well (and is a good demonstration of how encapsulating the SSL in a memory-based state machine can make it easier to apply to different situations). The change implements a new command-line switch "-flipped <0|1>" which, if set to 1, reverses the usual interpretation of a client and server for SSL tunneling. Normally, an ssl client (ie. "-server 0") accepts "cleartext" connections and conducts SSL/TLS over a proxied connection acting as an SSL client. Likewise, an ssl server (ie. "-server 1") accepts connections and conducts SSL/TLS (as an SSL server) over them and passes "cleartext" over the proxied connection. With "-flipped 1", an SSL client (specified with "-server 0") in fact accepts SSL connections and proxies clear, whereas an SSL server ("-server 1") accepts clear and proxies SSL. NB: most of this diff is command-line handling, the actual meat of the change is simply the line or two that plugs "clean" and "dirty" file descriptors into the item that holds the state-machine - reverse them and you get the desired behaviour. This allows a network server to be an SSL client, and a network client to be an SSL server. Apart from curiosity value, there's a couple of possibly interesting applications - SSL/TLS is inherently vulnerable to trivial DoS attacks, because the SSL server usually has to perform a private key operation first, even if the client is authenticated. With this scenario, the network client is the SSL server and performs the first private key operation, whereas the network server serves as the SSL client. Another possible application is when client-only authentication is required (ie. the underlying protocol handles (or doesn't care about) authenticating the server). Eg. an SSL/TLS version of 'ssh' could be concocted where the client's signed certificate is used to validate login to a server system - whether or not the client needs to validate who the server is can be configured at the client end rather than at the server end (ie. a complete inversion of what happens in normal SSL/TLS). NB: This is just an experiment/play-thing, using "-flipped 1" probably creates something that is interoperable with exactly nothing. :-)
1097 lines
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1097 lines
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#if defined(NO_BUFFER) || defined(NO_IP) || defined(NO_OPENSSL)
#error "Badness, NO_BUFFER, NO_IP or NO_OPENSSL is defined, turn them *off*"
/* Include our bits'n'pieces */
#include "tunala.h"
/* Our local types that specify our "world" */
/* These represent running "tunnels". Eg. if you wanted to do SSL in a
* "message-passing" scanario, the "int" file-descriptors might be replaced by
* thread or process IDs, and the "select" code might be replaced by message
* handling code. Whatever. */
typedef struct _tunala_item_t {
/* The underlying SSL state machine. This is a data-only processing unit
* and we communicate with it by talking to its four "buffers". */
state_machine_t sm;
/* The file-descriptors for the "dirty" (encrypted) side of the SSL
* setup. In actuality, this is typically a socket and both values are
* identical. */
int dirty_read, dirty_send;
/* The file-descriptors for the "clean" (unencrypted) side of the SSL
* setup. These could be stdin/stdout, a socket (both values the same),
* or whatever you like. */
int clean_read, clean_send;
} tunala_item_t;
/* This structure is used as the data for running the main loop. Namely, in a
* network format such as this, it is stuff for select() - but as pointed out,
* when moving the real-world to somewhere else, this might be replaced by
* something entirely different. It's basically the stuff that controls when
* it's time to do some "work". */
typedef struct _select_sets_t {
int max; /* As required as the first argument to select() */
fd_set reads, sends, excepts; /* As passed to select() */
} select_sets_t;
typedef struct _tunala_selector_t {
select_sets_t last_selected; /* Results of the last select() */
select_sets_t next_select; /* What we'll next select on */
} tunala_selector_t;
/* This structure is *everything*. We do it to avoid the use of globals so that,
* for example, it would be easier to shift things around between async-IO,
* thread-based, or multi-fork()ed (or combinations thereof). */
typedef struct _tunala_world_t {
/* The file-descriptor we "listen" on for new connections */
int listen_fd;
/* The array of tunnels */
tunala_item_t *tunnels;
/* the number of tunnels in use and allocated, respectively */
unsigned int tunnels_used, tunnels_size;
/* Our outside "loop" context stuff */
tunala_selector_t selector;
/* Our SSL_CTX, which is configured as the SSL client or server and has
* the various cert-settings and callbacks configured. */
SSL_CTX *ssl_ctx;
/* Simple flag with complex logic :-) Indicates whether we're an SSL
* server or an SSL client. */
int server_mode;
} tunala_world_t;
/* Internal static functions */
static SSL_CTX *initialise_ssl_ctx(int server_mode, const char *engine_id,
const char *CAfile, const char *cert, const char *key,
const char *dcert, const char *dkey, const char *cipher_list,
const char *dh_file, const char *dh_special, int ctx_options,
int out_state, int out_verify, int verify_mode,
unsigned int verify_depth);
static void selector_init(tunala_selector_t *selector);
static void selector_add_listener(tunala_selector_t *selector, int fd);
static void selector_add_tunala(tunala_selector_t *selector, tunala_item_t *t);
static int selector_select(tunala_selector_t *selector);
/* This returns -1 for error, 0 for no new connections, or 1 for success, in
* which case *newfd is populated. */
static int selector_get_listener(tunala_selector_t *selector, int fd, int *newfd);
static int tunala_world_new_item(tunala_world_t *world, int fd,
const unsigned char *ip, unsigned short port, int flipped);
static void tunala_world_del_item(tunala_world_t *world, unsigned int idx);
static int tunala_item_io(tunala_selector_t *selector, tunala_item_t *item);
/* MAIN FUNCTION (and its utility functions) */
static const char *def_proxyhost = "";
static const char *def_listenhost = "";
static int def_max_tunnels = 50;
static const char *def_cacert = NULL;
static const char *def_cert = NULL;
static const char *def_key = NULL;
static const char *def_dcert = NULL;
static const char *def_dkey = NULL;
static const char *def_engine_id = NULL;
static int def_server_mode = 0;
static int def_flipped = 0;
static const char *def_cipher_list = NULL;
static const char *def_dh_file = NULL;
static const char *def_dh_special = NULL;
static int def_ctx_options = 0;
static int def_verify_mode = 0;
static unsigned int def_verify_depth = 10;
static int def_out_state = 0;
static unsigned int def_out_verify = 0;
static int def_out_totals = 0;
static const char *helpstring =
"\n'Tunala' (A tunneler with a New Zealand accent)\n"
"Usage: tunala [options], where options are from;\n"
" -listen [host:]<port> (default =\n"
" -proxy <host>:<port> (default =\n"
" -maxtunnels <num> (default = 50)\n"
" -cacert <path|NULL> (default = NULL)\n"
" -cert <path|NULL> (default = NULL)\n"
" -key <path|NULL> (default = whatever '-cert' is)\n"
" -dcert <path|NULL> (usually for DSA, default = NULL)\n"
" -dkey <path|NULL> (usually for DSA, default = whatever '-dcert' is)\n"
" -engine <id|NULL> (default = NULL)\n"
" -server <0|1> (default = 0, ie. an SSL client)\n"
" -flipped <0|1> (makes SSL servers be network clients, and vice versa)\n"
" -cipher <list> (specifies cipher list to use)\n"
" -dh_file <path> (a PEM file containing DH parameters to use)\n"
" -dh_special <NULL|generate|standard> (see below: def=NULL)\n"
" -no_ssl2 (disable SSLv2)\n"
" -no_ssl3 (disable SSLv3)\n"
" -no_tls1 (disable TLSv1)\n"
" -v_peer (verify the peer certificate)\n"
" -v_strict (do not continue if peer doesn't authenticate)\n"
" -v_once (no verification in renegotiates)\n"
" -v_depth <num> (limit certificate chain depth, default = 10)\n"
" -out_state (prints SSL handshake states)\n"
" -out_verify <0|1|2|3> (prints certificate verification states: def=1)\n"
" -out_totals (prints out byte-totals when a tunnel closes)\n"
" -<h|help|?> (displays this help screen)\n"
"(1) It is recommended to specify a cert+key when operating as an SSL server.\n"
" If you only specify '-cert', the same file must contain a matching\n"
" private key.\n"
"(2) Either dh_file or dh_special can be used to specify where DH parameters\n"
" will be obtained from (or '-dh_special NULL' for the default choice) but\n"
" you cannot specify both. For dh_special, 'generate' will create new DH\n"
" parameters on startup, and 'standard' will use embedded parameters\n"
" instead.\n"
"(3) Normally an ssl client connects to an ssl server - so that an 'ssl client\n"
" tunala' listens for 'clean' client connections and proxies ssl, and an\n"
" 'ssl server tunala' listens for ssl connections and proxies 'clean'. With\n"
" '-flipped 1', this behaviour is reversed so that an 'ssl server tunala'\n"
" listens for clean client connections and proxies ssl (but participating\n"
" as an ssl *server* in the SSL/TLS protocol), and an 'ssl client tunala'\n"
" listens for ssl connections (participating as an ssl *client* in the\n"
" SSL/TLS protocol) and proxies 'clean' to the end destination. This can\n"
" be useful for allowing network access to 'servers' where only the server\n"
" needs to authenticate the client (ie. the other way is not required).\n"
" Even with client and server authentication, this 'technique' mitigates\n"
" some DoS (denial-of-service) potential as it will be the network client\n"
" having to perform the first private key operation rather than the other\n"
" way round.\n"
"(4) The 'technique' used by setting '-flipped 1' is probably compatible with\n"
" absolutely nothing except another complimentary instance of 'tunala'\n"
" running with '-flipped 1'. :-)\n";
/* Default DH parameters for use with "-dh_special standard" ... stolen striaght
* from s_server. */
static unsigned char dh512_p[]={
static unsigned char dh512_g[]={
/* And the function that parses the above "standard" parameters, again, straight
* out of s_server. */
static DH *get_dh512(void)
DH *dh=NULL;
if ((dh=DH_new()) == NULL) return(NULL);
if ((dh->p == NULL) || (dh->g == NULL))
/* Various help/error messages used by main() */
static int usage(const char *errstr, int isunknownarg)
fprintf(stderr, "Error: unknown argument '%s'\n", errstr);
fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", errstr);
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", helpstring);
return 1;
static int err_str0(const char *str0)
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", str0);
return 1;
static int err_str1(const char *fmt, const char *str1)
fprintf(stderr, fmt, str1);
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
return 1;
static int parse_max_tunnels(const char *s, unsigned int *maxtunnels)
unsigned long l;
char *temp;
l = strtoul(s, &temp, 10);
if((temp == s) || (*temp != '\0') || (l < 1) || (l > 1024)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error, '%s' is an invalid value for "
"maxtunnels\n", s);
return 0;
*maxtunnels = (unsigned int)l;
return 1;
static int parse_server_mode(const char *s, int *servermode)
unsigned long l;
char *temp;
l = strtoul(s, &temp, 10);
if((temp == s) || (*temp != '\0') || (l > 1)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error, '%s' is an invalid value for the "
"server mode\n", s);
return 0;
*servermode = (int)l;
return 1;
static int parse_dh_special(const char *s, const char **dh_special)
if((strcmp(s, "NULL") == 0) || (strcmp(s, "generate") == 0) ||
(strcmp(s, "standard") == 0)) {
*dh_special = s;
return 1;
fprintf(stderr, "Error, '%s' is an invalid value for 'dh_special'\n", s);
return 0;
static int parse_verify_level(const char *s, unsigned int *verify_level)
unsigned long l;
char *temp;
l = strtoul(s, &temp, 10);
if((temp == s) || (*temp != '\0') || (l > 3)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error, '%s' is an invalid value for "
"out_verify\n", s);
return 0;
*verify_level = (unsigned int)l;
return 1;
static int parse_verify_depth(const char *s, unsigned int *verify_depth)
unsigned long l;
char *temp;
l = strtoul(s, &temp, 10);
if((temp == s) || (*temp != '\0') || (l < 1) || (l > 50)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error, '%s' is an invalid value for "
"verify_depth\n", s);
return 0;
*verify_depth = (unsigned int)l;
return 1;
/* Some fprintf format strings used when tunnels close */
static const char *io_stats_client_dirty =
" SSL (network) traffic to/from server; %8lu bytes in, %8lu bytes out\n";
static const char *io_stats_client_clean =
" tunnelled data to/from server; %8lu bytes in, %8lu bytes out\n";
static const char *io_stats_server_dirty =
" SSL (network) traffic to/from client; %8lu bytes in, %8lu bytes out\n";
static const char *io_stats_server_clean =
" tunnelled data to/from client; %8lu bytes in, %8lu bytes out\n";
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
unsigned int loop;
int newfd;
tunala_world_t world;
tunala_item_t *t_item;
unsigned char *proxy_ip;
unsigned short proxy_port;
/* Overridables */
const char *proxyhost = def_proxyhost;
const char *listenhost = def_listenhost;
unsigned int max_tunnels = def_max_tunnels;
const char *cacert = def_cacert;
const char *cert = def_cert;
const char *key = def_key;
const char *dcert = def_dcert;
const char *dkey = def_dkey;
const char *engine_id = def_engine_id;
int server_mode = def_server_mode;
int flipped = def_flipped;
const char *cipher_list = def_cipher_list;
const char *dh_file = def_dh_file;
const char *dh_special = def_dh_special;
int ctx_options = def_ctx_options;
int verify_mode = def_verify_mode;
unsigned int verify_depth = def_verify_depth;
int out_state = def_out_state;
unsigned int out_verify = def_out_verify;
int out_totals = def_out_totals;
/* Parse command-line arguments */
argc--; argv++;
if(argc > 0) {
if(strcmp(*argv, "-listen") == 0) {
if(argc < 2)
return usage("-listen requires an argument", 0);
argc--; argv++;
listenhost = *argv;
goto next_arg;
} else if(strcmp(*argv, "-proxy") == 0) {
if(argc < 2)
return usage("-proxy requires an argument", 0);
argc--; argv++;
proxyhost = *argv;
goto next_arg;
} else if(strcmp(*argv, "-maxtunnels") == 0) {
if(argc < 2)
return usage("-maxtunnels requires an argument", 0);
argc--; argv++;
if(!parse_max_tunnels(*argv, &max_tunnels))
return 1;
goto next_arg;
} else if(strcmp(*argv, "-cacert") == 0) {
if(argc < 2)
return usage("-cacert requires an argument", 0);
argc--; argv++;
if(strcmp(*argv, "NULL") == 0)
cacert = NULL;
cacert = *argv;
goto next_arg;
} else if(strcmp(*argv, "-cert") == 0) {
if(argc < 2)
return usage("-cert requires an argument", 0);
argc--; argv++;
if(strcmp(*argv, "NULL") == 0)
cert = NULL;
cert = *argv;
goto next_arg;
} else if(strcmp(*argv, "-key") == 0) {
if(argc < 2)
return usage("-key requires an argument", 0);
argc--; argv++;
if(strcmp(*argv, "NULL") == 0)
key = NULL;
key = *argv;
goto next_arg;
} else if(strcmp(*argv, "-dcert") == 0) {
if(argc < 2)
return usage("-dcert requires an argument", 0);
argc--; argv++;
if(strcmp(*argv, "NULL") == 0)
dcert = NULL;
dcert = *argv;
goto next_arg;
} else if(strcmp(*argv, "-dkey") == 0) {
if(argc < 2)
return usage("-dkey requires an argument", 0);
argc--; argv++;
if(strcmp(*argv, "NULL") == 0)
dkey = NULL;
dkey = *argv;
goto next_arg;
} else if(strcmp(*argv, "-engine") == 0) {
if(argc < 2)
return usage("-engine requires an argument", 0);
argc--; argv++;
engine_id = *argv;
goto next_arg;
} else if(strcmp(*argv, "-server") == 0) {
if(argc < 2)
return usage("-server requires an argument", 0);
argc--; argv++;
if(!parse_server_mode(*argv, &server_mode))
return 1;
goto next_arg;
} else if(strcmp(*argv, "-flipped") == 0) {
if(argc < 2)
return usage("-flipped requires an argument", 0);
argc--; argv++;
if(!parse_server_mode(*argv, &flipped))
return 1;
goto next_arg;
} else if(strcmp(*argv, "-cipher") == 0) {
if(argc < 2)
return usage("-cipher requires an argument", 0);
argc--; argv++;
cipher_list = *argv;
goto next_arg;
} else if(strcmp(*argv, "-dh_file") == 0) {
if(argc < 2)
return usage("-dh_file requires an argument", 0);
return usage("cannot mix -dh_file with "
"-dh_special", 0);
argc--; argv++;
dh_file = *argv;
goto next_arg;
} else if(strcmp(*argv, "-dh_special") == 0) {
if(argc < 2)
return usage("-dh_special requires an argument", 0);
return usage("cannot mix -dh_file with "
"-dh_special", 0);
argc--; argv++;
if(!parse_dh_special(*argv, &dh_special))
return 1;
goto next_arg;
} else if(strcmp(*argv, "-no_ssl2") == 0) {
ctx_options |= SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2;
goto next_arg;
} else if(strcmp(*argv, "-no_ssl3") == 0) {
ctx_options |= SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3;
goto next_arg;
} else if(strcmp(*argv, "-no_tls1") == 0) {
ctx_options |= SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1;
goto next_arg;
} else if(strcmp(*argv, "-v_peer") == 0) {
verify_mode |= SSL_VERIFY_PEER;
goto next_arg;
} else if(strcmp(*argv, "-v_strict") == 0) {
goto next_arg;
} else if(strcmp(*argv, "-v_once") == 0) {
verify_mode |= SSL_VERIFY_CLIENT_ONCE;
goto next_arg;
} else if(strcmp(*argv, "-v_depth") == 0) {
if(argc < 2)
return usage("-v_depth requires an argument", 0);
argc--; argv++;
if(!parse_verify_depth(*argv, &verify_depth))
return 1;
goto next_arg;
} else if(strcmp(*argv, "-out_state") == 0) {
out_state = 1;
goto next_arg;
} else if(strcmp(*argv, "-out_verify") == 0) {
if(argc < 2)
return usage("-out_verify requires an argument", 0);
argc--; argv++;
if(!parse_verify_level(*argv, &out_verify))
return 1;
goto next_arg;
} else if(strcmp(*argv, "-out_totals") == 0) {
out_totals = 1;
goto next_arg;
} else if((strcmp(*argv, "-h") == 0) ||
(strcmp(*argv, "-help") == 0) ||
(strcmp(*argv, "-?") == 0)) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", helpstring);
return 0;
} else
return usage(*argv, 1);
/* Initialise network stuff */
return err_str0("ip_initialise failed");
err_str0("ip_initialise succeeded");
/* Create the SSL_CTX */
if((world.ssl_ctx = initialise_ssl_ctx(server_mode, engine_id,
cacert, cert, key, dcert, dkey, cipher_list, dh_file,
dh_special, ctx_options, out_state, out_verify,
verify_mode, verify_depth)) == NULL)
return err_str1("initialise_ssl_ctx(engine_id=%s) failed",
(engine_id == NULL) ? "NULL" : engine_id);
err_str1("initialise_ssl_ctx(engine_id=%s) succeeded",
(engine_id == NULL) ? "NULL" : engine_id);
/* Create the listener */
if((world.listen_fd = ip_create_listener(listenhost)) == -1)
return err_str1("ip_create_listener(%s) failed", listenhost);
err_str1("ip_create_listener(%s) succeeded", listenhost);
if(!ip_parse_address(proxyhost, &proxy_ip, &proxy_port, 0))
return err_str1("ip_parse_address(%s) failed", proxyhost);
err_str1("ip_parse_address(%s) succeeded", proxyhost);
fprintf(stderr, "Info - proxying to %d.%d.%d.%d:%d\n",
(int)proxy_ip[0], (int)proxy_ip[1],
(int)proxy_ip[2], (int)proxy_ip[3], (int)proxy_port);
fprintf(stderr, "Info - set maxtunnels to %d\n", (int)max_tunnels);
fprintf(stderr, "Info - set to operate as an SSL %s\n",
(server_mode ? "server" : "client"));
/* Initialise the rest of the stuff */
world.tunnels_used = world.tunnels_size = 0;
world.tunnels = NULL;
world.server_mode = server_mode;
/* We're ready to loop */
/* Should we listen for *new* tunnels? */
if(world.tunnels_used < max_tunnels)
selector_add_listener(&world.selector, world.listen_fd);
/* We should add in our existing tunnels */
for(loop = 0; loop < world.tunnels_used; loop++)
selector_add_tunala(&world.selector, world.tunnels + loop);
/* Now do the select */
switch(selector_select(&world.selector)) {
case -1:
fprintf(stderr, "selector_select returned a badness error.\n");
case 0:
fprintf(stderr, "Warn, selector_select returned 0 - signal??\n");
goto main_loop;
/* Accept new connection if we should and can */
if((world.tunnels_used < max_tunnels) && (selector_get_listener(
&world.selector, world.listen_fd,
&newfd) == 1)) {
/* We have a new connection */
if(!tunala_world_new_item(&world, newfd, proxy_ip,
proxy_port, flipped))
fprintf(stderr, "tunala_world_new_item failed\n");
fprintf(stderr, "Info, new tunnel opened, now up to "
"%d\n", world.tunnels_used);
/* Give each tunnel its moment, note the while loop is because it makes
* the logic easier than with "for" to deal with an array that may shift
* because of deletes. */
loop = 0;
t_item = world.tunnels;
while(loop < world.tunnels_used) {
if(!tunala_item_io(&world.selector, t_item)) {
/* We're closing whether for reasons of an error or a
* natural close. Don't increment loop or t_item because
* the next item is moving to us! */
goto skip_totals;
fprintf(stderr, "Tunnel closing, traffic stats follow\n");
/* Display the encrypted (over the network) stats */
fprintf(stderr, (server_mode ? io_stats_server_dirty :
/* Display the local (tunnelled) stats. NB: Data we
* *receive* is data sent *out* of the state_machine on
* its 'clean' side. Hence the apparent back-to-front
* OUT/IN mixup here :-) */
fprintf(stderr, (server_mode ? io_stats_server_clean :
tunala_world_del_item(&world, loop);
fprintf(stderr, "Info, tunnel closed, down to %d\n",
else {
/* Move to the next item */
goto main_loop;
/* Should never get here */
return 1;
/* OpenSSL bits */
static int ctx_set_cert(SSL_CTX *ctx, const char *cert, const char *key)
FILE *fp = NULL;
X509 *x509 = NULL;
EVP_PKEY *pkey = NULL;
int toret = 0; /* Assume an error */
/* cert */
if(cert) {
if((fp = fopen(cert, "r")) == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error opening cert file '%s'\n", cert);
goto err;
if(!PEM_read_X509(fp, &x509, NULL, NULL)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error reading PEM cert from '%s'\n",
goto err;
if(!SSL_CTX_use_certificate(ctx, x509)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error, cert in '%s' can not be used\n",
goto err;
/* Clear the FILE* for reuse in the "key" code */
fp = NULL;
fprintf(stderr, "Info, operating with cert in '%s'\n", cert);
/* If a cert was given without matching key, we assume the same
* file contains the required key. */
key = cert;
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Error, can't specify a key without a "
"corresponding certificate\n");
fprintf(stderr, "Error, ctx_set_cert called with "
goto err;
/* key */
if(key) {
if((fp = fopen(key, "r")) == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error opening key file '%s'\n", key);
goto err;
if(!PEM_read_PrivateKey(fp, &pkey, NULL, NULL)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error reading PEM key from '%s'\n",
goto err;
if(!SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey(ctx, pkey)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error, key in '%s' can not be used\n",
goto err;
fprintf(stderr, "Info, operating with key in '%s'\n", key);
} else
fprintf(stderr, "Info, operating without a cert or key\n");
/* Success */
toret = 1; err:
return toret;
static int ctx_set_dh(SSL_CTX *ctx, const char *dh_file, const char *dh_special)
DH *dh = NULL;
FILE *fp = NULL;
if(dh_special) {
if(strcmp(dh_special, "NULL") == 0)
return 1;
if(strcmp(dh_special, "standard") == 0) {
if((dh = get_dh512()) == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error, can't parse 'standard'"
" DH parameters\n");
return 0;
fprintf(stderr, "Info, using 'standard' DH parameters\n");
goto do_it;
if(strcmp(dh_special, "generate") != 0)
/* This shouldn't happen - screening values is handled
* in main(). */
fprintf(stderr, "Info, generating DH parameters ... ");
if((dh = DH_generate_parameters(512, DH_GENERATOR_5,
fprintf(stderr, "error!\n");
return 0;
fprintf(stderr, "complete\n");
goto do_it;
/* So, we're loading dh_file */
if((fp = fopen(dh_file, "r")) == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error, couldn't open '%s' for DH parameters\n",
return 0;
dh = PEM_read_DHparams(fp, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if(dh == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error, could not parse DH parameters from '%s'\n",
return 0;
fprintf(stderr, "Info, using DH parameters from file '%s'\n", dh_file);
SSL_CTX_set_tmp_dh(ctx, dh);
return 1;
static SSL_CTX *initialise_ssl_ctx(int server_mode, const char *engine_id,
const char *CAfile, const char *cert, const char *key,
const char *dcert, const char *dkey, const char *cipher_list,
const char *dh_file, const char *dh_special, int ctx_options,
int out_state, int out_verify, int verify_mode,
unsigned int verify_depth)
SSL_CTX *ctx, *ret = NULL;
meth = (server_mode ? SSLv23_server_method() : SSLv23_client_method());
if(meth == NULL)
goto err;
if(engine_id) {
if((e = ENGINE_by_id(engine_id)) == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error obtaining '%s' engine, openssl "
"errors follow\n", engine_id);
goto err;
if(!ENGINE_set_default(e, ENGINE_METHOD_ALL)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error assigning '%s' engine, openssl "
"errors follow\n", engine_id);
goto err;
if((ctx = SSL_CTX_new(meth)) == NULL)
goto err;
/* cacert */
if(CAfile) {
CAfile, NULL)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error loading CA cert(s) in '%s'\n",
goto err;
fprintf(stderr, "Info, operating with CA cert(s) in '%s'\n",
} else
fprintf(stderr, "Info, operating without a CA cert(-list)\n");
if(!SSL_CTX_set_default_verify_paths(ctx)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error setting default verify paths\n");
goto err;
/* cert and key */
if((cert || key) && !ctx_set_cert(ctx, cert, key))
goto err;
/* dcert and dkey */
if((dcert || dkey) && !ctx_set_cert(ctx, dcert, dkey))
goto err;
/* cipher_list */
if(cipher_list) {
if(!SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list(ctx, cipher_list)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error setting cipher list '%s'\n",
goto err;
fprintf(stderr, "Info, set cipher list '%s'\n", cipher_list);
} else
fprintf(stderr, "Info, operating with default cipher list\n");
/* dh_file & dh_special */
if((dh_file || dh_special) && !ctx_set_dh(ctx, dh_file, dh_special))
goto err;
/* ctx_options */
SSL_CTX_set_options(ctx, ctx_options);
/* out_state (output of SSL handshake states to screen). */
/* out_verify */
if(out_verify > 0) {
/* verify_depth */
/* Success! (includes setting verify_mode) */
SSL_CTX_set_info_callback(ctx, cb_ssl_info);
SSL_CTX_set_verify(ctx, verify_mode, cb_ssl_verify);
ret = ctx;
if(!ret) {
return ret;
/* Selector bits */
static void selector_sets_init(select_sets_t *s)
s->max = 0;
static void selector_init(tunala_selector_t *selector)
#define SEL_EXCEPTS 0x00
#define SEL_READS 0x01
#define SEL_SENDS 0x02
static void selector_add_raw_fd(tunala_selector_t *s, int fd, int flags)
FD_SET(fd, &s->next_select.excepts);
if(flags & SEL_READS)
FD_SET(fd, &s->next_select.reads);
if(flags & SEL_SENDS)
FD_SET(fd, &s->next_select.sends);
/* Adjust "max" */
if(s->next_select.max < (fd + 1))
s->next_select.max = fd + 1;
static void selector_add_listener(tunala_selector_t *selector, int fd)
selector_add_raw_fd(selector, fd, SEL_READS);
static void selector_add_tunala(tunala_selector_t *s, tunala_item_t *t)
/* Set clean read if sm.clean_in is not full */
if(t->clean_read != -1) {
selector_add_raw_fd(s, t->clean_read,
/* Set clean send if sm.clean_out is not empty */
if(t->clean_send != -1) {
selector_add_raw_fd(s, t->clean_send,
/* Set dirty read if sm.dirty_in is not full */
if(t->dirty_read != -1) {
selector_add_raw_fd(s, t->dirty_read,
/* Set dirty send if sm.dirty_out is not empty */
if(t->dirty_send != -1) {
selector_add_raw_fd(s, t->dirty_send,
static int selector_select(tunala_selector_t *selector)
memcpy(&selector->last_selected, &selector->next_select,
return select(selector->last_selected.max,
&selector->last_selected.excepts, NULL);
/* This returns -1 for error, 0 for no new connections, or 1 for success, in
* which case *newfd is populated. */
static int selector_get_listener(tunala_selector_t *selector, int fd, int *newfd)
if(FD_ISSET(fd, &selector->last_selected.excepts))
return -1;
if(!FD_ISSET(fd, &selector->last_selected.reads))
return 0;
if((*newfd = ip_accept_connection(fd)) == -1)
return -1;
return 1;
/* "Tunala" world stuff */
static int tunala_world_make_room(tunala_world_t *world)
unsigned int newsize;
tunala_item_t *newarray;
if(world->tunnels_used < world->tunnels_size)
return 1;
newsize = (world->tunnels_size == 0 ? 16 :
((world->tunnels_size * 3) / 2));
if((newarray = malloc(newsize * sizeof(tunala_item_t))) == NULL)
return 0;
memset(newarray, 0, newsize * sizeof(tunala_item_t));
if(world->tunnels_used > 0)
memcpy(newarray, world->tunnels,
world->tunnels_used * sizeof(tunala_item_t));
if(world->tunnels_size > 0)
/* migrate */
world->tunnels = newarray;
world->tunnels_size = newsize;
return 1;
static int tunala_world_new_item(tunala_world_t *world, int fd,
const unsigned char *ip, unsigned short port, int flipped)
tunala_item_t *item;
int newfd;
SSL *new_ssl = NULL;
return 0;
if((new_ssl = SSL_new(world->ssl_ctx)) == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error creating new SSL\n");
return 0;
item = world->tunnels + (world->tunnels_used++);
item->clean_read = item->clean_send =
item->dirty_read = item->dirty_send = -1;
if((newfd = ip_create_connection_split(ip, port)) == -1)
goto err;
/* Which way round? If we're a server, "fd" is the dirty side and the
* connection we open is the clean one. For a client, it's the other way
* around. Unless, of course, we're "flipped" in which case everything
* gets reversed. :-) */
if((world->server_mode && !flipped) ||
(!world->server_mode && flipped)) {
item->dirty_read = item->dirty_send = fd;
item->clean_read = item->clean_send = newfd;
} else {
item->clean_read = item->clean_send = fd;
item->dirty_read = item->dirty_send = newfd;
/* We use the SSL's "app_data" to indicate a call-back induced "kill" */
SSL_set_app_data(new_ssl, NULL);
if(!state_machine_set_SSL(&item->sm, new_ssl, world->server_mode))
goto err;
return 1;
tunala_world_del_item(world, world->tunnels_used - 1);
return 0;
static void tunala_world_del_item(tunala_world_t *world, unsigned int idx)
tunala_item_t *item = world->tunnels + idx;
if(item->clean_read != -1)
if(item->clean_send != item->clean_read)
item->clean_read = item->clean_send = -1;
if(item->dirty_read != -1)
if(item->dirty_send != item->dirty_read)
item->dirty_read = item->dirty_send = -1;
/* OK, now we fix the item array */
if(idx + 1 < world->tunnels_used)
/* We need to scroll entries to the left */
memmove(world->tunnels + idx,
world->tunnels + (idx + 1),
(world->tunnels_used - (idx + 1)) *
static int tunala_item_io(tunala_selector_t *selector, tunala_item_t *item)
int c_r, c_s, d_r, d_s; /* Four boolean flags */
/* Take ourselves out of the gene-pool if there was an except */
if((item->clean_read != -1) && FD_ISSET(item->clean_read,
return 0;
if((item->clean_send != -1) && FD_ISSET(item->clean_send,
return 0;
if((item->dirty_read != -1) && FD_ISSET(item->dirty_read,
return 0;
if((item->dirty_send != -1) && FD_ISSET(item->dirty_send,
return 0;
/* Grab our 4 IO flags */
c_r = c_s = d_r = d_s = 0;
if(item->clean_read != -1)
c_r = FD_ISSET(item->clean_read, &selector->last_selected.reads);
if(item->clean_send != -1)
c_s = FD_ISSET(item->clean_send, &selector->last_selected.sends);
if(item->dirty_read != -1)
d_r = FD_ISSET(item->dirty_read, &selector->last_selected.reads);
if(item->dirty_send != -1)
d_s = FD_ISSET(item->dirty_send, &selector->last_selected.sends);
/* If no IO has happened for us, skip needless data looping */
if(!c_r && !c_s && !d_r && !d_s)
return 1;
c_r = (buffer_from_fd(state_machine_get_buffer(&item->sm,
SM_CLEAN_IN), item->clean_read) <= 0);
c_s = (buffer_to_fd(state_machine_get_buffer(&item->sm,
SM_CLEAN_OUT), item->clean_send) <= 0);
d_r = (buffer_from_fd(state_machine_get_buffer(&item->sm,
SM_DIRTY_IN), item->dirty_read) <= 0);
d_s = (buffer_to_fd(state_machine_get_buffer(&item->sm,
SM_DIRTY_OUT), item->dirty_send) <= 0);
/* If any of the flags is non-zero, that means they need closing */
if(c_r) {
if(item->clean_send == item->clean_read)
item->clean_send = -1;
item->clean_read = -1;
if(c_s && (item->clean_send != -1)) {
if(item->clean_send == item->clean_read)
item->clean_read = -1;
item->clean_send = -1;
if(d_r) {
if(item->dirty_send == item->dirty_read)
item->dirty_send = -1;
item->dirty_read = -1;
if(d_s && (item->dirty_send != -1)) {
if(item->dirty_send == item->dirty_read)
item->dirty_read = -1;
item->dirty_send = -1;
/* This function name is attributed to the term donated by David
* Schwartz on openssl-dev, message-ID:
* <NCBBLIEPOCNJOAEKBEAKEEDGLIAA.davids@webmaster.com>. :-) */
/* If the SSL closes, it will also zero-out the _in buffers
* and will in future process just outgoing data. As and
* when the outgoing data has gone, it will return zero
* here to tell us to bail out. */
return 0;
/* Otherwise, we return zero if both sides are dead. */
if(((item->clean_read == -1) || (item->clean_send == -1)) &&
((item->dirty_read == -1) || (item->dirty_send == -1)))
return 0;
/* If only one side closed, notify the SSL of this so it can take
* appropriate action. */
if((item->clean_read == -1) || (item->clean_send == -1)) {
return 0;
if((item->dirty_read == -1) || (item->dirty_send == -1)) {
return 0;
return 1;