/* * Crude test driver for processing the VST and MCT testvector files * generated by the CMVP RNGVS product. * * Note the input files are assumed to have a _very_ specific format * as described in the NIST document "The Random Number Generator * Validation System (RNGVS)", May 25, 2004. * */ #include #ifndef OPENSSL_FIPS #include int main() { printf("No FIPS RNG support\n"); return 0; } #else #include #include #include #include #include #include #include int hex2bin(const char *in, unsigned char *out) { int n1, n2; unsigned char ch; for (n1=0,n2=0 ; in[n1] && in[n1] != '\n' ; ) { /* first byte */ if ((in[n1] >= '0') && (in[n1] <= '9')) ch = in[n1++] - '0'; else if ((in[n1] >= 'A') && (in[n1] <= 'F')) ch = in[n1++] - 'A' + 10; else if ((in[n1] >= 'a') && (in[n1] <= 'f')) ch = in[n1++] - 'a' + 10; else return -1; if(!in[n1]) { out[n2++]=ch; break; } out[n2] = ch << 4; /* second byte */ if ((in[n1] >= '0') && (in[n1] <= '9')) ch = in[n1++] - '0'; else if ((in[n1] >= 'A') && (in[n1] <= 'F')) ch = in[n1++] - 'A' + 10; else if ((in[n1] >= 'a') && (in[n1] <= 'f')) ch = in[n1++] - 'a' + 10; else return -1; out[n2++] |= ch; } return n2; } int bin2hex(const unsigned char *in,int len,char *out) { int n1, n2; unsigned char ch; for (n1=0,n2=0 ; n1 < len ; ++n1) { ch=in[n1] >> 4; if (ch <= 0x09) out[n2++]=ch+'0'; else out[n2++]=ch-10+'a'; ch=in[n1] & 0x0f; if(ch <= 0x09) out[n2++]=ch+'0'; else out[n2++]=ch-10+'a'; } out[n2]='\0'; return n2; } void pv(const char *tag,const unsigned char *val,int len) { char obuf[2048]; bin2hex(val,len,obuf); printf("%s = %s\n",tag,obuf); } void vst() { unsigned char key1[8]; unsigned char key2[8]; unsigned char v[8]; unsigned char dt[8]; unsigned char ret[8]; char buf[1024]; int n; while(fgets(buf,sizeof buf,stdin) != NULL) { if(!strncmp(buf,"Key1 = ",7)) { n=hex2bin(buf+7,key1); pv("Key1",key1,n); } else if(!strncmp(buf,"Key2 = ",7)) { n=hex2bin(buf+7,key2); pv("Key1",key2,n); } else if(!strncmp(buf,"DT = ",5)) { n=hex2bin(buf+5,dt); pv("DT",dt,n); } else if(!strncmp(buf,"V = ",4)) { n=hex2bin(buf+4,v); pv("V",v,n); FIPS_rand_method()->cleanup(); FIPS_set_prng_key(key1,key2); FIPS_rand_seed(v,8); FIPS_test_mode(1,dt); if (FIPS_rand_method()->bytes(ret,8) <= 0) { FIPS_test_mode(0,NULL); FIPSerr(FIPS_F_FIPS_SELFTEST_RNG,FIPS_R_SELFTEST_FAILED); return; } pv("R",ret,8); putc('\n',stdout); } else fputs(buf,stdout); } } void mct() { unsigned char key1[8]; unsigned char key2[8]; unsigned char v[8]; unsigned char dt[8]; unsigned char ret[8]; char buf[1024]; int n; BIGNUM *bn; BIGNUM *pbn; bn = BN_new(); while(fgets(buf,sizeof buf,stdin) != NULL) { if(!strncmp(buf,"Key1 = ",7)) { n=hex2bin(buf+7,key1); pv("Key1",key1,n); } else if(!strncmp(buf,"Key2 = ",7)) { n=hex2bin(buf+7,key2); pv("Key1",key2,n); } else if(!strncmp(buf,"DT = ",5)) { n=hex2bin(buf+5,dt); pv("DT",dt,n); } else if(!strncmp(buf,"V = ",4)) { int iter; n=hex2bin(buf+4,v); pv("V",v,n); FIPS_rand_method()->cleanup(); FIPS_set_prng_key(key1,key2); FIPS_rand_seed(v,8); for (iter=0; iter < 10000; ++iter) { FIPS_test_mode(1,dt); if (FIPS_rand_method()->bytes(ret,8) <= 0) { FIPS_test_mode(0,NULL); FIPSerr(FIPS_F_FIPS_SELFTEST_RNG,FIPS_R_SELFTEST_FAILED); return; } pbn = BN_bin2bn(dt,8,bn); n = BN_add(bn,bn,BN_value_one()); n = BN_bn2bin(bn,dt); } pv("R",ret,8); putc('\n',stdout); } else fputs(buf,stdout); } BN_free(bn); } int main(int argc,char **argv) { if(argc != 2) { fprintf(stderr,"%s [mct|vst]\n",argv[0]); exit(1); } if(!FIPS_mode_set(1,argv[0])) { ERR_load_crypto_strings(); ERR_print_errors(BIO_new_fp(stderr,BIO_NOCLOSE)); exit(1); } if(!strcmp(argv[1],"mct")) mct(); else if(!strcmp(argv[1],"vst")) vst(); else { fprintf(stderr,"Don't know how to %s.\n",argv[1]); exit(1); } return 0; } #endif