structures and functions for each stack type. The previous behaviour can be enabled by configuring with the "-DDEBUG_SAFESTACK" option. This will also cause "make update" (mkdef.pl in particular) to update the libeay.num and ssleay.num symbol tables with the number of extra functions DEBUG_SAFESTACK creates. The way this change works is to accompany each DECLARE_STACK_OF() macro with a set of "#define"d versions of the sk_##type##_*** functions that ensures all the existing "type-safe" stack calls are precompiled into the underlying stack calls. The presence or abscence of the DEBUG_SAFESTACK symbol controls whether this block of "#define"s or the DECLARE_STACK_OF() macro is taking effect. The block of "#define"s is in turn generated and maintained by a perl script (util/mkstack.pl) that encompasses the block with delimiting C comments. This works in a similar way to the auto-generated error codes and, like the other such maintenance utilities, is invoked by the "make update" target. A long (but mundane) commit will follow this with the results of "make update" - this will include all the "#define" blocks for each DECLARE_STACK_OF() statement, along with stripped down libeay.num and ssleay.num files.
113 lines
3.5 KiB
Executable File
113 lines
3.5 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
# This is a utility that searches out "DECLARE_STACK_OF()"
# declarations in header files, and updates/creates/replaces
# the corresponding macro declarations that follow it. The
# reason is that with "DEBUG_SAFESTACK" defined, each type
# will generate 19 functions, all type-safe variants of the
# base "sk_***" functions for the general STACK type. Without
# DEBUG_SAFESTACK defined, we need to macro define all the
# "type'd sk_##type##_***" functions as mapping directly to
# the standard sk_*** equivalents. As it's not generally
# possible to have macros that generate macros, we need to
# control this from the "outside", here in this script.
# Geoff Thorpe, June, 2000 (with massive Perl-hacking
# help from Steve Robb)
my $type_thing;
my $recurse = 0;
my @files = @ARGV;
while (@ARGV) {
my $arg = $ARGV[0];
if($arg eq "-recurse") {
$recurse = 1;
shift @ARGV;
} else {
if($recurse) {
@source = (<crypto/*.[ch]>, <crypto/*/*.[ch]>, <rsaref/*.[ch]>, <ssl/*.[ch]>);
} else {
@source = @ARGV;
foreach $file (@source) {
# After "Configure" has been run, we need to make sure we don't
# overwrite symbollic links with new header files!
next if -l $file;
# Open the .c/.h file for reading
open(IN, "< $file") || die "Can't open $file for reading: $!";
open(OUT, "> $file.tmp") || die "Can't open $file.tmp for writing: $!";
rename("$file.tmp", $file);
sub process_the_file {
my $inside_block = 0;
my $output_defines = 0;
while(<IN>) {
if (/^DECLARE_STACK_OF\(([^)]+)\)/) {
$type_thing = $1;
$output_defines = 1;
if (m|^/\* This block of defines is updated by a perl script, please do not touch! \*/|) {
$inside_block = 1;
if (m|^/\* End of perl script block, you may now edit :-\) \*/|) {
$inside_block = 0;
} elsif ($inside_block == 0) {
if($output_defines == 1) {
print <<EOF;
/* This block of defines is updated by a perl script, please do not touch! */
#define sk_${type_thing}_new(a) sk_new((int (*) \\
(const char * const *, const char * const *))(a))
#define sk_${type_thing}_new_null() sk_new_null()
#define sk_${type_thing}_free(a) sk_free(a)
#define sk_${type_thing}_num(a) sk_num(a)
#define sk_${type_thing}_value(a,b) ((${type_thing} *) \\
#define sk_${type_thing}_set(a,b,c) ((${type_thing} *) \\
sk_set((a),(b),(char *)(c)))
#define sk_${type_thing}_zero(a) sk_zero(a)
#define sk_${type_thing}_push(a,b) sk_push((a),(char *)(b))
#define sk_${type_thing}_unshift(a,b) sk_unshift((a),(b))
#define sk_${type_thing}_find(a,b) sk_find((a), (char *)(b))
#define sk_${type_thing}_delete(a,b) ((${type_thing} *) \\
#define sk_${type_thing}_delete_ptr(a,b) ((${type_thing} *) \\
sk_delete_ptr((a),(char *)(b)))
#define sk_${type_thing}_insert(a,b,c) sk_insert((a),(char *)(b),(c))
#define sk_${type_thing}_set_cmp_func(a,b) ((int (*) \\
(const ${type_thing} * const *,const ${type_thing} * const *)) \\
sk_set_cmp_func((a),(int (*) \\
(const char * const *, const char * const *))(b)))
#define sk_${type_thing}_dup(a) sk_dup(a)
#define sk_${type_thing}_pop_free(a,b) sk_pop_free((a),(void (*)(void *))(b))
#define sk_${type_thing}_shift(a) ((${type_thing} *)sk_shift(a))
#define sk_${type_thing}_pop(a) ((${type_thing} *)sk_pop(a))
#define sk_${type_thing}_sort(a) sk_sort(a)
#endif /* !DEBUG_SAFESTACK */
/* End of perl script block, you may now edit :-) */
$output_defines = 0;