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ActiveRecord user guide
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POCO C++ Libraries ActiveRecord Framework
POCO ActiveRecord User Guide
POCO ActiveRecord is a simple and lightweight object-relational mapping (ORM) framework
built on top of the POCO Data library. The main goal of POCO ActiveRecord is
to relieve developers from having to write lots of boilerplate database
query code for common operations like finding an object by ID, updating an object, deleting
an object or running paged queries. As its name implies, the framework follows
the well-known [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Active_record_pattern Active Record]]
architectural pattern. It's based on a code generator (named *Active Record Compiler*,
or <[arc]>) and uses a convention-over-configuration approach.
!!!Getting Started
The starting point for using the ActiveRecord framework is an XML file.
The XML file describes the classes that correspond to database tables,
and their relationships. From that XML file, the ActiveRecord Compiler
generates corresponding header and source files defining and implementing
the respective C++ classes, as well as type handlers for the POCO Data
Following is a first example for such an XML file. The file defines two
classes, an `Employee` class (mapped to a table named `employees`), and
a `Role` class (mapped to a table names `roles`).
<project namespace="Sample">
<class name="Employee" table="employees">
<property name="id" type="uuid"/>
<property name="name" type="string"/>
<property name="ssn" type="string"/>
<property name="role" type="int16" references="Role"/>
<property name="manager" type="uuid" references="Employee" cardinality="?"/>
<class name="Role" table="roles" autoIncrementID="true">
<property name="id" type="int16"/>
<property name="name" type="string"/>
<property name="description" type="string"/>
There is a n:1 relationship between `Employee` and `Role` (each employee
has exactly one role). Furthermore, each employee can optionally have
a manager, which is again an `Employee`.
The generated C++ classes will be in the `Sample` namespace, as specified
in the <[project]> element.
The definitions in the XML file correspond to the database schema built
by the following <[CREATE TABLE]> statements:
CREATE TABLE employees (
id CHAR(36),
name VARCHAR(64),
ssn VARCHAR(32),
manager CHAR(36)
name VARCHAR(64),
description VARCHAR(256)
Running the ActiveRecord Compiler with the above XML file (sample.xml) with the
following statement:
$ arc sample.xml
will create the following files in the current working directory:
The generated classes are derived from the Poco::ActiveRecord::ActiveRecord class
template and have accessor methods for all properties, as well as methods
for creating, updating and deleting instances in the database.
ActiveRecord objects are reference counted, and every generated class contains
a `Ptr` type alias for an appropriate Poco::AutoPtr<>.
!!The Context
ActiveRecord uses a Context (Poco::ActiveRecord::Context) class to bind objects to
a database session (Poco::Data::Session). In addition to the database session,
the Context also holds a connector-specific
Poco::ActiveRecord::StatementPlaceholderProvider. This class makes sure generated
SQL statements have the correct placeholders for the respective database backend.
For most database backends, the `?` placeholders will be fine, but PostgreSQL
has a different placeholder format (`$1`, `$2`, etc). The Context's StatementPlaceholderProvider
takes care of that.
Every ActiveRecord object must be associated with a Context, before any database
operations can take place. Context objects are relatively lightweight, so they
can be created whenever needed. Context objects are reference-counted, so a Context
object will be kept alive as long as at least one ActiveRecord object still references it.
!!Creating an Object
The following code snippet shows how to create a new `Role` object and insert it into
the `roles` table.
Poco::Data::Session session("SQLite", "data.sqlite");
Context::Ptr pContext = new Context(session);
Role::Ptr pDeveloper = new Role;
.description("Developer role");
As can be seen, setters (`name()`, `description()` in this case) can be chained.
The `create()` method will bind the object to a Context and then execute
an `INSERT` statement to insert the object into the `roles` table.
!!Finding an Object
The following code snippet shows how to find a `Role` object by its ID (1).
Poco::Data::Session session("SQLite", "data.sqlite");
Context::Ptr pContext = new Context(session);
Role::Ptr pRole = Role::find(pContext, 1);
<< "name: " << pRole->name() << "\n"
<< "description: " << pRole->description() << std::endl;
!!Updating an Object
Updating an object involves first updating the respective properties using
the setter functions, then calling the `update()` method. To update an
ActiveRecord object, the object must already be bound to a Context.
Objects returned from `find()`, or from a query will already be bound to a Context.
Note that the following snippets will omit the session and context setup code.
Role::Ptr pRole = Role::find(pContext, 1);
pRole->description("New developer role");
!!Deleting an Object
An object bound to a Context can be deleted by calling the `remove()` method.
Role::Ptr pRole = Role::find(pContext, 1);
Finding objects by their IDs alone is fine if the respective IDs are already known.
However, in most cases, ActiveRecord objects will be obtained by executing
a query. To do that, the ActiveRecord framework provides the
Poco::ActiveRecord::Query class template. The Query template must be instantiated
with the class of the resulting objects. The Query class will generate a
`SELECT` statement. Query parameters can be specified via data binding. The
`?` placeholder can be used regardless of the underlying database backend. The
Query class will replace it with the appropriate placeholder for the backend.
Actual query parameters are bound with the `bind()` method. The query is then
executed by calling the `execute()` method.
The result of a Query is a `std::vector` containing pointers (Poco::AutoPtr)
to returned objects.
Poco::ActiveRecord::Query<Role> query(pContext);
const auto result = query
.where("name = ?")
for (const auto& pRole: result)
std::cout << pRole->description() << std::endl;
The argument to the `where()` method can be any SQL WHERE clause. Please note
that you must use column names from the actual database tables in the WHERE
clause, not property names.
The results of a Query can be ordered, by calling the `orderBy()` method.
Note that the argument to `orderBy` must be the actual column name in the table,
not the property name of the object. The column name can be followed by
`ASC` or `DESC` to specify the direction.
Poco::ActiveRecord::Query<Role> query(pContext);
const auto result = query
.where("name = ?")
.orderBy("name ASC")
for (const auto& pRole: result)
std::cout << pRole->description() << std::endl;
The result of a query can be paged, by specifying an offset and a limit.
The offset specifies the index of the first result to be returned, the
limit specifies the maximum number of objects returned.
To retrieve all roles, split up into pages of 10 roles, the following
code could be used:
std::size_t offset = 0;
const std::size_t pageSize = 10;
Poco::ActiveRecord::Query<Role> query(pContext);
bool done = false;
while (!done)
const auto result = query
offset += result.size();
done = result.empty();
for (const auto& pRole: result)
// ...
In order to re-execute a Query, the `reset()` method must be called first, as is
shown above at the end of the `while` loop.
!Filtering Results
In addition to filtering results with a `WHERE` clause, it's also possible to
filter results with a lambda expression. While `WHERE` is evaluated in the
database engine, and therefore much more efficient, the `filter()` method
allows some additional flexibility.
Poco::ActiveRecord::Query<Role> query(pContext);
[](const Role& role)
return role.name() == "Senior Developer";
const auto result = query.execute();
Relations (defined in the XML file as properties with a `references` attribute)
can be accessed via two kinds accessor methods. The first accepts an
ActiveObject::Ptr as parameter or returns it, the second kind takes a key as
parameter or returns it. Accessors that take a key/ID value instead of an
ActiveRecord have their method name suffixed with `ID`.
In the following sample, the `role` property is set with the key value, whereas the
`manager` property is set via the ActiveRecord object.
Employee::Ptr pManager = new Employee;
pManager->name("Bill Lumbergh").ssn("23452343").roleID(3);
Employee::Ptr pEmployee = new Employee;
pEmployee->name("Michael Bolton").ssn("123987123").roleID(2).manager(pManager);
!Auto-increment Keys and Auto-generated UUIDs on Insert
ActiveRecord supports auto-incrementing keys when inserting an ActiveRecord. T
o enable this feature, the `autoIncrementID` attribute in the `class` element needs
to be set to `true`.
When inserting such an ActiveRecord object, after executing the `INSERT` statement, the
actual value of the key will be obtained from the database. This is currently
implemented for SQLite, MySQL/MariaDB and PostgreSQL, using appropriate database-specific
When inserting an ActiveRecord with an all-null UUID, a random UUID will be generated
before executing the `INSERT` statement.
!!!XML Reference
!!Supported Data Types
The following data types can be specified for properties in the `type` attribute
and are mapped to the indicated C++ types.
Type in XML C++ Type
bool bool
char char
int8 Poco::Int8
uint8 Poco::UInt8
int16 Poco::Int16
uint16 Poco::UInt16
int32 Poco::Int32
uint32 Poco::UInt32
int64 Poco::Int64
uint64 Poco::UInt64
float float
double double
dateTime Poco::DateTime
timestamp Poco::Timestamp
time Poco::Data::Time
date Poco::Data::Date
uuid Poco::UUID
string std::string
Note: When creating the underlying database schema, it's the developer's responsibility
to use a database-specific column type compatible with the data type specified in the XML.
!!Elements and Attributes
!The project Element
The `project` element must be the root element in the XML file.
The `project` element accepts the following attributes:
- `namespace`: Specifies the C++ namespace for the generated classes. A multi-level
namespace can be specified, e.g. "MyProject::Data".
- `convertCamelCase`: If set to `true`, property and class names specified in
camel case (e.g., `firstName`) will be converted to snake case (`first_name`) to
identify the respective column or table. Defaults to `false`.
!The class Element
The `class` element must be inside of a `project` element and accepts the following attributes:
- `name`: Specifies the name of the class. Must be a valid C++ class name. Required.
- `table`: Specifies the name of the related database table. If not specified, the
table name will be derived from the class name (see the `convertCamelCase` attribute
in the `project` element).
- `key`: Specifies the name of the primary key column. If not specified, defaults
to `id`.
- `autoIncrementID`: If set to `true`, the primary key is considered to be
auto-incremented. A new ActiveObject is inserted with a NULL primary key, which
causes the database to assign a new key value. The actual key value is then
obtained from the database after executing the `INSERT` statement.
!The property Element
The `property` element must be inside of a `class` element and accepts the following attributes:
- `name`: Specifies the name of the variable, which is also used for the getter and setter
methods. Must be a valid C++ variable or method name. Required.
- `column`: Specifies the name of the related database column. If not specified, the
column name will be derived from the property name (see the `convertCamelCase` attribute
in the `project` element).
- `type`: Specifies the data type of the property. See <*Supported Data Types*> for
a list of supported values. Required.
- `references`: Specifies the name of the target class for a relation. Must be the name
of another class defined in the same XML document.
- `cardinality`: Specifies the cardinality of the relation. The following values can be
specified: `?` means zero or one, `1` means exactly one (default). Additionally, `*` means zero
or more and `+` means one or more, but no accessor is currently generated for the latter
two cardinalities.
- `nullable`: If set to `true`, marks the property or column as nullable. In this case,
the accessor methods will accept or return a Poco::Nullable<> value.
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