[1951604] POCO refuses to compile with g++ 4.3.0
[1953551] Solaris Sun Studio 12 Apache stdcxx 64 bit
Warning: compile with target platforms not done yet!
Add code (int) to Poco::Exception with default value zero. When throwing exceptions, applications can currently set a custom message. This will add the ability to set a custom code as well, that is specific to the application. This change implements codes for Poco::SocketImpl via the error() method to allow handling of different socket errors based on their actual type (without having to compare their message text).
- Named the inner enumerations to fix SF issue#1834127
* include/Poco/RunnableAdapter.h
- Added missing ``return *this'' to RunnableAdapter::operator=
* src/TaskManager.cpp
- Added try-catch block in TaskManager::start to ensure that _taskList
is properly maintained. Fix for SF issue#1829700
* testsuite/src/TaskManagerTest.cpp
* testsuite/src/TaskManagerTest.h
- Added test cases for SF issue@1829700
* Foundation/src/LocalDateTime.cpp
- Fixed Sourceforge tracker 1800031.
The time zone differential was not being maintained in many places.
There are some minor functionality changes with this changeset however.
* Assignment methods which do not take the full time information or a
tzd as parameters will adjust the time stamp for DST according to
the time specified. The only methods that do not fall under this
constraint are:
- constructors or assigns which accept year, month, day, etc.
- constructors or assigns which accept a tzd
* operators += and -= correctly adjust for DST boundary crossings.
* operators + and - will return a LocalDateTime instance that has
been adjust for DST boundary crossings.
* Foundation/testsuite/src/LocalDateTimeTest.h
* Foundation/testsuite/src/LocalDateTimeTest.cpp
- Added testTimezone method.
- Removed an assertion in testGregorian1() that would fail when the
current DST offset differed from that of 1970-1-1.