Dr. Stephen Henson a04549cc75 GOST public key algorithm ENGINE donated to the OpenSSL by Cryptocom.
Very early version, doesn't do much yet, not even added to the build system.
2006-09-17 13:00:18 +00:00

39 lines
1.9 KiB

#ifndef GOST_TOOLS_H
#define GOST_TOOLS_H
* sign.h *
* Copyright (c) 2006 Cryptocom LTD *
* This file is distributed under the same license as OpenSSL *
* *
* Miscellaneous functions used in GOST engine *
* OpenSSL 0.9.9 libraries required to compile and use *
* this code *
#include <openssl/evp.h>
#include <openssl/dsa.h>
/* from gost_sign.c */
/* Convert GOST R 34.11 hash sum to bignum according to standard */
BIGNUM *hashsum2bn(const unsigned char *dgst) ;
/* Store bignum in byte array of given length, prepending by zeros
* if nesseccary */
int store_bignum(BIGNUM *bn, unsigned char *buf,int len);
/* Read bignum, which can have few MSB all-zeros from buffer*/
BIGNUM *getbnfrombuf(const unsigned char *buf,size_t len);
/* Pack GOST R 34.10 signature according to CryptoCom rules */
int pack_sign_cc(DSA_SIG *s,int order,unsigned char *sig, unsigned int *siglen);
/* Pack GOST R 34.10 signature according to CryptoPro rules */
int pack_sign_cp(DSA_SIG *s,int order,unsigned char *sig, unsigned int *siglen);
/* Unpack GOST R 34.10 signature according to CryptoCom rules */
DSA_SIG *unpack_cc_signature(const unsigned char *sig,size_t siglen) ;
/* Unpack GOST R 34.10 signature according to CryptoPro rules */
DSA_SIG *unpack_cp_signature(const unsigned char *sig,size_t siglen) ;
/* from ameth.c */
/* Get private key as BIGNUM from both R 34.10-94 and R 34.10-2001 keys*/
BIGNUM* gost_get_priv_key(const EVP_PKEY *pkey) ;
/* Find NID by GOST 94 parameters */
int gost94_nid_by_params(DSA *p) ;