appropriate filename translation on the host system. Apart from this point,
users should also note that there's a slight change in the API functions
too. The DSO now contains its own to-be-converted filename
("dso->filename"), and at the time the DSO loads the "dso->loaded_filename"
value is set to the translated form. As such, this also provides an impicit
way of determining if the DSO is currently loaded or not. Except, perhaps,
VMS .... :-)
The various DSO_METHODs have been updated for this mechanism except VMS
which is deliberately broken for now, Richard is going to look at how to
fit it in (the source comments in there explain "the issue").
Basically, the new callback scheme allows the filename conversion to
(a) be turned off altogether through the use of the
(b) be handled in the default way using the default DSO_METHOD's converter
(c) overriden per-DSO by setting the override callback
(d) a mix of (b) and (c) - eg. implement an override callback that;
(i) checks if we're win32 "if(strstr(dso->meth->name, "win32"))..."
and if so, convert "blah" into "blah32.dll" (the default is
otherwise to make it "blah.dll").
(ii) default to the normal behaviour - eg. we're not on win32, so
finish with (return dso->meth->dso_name_converter(dso,NULL)).
(e) be retried a number of times by writing a new DSO_METHOD where the
"dso_load()" handler will call the converter repeatedly. Then the
custom converter could use state information in the DSO to suggest
different conversions or paths each time it is invoked.
NCONF_get_number_e() is defined (_e for "error checking") and is
promoted strongly. The old NCONF_get_number is kept around for
binary backward compatibility.
Actually, it's a feature that it goes looking at environment
variables. It's just a pity that it's at the cost of the error
checking... I'll see if I can come up with a better interface for
record-oriented fashion. That means that every write() will write a
separate record, which will be read separately by the programs trying
to read from it. This can be very confusing.
The solution is to put a BIO filter in the way that will buffer text
until a linefeed is reached, and then write everything a line at a
time, so every record written will be an actual line, not chunks of
lines and not (usually doesn't happen, but I've seen it once) several
lines in one record. Voila, BIO_f_linebuffer() is born.
Since we're so close to release time, I'm making this VMS-only for
now, just to make sure no code is needlessly broken by this. After
the release, this BIO method will be enabled on all other platforms as
BN_mod_mul_montgomery, which calls bn_sqr_recursive
without much preparation.
bn_sqr_recursive requires the length of its argument to be
a power of 2, which is not always the case here.
There's no reason for not using BN_sqr -- if a simpler
approach to squaring made sense, then why not change
BN_sqr? (Using BN_sqr should also speed up DH where g is chosen
such that it becomes small [e.g., 2] when converted
to Montgomery representation.)
Case closed :-)