From f3d10e2764606b27274fe9dc30d85950480925d3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alex Fabijanic <>
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2017 18:02:35 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] restore deleted documentation

 Foundation/include/Poco/Format.h | 75 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 74 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/Foundation/include/Poco/Format.h b/Foundation/include/Poco/Format.h
index 0c3cac1de..7b067ccb4 100644
--- a/Foundation/include/Poco/Format.h
+++ b/Foundation/include/Poco/Format.h
@@ -28,7 +28,80 @@ namespace Poco {
 std::string Foundation_API format(const std::string& fmt, const Any& value);
+	/// This function implements sprintf-style formatting in a typesafe way.		
+	/// Various variants of the function are available, supporting a		
+	/// different number of arguments (up to six).		
+	///		
+	/// The formatting is controlled by the format string in fmt.		
+	/// Format strings are quite similar to those of the std::printf() function, but		
+	/// there are some minor differences.		
+	///		
+	/// The format string can consist of any sequence of characters; certain		
+	/// characters have a special meaning. Characters without a special meaning		
+	/// are copied verbatim to the result. A percent sign (%) marks the beginning		
+	/// of a format specification. Format specifications have the following syntax:		
+	///		
+	///   %[<index>][<flags>][<width>][.<precision>][<modifier>]<type>		
+	///		
+	/// Index, flags, width, precision and prefix are optional. The only required part of		
+	/// the format specification, apart from the percent sign, is the type.		
+	///		
+	/// The optional index argument has the format "[<n>]" and allows to		
+	/// address an argument by its zero-based position (see the example below).		
+	///		
+	/// Following are valid type specifications and their meaning:		
+	///		
+	///   * b boolean (true = 1, false = 0)		
+	///   * c character		
+	///   * d signed decimal integer		
+	///   * i signed decimal integer		
+	///   * o unsigned octal integer		
+	///   * u unsigned decimal integer		
+	///   * x unsigned hexadecimal integer (lower case)		
+	///   * X unsigned hexadecimal integer (upper case)		
+	///   * e signed floating-point value in the form [-]d.dddde[<sign>]dd[d]		
+	///   * E signed floating-point value in the form [-]d.ddddE[<sign>]dd[d]		
+	///   * f signed floating-point value in the form [-]dddd.dddd		
+	///   * s std::string		
+	///   * z std::size_t		
+	///		
+	/// The following flags are supported:		
+	///		
+	///   * - left align the result within the given field width		
+	///   * + prefix the output value with a sign (+ or -) if the output value is of a signed type		
+	///   * 0 if width is prefixed with 0, zeros are added until the minimum width is reached		
+	///   * # For o, x, X, the # flag prefixes any nonzero output value with 0, 0x, or 0X, respectively; 		
+	///     for e, E, f, the # flag forces the output value to contain a decimal point in all cases.		
+	///		
+	/// The following modifiers are supported:		
+	///		
+	///   * (none) argument is char (c), int (d, i), unsigned (o, u, x, X) double (e, E, f, g, G) or string (s)		
+	///   * l      argument is long (d, i), unsigned long (o, u, x, X) or long double (e, E, f, g, G)		
+	///   * L      argument is long long (d, i), unsigned long long (o, u, x, X)		
+	///   * h      argument is short (d, i), unsigned short (o, u, x, X) or float (e, E, f, g, G)		
+	///   * ?      argument is any signed or unsigned int, short, long, or 64-bit integer (d, i, o, x, X)		
+	///		
+	/// The width argument is a nonnegative decimal integer or '*' with an additional nonnegative integer value preceding the value to be formated, controlling the minimum number of characters printed.		
+	/// If the number of characters in the output value is less than the specified width, blanks or		
+	/// leading zeros are added, according to the specified flags (-, +, 0).		
+	///		
+	/// Precision is a nonnegative decimal integer or '*' with an additional nonnegative integer value preceding the value to be formated, preceded by a period (.), which specifies the number of characters		
+	/// to be printed, the number of decimal places, or the number of significant digits.		
+	///		
+	/// Throws an InvalidArgumentException if an argument index is out of range.		
+	///		
+	/// Starting with release 1.4.3, an argument that does not match the format		
+	/// specifier no longer results in a BadCastException. The string [ERRFMT] is 		
+	/// written to the result string instead.		
+	/// 		
+	/// If there are more format specifiers than values, the format specifiers without a corresponding value		
+	/// are copied verbatim to output.		
+	///		
+	/// If there are more values than format specifiers, the superfluous values are ignored.		
+	///		
+	/// Usage Examples:		
+	///     std::string s1 = format("The answer to life, the universe, and everything is %d", 42);		
+	///     std::string s2 = format("second: %[1]d, first: %[0]d", 1, 2);
 void Foundation_API format(std::string& result, const char *fmt, const std::vector<Any>& values);
 	/// Supports a variable number of arguments and is used by