like Malloc, Realloc and especially Free conflict with already existing names on some operating systems or other packages. That is reason enough to change the names of the OpenSSL memory allocation macros to something that has a better chance of being unique, like prepending them with OPENSSL_. This change includes all the name changes needed throughout all C files.
480 lines
11 KiB
480 lines
11 KiB
/* apps/passwd.c */
#if defined NO_MD5 || defined CHARSET_EBCDIC
# define NO_APR1
#if !defined(NO_DES) || !defined(NO_APR1)
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "apps.h"
#include <openssl/bio.h>
#include <openssl/err.h>
#include <openssl/evp.h>
#include <openssl/rand.h>
#ifndef NO_DES
# include <openssl/des.h>
#ifndef NO_APR1
# include <openssl/md5.h>
#undef PROG
#define PROG passwd_main
static unsigned const char cov_2char[64]={
/* from crypto/des/fcrypt.c */
static int do_passwd(int passed_salt, char **salt_p, char **salt_malloc_p,
char *passwd, BIO *out, int quiet, int table, int reverse,
size_t pw_maxlen, int usecrypt, int useapr1);
/* -crypt - standard Unix password algorithm (default, only choice)
* -apr1 - MD5-based password algorithm
* -salt string - salt
* -in file - read passwords from file
* -stdin - read passwords from stdin
* -quiet - no warnings
* -table - format output as table
* -reverse - switch table columns
int MAIN(int, char **);
int MAIN(int argc, char **argv)
int ret = 1;
char *infile = NULL;
int in_stdin = 0;
char *salt = NULL, *passwd = NULL, **passwds = NULL;
char *salt_malloc = NULL, *passwd_malloc = NULL;
size_t passwd_malloc_size = 0;
int pw_source_defined = 0;
BIO *in = NULL, *out = NULL;
int i, badopt, opt_done;
int passed_salt = 0, quiet = 0, table = 0, reverse = 0;
int usecrypt = 0, useapr1 = 0;
size_t pw_maxlen = 0;
if (bio_err == NULL)
if ((bio_err=BIO_new(BIO_s_file())) != NULL)
out = BIO_new(BIO_s_file());
if (out == NULL)
goto err;
BIO_set_fp(out, stdout, BIO_NOCLOSE | BIO_FP_TEXT);
badopt = 0, opt_done = 0;
i = 0;
while (!badopt && !opt_done && argv[++i] != NULL)
if (strcmp(argv[i], "-crypt") == 0)
usecrypt = 1;
else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-apr1") == 0)
useapr1 = 1;
else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-salt") == 0)
if ((argv[i+1] != NULL) && (salt == NULL))
passed_salt = 1;
salt = argv[++i];
badopt = 1;
else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-in") == 0)
if ((argv[i+1] != NULL) && !pw_source_defined)
pw_source_defined = 1;
infile = argv[++i];
badopt = 1;
else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-stdin") == 0)
if (!pw_source_defined)
pw_source_defined = 1;
in_stdin = 1;
badopt = 1;
else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-quiet") == 0)
quiet = 1;
else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-table") == 0)
table = 1;
else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-reverse") == 0)
reverse = 1;
else if (argv[i][0] == '-')
badopt = 1;
else if (!pw_source_defined)
/* non-option arguments, use as passwords */
pw_source_defined = 1;
passwds = &argv[i];
opt_done = 1;
badopt = 1;
if (!usecrypt && !useapr1) /* use default */
usecrypt = 1;
if (usecrypt + useapr1 > 1) /* conflict */
badopt = 1;
/* reject unsupported algorithms */
#ifdef NO_DES
if (usecrypt) badopt = 1;
#ifdef NO_APR1
if (useapr1) badopt = 1;
if (badopt)
BIO_printf(bio_err, "Usage: passwd [options] [passwords]\n");
BIO_printf(bio_err, "where options are\n");
#ifndef NO_DES
BIO_printf(bio_err, "-crypt standard Unix password algorithm (default)\n");
#ifndef NO_APR1
BIO_printf(bio_err, "-apr1 MD5-based password algorithm\n");
BIO_printf(bio_err, "-salt string use provided salt\n");
BIO_printf(bio_err, "-in file read passwords from file\n");
BIO_printf(bio_err, "-stdin read passwords from stdin\n");
BIO_printf(bio_err, "-quiet no warnings\n");
BIO_printf(bio_err, "-table format output as table\n");
BIO_printf(bio_err, "-reverse switch table columns\n");
goto err;
if ((infile != NULL) || in_stdin)
in = BIO_new(BIO_s_file());
if (in == NULL)
goto err;
if (infile != NULL)
assert(in_stdin == 0);
if (BIO_read_filename(in, infile) <= 0)
goto err;
BIO_set_fp(in, stdin, BIO_NOCLOSE);
if (usecrypt)
pw_maxlen = 8;
else if (useapr1)
pw_maxlen = 256; /* arbitrary limit, should be enough for most passwords */
if (passwds == NULL)
/* no passwords on the command line */
passwd_malloc_size = pw_maxlen + 2;
/* longer than necessary so that we can warn about truncation */
passwd = passwd_malloc = OPENSSL_malloc(passwd_malloc_size);
if (passwd_malloc == NULL)
goto err;
if ((in == NULL) && (passwds == NULL))
/* build a null-terminated list */
static char *passwds_static[2] = {NULL, NULL};
passwds = passwds_static;
if (in == NULL)
if (EVP_read_pw_string(passwd_malloc, passwd_malloc_size, "Password: ", 0) != 0)
goto err;
passwds[0] = passwd_malloc;
if (in == NULL)
assert(passwds != NULL);
assert(*passwds != NULL);
do /* loop over list of passwords */
passwd = *passwds++;
if (!do_passwd(passed_salt, &salt, &salt_malloc, passwd, out,
quiet, table, reverse, pw_maxlen, usecrypt, useapr1))
goto err;
while (*passwds != NULL);
/* in != NULL */
int done;
assert (passwd != NULL);
int r = BIO_gets(in, passwd, pw_maxlen + 1);
if (r > 0)
char *c = (strchr(passwd, '\n')) ;
if (c != NULL)
*c = 0; /* truncate at newline */
/* ignore rest of line */
char trash[BUFSIZ];
r = BIO_gets(in, trash, sizeof trash);
while ((r > 0) && (!strchr(trash, '\n')));
if (!do_passwd(passed_salt, &salt, &salt_malloc, passwd, out,
quiet, table, reverse, pw_maxlen, usecrypt, useapr1))
goto err;
done = (r <= 0);
while (!done);
if (salt_malloc)
if (passwd_malloc)
if (in)
if (out)
#ifndef NO_APR1
/* MD5-based password algorithm compatible to the one found in Apache
* (should probably be available as a library function;
* then the static buffer would not be acceptable) */
static char *apr1_crypt(const char *passwd, const char *salt)
static char out_buf[6 + 9 + 24 + 2]; /* "$apr1$..salt..$.......md5hash..........\0" */
unsigned char buf[MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH];
char *salt_out;
int n, i;
MD5_CTX md;
size_t passwd_len, salt_len;
passwd_len = strlen(passwd);
strcpy(out_buf, "$apr1$");
strncat(out_buf, salt, 8);
assert(strlen(out_buf) <= 6 + 8); /* "$apr1$..salt.." */
salt_out = out_buf + 6;
salt_len = strlen(salt_out);
assert(salt_len <= 8);
MD5_Update(&md, passwd, passwd_len);
MD5_Update(&md, "$apr1$", 6);
MD5_Update(&md, salt_out, salt_len);
MD5_CTX md2;
MD5_Update(&md2, passwd, passwd_len);
MD5_Update(&md2, salt_out, salt_len);
MD5_Update(&md2, passwd, passwd_len);
MD5_Final(buf, &md2);
for (i = passwd_len; i > sizeof buf; i -= sizeof buf)
MD5_Update(&md, buf, sizeof buf);
MD5_Update(&md, buf, i);
n = passwd_len;
while (n)
MD5_Update(&md, (n & 1) ? "\0" : passwd, 1);
n >>= 1;
MD5_Final(buf, &md);
for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
MD5_CTX md2;
MD5_Update(&md2, (i & 1) ? (unsigned char *) passwd : buf,
(i & 1) ? passwd_len : sizeof buf);
if (i % 3)
MD5_Update(&md2, salt_out, salt_len);
if (i % 7)
MD5_Update(&md2, passwd, passwd_len);
MD5_Update(&md2, (i & 1) ? buf : (unsigned char *) passwd,
(i & 1) ? sizeof buf : passwd_len);
MD5_Final(buf, &md2);
/* transform buf into output string */
unsigned char buf_perm[sizeof buf];
int dest, source;
char *output;
/* silly output permutation */
for (dest = 0, source = 0; dest < 14; dest++, source = (source + 6) % 17)
buf_perm[dest] = buf[source];
buf_perm[14] = buf[5];
buf_perm[15] = buf[11];
#ifndef PEDANTIC /* Unfortunately, this generates a "no effect" warning */
assert(16 == sizeof buf_perm);
output = salt_out + salt_len;
assert(output == out_buf + strlen(out_buf));
*output++ = '$';
for (i = 0; i < 15; i += 3)
*output++ = cov_2char[buf_perm[i+2] & 0x3f];
*output++ = cov_2char[((buf_perm[i+1] & 0xf) << 2) |
(buf_perm[i+2] >> 6)];
*output++ = cov_2char[((buf_perm[i] & 3) << 4) |
(buf_perm[i+1] >> 4)];
*output++ = cov_2char[buf_perm[i] >> 2];
assert(i == 15);
*output++ = cov_2char[buf_perm[i] & 0x3f];
*output++ = cov_2char[buf_perm[i] >> 6];
*output = 0;
assert(strlen(out_buf) < sizeof(out_buf));
return out_buf;
static int do_passwd(int passed_salt, char **salt_p, char **salt_malloc_p,
char *passwd, BIO *out, int quiet, int table, int reverse,
size_t pw_maxlen, int usecrypt, int useapr1)
char *hash = NULL;
assert(salt_p != NULL);
assert(salt_malloc_p != NULL);
/* first make sure we have a salt */
if (!passed_salt)
#ifndef NO_DES
if (usecrypt)
if (*salt_malloc_p == NULL)
*salt_p = *salt_malloc_p = OPENSSL_malloc(3);
if (*salt_malloc_p == NULL)
goto err;
if (RAND_pseudo_bytes((unsigned char *)*salt_p, 2) < 0)
goto err;
(*salt_p)[0] = cov_2char[(*salt_p)[0] & 0x3f]; /* 6 bits */
(*salt_p)[1] = cov_2char[(*salt_p)[1] & 0x3f]; /* 6 bits */
(*salt_p)[2] = 0;
ascii2ebcdic(*salt_p, *salt_p, 2); /* des_crypt will convert
* back to ASCII */
#endif /* !NO_DES */
#ifndef NO_APR1
if (useapr1)
int i;
if (*salt_malloc_p == NULL)
*salt_p = *salt_malloc_p = OPENSSL_malloc(9);
if (*salt_malloc_p == NULL)
goto err;
if (RAND_pseudo_bytes((unsigned char *)*salt_p, 8) < 0)
goto err;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
(*salt_p)[i] = cov_2char[(*salt_p)[i] & 0x3f]; /* 6 bits */
(*salt_p)[8] = 0;
#endif /* !NO_APR1 */
assert(*salt_p != NULL);
/* truncate password if necessary */
if ((strlen(passwd) > pw_maxlen))
if (!quiet)
BIO_printf(bio_err, "Warning: truncating password to %u characters\n", pw_maxlen);
passwd[pw_maxlen] = 0;
assert(strlen(passwd) <= pw_maxlen);
/* now compute password hash */
#ifndef NO_DES
if (usecrypt)
hash = des_crypt(passwd, *salt_p);
#ifndef NO_APR1
if (useapr1)
hash = apr1_crypt(passwd, *salt_p);
assert(hash != NULL);
if (table && !reverse)
BIO_printf(out, "%s\t%s\n", passwd, hash);
else if (table && reverse)
BIO_printf(out, "%s\t%s\n", hash, passwd);
BIO_printf(out, "%s\n", hash);
return 1;
return 0;
int MAIN(int argc, char **argv)
fputs("Program not available.\n", stderr)