
242 lines
6.0 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Copyright (c) 2011 The OpenSSL Project.
# The script embeds fingerprint into TI-COFF executable object.
$0 =~ m/(.*[\/\\])[^\/\\]+$/; $dir=$1;
require "";
# COFF symbol table parser by <>. The table entries
# are extended with offset within executable file...
{ package COFF;
use FileHandle;
sub dup { my %copy=map {$_} @_; return \%copy; }
sub Load {
my $class = shift;
my $self = {};
my $FD = FileHandle->new(); # autoclose
bless $self,$class;
sysopen($FD,shift,0) or die "$!";
# read and parse COFF header...
read($FD,my $coff,22) or die "$!";
my %coff_header;
$!=42; # signal fipsld to revert to two-step link
die "not TI-COFF file" if ($coff_header{version} != 0xC2);
my $big_endian = ($coff_header{flags}>>9)&1; # 0 or 1
my $strings;
my $symsize;
# load strings table
seek($FD,$coff_header{syms_off}+18*$coff_header{nsyms},0) or die "$!";
read($FD,$strings,4) or die "$!";
$symsize = unpack("V",$strings);
read($FD,$strings,$symsize,4) or die "$!";
# read sections
my $i;
my @sections;
# seek to section headers
seek($FD,22+@coff_header{opt},0) or die "$!";
for ($i=0;$i<$coff_header{nsects};$i++) {
my %coff_shdr;
my $name;
read($FD,my $section,48) or die "$!";
sh_relocoff,sh_lines,sh_flags} =
$name = $coff_shdr{sh_name};
# see if sh_name is a an offset in $strings
my ($hi,$lo) = unpack("V2",$name);
if ($hi==0 && $lo<$symsize) {
$name = substr($strings,$lo,64);
$coff_shdr{sh_name} = (split(chr(0),$name))[0];
# load symbols table
seek($FD,$coff_header{syms_off},0) or die "$!";
for ($i=0;$i<$coff_header{nsyms};$i++) {
my %coff_sym;
my $name;
read($FD,my $blob,18) or die "$!";
@coff_sym{st_name,st_value,st_shndx,reserved,class,aux} =
# skip aux entries
if ($coff_sym{aux}) {
seek($FD,18*$coff_sym{aux},1) or die "$!";
$name = $coff_sym{st_name};
# see if st_name is a an offset in $strings
my ($hi,$lo) = unpack("V2",$name);
if ($hi==0 && $lo<$symsize) {
$name = substr($strings,$lo,64);
$coff_sym{st_name} = $name = (split(chr(0),$name))[0];
my $st_secn = $coff_sym{st_shndx}-1;
if ($st_secn>=0 && $st_secn<=$#sections
&& @sections[$st_secn]->{sh_offset}
&& $name =~ m/^_[a-z]+/i) {
# synthesize st_offset, ...
$coff_sym{st_offset} = $coff_sym{st_value}
- @sections[$st_secn]->{sh_vaddr}
+ @sections[$st_secn]->{sh_offset};
$coff_sym{st_section} = @sections[$st_secn]->{sh_name};
# ... and add to lookup table
$self->{symbols}{$name} = dup(%coff_sym);
return $self;
sub Lookup {
my $self = shift;
my $name = shift;
return $self->{symbols}{"_$name"};
sub Traverse {
my $self = shift;
my $code = shift;
if (ref($code) eq 'CODE') {
for (keys(%{$self->{symbols}})) { &$code($self->{symbols}{$_}); }
# main()
my $legacy_mode;
if ($#ARGV<0 || ($#ARGV>0 && !($legacy_mode=(@ARGV[0] =~ /^\-(dso|exe)$/)))) {
print STDERR "usage: $0 [-dso|-exe] ti-coff-binary\n";
$exe = COFF->Load(@ARGV[$#ARGV]);
$FIPS_text_start = $exe->Lookup("FIPS_text_start") or die;
$FIPS_text_end = $exe->Lookup("FIPS_text_end") or die;
$FIPS_rodata_start = $exe->Lookup("FIPS_rodata_start") or die;
$FIPS_rodata_end = $exe->Lookup("FIPS_rodata_end") or die;
$FIPS_signature = $exe->Lookup("FIPS_signature") or die;
# new cross-compile support
$FIPS_text_startX = $exe->Lookup("FIPS_text_startX");
$FIPS_text_endX = $exe->Lookup("FIPS_text_endX");
if (!$legacy_mode) {
if (!$FIPS_text_startX || !$FIPS_text_endX) {
print STDERR "@ARGV[$#ARGV] is not cross-compiler aware.\n";
exit(42); # signal fipsld to revert to two-step link
= $exe->Lookup("FINGERPRINT_ascii_value");
if ($FIPS_text_startX && $FIPS_text_endX) {
$FIPS_text_start = $FIPS_text_startX;
$FIPS_text_end = $FIPS_text_endX;
sysopen(FD,@ARGV[$#ARGV],$legacy_mode?0:2) or die "$!"; # 2 is read/write
sub HMAC_Update {
my ($hmac,$off,$len) = @_;
my $blob;
seek(FD,$off,0) or die "$!";
read(FD,$blob,$len) or die "$!";
# fips/fips.c:FIPS_incore_fingerprint's Perl twin
sub FIPS_incore_fingerprint {
my $p1 = $FIPS_text_start->{st_offset};
my $p2 = $FIPS_text_end->{st_offset};
my $p3 = $FIPS_rodata_start->{st_offset};
my $p4 = $FIPS_rodata_end->{st_offset};
my $sig = $FIPS_signature->{st_offset};
my $ctx = HMAC->Init("etaonrishdlcupfm");
# detect overlapping regions
if ($p1<=$p3 && $p2>=$p3) {
$p3 = $p1; $p4 = $p2>$p4?$p2:$p4; $p1 = 0; $p2 = 0;
} elsif ($p3<=$p1 && $p4>=$p1) {
$p3 = $p3; $p4 = $p2>$p4?$p2:$p4; $p1 = 0; $p2 = 0;
if ($p1) {
HMAC_Update (\$ctx,$p1,$p2-$p1);
if ($sig>=$p3 && $sig<$p4) {
# "punch" hole
$p3 = $sig+20;
} else {
return $ctx->Final();
$fingerprint = FIPS_incore_fingerprint();
if ($legacy_mode) {
print unpack("H*",$fingerprint);
} elsif ($FINGERPRINT_ascii_value) {
seek(FD,$FINGERPRINT_ascii_value->{st_offset},0) or die "$!";
print FD unpack("H*",$fingerprint) or die "$!";
} else {
seek(FD,$FIPS_signature->{st_offset},0) or die "$!";
print FD $fingerprint or die "$!";
close (FD);