1107. He says: This is a followup to the NetWare patch that was applied to beta3. It does the following: - Fixes a problem in the CLib build with undefined symbols. - Adds the ability to use BSD sockets as the default for the OpenSSL socket BIO. NetWare supports 2 flavors of sockets and our Apache developers need BSD sockets as a configurable option when building OpenSSL. This adds that for them. - Updates to the INSTALL.NW file to explain new options. I have tried very hard to make sure all the changes are in NetWare specific files or guarded carefully to make sure they only impact NetWare builds. I have tested the Windows build to make sure it does not break that since we have made changes to mk1mf.pl. We are still working the gcc cross compile for NetWare issue and hope to have a patch for that before beta 6 is released.
210 lines
5.7 KiB
210 lines
5.7 KiB
@echo off
rem ========================================================================
rem Batch file to automate building OpenSSL for NetWare.
rem usage:
rem build [target] [debug opts] [assembly opts] [configure opts]
rem target - "netware-clib" - CLib NetWare build (WinSock Sockets)
rem - "netware-libc" - LibC NKS NetWare build (WinSock Sockets)
rem - "netware-libc-bsdsock" - LibC NKS NetWare build (BSD Sockets)
rem debug opts - "debug" - build debug
rem assembly opts - "nw-mwasm" - use Metrowerks assembler
rem - "nw-nasm" - use NASM assembler
rem - "no-asm" - don't use assembly
rem configure opts- all unrecognized arguments are passed to the
rem perl configure script
rem If no arguments are specified the default is to build non-debug with
rem no assembly. NOTE: there is no default BLD_TARGET.
rem No assembly is the default - Uncomment section below to change
rem the assembler default
set NO_ASM=no-asm
rem Uncomment to default to the Metrowerks assembler
rem set ASM_MODE=nw-mwasm
rem set ASSEMBLER=Metrowerks
rem set NO_ASM=
rem Uncomment to default to the NASM assembler
rem set ASM_MODE=nw-nasm
rem set NO_ASM=
rem No default Bld target
set BLD_TARGET=no_target
rem set BLD_TARGET=netware-clib
rem set BLD_TARGET=netware-libc
rem Default to build non-debug
set DEBUG=
rem Uncomment to default to debug build
rem set DEBUG=debug
rem Process command line args
if "a%1" == "a" goto endopt
if "%1" == "no-asm" set NO_ASM=no-asm
if "%1" == "no-asm" set ARG_PROCESSED=YES
if "%1" == "debug" set DEBUG=debug
if "%1" == "debug" set ARG_PROCESSED=YES
if "%1" == "nw-nasm" set ASM_MODE=nw-nasm
if "%1" == "nw-nasm" set ASSEMBLER=NASM
if "%1" == "nw-nasm" set NO_ASM=
if "%1" == "nw-nasm" set ARG_PROCESSED=YES
if "%1" == "nw-mwasm" set ASM_MODE=nw-mwasm
if "%1" == "nw-mwasm" set ASSEMBLER=Metrowerks
if "%1" == "nw-mwasm" set NO_ASM=
if "%1" == "nw-mwasm" set ARG_PROCESSED=YES
if "%1" == "netware-clib" set BLD_TARGET=netware-clib
if "%1" == "netware-clib" set ARG_PROCESSED=YES
if "%1" == "netware-libc" set BLD_TARGET=netware-libc
if "%1" == "netware-libc" set ARG_PROCESSED=YES
if "%1" == "netware-libc-bsdsock" set BLD_TARGET=netware-libc-bsdsock
if "%1" == "netware-libc-bsdsock" set ARG_PROCESSED=YES
rem If we didn't recognize the argument, consider it an option for config
goto opts
rem make sure a valid BLD_TARGET was specified
if "%BLD_TARGET%" == "no_target" goto no_target
rem build the nlm make file name which includes target and debug info
if "%BLD_TARGET%" == "netware-clib" set NLM_MAKE=netware\nlm_clib
if "%BLD_TARGET%" == "netware-libc" set NLM_MAKE=netware\nlm_libc
if "%BLD_TARGET%" == "netware-libc-bsdsock" set NLM_MAKE=netware\nlm_libc_bsdsock
if "%DEBUG%" == "" set NLM_MAKE=%NLM_MAKE%.mak
if "%DEBUG%" == "debug" set NLM_MAKE=%NLM_MAKE%_dbg.mak
if "%NO_ASM%" == "no-asm" set ASM_MODE=
if "%NO_ASM%" == "no-asm" set ASSEMBLER=
if "%NO_ASM%" == "no-asm" set CONFIG_OPTS=%CONFIG_OPTS% no-asm
if "%NO_ASM%" == "no-asm" goto do_config
rem ==================================================
echo Generating x86 for %ASSEMBLER% assembler
echo Bignum
cd crypto\bn\asm
perl x86.pl %ASM_MODE% > bn-nw.asm
cd ..\..\..
echo DES
cd crypto\des\asm
perl des-586.pl %ASM_MODE% > d-nw.asm
cd ..\..\..
echo "crypt(3)"
cd crypto\des\asm
perl crypt586.pl %ASM_MODE% > y-nw.asm
cd ..\..\..
echo Blowfish
cd crypto\bf\asm
perl bf-586.pl %ASM_MODE% > b-nw.asm
cd ..\..\..
echo CAST5
cd crypto\cast\asm
perl cast-586.pl %ASM_MODE% > c-nw.asm
cd ..\..\..
echo RC4
cd crypto\rc4\asm
perl rc4-586.pl %ASM_MODE% > r4-nw.asm
cd ..\..\..
echo MD5
cd crypto\md5\asm
perl md5-586.pl %ASM_MODE% > m5-nw.asm
cd ..\..\..
echo SHA1
cd crypto\sha\asm
perl sha1-586.pl %ASM_MODE% > s1-nw.asm
cd ..\..\..
echo RIPEMD160
cd crypto\ripemd\asm
perl rmd-586.pl %ASM_MODE% > rm-nw.asm
cd ..\..\..
echo RC5\32
cd crypto\rc5\asm
perl rc5-586.pl %ASM_MODE% > r5-nw.asm
cd ..\..\..
rem ===============================================================
echo .
echo configure options: %CONFIG_OPTS% %BLD_TARGET%
echo .
perl configure %CONFIG_OPTS% %BLD_TARGET%
perl util\mkfiles.pl >MINFO
echo .
echo mk1mf.pl options: %DEBUG% %ASM_MODE% %CONFIG_OPTS% %BLD_TARGET%
echo .
perl util\mk1mf.pl %DEBUG% %ASM_MODE% %CONFIG_OPTS% %BLD_TARGET% >%NLM_MAKE%
echo The makefile "%NLM_MAKE%" has been created use your maketool to
echo build (ex: gmake -f %NLM_MAKE%)
goto end
rem ===============================================================
echo .
echo . No build target specified!!!
echo .
echo . usage: build [target] [debug opts] [assembly opts] [configure opts]
echo .
echo . target - "netware-clib" - CLib NetWare build (WinSock Sockets)
echo . - "netware-libc" - LibC NKS NetWare build (WinSock Sockets)
echo . - "netware-libc-bsdsock" - LibC NKS NetWare build (BSD Sockets)
echo .
echo . debug opts - "debug" - build debug
echo .
echo . assembly opts - "nw-mwasm" - use Metrowerks assembler
echo . "nw-nasm" - use NASM assembler
echo . "no-asm" - don't use assembly
echo .
echo . configure opts- all unrecognized arguments are passed to the
echo . perl configure script
echo .
echo . If no debug or assembly opts are specified the default is to build
echo . non-debug without assembly
echo .