From: "Chris D. Peterson" <cpeterson@aventail.com> Subject: Implementation Issues with OpenSSL To: openssl-users@openssl.org Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2001 16:13:17 -0700 The patch included in the original post may improve the internal session list handling (and is therefore worth a seperate investigation). No change to the list handling will however solve the problems of incorrect SSL_SESSION_free() calls. The session list is only one possible point of failure, dangling pointers would also occur for SSL object currently using the session. The correct solution is to only use SSL_SESSION_free() when applicable!
apps/openssl.pod .... Documentation of OpenSSL `openssl' command crypto/crypto.pod ... Documentation of OpenSSL crypto.h+libcrypto.a ssl/ssl.pod ......... Documentation of OpenSSL ssl.h+libssl.a openssl.txt ......... Assembled documentation files for OpenSSL [not final] ssleay.txt .......... Assembled documentation of ancestor SSLeay [obsolete] standards.txt ....... Assembled pointers to standards, RFCs or internet drafts that are related to OpenSSL. An archive of HTML documents for the SSLeay library is available from http://www.columbia.edu/~ariel/ssleay/