHDIR <<< "$1" for i in "${PATHDIR[@]}"; do if [[ "$POCO_LIB_PATH" == "$i" ]]; then explibpath+="$i" elif [[ "$POCO_BIN_PATH" == "$i" ]]; then expbinpath+="$i" elif [[ "$POCO_BASE" == "$i" ]]; then exppocopath+="$i" fi done } setPath "$PATH" if [[ -z "$exppocopath" ]]; then export PATH="$POCO_BASE:$PATH" fi if [[ -z "$explibpath" ]]; then export PATH="$POCO_LIB_PATH:$PATH" fi if [[ -z "$expbinpath" ]]; then export PATH="$POCO_BIN_PATH:$PATH" fi explibpath= function setLibPath { # adds POCO_LIB_PATH to (DY)LD_LIBRARY_PATH only if it is not there already IFS=':' read -ra LIBDIR <<< "$1" for i in "${LIBDIR[@]}"; do if [[ "$POCO_LIB_PATH" == "$i" ]]; then explibpath="$1" break fi done } case "${OSNAME}" in Linux*) setLibPath "$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" if [[ -z "$explibpath" ]]; then export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$POCO_LIB_PATH:$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH" fi ;; Darwin*) setLibPath "$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH" if [[ -z "$explibpath" ]]; then export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="$POCO_LIB_PATH:$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH" fi ;; esac # uncomment for sanitizer builds #LSAN_OPTIONS=verbosity=1:log_threads=1 #export LSAN_OPTIONS #TSAN_OPTIONS="suppressions=$POCO_BASE/tsan.suppress,second_deadlock_stack=1" #export TSAN_OPTIONS echo "\$OSNAME = $OSNAME" echo "\$OSARCH = $OSARCH" echo "\$POCO_BASE = $POCO_BASE" echo "\$PATH = $PATH" case "${OSNAME}" in Linux*) echo "\$LD_LIBRARY_PATH = $LD_LIBRARY_PATH";; Darwin*) echo "\$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH = $DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH";; esac