sure they are available in opensslconf.h, by giving them names starting with "OPENSSL_" to avoid conflicts with other packages and by making sure e_os2.h will cover all platform-specific cases together with opensslconf.h. I've checked fairly well that nothing breaks with this (apart from external software that will adapt if they have used something like NO_KRB5), but I can't guarantee it completely, so a review of this change would be a good thing.
Mutithreading testing area. Since this stuff is very very platorm specific, this is not part of the normal build. Have a read of doc/threads.doc. mttest will do some testing and will currently build under Windows NT/95, Solaris and Linux. The IRIX stuff is not finished. I have tested this program on a 12 CPU ultra sparc box (solaris 2.5.1) and things seem to work ok. The Linux pthreads package can be retrieved from http://www.mit.edu:8001/people/proven/pthreads.html