#!/bin/env perl # # Quick and dirty utility to help assemble the mandated (but otherwise # useless) API documentation. We get the list of external function # symbols from fipscanister.o, pair those with the source file names # (from ./fips/fipssyms.h), and map to the object file name containing # them. # # Requires the "nm" and "find" utilities. # Execure from the root of the FIPS module source code workarea use HTML::Entities; use File::Basename; $here = dirname($0); require "$here/api_fns.pm"; $_direction_question = ''; # Set to '?' to show "<-?", "<->?" for uncertain directions print STDERR "Info: finding FIPS renames and reimplementations of OpenSSL symbols\n"; # Get mapping of old (source code) to new (live as renamed) symbols foreach $file ("./fips/fipssyms.h") { open(IN, $file) || die "Error opening $file"; # grab pairs until assembler symbols my $buf = ''; my $reimplementations = 1; # When 1, we're looking at reimplementations # (not renames) of OpenSSL functions. They # still have to be saved to get the API. while (<IN>) { $reimplementations = 0 if m|^\s*/\*\sRename\ssymbols\s|; if ($buf) { $_ = $buf . $_; $buf = ''; } if (s/\\\n$//) { $buf = $_; next; } if (m/\(/) { ($oldname, $newname) = m/#define\s+(\S+)\(.*\)\s+(\S+)\(.*\)/; } else { ($oldname, $newname) = m/#define\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/; } $oldname || next; if (!$reimplementations) { $oldname{$newname} = $oldname; } $oldimpl{$newname} = $oldname; last if (/assembler/) } close(IN); # %oldname is the mapping of new function names to old print "<!-- Total of ", scalar(keys %oldname), " mapped symbols in $file -->\n"; } print STDERR "Info: finding FIPS symbols in object files\n"; # generate list of external function names in fipscanister.o $file = "./fips/fipscanister.o"; for (`nm -g --defined-only -p -o $file`) { chomp; s/^\S+ T // || next; m/^fips_/ && next; $fipssyms{$_}++; $objname =~ s/\.o$/\.\[o\|c\]/; $objname{$symname} = $objname; } # keys %fipssyms is the list of module functions print "<!-- Total of ", scalar(keys %fipssyms), " functions in $file -->\n"; # grab filename to symbol name mapping, each line is of the format # ./fips/sha/fips_sha1_selftest.o:00000000 T FIPS_selftest_sha1 # discard the offset and type ":00000000 T". for (`find . -name '*.o' \\! -name 'fipscanister.o' -exec nm -g --defined-only -p -o {} \\;`) { ($objname, $symname) = m/^(\S+):\S+\s+T+\s+(\S+)/; $objname || next; # $fipssyms{$symname} || next; $objname =~ s/\.o$/\.\[o\|c\]/; $objname{$symname} = $objname; } # %objname is the mapping of new symbol name to (source/object) file name print "<!-- Total of ", scalar(keys %objname), " functions found in files -->\n"; print STDERR "Info: finding declarations in header files\n"; # grab filenames in include/openssl, run each of them through # get_function_declarations_from_file (defined in api_fns.pl) # and collect the result. %declarations = (); while (<include/openssl/*.h ./crypto/cryptlib.h>) { my %decls = api_data::get_function_declaration_strings_from_file($_); map { $declarations{$_} = $decls{$_} } keys %decls; } # %declarations is the mapping of old symbol name to their declaration print "<!-- Total of ", scalar(keys %declarations), " declarations found in header files -->\n"; # Add the markers FIPS_text_start and FIPS_text_end $declarations{FIPS_text_start} = "void *FIPS_text_start()"; $declarations{FIPS_text_end} = "void *FIPS_text_end()"; # Read list of API names obtained from edited "nm -g fipscanister.o" $spill = 0; sub printer { foreach (@_) { if ($_->{kind} >= 0) { if ($spill) { print " " x $indent; print "kind: ",$_->{kind} ? "function" : "variable","\n"; print " " x $indent; print "sym: ",$_->{sym},"\n"; print " " x $indent; print "type: ",$_->{type},"\n"; } if ($_->{kind}) { $c = 0; map { if ($spill) { print " " x $indent; printf "param %d:\n", ++$c; } $indent += 2; printer($_); my $direction = $_->{direction}; if (!$_direction_question) { $direction =~ s/<-\? <->\?/<->/; $direction =~ s/\?//g; } print " " x $indent,$direction," ",$_->{sym},"\n"; $indent -= 2; } @{$_->{params}}; if ($_->{type} !~ m/^\s*void\s*$/) { print " " x $indent; print "<- Return\n"; } } } else { if ($spill) { print " " x $indent; print "decl: ",$_->{decl},"\n"; } } } } sub html_printer { my $print_mode = shift; # 0 = print declaration with symbol in bold, # call recursively with 1 for each parameter, # call recursively with 2 for each parameter # 1 = print declaration with sym grey background, # call recursivelt with 3 for each parameter # 2 = just print declaration my $d = shift; # Parsed declaration my $s = ''; if ($print_mode == 0) { $d->{sym} || return $s; my $h = "<hr><br />\n"; $h .= $d->{sym} . ($d->{symcomment} ? " " . $d->{symcomment} : ""); $h .= " in file " . $d->{objfile} . "<br />\n<br />\n"; $s .= '<b>' . $d->{sym} . '</b>'; if ($d->{kind} == 1) { $s .= '('; $s .= join(', ', map { html_printer(1,$_); } @{$d->{params}}); $s .= ')'; } my $t = $d->{type}; $t =~ s/\?/$s/; $s = $t; if ($d->{kind} == 1) { map { my $direction = $_->{direction}; if (!$_direction_question) { $direction =~ s/<-\? <->\?/<->/; $direction =~ s/\?//g; } $s .= "<br />\n"; $s .= encode_entities($direction . "\xA0" x (9 - length($direction))); $s .= $_->{sym}; } @{$d->{params}}; } if ($d->{type} !~ m/^\s*void\s*\?$/) { $s .= "<br />\n"; $s .= encode_entities('<-'.("\xA0" x 7).'Return'); } $s = $h . $s; } elsif ($print_mode == 1) { $s .= '<span style="background: #c0c0c0">' . $d->{sym} . '</span>'; if ($d->{kind} == 1) { $s .= '('; $s .= join(', ', map { html_printer(3,$_); } @{$d->{params}}); $s .= ')'; } my $t = $d->{type}; $t =~ s/\?/$s/; $s = $t; } elsif ($print_mode == 2) { $s .= $d->{sym}; if ($d->{kind} == 1) { $s .= '('; $s .= join(', ', map { html_printer(2,$_); } @{$d->{params}}); $s .= ')'; } my $t = $d->{type}; $t =~ s/\?/$s/; $s = $t; } return $s; } print STDERR "Info: building/updating symbol information database\n"; $d = api_data->new(); if (-s "$here/declarations.dat") { $d->read_declaration_db("$here/declarations.dat"); } else { print STDERR "Warning: there was no file '$here/declarations.dat'. A new one will be created\n"; } for (sort keys %fipssyms) { $newname = $_; $namecomment = undef; if ($oldname{$newname}) { $oldname = $oldname{$newname}; $objname = $objname{$oldname} ? $objname{$oldname} : $objname{$newname}; $namecomment = "(renames $oldname)"; } else { $objname = $objname{$newname}; } if ($oldimpl{$newname}) { $apisym = $oldimpl{$newname}; $namecomment = "(reimplements $apisym)" if !$namecomment; } else { $apisym = $newname; } $declaration = $declarations{$apisym}; print "<!--\n"; print "$newname\t\t$namecomment\tin file $objname:\n"; print " ",$declaration,"\n "; $d->add_declaration($declaration,$newname,$objname,$namecomment); print "-->\n"; } $d->complete_directions(); $d->write_declaration_db("$here/declarations.dat"); print STDERR "Info: printing output\n"; $d->on_all_declarations( sub { my $decl = shift; #$indent = 2; #print printer($decl); print "<p>",html_printer(0,$decl),"</p>\n"; });