fixed codeloading

This commit is contained in:
Peter Schojer 2008-10-02 08:38:47 +00:00
parent 02028efa4f
commit 1de43647ca

View File

@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ void DynamicCodeLoaderRenderer::renderHead(const Renderable* pRenderable, const
for (; itP != parents.end() ; ++itP)
if (*itP)
str << pLoader->loaderFunctionName() << "MissingChildCnt--;" << std::endl;
str << (*itP)->loaderFunctionName() << "MissingChildCnt--;" << std::endl;
if (!pLoader->getSuccessCall().empty())
str << pLoader->getSuccessCall() << ";" << std::endl;
@ -107,9 +107,11 @@ void DynamicCodeLoaderRenderer::renderHead(const Renderable* pRenderable, const
if (!deps.empty())
// write the Check function
str << "function " << pLoader->loadAllFunctionName() << "Check(){" << std::endl;
str << "if (" << pLoader->loaderFunctionName() << "MissingChildCnt <= 0)" << std::endl;
str << str << pLoader->loaderFunctionName() << "();" << std::endl;
str << "function " << pLoader->loaderFunctionName() << "Check(){" << std::endl;
str << "if (" << pLoader->loaderFunctionName() << "MissingChildCnt <= 0){" << std::endl;
str << pLoader->loaderFunctionName() << "();" << std::endl;
str << "window.clearInterval(" << pLoader->loaderFunctionName() << "PeriodicCheck);" << std::endl;
str << "}";
str << pLoader->loaderFunctionName() << "RetryCnt--;" << std::endl;
str << "if (" << pLoader->loaderFunctionName() << "RetryCnt < 0) {" << std::endl;
str << "Ext.Msg.alert ('Load Failed', 'Not all children could be loaded for the page');" << std::endl;
@ -151,7 +153,7 @@ void DynamicCodeLoaderRenderer::renderVariables(const DynamicCodeLoader* pLoader
if (!pLoader->dependencies().empty())
str << "var " << pLoader->loaderFunctionName() << "PeriodicCheck;" << std::endl;
str << "var " << pLoader->loaderFunctionName() << "RetryCnt = 30;" << std::endl;
str << "var " << pLoader->loaderFunctionName() << "RetryCnt = 60;" << std::endl;
str << "var " << pLoader->loaderFunctionName() << "MissingChildCnt = " << pLoader->dependencies().size() << ";" << std::endl;