fixed Klocwork issues

This commit is contained in:
Guenter Obiltschnig 2016-09-26 19:29:55 +02:00
parent 18e594e7ff
commit dd30db6ca9
2 changed files with 82 additions and 52 deletions

View File

@ -101,34 +101,53 @@ void ZipFileInfo::parse(std::istream& inp, bool assumeHeaderRead)
_localHeaderOffset = getOffsetFromHeader();
Poco::UInt16 len = getFileNameLength();
Poco::Buffer<char> buf(len);, len);
_fileName = std::string(buf.begin(), len);
if (len > 0)
Poco::Buffer<char> buf(len);, len);
_fileName = std::string(buf.begin(), len);
if (hasExtraField())
len = getExtraFieldLength();
Poco::Buffer<char> xtra(len);, len);
_extraField = std::string(xtra.begin(), len);
char* ptr = xtra.begin();
while(ptr <= xtra.begin() + len - 4) {
Poco::UInt16 id = ZipUtil::get16BitValue(ptr, 0); ptr +=2;
Poco::UInt16 size = ZipUtil::get16BitValue(ptr, 0); ptr += 2;
if(id == ZipCommon::ZIP64_EXTRA_ID) {
poco_assert(size >= 8);
if(getUncompressedSizeFromHeader() == ZipCommon::ZIP64_MAGIC) {
setUncompressedSize(ZipUtil::get64BitValue(ptr, 0)); size -= 8; ptr += 8;
if(size >= 8 && getCompressedSizeFromHeader() == ZipCommon::ZIP64_MAGIC) {
setCompressedSize(ZipUtil::get64BitValue(ptr, 0)); size -= 8; ptr += 8;
if(size >= 8 && getOffsetFromHeader() == ZipCommon::ZIP64_MAGIC) {
setOffset(ZipUtil::get64BitValue(ptr, 0)); size -= 8; ptr += 8;
if (len > 0)
Poco::Buffer<char> xtra(len);, len);
_extraField = std::string(xtra.begin(), len);
char* ptr = xtra.begin();
while (ptr <= xtra.begin() + len - 4)
ptr += size;
Poco::UInt16 id = ZipUtil::get16BitValue(ptr, 0);
ptr += 2;
Poco::UInt16 size = ZipUtil::get16BitValue(ptr, 0);
ptr += 2;
if (id == ZipCommon::ZIP64_EXTRA_ID)
poco_assert(size >= 8);
if (getUncompressedSizeFromHeader() == ZipCommon::ZIP64_MAGIC)
setUncompressedSize(ZipUtil::get64BitValue(ptr, 0));
size -= 8;
ptr += 8;
if (size >= 8 && getCompressedSizeFromHeader() == ZipCommon::ZIP64_MAGIC)
setCompressedSize(ZipUtil::get64BitValue(ptr, 0));
size -= 8;
ptr += 8;
if (size >= 8 && getOffsetFromHeader() == ZipCommon::ZIP64_MAGIC)
setOffset(ZipUtil::get64BitValue(ptr, 0));
size -= 8;
ptr += 8;
ptr += size;

View File

@ -131,10 +131,13 @@ void ZipLocalFileHeader::parse(std::istream& inp, bool assumeHeaderRead)
poco_assert (ZipUtil::get16BitValue(_rawHeader, COMPR_METHOD_POS) < ZipCommon::CM_UNUSED);
Poco::UInt16 len = getFileNameLength();
Poco::Buffer<char> buf(len);, len);
_fileName = std::string(buf.begin(), len);
if (len > 0)
Poco::Buffer<char> buf(len);, len);
_fileName = std::string(buf.begin(), len);
if (!searchCRCAndSizesAfterData())
_crc32 = getCRCFromHeader();
@ -145,33 +148,41 @@ void ZipLocalFileHeader::parse(std::istream& inp, bool assumeHeaderRead)
if (hasExtraField())
len = getExtraFieldLength();
Poco::Buffer<char> xtra(len);, len);
_extraField = std::string(xtra.begin(), len);
char* ptr = xtra.begin();
while (ptr <= xtra.begin() + len - 4)
if (len > 0)
Poco::UInt16 id = ZipUtil::get16BitValue(ptr, 0); ptr +=2;
Poco::UInt16 size = ZipUtil::get16BitValue(ptr, 0); ptr += 2;
if (id == ZipCommon::ZIP64_EXTRA_ID)
poco_assert(size >= 8);
if (getUncompressedSizeFromHeader() == ZipCommon::ZIP64_MAGIC)
setUncompressedSize(ZipUtil::get64BitValue(ptr, 0)); size -= 8; ptr += 8;
if (size >= 8 && getCompressedSizeFromHeader() == ZipCommon::ZIP64_MAGIC)
setCompressedSize(ZipUtil::get64BitValue(ptr, 0)); size -= 8; ptr += 8;
ptr += size;
Poco::Buffer<char> xtra(len);, len);
_extraField = std::string(xtra.begin(), len);
char* ptr = xtra.begin();
while (ptr <= xtra.begin() + len - 4)
Poco::UInt16 id = ZipUtil::get16BitValue(ptr, 0);
ptr += 2;
Poco::UInt16 size = ZipUtil::get16BitValue(ptr, 0);
ptr += 2;
if (id == ZipCommon::ZIP64_EXTRA_ID)
poco_assert(size >= 8);
if (getUncompressedSizeFromHeader() == ZipCommon::ZIP64_MAGIC)
setUncompressedSize(ZipUtil::get64BitValue(ptr, 0));
size -= 8;
ptr += 8;
if (size >= 8 && getCompressedSizeFromHeader() == ZipCommon::ZIP64_MAGIC)
setCompressedSize(ZipUtil::get64BitValue(ptr, 0));
size -= 8;
ptr += 8;
ptr += size;