for CMake build system
It is strongly recomended to use out-of-source build to preserve
original Poco makefiles.
I have tested unix makefile generating and Eclipse CDT4 generating.
Supported are static/dynamic and debug/release targets.
On now only core libs are included: CppUnit, Foundation,
Data, Data/SQLite, Util, Net and XML. But autodetection
of OpenSSL, MySQL and ODBC is working OK already.
CPack and CTest nor library install still doesn't work, only building.
This is only the start.
build/config/SunOS renamed to SunOS-SunForte
added build/config/SunOS-SunStudio
modified build/rules/global to select proper configuration based on detected Sun compiler version
disabled spurious hidevf warning for Data/testsuite and Data/SQLite Sun build
Following keywords were moved from Poco:Data to Poco::Data::Keywords namespace
- now
- use
- bind
- into
- in
- out
- io
- from
- bulk
- null
- limit
- upperLimit
- lowerLimit
- range
- row formatting refactored
- affected row count for insert, delete and update returned from Statement::execute()
- internal SQL string formatting capability using Poco::format()
- asynchronous execution for Data::Statement
- ActiveMethod copy and assignment
- added Data components to $POCO_BASE/components
- SQLite 64-bit integer default
- SessionPool timer seconds to milliseconds
- ODBC fix for subsequent calls to execute()
- std::deque (instead of std::vector) as default container