- ported BN stuff to OpenSSL's different BN library - made the perl/ source tree CVS-aware - renamed the package from SSLeay to OpenSSL (the files still contain their history because I've copied them in the repository) - removed obsolete files (the test scripts will be replaced by better Test::Harness variants in the future)
81 lines
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81 lines
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## OpenSSL.pm
package OpenSSL;
use Exporter;
use DynaLoader;
@ISA = qw(Exporter DynaLoader);
@EXPORT = qw();
bootstrap penSSL;
@OpenSSL::BN::ISA= qw(OpenSSL::ERR);
@OpenSSL::MD::ISA= qw(OpenSSL::ERR);
@OpenSSL::Cipher::ISA= qw(OpenSSL::ERR);
@OpenSSL::SSL::CTX::ISA= qw(OpenSSL::ERR);
@OpenSSL::BIO::ISA= qw(OpenSSL::ERR);
@OpenSSL::SSL::ISA= qw(OpenSSL::ERR);
@BN::ISA= qw(OpenSSL::BN);
@MD::ISA= qw(OpenSSL::MD);
@Cipher::ISA= qw(OpenSSL::Cipher);
@SSL::ISA= qw(OpenSSL::SSL);
@SSL::CTX::ISA= qw(OpenSSL::SSL::CTX);
@BIO::ISA= qw(OpenSSL::BIO);
@OpenSSL::MD::names=qw(md2 md5 sha sha1 ripemd160 mdc2);
des-ecb des-cfb des-ofb des-cbc
des-ede des-ede-cfb des-ede-ofb des-ede-cbc
des-ede3 des-ede3-cfb des-ede3-ofb des-ede3-cbc
desx-cbc rc4 rc4-40
idea-ecb idea-cfb idea-ofb idea-cbc
rc2-ecb rc2-cbc rc2-40-cbc rc2-cfb rc2-ofb
bf-ecb bf-cfb bf-ofb bf-cbc
cast5-ecb cast5-cfb cast5-ofb cast5-cbc
rc5-ecb rc5-cfb rc5-ofb rc5-cbc
sub OpenSSL::SSL::CTX::new_ssl { OpenSSL::SSL::new($_[0]); }
sub OpenSSL::ERR::error
while (($s=$o->get_error()) != 0)
@OpenSSL::Cipher::aliases=qw(des desx des3 idea rc2 bf cast);
package OpenSSL::BN;
sub bnfix { (ref($_[0]) ne "OpenSSL::BN")?OpenSSL::BN::dec2bn($_[0]):$_[0]; }
use overload
"=" => sub { dup($_[0]); },
"+" => sub { add($_[0],$_[1]); },
"-" => sub { ($_[1],$_[0])=($_[0],$_[1]) if $_[2];
OpenSSL::BN::sub($_[0],$_[1]); },
"*" => sub { mul($_[0],$_[1]); },
"/" => sub { ($_[1],$_[0])=($_[0],$_[1]) if $_[2]; (div($_[0],$_[1]))[0]; },
"%" => sub { ($_[1],$_[0])=($_[0],$_[1]) if $_[2]; mod($_[0],$_[1]); },
"**" => sub { ($_[1],$_[0])=($_[0],$_[1]) if $_[2]; exp($_[0],$_[1]); },
"<<" => sub { lshift($_[0],$_[1]); },
">>" => sub { rshift($_[0],$_[1]); },
"<=>" => sub { OpenSSL::BN::cmp($_[0],$_[1]); },
'""' => sub { bn2dec($_[0]); },
'0+' => sub { dec2bn($_[0]); },
"bool" => sub { ref($_[0]) eq "OpenSSL::BN"; };
sub OpenSSL::BIO::do_accept { OpenSSL::BIO::do_handshake(@_); }