/*--------------------------------------------- NIST DES Modes of Operation Validation System Test Program Based on the AES Validation Suite, which was: Copyright V-ONE Corporation 20250 Century Blvd, Suite 300 Germantown, MD 20874 U.S.A. ----------------------------------------------*/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "e_os.h" /*#define AES_BLOCK_SIZE 16*/ #define VERBOSE 0 /*-----------------------------------------------*/ int DESTest(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx, char *amode, int akeysz, unsigned char *aKey, unsigned char *iVec, int dir, /* 0 = decrypt, 1 = encrypt */ unsigned char *out, unsigned char *in, int len) { const EVP_CIPHER *cipher = NULL; int ret = 1; int kt = 0; if (ctx) memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(EVP_CIPHER_CTX)); if (strcasecmp(amode, "CBC") == 0) kt = 1000; else if (strcasecmp(amode, "ECB") == 0) kt = 2000; else if (strcasecmp(amode, "CFB64") == 0) kt = 3000; else if (strncasecmp(amode, "OFB", 3) == 0) kt = 4000; else if(!strcasecmp(amode,"CFB1")) kt=5000; else if(!strcasecmp(amode,"CFB8")) kt=6000; else { printf("Unknown mode: %s\n", amode); exit(1); } if (ret) { if (akeysz != 64 && akeysz != 192) { printf("Invalid key size: %d\n", akeysz); exit(1); } else { kt += akeysz; switch (kt) { case 1064: cipher=EVP_des_cbc(); break; case 1192: cipher=EVP_des_ede3_cbc(); break; case 2064: cipher=EVP_des_ecb(); break; case 2192: cipher=EVP_des_ede3_ecb(); break; case 3064: cipher=EVP_des_cfb64(); break; case 3192: cipher=EVP_des_ede3_cfb64(); break; case 4064: cipher=EVP_des_ofb(); break; case 4192: cipher=EVP_des_ede3_ofb(); break; case 5064: cipher=EVP_des_cfb1(); break; case 5192: cipher=EVP_des_ede3_cfb1(); break; case 6064: cipher=EVP_des_cfb8(); break; case 6192: cipher=EVP_des_ede3_cfb8(); break; default: printf("Didn't handle mode %d\n",kt); exit(1); } if(!EVP_CipherInit(ctx, cipher, aKey, iVec, dir)) { ERR_print_errors_fp(stderr); exit(1); } EVP_Cipher(ctx, out, in, len); } } return ret; } /*-----------------------------------------------*/ int hex2bin(char *in, int len, unsigned char *out) { int n1, n2; unsigned char ch; for (n1 = 0, n2 = 0; n1 < len; ) { /* first byte */ if ((in[n1] >= '0') && (in[n1] <= '9')) ch = in[n1++] - '0'; else if ((in[n1] >= 'A') && (in[n1] <= 'F')) ch = in[n1++] - 'A' + 10; else if ((in[n1] >= 'a') && (in[n1] <= 'f')) ch = in[n1++] - 'a' + 10; else return -1; if(len == 1) { out[n2++]=ch; break; } out[n2] = ch << 4; /* second byte */ if ((in[n1] >= '0') && (in[n1] <= '9')) ch = in[n1++] - '0'; else if ((in[n1] >= 'A') && (in[n1] <= 'F')) ch = in[n1++] - 'A' + 10; else if ((in[n1] >= 'a') && (in[n1] <= 'f')) ch = in[n1++] - 'a' + 10; else return -1; out[n2++] |= ch; } return n2; } /*-----------------------------------------------*/ int bin2hex(unsigned char *in, int len, char *out) { int n1, n2; unsigned char ch; for (n1 = 0, n2 = 0; n1 < len; ++n1) { /* first nibble */ ch = in[n1] >> 4; if (ch <= 0x09) out[n2++] = ch + '0'; else out[n2++] = ch - 10 + 'a'; /* second nibble */ ch = in[n1] & 0x0f; if (ch <= 0x09) out[n2++] = ch + '0'; else out[n2++] = ch - 10 + 'a'; } return n2; } /* NB: this return the number of _bits_ read */ int bint2bin(const char *in, int len, unsigned char *out) { int n; memset(out,0,len); for(n=0 ; n < len ; ++n) if(in[n] == '1') out[n/8]|=(0x80 >> (n%8)); return len; } int bin2bint(const unsigned char *in,int len,char *out) { int n; for(n=0 ; n < len ; ++n) out[n]=(in[n/8]&(0x80 >> (n%8))) ? '1' : '0'; return n; } /*-----------------------------------------------*/ void PrintValue(char *tag, unsigned char *val, int len) { #if VERBOSE char obuf[2048]; int olen; olen = bin2hex(val, len, obuf); printf("%s = %.*s\n", tag, olen, obuf); #endif } void DebugValue(char *tag, unsigned char *val, int len) { char obuf[2048]; int olen; olen = bin2hex(val, len, obuf); printf("%s = %.*s\n", tag, olen, obuf); } void OutputValue(char *tag, unsigned char *val, int len, FILE *rfp,int bitmode) { char obuf[2048]; int olen; if(bitmode) olen=bin2bint(val,len,obuf); else olen=bin2hex(val,len,obuf); fprintf(rfp, "%s = %.*s\n", tag, olen, obuf); #if VERBOSE printf("%s = %.*s\n", tag, olen, obuf); #endif } void shiftin(unsigned char *dst,unsigned char *src,int nbits) { int n; /* move the bytes... */ memmove(dst,dst+nbits/8,3*8-nbits/8); /* append new data */ memcpy(dst+3*8-nbits/8,src,(nbits+7)/8); /* left shift the bits */ if(nbits%8) for(n=0 ; n < 3*8 ; ++n) dst[n]=(dst[n] << (nbits%8))|(dst[n+1] >> (8-nbits%8)); } /*-----------------------------------------------*/ char *t_tag[2] = {"PLAINTEXT", "CIPHERTEXT"}; char *t_mode[6] = {"CBC","ECB","OFB","CFB1","CFB8","CFB64"}; enum Mode {CBC, ECB, OFB, CFB1, CFB8, CFB64}; int Sizes[6]={64,0,64,1,8,64}; void do_mct(char *amode, int akeysz, int numkeys, unsigned char *akey,unsigned char *ivec, int dir, unsigned char *text, int len, FILE *rfp) { int i,imode; unsigned char nk[4*8]; /* longest key+8 */ for (imode=0 ; imode < 6 ; ++imode) if(!strcmp(amode,t_mode[imode])) break; if (imode == 6) { printf("Unrecognized mode: %s\n", amode); exit(1); } for(i=0 ; i < 400 ; ++i) { int j; int n; EVP_CIPHER_CTX ctx; int kp=akeysz/64; fprintf(rfp,"\nCOUNT = %d\n",i); if(kp == 1) OutputValue("KEY",akey,8,rfp,0); else for(n=0 ; n < kp ; ++n) { fprintf(rfp,"KEY%d",n+1); OutputValue("",akey+n*8,8,rfp,0); } if(imode != ECB) OutputValue("IV",ivec,8,rfp,0); OutputValue(t_tag[dir^1],text,len,rfp,imode == CFB1); /* compensate for endianness */ if(imode == CFB1) text[0]<<=7; for(j=0 ; j < 10000 ; ++j) { unsigned char old_iv[8]; unsigned char old_text[8]; memcpy(old_text,text,8); if(j == 0) { memcpy(old_iv,ivec,8); DESTest(&ctx,amode,akeysz,akey,ivec,dir,text,text,len); } else { memcpy(old_iv,ctx.iv,8); EVP_Cipher(&ctx,text,text,len); } if(j == 9999) { OutputValue(t_tag[dir],text,len,rfp,imode == CFB1); /* memcpy(ivec,text,8); */ } /* DebugValue("iv",ctx.iv,8); */ /* accumulate material for the next key */ shiftin(nk,text,Sizes[imode]); /* DebugValue("nk",nk,8); */ if(dir && (imode == CFB1 || imode == CFB8 || imode == CFB64 || imode == CBC)) memcpy(text,old_iv,8); if(!dir && imode == CFB64) { /* the test specifies using the output of the raw DES operation which we don't have, so reconstruct it... */ for(n=0 ; n < 8 ; ++n) text[n]^=old_text[n]; } } for(n=0 ; n < 8 ; ++n) akey[n]^=nk[16+n]; for(n=0 ; n < 8 ; ++n) akey[8+n]^=nk[8+n]; for(n=0 ; n < 8 ; ++n) akey[16+n]^=nk[n]; if(numkeys < 3) memcpy(&akey[2*8],akey,8); if(numkeys < 2) memcpy(&akey[8],akey,8); memcpy(ivec,ctx.iv,8); } } int proc_file(char *rqfile) { char afn[256], rfn[256]; FILE *afp = NULL, *rfp = NULL; char ibuf[2048]; int ilen, len, ret = 0; char amode[8] = ""; char atest[100] = ""; int akeysz=0; unsigned char iVec[20], aKey[40]; int dir = -1, err = 0, step = 0; unsigned char plaintext[2048]; unsigned char ciphertext[2048]; char *rp; EVP_CIPHER_CTX ctx; int numkeys=1; if (!rqfile || !(*rqfile)) { printf("No req file\n"); return -1; } strcpy(afn, rqfile); if ((afp = fopen(afn, "r")) == NULL) { printf("Cannot open file: %s, %s\n", afn, strerror(errno)); return -1; } strcpy(rfn,afn); rp=strstr(rfn,"req/"); assert(rp); memcpy(rp,"rsp",3); rp = strstr(rfn, ".req"); memcpy(rp, ".rsp", 4); if ((rfp = fopen(rfn, "w")) == NULL) { printf("Cannot open file: %s, %s\n", rfn, strerror(errno)); fclose(afp); afp = NULL; return -1; } while (!err && (fgets(ibuf, sizeof(ibuf), afp)) != NULL) { ilen = strlen(ibuf); /* printf("step=%d ibuf=%s",step,ibuf);*/ if(step == 3 && !strcmp(amode,"ECB")) { memset(iVec, 0, sizeof(iVec)); step = (dir)? 4: 5; /* no ivec for ECB */ } switch (step) { case 0: /* read preamble */ if (ibuf[0] == '\n') { /* end of preamble */ if (*amode == '\0') { printf("Missing Mode\n"); err = 1; } else { fputs(ibuf, rfp); ++ step; } } else if (ibuf[0] != '#') { printf("Invalid preamble item: %s\n", ibuf); err = 1; } else { /* process preamble */ char *xp, *pp = ibuf+2; int n; if(*amode) { /* insert current time & date */ time_t rtim = time(0); fprintf(rfp, "# %s", ctime(&rtim)); } else { fputs(ibuf, rfp); if(!strncmp(pp,"INVERSE ",8) || !strncmp(pp,"DES ",4) || !strncmp(pp,"TDES ",5) || !strncmp(pp,"PERMUTATION ",12) || !strncmp(pp,"SUBSTITUTION ",13) || !strncmp(pp,"VARIABLE ",9)) { /* get test type */ if(!strncmp(pp,"DES ",4)) pp+=4; else if(!strncmp(pp,"TDES ",5)) pp+=5; xp = strchr(pp, ' '); n = xp-pp; strncpy(atest, pp, n); atest[n] = '\0'; /* get mode */ xp = strrchr(pp, ' '); /* get mode" */ n = strlen(xp+1)-1; strncpy(amode, xp+1, n); amode[n] = '\0'; /* amode[3] = '\0'; */ printf("Test=%s, Mode=%s\n",atest,amode); } } } break; case 1: /* [ENCRYPT] | [DECRYPT] */ if(ibuf[0] == '\n') break; if (ibuf[0] == '[') { fputs(ibuf, rfp); ++step; if (strncasecmp(ibuf, "[ENCRYPT]", 9) == 0) dir = 1; else if (strncasecmp(ibuf, "[DECRYPT]", 9) == 0) dir = 0; else { printf("Invalid keyword: %s\n", ibuf); err = 1; } break; } else if (dir == -1) { err = 1; printf("Missing ENCRYPT/DECRYPT keyword\n"); break; } else step = 2; case 2: /* KEY = xxxx */ fputs(ibuf, rfp); if(*ibuf == '\n') break; if(!strncasecmp(ibuf,"COUNT = ",8)) break; if(!strncasecmp(ibuf,"COUNT=",6)) break; if(!strncasecmp(ibuf,"NumKeys = ",10)) { numkeys=atoi(ibuf+10); break; } if(!strncasecmp(ibuf,"KEY = ",6)) { akeysz=64; len = hex2bin((char*)ibuf+6, strlen(ibuf+6)-1, aKey); if (len < 0) { printf("Invalid KEY\n"); err=1; break; } PrintValue("KEY", aKey, len); ++step; } else if(!strncasecmp(ibuf,"KEYs = ",7)) { akeysz=64*3; len=hex2bin(ibuf+7,strlen(ibuf+7)-1,aKey); if(len != 8) { printf("Invalid KEY\n"); err=1; break; } memcpy(aKey+8,aKey,8); memcpy(aKey+16,aKey,8); ibuf[4]='\0'; PrintValue("KEYs",aKey,len); ++step; } else if(!strncasecmp(ibuf,"KEY",3)) { int n=ibuf[3]-'1'; akeysz=64*3; len=hex2bin(ibuf+7,strlen(ibuf+7)-1,aKey+n*8); if(len != 8) { printf("Invalid KEY\n"); err=1; break; } ibuf[4]='\0'; PrintValue(ibuf,aKey,len); if(n == 2) ++step; } else { printf("Missing KEY\n"); err = 1; } break; case 3: /* IV = xxxx */ fputs(ibuf, rfp); if (strncasecmp(ibuf, "IV = ", 5) != 0) { printf("Missing IV\n"); err = 1; } else { len = hex2bin((char*)ibuf+5, strlen(ibuf+5)-1, iVec); if (len < 0) { printf("Invalid IV\n"); err =1; break; } PrintValue("IV", iVec, len); step = (dir)? 4: 5; } break; case 4: /* PLAINTEXT = xxxx */ fputs(ibuf, rfp); if (strncasecmp(ibuf, "PLAINTEXT = ", 12) != 0) { printf("Missing PLAINTEXT\n"); err = 1; } else { int nn = strlen(ibuf+12); if(!strcmp(amode,"CFB1")) len=bint2bin(ibuf+12,nn-1,plaintext); else len=hex2bin(ibuf+12, nn-1,plaintext); if (len < 0) { printf("Invalid PLAINTEXT: %s", ibuf+12); err =1; break; } if (len >= sizeof(plaintext)) { printf("Buffer overflow\n"); } PrintValue("PLAINTEXT", (unsigned char*)plaintext, len); if (strcmp(atest, "Monte") == 0) /* Monte Carlo Test */ { do_mct(amode,akeysz,numkeys,aKey,iVec,dir,plaintext,len,rfp); } else { assert(dir == 1); ret = DESTest(&ctx, amode, akeysz, aKey, iVec, dir, /* 0 = decrypt, 1 = encrypt */ ciphertext, plaintext, len); OutputValue("CIPHERTEXT",ciphertext,len,rfp, !strcmp(amode,"CFB1")); } step = 6; } break; case 5: /* CIPHERTEXT = xxxx */ fputs(ibuf, rfp); if (strncasecmp(ibuf, "CIPHERTEXT = ", 13) != 0) { printf("Missing KEY\n"); err = 1; } else { if(!strcmp(amode,"CFB1")) len=bint2bin(ibuf+13,strlen(ibuf+13)-1,ciphertext); else len = hex2bin(ibuf+13,strlen(ibuf+13)-1,ciphertext); if (len < 0) { printf("Invalid CIPHERTEXT\n"); err =1; break; } PrintValue("CIPHERTEXT", ciphertext, len); if (strcmp(atest, "Monte") == 0) /* Monte Carlo Test */ { do_mct(amode, akeysz, numkeys, aKey, iVec, dir, ciphertext, len, rfp); } else { assert(dir == 0); ret = DESTest(&ctx, amode, akeysz, aKey, iVec, dir, /* 0 = decrypt, 1 = encrypt */ plaintext, ciphertext, len); OutputValue("PLAINTEXT",(unsigned char *)plaintext,len,rfp, !strcmp(amode,"CFB1")); } step = 6; } break; case 6: if (ibuf[0] != '\n') { err = 1; printf("Missing terminator\n"); } else if (strcmp(atest, "MCT") != 0) { /* MCT already added terminating nl */ fputs(ibuf, rfp); } step = 1; break; } } if (rfp) fclose(rfp); if (afp) fclose(afp); return err; } /*-------------------------------------------------- Processes either a single file or a set of files whose names are passed in a file. A single file is specified as: aes_test -f xxx.req A set of files is specified as: aes_test -d xxxxx.xxx The default is: -d req.txt --------------------------------------------------*/ int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *rqlist = "req.txt"; FILE *fp = NULL; char fn[250] = "", rfn[256] = ""; int f_opt = 0, d_opt = 1; #ifdef OPENSSL_FIPS if(!FIPS_mode_set(1,argv[0])) { ERR_load_crypto_strings(); ERR_print_errors(BIO_new_fp(stderr,BIO_NOCLOSE)); exit(1); } #endif ERR_load_crypto_strings(); if (argc > 1) { if (strcasecmp(argv[1], "-d") == 0) { d_opt = 1; } else if (strcasecmp(argv[1], "-f") == 0) { f_opt = 1; d_opt = 0; } else { printf("Invalid parameter: %s\n", argv[1]); return 0; } if (argc < 3) { printf("Missing parameter\n"); return 0; } if (d_opt) rqlist = argv[2]; else strcpy(fn, argv[2]); } if (d_opt) { /* list of files (directory) */ if (!(fp = fopen(rqlist, "r"))) { printf("Cannot open req list file\n"); return -1; } while (fgets(fn, sizeof(fn), fp)) { strtok(fn, "\r\n"); strcpy(rfn, fn); printf("Processing: %s\n", rfn); if (proc_file(rfn)) { printf(">>> Processing failed for: %s <<<\n", rfn); exit(1); } } fclose(fp); } else /* single file */ { printf("Processing: %s\n", fn); if (proc_file(fn)) { printf(">>> Processing failed for: %s <<<\n", fn); } } return 0; }