Add "teaser" AES module for PowerISA 2.07.

"Teaser" means that it's not integrated yet and purpose of this
commit is primarily informational, to exhibit design choices,
such as how to handle alignment and endianness. In other words
it's proof-of-concept code that EVP module will build upon.
This commit is contained in:
Andy Polyakov 2014-05-12 10:35:29 +02:00
parent 7b06ac7593
commit f75faa16af
2 changed files with 755 additions and 0 deletions

crypto/aes/asm/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,722 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# ====================================================================
# Written by Andy Polyakov <> for the OpenSSL
# project. The module is, however, dual licensed under OpenSSL and
# CRYPTOGAMS licenses depending on where you obtain it. For further
# details see
# ====================================================================
# This module implements support for AES instructions as per PowerISA
# specification version 2.07, first implemented by POWER8 processor.
# The module is endian-agnostic in sense that it supports both big-
# and little-endian cases. As well as alignment-agnostic, and it is
# guaranteed not to cause alignment exceptions. [One of options was
# to use VSX loads and stores, which tolerate unaligned references,
# but even then specification doesn't prohibit exceptions on page
# boundaries.]
$flavour = shift;
if ($flavour =~ /64/) {
$SIZE_T =8;
$STU ="stdu";
$POP ="ld";
$PUSH ="std";
} elsif ($flavour =~ /32/) {
$SIZE_T =4;
$STU ="stwu";
$POP ="lwz";
$PUSH ="stw";
} else { die "nonsense $flavour"; }
$LITTLE_ENDIAN = ($flavour=~/le$/) ? $SIZE_T : 0;
$0 =~ m/(.*[\/\\])[^\/\\]+$/; $dir=$1;
( $xlate="${dir}" and -f $xlate ) or
( $xlate="${dir}../../perlasm/" and -f $xlate) or
die "can't locate";
open STDOUT,"| $^X $xlate $flavour ".shift || die "can't call $xlate: $!";
my ($inp,$bits,$out,$ptr,$cnt,$rounds)=map("r$_",(3..8));
my ($zero,$in0,$in1,$key,$rcon,$mask,$tmp)=map("v$_",(0..6));
my ($stage,$outperm,$outmask,$outhead,$outtail)=map("v$_",(7..11));
.machine "any"
.align 7
.long 0x01000000, 0x01000000, 0x01000000, 0x01000000 ?rev
.long 0x1b000000, 0x1b000000, 0x1b000000, 0x1b000000 ?rev
.long 0x0d0e0f0c, 0x0d0e0f0c, 0x0d0e0f0c, 0x0d0e0f0c ?rev
.long 0,0,0,0 ?asis
mflr r0
bcl 20,31,\$+4
mflr $ptr #vvvvv "distance between . and rcon
addi $ptr,$ptr,-0x48
mtlr r0
.long 0
.byte 0,12,0x14,0,0,0,0,0
.asciz "AES for PowerISA 2.07, CRYPTOGAMS by <appro\>"
.globl .${prefix}_set_encrypt_key
.align 5
mflr r11
li r0,0xfff
$PUSH r11,$LRSAVE($sp)
mfspr $vrsave,256
mtspr 256,r0
bl Lconsts
mtlr r11
neg r9,$inp
lvx $in0,0,$inp
addi $inp,$inp,15 # 15 is not typo
lvsr $key,0,r9 # borrow $key
li r8,0x20
cmpwi $bits,192
lvx $in1,0,$inp
$code.=<<___ if ($LITTLE_ENDIAN);
vspltisb $mask,0x0f # borrow $mask
vxor $key,$key,$mask # adjust for byte swap
lvx $rcon,0,$ptr
lvx $mask,r8,$ptr
addi $ptr,$ptr,0x10
vperm $in0,$in0,$in1,$key # align [and byte swap in LE]
li $cnt,8
vxor $zero,$zero,$zero
mtctr $cnt
?lvsr $outperm,0,$out
vspltisb $outmask,-1
lvx $outhead,0,$out
?vperm $outmask,$zero,$outmask,$outperm
blt Loop128
addi $inp,$inp,8
beq L192
addi $inp,$inp,8
b L256
.align 4
vperm $key,$in0,$in0,$mask # rotate-n-splat
vsldoi $tmp,$zero,$in0,12 # >>32
vperm $outtail,$in0,$in0,$outperm # rotate
vsel $stage,$outhead,$outtail,$outmask
vmr $outhead,$outtail
vcipherlast $key,$key,$rcon
stvx $stage,0,$out
addi $out,$out,16
vxor $in0,$in0,$tmp
vsldoi $tmp,$zero,$tmp,12 # >>32
vxor $in0,$in0,$tmp
vsldoi $tmp,$zero,$tmp,12 # >>32
vxor $in0,$in0,$tmp
vadduwm $rcon,$rcon,$rcon
vxor $in0,$in0,$key
bdnz Loop128
lvx $rcon,0,$ptr # last two round keys
vperm $key,$in0,$in0,$mask # rotate-n-splat
vsldoi $tmp,$zero,$in0,12 # >>32
vperm $outtail,$in0,$in0,$outperm # rotate
vsel $stage,$outhead,$outtail,$outmask
vmr $outhead,$outtail
vcipherlast $key,$key,$rcon
stvx $stage,0,$out
addi $out,$out,16
vxor $in0,$in0,$tmp
vsldoi $tmp,$zero,$tmp,12 # >>32
vxor $in0,$in0,$tmp
vsldoi $tmp,$zero,$tmp,12 # >>32
vxor $in0,$in0,$tmp
vadduwm $rcon,$rcon,$rcon
vxor $in0,$in0,$key
vperm $key,$in0,$in0,$mask # rotate-n-splat
vsldoi $tmp,$zero,$in0,12 # >>32
vperm $outtail,$in0,$in0,$outperm # rotate
vsel $stage,$outhead,$outtail,$outmask
vmr $outhead,$outtail
vcipherlast $key,$key,$rcon
stvx $stage,0,$out
addi $out,$out,16
vxor $in0,$in0,$tmp
vsldoi $tmp,$zero,$tmp,12 # >>32
vxor $in0,$in0,$tmp
vsldoi $tmp,$zero,$tmp,12 # >>32
vxor $in0,$in0,$tmp
vxor $in0,$in0,$key
vperm $outtail,$in0,$in0,$outperm # rotate
vsel $stage,$outhead,$outtail,$outmask
vmr $outhead,$outtail
stvx $stage,0,$out
addi $inp,$out,15 # 15 is not typo
addi $out,$out,0x50
li $rounds,10
b Ldone
.align 4
lvx $tmp,0,$inp
li $cnt,4
vperm $outtail,$in0,$in0,$outperm # rotate
vsel $stage,$outhead,$outtail,$outmask
vmr $outhead,$outtail
stvx $stage,0,$out
addi $out,$out,16
vperm $in1,$in1,$tmp,$key # align [and byte swap in LE]
vspltisb $key,8 # borrow $key
mtctr $cnt
vsububm $mask,$mask,$key # adjust the mask
vperm $key,$in1,$in1,$mask # roate-n-splat
vsldoi $tmp,$zero,$in0,12 # >>32
vcipherlast $key,$key,$rcon
vxor $in0,$in0,$tmp
vsldoi $tmp,$zero,$tmp,12 # >>32
vxor $in0,$in0,$tmp
vsldoi $tmp,$zero,$tmp,12 # >>32
vxor $in0,$in0,$tmp
vsldoi $stage,$zero,$in1,8
vspltw $tmp,$in0,3
vxor $tmp,$tmp,$in1
vsldoi $in1,$zero,$in1,12 # >>32
vadduwm $rcon,$rcon,$rcon
vxor $in1,$in1,$tmp
vxor $in0,$in0,$key
vxor $in1,$in1,$key
vsldoi $stage,$stage,$in0,8
vperm $key,$in1,$in1,$mask # rotate-n-splat
vsldoi $tmp,$zero,$in0,12 # >>32
vperm $outtail,$stage,$stage,$outperm # rotate
vsel $stage,$outhead,$outtail,$outmask
vmr $outhead,$outtail
vcipherlast $key,$key,$rcon
stvx $stage,0,$out
addi $out,$out,16
vsldoi $stage,$in0,$in1,8
vxor $in0,$in0,$tmp
vsldoi $tmp,$zero,$tmp,12 # >>32
vperm $outtail,$stage,$stage,$outperm # rotate
vsel $stage,$outhead,$outtail,$outmask
vmr $outhead,$outtail
vxor $in0,$in0,$tmp
vsldoi $tmp,$zero,$tmp,12 # >>32
vxor $in0,$in0,$tmp
stvx $stage,0,$out
addi $out,$out,16
vspltw $tmp,$in0,3
vxor $tmp,$tmp,$in1
vsldoi $in1,$zero,$in1,12 # >>32
vadduwm $rcon,$rcon,$rcon
vxor $in1,$in1,$tmp
vxor $in0,$in0,$key
vxor $in1,$in1,$key
vperm $outtail,$in0,$in0,$outperm # rotate
vsel $stage,$outhead,$outtail,$outmask
vmr $outhead,$outtail
stvx $stage,0,$out
addi $inp,$out,15 # 15 is not typo
addi $out,$out,16
bdnz Loop192
li $rounds,12
addi $out,$out,0x20
b Ldone
.align 4
lvx $tmp,0,$inp
li $cnt,7
li $rounds,14
vperm $outtail,$in0,$in0,$outperm # rotate
vsel $stage,$outhead,$outtail,$outmask
vmr $outhead,$outtail
stvx $stage,0,$out
addi $out,$out,16
vperm $in1,$in1,$tmp,$key # align [and byte swap in LE]
mtctr $cnt
vperm $key,$in1,$in1,$mask # rotate-n-splat
vsldoi $tmp,$zero,$in0,12 # >>32
vperm $outtail,$in1,$in1,$outperm # rotate
vsel $stage,$outhead,$outtail,$outmask
vmr $outhead,$outtail
vcipherlast $key,$key,$rcon
stvx $stage,0,$out
addi $out,$out,16
vxor $in0,$in0,$tmp
vsldoi $tmp,$zero,$tmp,12 # >>32
vxor $in0,$in0,$tmp
vsldoi $tmp,$zero,$tmp,12 # >>32
vxor $in0,$in0,$tmp
vadduwm $rcon,$rcon,$rcon
vxor $in0,$in0,$key
vperm $outtail,$in0,$in0,$outperm # rotate
vsel $stage,$outhead,$outtail,$outmask
vmr $outhead,$outtail
stvx $stage,0,$out
addi $inp,$out,15 # 15 is not typo
addi $out,$out,16
bdz Ldone
vspltw $key,$in0,3 # just splat
vsldoi $tmp,$zero,$in1,12 # >>32
vsbox $key,$key
vxor $in1,$in1,$tmp
vsldoi $tmp,$zero,$tmp,12 # >>32
vxor $in1,$in1,$tmp
vsldoi $tmp,$zero,$tmp,12 # >>32
vxor $in1,$in1,$tmp
vxor $in1,$in1,$key
b Loop256
.align 4
lvx $in1,0,$inp # redundant in aligned case
vsel $in1,$outhead,$in1,$outmask
stvx $in1,0,$inp
xor r3,r3,r3 # return value
mtspr 256,$vrsave
stw $rounds,0($out)
.long 0
.byte 0,12,0x14,1,0,0,3,0
.size .${prefix}_set_encrypt_key,.-.${prefix}_set_encrypt_key
.globl .${prefix}_set_decrypt_key
.align 5
$STU $sp,-$FRAME($sp)
mflr r10
bl Lset_encrypt_key
mtlr r10
slwi $cnt,$rounds,4
subi $inp,$out,240 # first round key
srwi $rounds,$rounds,1
add $out,$inp,$cnt # last round key
mtctr $rounds
lwz r0, 0($inp)
lwz r6, 4($inp)
lwz r7, 8($inp)
lwz r8, 12($inp)
addi $inp,$inp,16
lwz r9, 0($out)
lwz r10,4($out)
lwz r11,8($out)
lwz r12,12($out)
stw r0, 0($out)
stw r6, 4($out)
stw r7, 8($out)
stw r8, 12($out)
subi $out,$out,16
stw r9, -16($inp)
stw r10,-12($inp)
stw r11,-8($inp)
stw r12,-4($inp)
bdnz Ldeckey
xor r3,r3,r3 # return value
addi $sp,$sp,$FRAME
.long 0
.byte 0,12,4,1,0x80,0,3,0
.size .${prefix}_set_decrypt_key,.-.${prefix}_set_decrypt_key
my ($inp,$out,$key,$rounds,$idx)=map("r$_",(3..7));
.globl .${prefix}_encrypt
.align 5
lwz $rounds,240($key)
li r0,0x3f
mfspr $vrsave,256
li $idx,15 # 15 is not typo
mtspr 256,r0
lvx v0,0,$inp
neg r11,$out
lvx v1,$idx,$inp
lvsl v2,0,$inp # inpperm
`"vspltisb v4,0x0f" if ($LITTLE_ENDIAN)`
?lvsl v3,0,r11 # outperm
`"vxor v2,v2,v4" if ($LITTLE_ENDIAN)`
li $idx,16
vperm v0,v0,v1,v2 # align [and byte swap in LE]
lvx v1,0,$key
?lvsl v5,0,$key # keyperm
srwi $rounds,$rounds,1
lvx v2,$idx,$key
addi $idx,$idx,16
subi $rounds,$rounds,1
?vperm v1,v1,v2,v5 # align round key
vxor v0,v0,v1
lvx v1,$idx,$key
addi $idx,$idx,16
mtctr $rounds
?vperm v2,v2,v1,v5
vcipher v0,v0,v2
lvx v2,$idx,$key
addi $idx,$idx,16
?vperm v1,v1,v2,v5
vcipher v0,v0,v1
lvx v1,$idx,$key
addi $idx,$idx,16
bdnz Loop_enc
?vperm v2,v2,v1,v5
vcipher v0,v0,v2
lvx v2,$idx,$key
?vperm v1,v1,v2,v5
vcipherlast v0,v0,v1
vspltisb v2,-1
vxor v1,v1,v1
li $idx,15 # 15 is not typo
?vperm v2,v1,v2,v3 # outmask
`"vxor v3,v3,v4" if ($LITTLE_ENDIAN)`
lvx v1,0,$out # outhead
vperm v0,v0,v0,v3 # rotate [and byte swap in LE]
vsel v1,v1,v0,v2
lvx v4,$idx,$out
stvx v1,0,$out
vsel v0,v0,v4,v2
stvx v0,$idx,$out
mtspr 256,$vrsave
.long 0
.byte 0,12,0x14,0,0,0,3,0
.size .${prefix}_encrypt,.-.${prefix}_encrypt
.globl .${prefix}_decrypt
.align 5
lwz $rounds,240($key)
li r0,0x3f
mfspr $vrsave,256
li $idx,15 # 15 is not typo
mtspr 256,r0
lvx v0,0,$inp
neg r11,$out
lvx v1,$idx,$inp
lvsl v2,0,$inp # inpperm
`"vspltisb v4,0x0f" if ($LITTLE_ENDIAN)`
?lvsl v3,0,r11 # outperm
`"vxor v2,v2,v4" if ($LITTLE_ENDIAN)`
li $idx,16
vperm v0,v0,v1,v2 # align [and byte swap in LE]
lvx v1,0,$key
?lvsl v5,0,$key # keyperm
srwi $rounds,$rounds,1
lvx v2,$idx,$key
addi $idx,$idx,16
subi $rounds,$rounds,1
?vperm v1,v1,v2,v5 # align round key
vxor v0,v0,v1
lvx v1,$idx,$key
addi $idx,$idx,16
mtctr $rounds
?vperm v2,v2,v1,v5
vncipher v0,v0,v2
lvx v2,$idx,$key
addi $idx,$idx,16
?vperm v1,v1,v2,v5
vncipher v0,v0,v1
lvx v1,$idx,$key
addi $idx,$idx,16
bdnz Loop_dec
?vperm v2,v2,v1,v5
vncipher v0,v0,v2
lvx v2,$idx,$key
?vperm v1,v1,v2,v5
vncipherlast v0,v0,v1
vspltisb v2,-1
vxor v1,v1,v1
li $idx,15 # 15 is not typo
?vperm v2,v1,v2,v3 # outmask
`"vxor v3,v3,v4" if ($LITTLE_ENDIAN)`
lvx v1,0,$out # outhead
vperm v0,v0,v0,v3 # rotate [and byte swap in LE]
vsel v1,v1,v0,v2
lvx v4,$idx,$out
stvx v1,0,$out
vsel v0,v0,v4,v2
stvx v0,$idx,$out
mtspr 256,$vrsave
.long 0
.byte 0,12,0x14,0,0,0,3,0
.size .${prefix}_decrypt,.-.${prefix}_decrypt
my ($inp,$out,$len,$key,$ivp,$enc,$rounds,$idx)=map("r$_",(3..10));
my ($rndkey0,$rndkey1,$inout,$ivec,$tmp)=map("v$_",(0..4));
my ($inptail,$inpperm,$outhead,$outperm,$outmask,$keyperm)=map("v$_",(5..10));
.globl .${prefix}_cbc_encrypt
.align 5
subic. $len,$len,16
cmpwi $enc,0 # test direction
li r0,0x7ff
mfspr $vrsave,256
mtspr 256,r0
li $idx,15
vxor $rndkey0,$rndkey0,$rndkey0
`"vspltisb $tmp,0x0f" if ($LITTLE_ENDIAN)`
lvx $ivec,0,$ivp # load [unaligned] iv
lvsl $inpperm,0,$ivp
lvx $inptail,$idx,$ivp
`"vxor $inpperm,$inpperm,$tmp" if ($LITTLE_ENDIAN)`
vperm $ivec,$ivec,$inptail,$inpperm
?lvsl $keyperm,0,$key # prepare for unaligned key
lwz $rounds,240($key)
lvsl $inpperm,0,$inp # prepare for unaligned load
lvx $inptail,0,$inp
addi $inp,$inp,15 # 15 is not typo
`"vxor $inpperm,$inpperm,$tmp" if ($LITTLE_ENDIAN)`
?lvsr $outperm,0,$out # prepare for unaligned store
vspltisb $outmask,-1
lvx $outhead,0,$out
?vperm $outmask,$rndkey0,$outmask,$outperm
`"vxor $outperm,$outperm,$tmp" if ($LITTLE_ENDIAN)`
srwi $rounds,$rounds,1
li $idx,16
subi $rounds,$rounds,1
beq Lcbc_dec
vmr $inout,$inptail
lvx $inptail,0,$inp
addi $inp,$inp,16
mtctr $rounds
lvx $rndkey0,0,$key
vperm $inout,$inout,$inptail,$inpperm
lvx $rndkey1,$idx,$key
addi $idx,$idx,16
?vperm $rndkey0,$rndkey0,$rndkey1,$keyperm
vxor $inout,$inout,$rndkey0
lvx $rndkey0,$idx,$key
addi $idx,$idx,16
vxor $inout,$inout,$ivec
?vperm $rndkey1,$rndkey1,$rndkey0,$keyperm
vcipher $inout,$inout,$rndkey1
lvx $rndkey1,$idx,$key
addi $idx,$idx,16
?vperm $rndkey0,$rndkey0,$rndkey1,$keyperm
vcipher $inout,$inout,$rndkey0
lvx $rndkey0,$idx,$key
addi $idx,$idx,16
bdnz Loop_cbc_enc
?vperm $rndkey1,$rndkey1,$rndkey0,$keyperm
vcipher $inout,$inout,$rndkey1
lvx $rndkey1,$idx,$key
li $idx,16
?vperm $rndkey0,$rndkey0,$rndkey1,$keyperm
vcipherlast $ivec,$inout,$rndkey0
sub. $len,$len,$idx # len -=16
vperm $tmp,$ivec,$ivec,$outperm
vsel $inout,$outhead,$tmp,$outmask
vmr $outhead,$tmp
stvx $inout,0,$out
addi $out,$out,16
bge Lcbc_enc
b Lcbc_done
.align 4
vmr $tmp,$inptail
lvx $inptail,0,$inp
addi $inp,$inp,16
mtctr $rounds
lvx $rndkey0,0,$key
vperm $tmp,$tmp,$inptail,$inpperm
lvx $rndkey1,$idx,$key
addi $idx,$idx,16
?vperm $rndkey0,$rndkey0,$rndkey1,$keyperm
vxor $inout,$tmp,$rndkey0
lvx $rndkey0,$idx,$key
addi $idx,$idx,16
?vperm $rndkey1,$rndkey1,$rndkey0,$keyperm
vncipher $inout,$inout,$rndkey1
lvx $rndkey1,$idx,$key
addi $idx,$idx,16
?vperm $rndkey0,$rndkey0,$rndkey1,$keyperm
vncipher $inout,$inout,$rndkey0
lvx $rndkey0,$idx,$key
addi $idx,$idx,16
bdnz Loop_cbc_dec
?vperm $rndkey1,$rndkey1,$rndkey0,$keyperm
vncipher $inout,$inout,$rndkey1
lvx $rndkey1,$idx,$key
li $idx,16
?vperm $rndkey0,$rndkey0,$rndkey1,$keyperm
vncipherlast $inout,$inout,$rndkey0
sub. $len,$len,$idx # len -=16
vxor $inout,$inout,$ivec
vmr $ivec,$tmp
vperm $tmp,$inout,$inout,$outperm
vsel $inout,$outhead,$tmp,$outmask
vmr $outhead,$tmp
stvx $inout,0,$out
addi $out,$out,16
bge Lcbc_dec
addi $out,$out,-1
lvx $inout,0,$out # redundant in aligned case
vsel $inout,$outhead,$inout,$outmask
stvx $inout,0,$out
neg $enc,$ivp # write [unaligned] iv
li $idx,15 # 15 is not typo
vxor $rndkey0,$rndkey0,$rndkey0
vspltisb $outmask,-1
`"vspltisb $tmp,0x0f" if ($LITTLE_ENDIAN)`
?lvsl $outperm,0,$enc
?vperm $outmask,$rndkey0,$outmask,$outperm
`"vxor $outperm,$outperm,$tmp" if ($LITTLE_ENDIAN)`
lvx $outhead,0,$ivp
vperm $ivec,$ivec,$ivec,$outperm
vsel $inout,$outhead,$ivec,$outmask
lvx $inptail,$idx,$ivp
stvx $inout,0,$ivp
vsel $inout,$ivec,$inptail,$outmask
stvx $inout,$idx,$ivp
mtspr 256,$vrsave
.long 0
.byte 0,12,0x14,0,0,0,6,0
.size .${prefix}_cbc_encrypt,.-.${prefix}_cbc_encrypt
my $consts=1;
foreach(split("\n",$code)) {
# constants table endian-specific conversion
if ($consts && m/\.(long|byte)\s+(.+)\s+(\?[a-z]*)$/o) {
my $conv=$3;
my @bytes=();
# convert to endian-agnostic format
if ($1 eq "long") {
foreach (split(/,\s*/,$2)) {
my $l = /^0/?oct:int;
push @bytes,($l>>24)&0xff,($l>>16)&0xff,($l>>8)&0xff,$l&0xff;
} else {
@bytes = map(/^0/?oct:int,split(/,\s*/,$2));
# little-endian conversion
if ($flavour =~ /le$/o) {
SWITCH: for($conv) {
/\?inv/ && do { @bytes=map($_^0xf,@bytes); last; };
/\?rev/ && do { @bytes=reverse(@bytes); last; };
print ".byte\t",join(',',map (sprintf("0x%02x",$_),@bytes)),"\n";
$consts=0 if (m/Lconsts:/o); # end of table
# instructions prefixed with '?' are endian-specific and need
# to be adjusted accordingly...
if ($flavour =~ /le$/o) { # little-endian
s/\?lvsr/lvsl/o or
s/\?lvsl/lvsr/o or
s/\?(vperm\s+v[0-9]+,\s*)(v[0-9]+,\s*)(v[0-9]+,\s*)(v[0-9]+)/$1$3$2$4/o or
s/\?(vsldoi\s+v[0-9]+,\s*)(v[0-9]+,)\s*(v[0-9]+,\s*)([0-9]+)/$1$3$2 16-$4/o or
s/\?(vspltw\s+v[0-9]+,\s*)(v[0-9]+,)\s*([0-9])/$1$2 3-$3/o;
} else { # big-endian
print $_,"\n";
close STDOUT;

View File

@ -151,6 +151,39 @@ my $vmr = sub {
" vor $vx,$vy,$vy";
# PowerISA 2.06 stuff
sub vsxmem_op {
my ($f, $vrt, $ra, $rb, $op) = @_;
" .long ".sprintf "0x%X",(31<<26)|($vrt<<21)|($ra<<16)|($rb<<11)|($op*2+1);
# made-up unaligned memory reference AltiVec/VMX instructions
my $lvx_u = sub { vsxmem_op(@_, 844); }; # lxvd2x
my $stvx_u = sub { vsxmem_op(@_, 972); }; # stxvd2x
my $lvdx_u = sub { vsxmem_op(@_, 588); }; # lxsdx
my $stvdx_u = sub { vsxmem_op(@_, 716); }; # stxsdx
# PowerISA 2.07 stuff
sub vcrypto_op {
my ($f, $vrt, $vra, $vrb, $op) = @_;
" .long ".sprintf "0x%X",(4<<26)|($vrt<<21)|($vra<<16)|($vrb<<11)|$op;
my $vcipher = sub { vcrypto_op(@_, 1288); };
my $vcipherlast = sub { vcrypto_op(@_, 1289); };
my $vncipher = sub { vcrypto_op(@_, 1352); };
my $vncipherlast= sub { vcrypto_op(@_, 1353); };
my $vsbox = sub { vcrypto_op(@_, 0, 1480); };
my $vshasigmad = sub { my ($st,$six)=splice(@_,-2); vcrypto_op(@_, $st<<4|$six, 1730); };
my $vshasigmaw = sub { my ($st,$six)=splice(@_,-2); vcrypto_op(@_, $st<<4|$six, 1666); };
my $vpmsumb = sub { vcrypto_op(@_, 1032); };
my $vpmsumd = sub { vcrypto_op(@_, 1224); };
my $vpmsubh = sub { vcrypto_op(@_, 1096); };
my $vpmsumw = sub { vcrypto_op(@_, 1160); };
my $mtsle = sub {
my ($f, $arg) = @_;
" .long ".sprintf "0x%X",(31<<26)|($arg<<21)|(147*2);
while($line=<>) {
$line =~ s|[#!;].*$||; # get rid of asm-style comments...